"I"m Only Going Because My Teacher Told Me To" Nov. 2016 PTR * update 12/2 TRIP REPORT STARTED! *

Yay! Disney Gave Me Something (Else) To Think About......

So for a minute, I need you all to focus on our November trip (because none of you have anything else to do: no kids to chase around, errands to run, jobs to go to.....) If you'll think way back to before I got sidetracked planning our August trip, one of the ADR's I made for Nov. is for dinner at Tokyo Dining. Steve and I ate there in January and had a great experience, plus the view of Illuminations from there is awesome. Well, in the last week or so they changed their menu :scratchin I didn't think anything of it until a thread popped up on the Restaurants board I decided to read. Someone posted the new menu there and lo and behold, the filet mignon, which is close to the only thing I thought Chris would eat, is gone. THEN, someone pointed out that as of now the menus on Allears and the official Disney menu are different :sad2: So one has the filet but not the entrée I had in Jan., which is what I assumed Ricky would get; the other menu has my entrée but no filet! I know this is far from a huge problem but it's one place neither kid would eat a lot at. Ricky tends to go with the flow lately and at least wouldn't complain; he'd order something, eat part of it if he didn't like it, and then we'd just get him something else later. Chris will make a scene :eek: :faint: :furious: So at first I was just going to go in and change that reservation to something else. Being Thanksgiving week I don't feel like waiting and then not getting something we want. But now I think I may wait a couple weeks and see if the menus even out. I just really wanted to eat here again dammit! Although Steve and I could always go again in a few weeks..........

Aaaaand....that's pretty much it! Don't have much exciting news to share at this point. Anxiously awaiting the 27th of this month, anxiously awaiting my D&B MB delivery. I need to do a little more planning as far as what the boys are doing while we're away; my mom will be here every night and most of the weekend and I have them going to friends Monday and Tuesday, but they want my oldest stepson to do something with them one day, too. We should be home by about 1:00 on Wed. so the boys will be fine alone that day after my mom goes to work. Plus I need to get going on buying school supplies before we leave so I don't have to worry about that when we get back - we're home on the 31st and they go back to school on the 6th, and I know I won't feel like rushing to get all that done those last few days! At least for boys there isn't a lot of back to school clothes buying, only a few pieces here and there.

Once we're back I'll be 22 days away from booking November FP's!! I'll have to start seriously looking into Etsy shops to order matching shirts Chris requested. Oh, one other thing :) Both boys were looking over my shoulder when I ordered my MB and picked out a band they wanted, so I'll either pick them up on our Aug. trip or order them when we return. Not Dooney and Bourke bands lol, just character bands! Ricky wants this one

which makes sense since his favorite character has been Sorcerer Mickey for years.
Chris picked his favorite character, too

I was pretty happy they're both interested in having a character band! Steve said he'll stick with his old reliable plain ones......hopefully my band will come soon and I'll post a pic.

Finally, I went to see "Bad Moms" with some friends tonight after we had a couple drinks. Fun movie!
Hi Ariane! Your trips are coming together nicely. I do tend to find that the allears menus seem to be a little more updated than Disney...What do you think?
How frustrating with the menu change. I would probably do Morimoto during the adults only trip and something different during the November trip. Just my $0.02.

Happy you were able to get your Dooney magic band. I am LOVING that Stitch MB Chris chose!
Hi Ariane! Your trips are coming together nicely. I do tend to find that the allears menus seem to be a little more updated than Disney...What do you think?
Yes, August is pretty much set and November is done as far as can be right now. As for the menus, I have found that allears is very good at keeping theirs updated but I've actually never compared the two before now! Good to know you think allears is usually more up to date. Definitely keeping an eye on the TD menus on both for the next few weeks.

How frustrating with the menu change. I would probably do Morimoto during the adults only trip and something different during the November trip. Just my $0.02.

