Is Poly Concierge worth the splurge?


DIS Veteran<br><font color=red>Found that begging
Apr 25, 2002
A recent twist of fate have caused me to make some last minute changes on my labor day week plans. My flight home was cancelled and this forced me to stay one more night so I booked the poly lagoon view concierge at a cash price of 350 with the ap discount.
Secondly my chances of getting my waitlist for a 2br at bcv are slim to none at this point being only 2 weeks out so I decided to cancel my 6th day at bcv studio and book another night at poly on points (48 points one weeknight)

Now my trip is 5 nights in a studio at BCv and 2 nights at Poly concierge lagoon view. I have never stepped foot into the poly but I chose it because my daughter is into Lilo and Stitch this summer and this is our last blast of the summer returning home just in the nick of time to start school.

Was this a good move or a waste of points?

15 Days 13 Hrs 32 Mins 45 Secs
Go for it!!!!!!

The Poly is the most beautiful resort on property (IMO).
We have stayed there numerous times, and we are doing 3 days Concierge on points in January. You will have a ball.

There is a guy that goes by "Tikiman" on the Resort Board, who can answer all your questions about The Poly. He also has an awsome web site.

Have Fun, and just do it!! :cool:
I have been to the Poly several times and in my opinion it is also a very beautiful resort. We did Poly LV concierge. Our veiw from our room was fantastic. The food the concierge service served was also great. The staff is there to really assist you in all your PS's and anything else they can assist you with.

Regarding the usage of the points. That is up to you. To me its a little expensive for the 2 nights on points but its better then paying $350 per night ($700 total). You also have to remember this room if you did it with points includes housekeeping, food and extra assitance with PS's.

If you have more questions about the Poly our resident expert on the resort board "Tikiman" can help you :).
We stayed at Poly Concierge last summer for a couple of days before going home to BWV on points. I would say absolutely go for it. We really got our $$ worth from the lounge - breakfast each morning, water to get us through our whole day, snacks if we went back for a break, the desserts at night. We had previously stayed at the Poly, loved it, and this was kind of a last fling - as DVC owners now, we'll be spending all future trips at home on the Boardwalk! Don't worry about wasting points - you've got them, use them. Your daughter will love the Poly!
I have to agree and tell you to go for it as well. We stayed at poly concierge a year ago. I asked for garden view, but all they had was lagoon view, I reluctantly took it didn't feel like paying the xtra money (we did use ap rate) Well we had a 3rd floor room with such an incredible view we all fell in love, and had to add an extra night there. We had an awesome time, it is a magical place;)
Thanks all , so appreciated. Now ill stop feeling guilty and go on looking forward to the trip. I am going to look for tikimans site. Thanks so much .
We loved the Poly.... We stayed there this past May.... it is amazing! IMO worth every point.
sitchu2, I don't see it as a "bad" use of points.

I figure my points to cost $5.55/pt.
($65/pt divided by 40 yrs plus my average annual fee of $3.92/pt)

This is what a point actually costs me in today's dollars.

I booked 3 nights Poly Concierge for Jan '03 for a total of 190 pts. It is important to know that one of these nights is a weekend.

When you multiply it out, it boils down to $351.50/night....TAX INCLUDED!
If you factor out the weekend night it is $277.50/night.

Please keep in mind that these are next years point levels, which are even higher than they are for 2002.

I consider this to be a very reasonable price for Poly Concierge.
The rack rate for the same time frame is approx $550 with the tax.

Have Fun! :cool:
I was thinking of doing the poly on points for one night this year. We have an odd night before going to vero and it is currently booked for OKW. Since we are going to MNSSHP it would be nice to be near the park. My question is if we check in in the morning can we use the concierge lounge to relax in until our room is ready ?
Yes you can. We have checked in early and been able to use the lounge.
That said, we sandwiched 2 days at Poly LV concierge into our trip in July to save points (so we could take our cruise next summer). We had stayed there twice before, on our first Disney trip before we bought DVC and our quick Christmas trip last year, both times garden view concierge.
While we do always get our $$ out of the lounge, the rooms in the Hawaii building really need a rehab--and are in fact getting one next summer. On our full day there it rained and rained, so the view was mostly for naught, and the room was pretty dark and dreary. If you go there after the brand-new BCV the room itself will probably disappoint, although the amenities and the atmosphere won't.
Robin M.
Poly 6/2000
BWV 6/2001
Poly 12/2001
BWV/Poly/VWL 7/2002
At the risk of being blasphemous...

I don’t think the concierge is worth it at all. We LOVE THE POLY and stayed there for like 16 days on our honeymoon. We just went back this last weekend, 4 days for our anniversary- so we decided to try the concierge, and I can say I was pretty disappointed. For us it just wasn’t worth the extra cost compared to a normal poly room. The rooms are exactly the same as other poly buildings so basically your getting someone to make your dining reservations and the lounge for an extra 100 or so bucks a night (not sure of how the points spread works.). Well you need to talk to the concierge to get your reservations anyway- so why not just call the ps phone number and talk to them?

And here comes the big one that might get me stoned to death right here on the board...
The lounge definitely didn’t float my boat. The food is ok, but I found the atmosphere of it to be - how do I say- trailer park trash. The lounge provides basically continental breakfast, snacks, and deserts. They have posted a few places that it is not for meals. Yet every time we were in there it was like a college dining hall- tons of people, lines for food, people 'loading up' to take with them, etc. I just figured it would be fancy like staying at the plaza or something but it’s more like staying at the all stars with a free food court at the end of the hall. People read the newspapers at breakfast and are totally inconsiderate- taking parts or scattering the sections, or flat out taking the whole thing back to their room- I had to go down to the news stand to buy my own Sunday paper (they do give each room a USA today during the week, but you’d think that for 300+ a night they could splurge the 1.50 for an Orlando sentential on the weekend for each guest.) There’s signs posted in a bunch of places to please were shoes and a shirt yet at basically every time we walked in the lounge someone was blowing off the request. We tend to love all the junk food in the parks anyhow- churros, chocolate Mickey pretzels, popcorn, ice-cream, etc so it wasn’t like we would 'eat our monies worth' in afternoon cookies.

We did get the water view and that was nice for about a half an hour one night so we could watch the water parade and the fireworks from our room. But the rest of the poly is so nicely landscaped I didn’t see much other need for it and we have watched the parade and fireworks from he beach many times in the past. -Oh and did I mention that the concierge rooms have no non-smoking balconies. You can get a non-smoking balcony in plain poly rooms but in the concierge the 3rd floor that has balconies is smoking and the second floor has only a sliding door but no balcony. The first floor does have patios though I think.

We had a swell time and really love the Poly, but just thought you should know some folks don’t see the big plus in the concierge rooms over the regular poly rooms.
I thought that I saw on the resort board that the concierge building (Hawaii) is going to be refurbished soon. You might want to check that out, because if I remember correctly, the whole building is going to be shut down for a few months.

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