I'm back and I survived the Hulk!!!


DIS Veteran
Jan 20, 2001
Have to let you know that the $232 I spent for one night (and 2 days of FOTL)at PBH was THE BEST MONEY I SPENT THIS VACATION. The hotel is beautiful, the beach pool is great, and the front of the line access is PRICELESS!!! We had the most enjoyable, relaxing, and fun days of our whole vacation, and rode/saw everything, some things multiple times. I rode hulk first thing, and was so glad I did, because it stopped running for about 15 minutes shortly after I got off, so I think I would have chickened out had I not already rode it. It was intense, but not terrifying, and did not make me feel sick, although I did feel a little light headed when I first got off. I would like to ride it again, this time at night, but it is not a ride I would want to do over and over again (Like Spidey). Thanks for the great info I got... I am so glad I worked PBH into our vacation!
Thanks! Will we see a trip report?


Barry Hom
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

Joey Ramone is gone but he's not forgotten

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