Happy you were able to get your Dooney magic band. I am LOVING that Stitch MB Chris chose!
Isn't that Stitch one cute? He's always liked Stitch and usually buys some type of Stitch souvenir on every trip. When Steve and I go without them we always bring him back something Stitch-related, too :goodvibes

I appreciate menus changing and understand they need to be updated, rotated, etc. And Steve and I have no problem eating there with the changes, neither will the kids if the filet and panko crusted chicken are both still being served! Just wish both menus showed the same things so I'd know for sure what's current and what isn't :sad2:
I should show Steve the Morimoto menu again. Showed him when they first opened and he wasn't interested but I like to try everywhere. Good idea!
So for a minute, I need you all to focus on our November trip (because none of you have anything else to do: no kids to chase around, errands to run, jobs to go to.....) If you'll think way back to before I got sidetracked planning our August trip, one of the ADR's I made for Nov. is for dinner at Tokyo Dining. Steve and I ate there in January and had a great experience, plus the view of Illuminations from there is awesome. Well, in the last week or so they changed their menu :scratchin I didn't think anything of it until a thread popped up on the Restaurants board I decided to read. Someone posted the new menu there and lo and behold, the filet mignon, which is close to the only thing I thought Chris would eat, is gone. THEN, someone pointed out that as of now the menus on Allears and the official Disney menu are different :sad2:
Hmmm, I wonder what thread that was :scratchin Couldn't have been a "nasty" one could it?:) Sounds like there is a definite disconnect in menus, though I PM'd with Sam (the nasty OP) and she most definitely saw the changes. My guess is all ears just hasn't caught up yet. Hopefully whatever the menu looks like, it will have something that appeals to both the kiddos.

Oh, one other thing :) Both boys were looking over my shoulder when I ordered my MB and picked out a band they wanted, so I'll either pick them up on our Aug. trip or order them when we return. Not Dooney and Bourke bands lol, just character bands! Ricky wants this one
These are awesome!!!! Go Chris and Ricky. Can't wait to see what your dooney band looks like. Jason usually makes ours, but he hasn't done anything new for this trip. Guess we have to rely on the used magic bands. :P
Good luck in deciding what to do with the ressie. I hope the menu works itself back to being desirable for your family! Love the MBs. You know I like the designed ones with my Villains one and AJ's castle one.

Loved my Mom's Night Out to see Bad Mom's. It was hilarious!

Sorry that's all I have tonight. Pre-planning week is kicking my tushy!
Just catching up/ I can't wait to see a picture of your new magic band. I totally understand not wanting to eat somewhere based on if the kids will like anything on the menu. Some things aren't worth a fight. I hope you figure things out with the menu and it all works out. We just hit our double digit day today so I know yours is soon after!!!!
So I'm not really around much these days, and can barely keep up with my own PTR lately, but I'm subscribing anyhow and am going to do my best to follow along! Sorry I've been so MIA!
Hmmm, I wonder what thread that was :scratchin Couldn't have been a "nasty" one could it?:) Sounds like there is a definite disconnect in menus, though I PM'd with Sam (the nasty OP) and she most definitely saw the changes. My guess is all ears just hasn't caught up yet. Hopefully whatever the menu looks like, it will have something that appeals to both the kiddos.
LOL you got it on the thread :thumbsup2 I agree with you that allears just needs to catch up. I'm completely cool with menu changes and I like that they do it, especially at places we frequent - keeps it interesting. And at most places the boys are ok but unfortunately TD was a little short on choices for them...I'll just have to see how it ends up when both menus match.

These are awesome!!!! Go Chris and Ricky. Can't wait to see what your dooney band looks like. Jason usually makes ours, but he hasn't done anything new for this trip. Guess we have to rely on the used magic bands. :P
I'm so happy they actually wanted something other than plain bands!! Sometimes both of them need to act "cool" in front of friends and say they don't care about going to Disney anymore, but when it comes down to it, they still enjoy it ;)

Good luck in deciding what to do with the ressie. I hope the menu works itself back to being desirable for your family! Love the MBs. You know I like the designed ones with my Villains one and AJ's castle one.
Me too! I have to keep an eye on when the menus match and see what's up. I love the bands they picked, too :goodvibes And yours, also!!

Loved my Mom's Night Out to see Bad Mom's. It was hilarious!
OMG it was! It's amazing how many groups of women I know have gone to see it and made Mom's Nights out of it.

Just catching up/ I can't wait to see a picture of your new magic band. I totally understand not wanting to eat somewhere based on if the kids will like anything on the menu. Some things aren't worth a fight. I hope you figure things out with the menu and it all works out. We just hit our double digit day today so I know yours is soon after!!!!
I have to look again at our countdown but I believe today we're at 105 or 104 for Nov. :cheer2: And 21 for August :banana: You know I normally don't plan too much around what the kids will and won't eat anymore; as long as there's at least one thing on the menu for them I go with it if Steve and I want to eat there. And I have no problem on vacation getting one or both of them something else after a meal if they didn't like what they ordered if they were willing to try something a little out of their comfort zone. However with the current 2 versions of the menus each only has something for one of them lol......we'll see what happens! Steve and I can always eat there in a few weeks but I really wanted the boys to see Illuminations from their deck.

So I'm not really around much these days, and can barely keep up with my own PTR lately, but I'm subscribing anyhow and am going to do my best to follow along! Sorry I've been so MIA!
Oh Billie, it's really so nice of you to stop by and subscribe :hug: You're missed around here! I'm happy to have you whenever you have a chance to say hi!
Been MIA for a little while..catching up...Glad you got you D&B MB! And yay for November fastpasses! With summer winding down it seems like November is just right around the corner!
Yay! Disney Gave Me Something (Else) To Think About......

So for a minute, I need you all to focus on our November trip (because none of you have anything else to do: no kids to chase around, errands to run, jobs to go to.....) If you'll think way back to before I got sidetracked planning our August trip, one of the ADR's I made for Nov. is for dinner at Tokyo Dining. Steve and I ate there in January and had a great experience, plus the view of Illuminations from there is awesome. Well, in the last week or so they changed their menu :scratchin I didn't think anything of it until a thread popped up on the Restaurants board I decided to read. Someone posted the new menu there and lo and behold, the filet mignon, which is close to the only thing I thought Chris would eat, is gone. THEN, someone pointed out that as of now the menus on Allears and the official Disney menu are different :sad2: So one has the filet but not the entrée I had in Jan., which is what I assumed Ricky would get; the other menu has my entrée but no filet! I know this is far from a huge problem but it's one place neither kid would eat a lot at. Ricky tends to go with the flow lately and at least wouldn't complain; he'd order something, eat part of it if he didn't like it, and then we'd just get him something else later. Chris will make a scene :eek: :faint: :furious: So at first I was just going to go in and change that reservation to something else. Being Thanksgiving week I don't feel like waiting and then not getting something we want. But now I think I may wait a couple weeks and see if the menus even out. I just really wanted to eat here again dammit! Although Steve and I could always go again in a few weeks..........

Aaaaand....that's pretty much it! Don't have much exciting news to share at this point. Anxiously awaiting the 27th of this month, anxiously awaiting my D&B MB delivery. I need to do a little more planning as far as what the boys are doing while we're away; my mom will be here every night and most of the weekend and I have them going to friends Monday and Tuesday, but they want my oldest stepson to do something with them one day, too. We should be home by about 1:00 on Wed. so the boys will be fine alone that day after my mom goes to work. Plus I need to get going on buying school supplies before we leave so I don't have to worry about that when we get back - we're home on the 31st and they go back to school on the 6th, and I know I won't feel like rushing to get all that done those last few days! At least for boys there isn't a lot of back to school clothes buying, only a few pieces here and there.

Once we're back I'll be 22 days away from booking November FP's!! I'll have to start seriously looking into Etsy shops to order matching shirts Chris requested. Oh, one other thing :) Both boys were looking over my shoulder when I ordered my MB and picked out a band they wanted, so I'll either pick them up on our Aug. trip or order them when we return. Not Dooney and Bourke bands lol, just character bands! Ricky wants this one

which makes sense since his favorite character has been Sorcerer Mickey for years.
Chris picked his favorite character, too

I was pretty happy they're both interested in having a character band! Steve said he'll stick with his old reliable plain ones......hopefully my band will come soon and I'll post a pic.

Finally, I went to see "Bad Moms" with some friends tonight after we had a couple drinks. Fun movie!

I know what you mean with menus and not being able to please everyone. I have a few extra ADR's because I really WANT to eat at a couple certain places, but I don't think my daughter will eat from the menu. I can't bring myself to give up the ADR's yet because I'm still working on getting her to try certain foods before our trip. So far it's been unsuccessful! :tongue:

And those magic bands look fun! Last time we just painted ours with fingernail polish, and that's how I'm leaning again. But maybe someday...:crazy:
Magic Band FAIL

Yup you read that right, I'm a failure when it comes to my D&B MB I bragged about getting. Two days after my last post - so last Friday - I got an email from the Disney Store that they're VERY sorry but the MB I ordered is now OUT OF STOCK so they're unable to fulfill my order. They'll be crediting my account.......UGH! So I looked on the app and it's not available there either; on the store website non are available and on the app the only one available is the one I really really don't like, and don't want to spend $48 on. I looked on Ebay once more just for laughs and again, am not willing to pay $99 plus shipping even for the one I want , that's crazy! So friends, I do not have my Dooney band and will not be able to share a picture. I was wondering why it was taking so long to ship.......avert your eyes if you don't like curse words. DAMMIT!!

I guess I'll just have to deal with my lovely purple one that came today.
No, I didn't decline MB's for this trip because I'd customized them before I ordered the Dooney and we'd declined them in January and I felt like getting a new purple one. And we'll most likely get them, at least the kids will, for Nov. because both of them want purple lol. I need to come up with some type of craft to make using old MB's!

I know I'm corny with the Mr. and Mrs., but it's the first time I've put anything but our first names......and can I tell you how excited I am that we got LUGGAGE TAGS??!! We haven't booked a package through Disney since they started giving out the tags so these are our first, woo-hoo!! @Jfsag123 you may have been a Disney "bus virgin" until recently but we are Disney "luggage tag virgins" :rotfl2:

On a more exciting note, Saturday was 3 weeks until our adults only trip :cloud9: Getting very excited! Especially for the WL. I'm hoping Steve loves it and then we can see if there's anything available for our last 3 nights in Nov. and maybe move over there from CSR.....not that there's anything wrong with CSR!!

On the same day I got the stupid email about my MB, I was looking through some old pictures and came across a few from our Disney trip from Oct. 2011. Pretty much this whole envelope of pictures was from a day at HS and the majority of pictures were of things that no longer exist there. I though, "man, so sad we can't do/see this anymore". Just like it's sad I won't wear a D&B MB :sad: :D I realized I have a few more pictures from over the years of things no longer there; so without further ado here's my version of


starting with: HOLLYWOOD STUDIOS

Now these are out of order date-wise so bear with me. First up is my Ricky, performing with the Public Works Dept. in August of 2014:

I realize the Streetmosphere performers are still there, just fewer of them unfortunately. However from what I understand the PW guys are not. We do love watching any and all of these performers and think it's a shame they cut back on them.

Next up are a couple shots of a parade some of you may have seen if you went between 2011 and 2013; these are from Oct. 2011. It was called the Pixar Pals Countdown to Fun parade and was really short with not that many characters. It was OK; being the only parade at HS at the time it was better than nothing. I much preferred the Stars and Motorcars parade from good ol' MGM but considering MK is now the only park with a parade, it was better than nothing!

Bug's Life characters:

Some of the supporting monsters from Monster's Inc:

Mike and Sully were in it too, but my pictures of them didn't come out too good. The parade also featured characters from Toy Story, and that's about it!
Speaking of Toy Story, you also used to be able to meet Lotso at HS, in the Animation Building:

I know for a few years they brought him out for MNSSHP but I don't know if they do anymore. And staying with the Animation Building, for a period of time these kids were meeting (including when we went in Nov. 2012) and I really wish they kept them, even though they didn't sign autographs:

Now after I typed up ALL that, I took a break and went through a few more pictures. And found my pics from MGM in November 2007! It didn't change to HS until 2008 FYI, and the Stars and Motorcars parade, which I saw for the first time in 2006, was still going on. However at Christmas it became the Hollywood Holly-Day parade so these pics have some Christmas décor in them. They kept the cars the same and the characters riding in them the same, just added the decorations, and one special car at the end. I even wrote in my photo album with these pictures, "Mommy's favorite parade" :goodvibes

**please excuse the quality, I took pictures of pictures here. Notice on the banner it says Disney- MGM-Studios Presents? Ah...:love: Also I cropped it out to get a close up view but just off in the upper left hand corner of the picture is the Indiana Jones sign from the theater. I don't remember the actual path of the parade but do remember at least once standing by those busts of famous people (Bill Cosby, anyone?) to watch it**

First up, some characters getting much deserved attention lately at both HS and MK:

loved seeing Mary and Burt have their own "vehicle" and it was so pretty!

Not sure if any of you will know these characters since I know a lot of you have younger kids, but Ricky used to watch the one ALL the time and I loved it. Bear in the Big Blue House was on Disney Channel constantly when he was little, and that's Bear himself riding up front. The car was the Disney Jr. car and there were some other characters in the form of puppets on the back
The bald, Charlie Brown-looking kid you can kind of see in the back is Stanley. His show had something to do with him going into a book and having adventures with zoo animals I think? He used to meet outside AK.

Some other characters with their own cars were Aladdin and Jasmine, Snow White, Woody and Buzz and then Jessie and Bo-Peep walked next to them; the Power Rangers, Mulan, and Hercules, and a Villains car that a couple rode in and then Jafar and Cruella walked next to. I don't have a picture of the Villains car but I do have this neat but not awesome shot of Cruella trying to "steal" popcorn from Chris in his stroller!

I said before that they didn't change anything but adding the decorations for the Holiday parade. That, and added this lovable big guy to the end

Such an awesome parade! I've missed it many times over the years.
One more oldie character meet shot. I mentioned the Power Rangers had a car, because after the TMNT stopped meeting there the Power Rangers began meeting. They would meet on the Streets of America and arrive in style in little cool vehicles with music blasting, and then each of them would stand in a specific area and you lined up to meet them. Ricky met all of them on this trip and by our next trip 3 years later, it was Hollywood Studios and they were gone

These were some of my first experiences with MGM/HS that contributed to making it my favorite park. Of course RnRC and TOT helped, too! The old, original Backlot Tour also was part of what made me fall in love with the park; back when there was a long walking part to the tour and you could see the Golden Girls house. On that note, I'll end this with a picture of Catastrophe Canyon. Not my favorite part of the tour by any means but one of the only pictures I can find

Let me know if any of you guys remember any of this stuff or if I'm the only old person around here! I have a few pictures from the other parks I've found of things that aren't there anymore but this post is long and I think I'm about at my picture limit, so I'll save those for another day.

Been MIA for a little while..catching up...Glad you got you D&B MB! And yay for November fastpasses! With summer winding down it seems like November is just right around the corner!
Nice to see you back :wave2: If you read the latest post you know I didn't get my dumb D&B band >:( But at least I got me a purple one! I do feel like November is coming quick, up here in NY we still technically have a month of summer left lol, but once we're back from our August trip our Nov. FP day will be right around the corner!

I know what you mean with menus and not being able to please everyone. I have a few extra ADR's because I really WANT to eat at a couple certain places, but I don't think my daughter will eat from the menu. I can't bring myself to give up the ADR's yet because I'm still working on getting her to try certain foods before our trip. So far it's been unsuccessful! :tongue:

And those magic bands look fun! Last time we just painted ours with fingernail polish, and that's how I'm leaning again. But maybe someday...:crazy:
I really am happy that, for the most part, it's tons easier now to eat where we want than when Ricky was younger and pickier. And I have no problem telling them they have to either eat the ONE thing on the menu they like or go out of their comfort zone and try something new. But that's the thing, I prefer the menu have at least ONE thing on it I know they'll eat. Keep trying to get her to try new things though! And remember, if it's just a case of removing a sauce or a side or something for her to eat it, most places are extremely accommodating in that respect!

I do love the MB's they picked :goodvibes But I've seen many many cool ones done with nailpolish, too. We've never done anything except wear the bands plain so having anything other than that is all new to us. Gotta keep doing things to keep it fresh! Make sure you post a picture in your PTR when yours are decorated!
Aw, bummer about the MB! Boo. But I love all your pictures and memories :). Our first trip was in August 2011, and I think we saw that Pixar parade in HS. I remembered there being a parade there, so when we went in 2014 I was surprised there wasn't one scheduled (of course, that ended up changing because they ended up adding in the Frozen hoopla at HS that summer).
We are DLT virgins too! Lol We have driven every time. One thing at a time. ;)

I am so frustrated for you with your band! They did that to me with the BB8 I ordered for the kids last Christmas - sent me an email that they were sold out after already confirming my order. So annoying!

I love your old Disney pictures! Thanks for sharing!
We actually waited an hour to see Lotso Bear. But, it was WELL worth the wait...Bear in the Big Blue House was a constant at our house too. I even have a Bear ornament for our Disney tree (yes, I have a whole Christmas tree dedicated to all ornaments Disney, doesn't everyone???)...
So sorry about your MB! That sucks! The Marketplace store in Disney Springs should have them...maybe you can get one in 3 weeks and use it for the November trip??? I'm totally planning on the Dooney Beauty and the Beast purse...SOOOOOO CUTE!!!
Yup you read that right, I'm a failure when it comes to my D&B MB I bragged about getting.

How frustrating with the D&B magic band! You will just need to use the money saved for another treat.

I guess I'll just have to deal with my lovely purple one that came today.

I do like your purple magic band!

I love your old photos from MGM/Hollywood Studios. I remember the backlot tour, the power rangers and the Pixar Parade. I remember Peter did a pin trade with a cast member for a Power Ranger pin that wasn't even a Disney pin.

Not sure if any of you will know these characters since I know a lot of you have younger kids, but Ricky used to watch the one ALL the time and I loved it. Bear in the Big Blue House was on Disney Channel constantly when he was little, and that's Bear himself riding up front.

Do I remember Bear? Bear rocks! Bear in the Big Blue House was the first concert Hannah went to. On our first visit in 2008 we just missed Bear from Disney Junior - we were so disappointed. Peter watched Bear on DVDs but they had stopped selling the merchandise. I had a few months trying to locate new plush toys on ebay for Christmas 2006. They were absolute favourites of his. He would sleep with Treelo under one arm and Ojo under the other. Your photos caused me to try and locate the photos of him and I couldn't find them. I have now located them on my old laptop and found a few years of photos I had forgotten about. Thanks for triggering that memory!

Now I've found them I'd better post one.

That is too bad about your magic band, how rude of them to get your hopes up and then not deliver! I love all of the old pictures you shared. That Stars and Motorcars parade looks really fun, Hollywood Studios could really use an entertaining parade right now.
And also, I found out my work location this week. My home park will be Epcot so I am sure I will see you guys there at some point!!!
Aw, bummer about the MB! Boo. But I love all your pictures and memories :). Our first trip was in August 2011, and I think we saw that Pixar parade in HS. I remembered there being a parade there, so when we went in 2014 I was surprised there wasn't one scheduled (of course, that ended up changing because they ended up adding in the Frozen hoopla at HS that summer).
We were there in Aug. 2014 when they added the Frozen parade, but didn't watch it. You know, boys :rolleyes: I didn't mind too much because I'm not the biggest Frozen fan and from what I'd heard, the Frozen parade, unless you reallllllly loved Frozen, didn't measure up to a true parade.

We are DLT virgins too! Lol We have driven every time. One thing at a time. ;)

I am so frustrated for you with your band! They did that to me with the BB8 I ordered for the kids last Christmas - sent me an email that they were sold out after already confirming my order. So annoying!

I love your old Disney pictures! Thanks for sharing!
Ugh! I would've been a lot more pissed if I'd ordered something for my kids' Christmas gift! But yes, I don't understand how the order gets processed when they're sold out :confused3 I guess they process too fast lol.
Glad you enjoyed the pictures!
We actually waited an hour to see Lotso Bear. But, it was WELL worth the wait...Bear in the Big Blue House was a constant at our house too. I even have a Bear ornament for our Disney tree (yes, I have a whole Christmas tree dedicated to all ornaments Disney, doesn't everyone???)...
So sorry about your MB! That sucks! The Marketplace store in Disney Springs should have them...maybe you can get one in 3 weeks and use it for the November trip??? I'm totally planning on the Dooney Beauty and the Beast purse...SOOOOOO CUTE!!!
I wish I had a Bear ornament!! LOL I tried having a Disney tree as our 2nd tree but couldn't fit all my ornaments on it. And my kids complained when I suggested making our main tree in the living room just Disney......so the main tree is a combination of all our Disney plus their other ornaments plus my ornaments from when I was little. Then our 2nd tree is jungle themed like our family room (which is where the tree is). Once they're both older and don't care I'll make the main tree all Disney!

How frustrating with the D&B magic band! You will just need to use the money saved for another treat.

I love your old photos from MGM/Hollywood Studios. I remember the backlot tour, the power rangers and the Pixar Parade. I remember Peter did a pin trade with a cast member for a Power Ranger pin that wasn't even a Disney pin.

Do I remember Bear? Bear rocks! Bear in the Big Blue House was the first concert Hannah went to. On our first visit in 2008 we just missed Bear from Disney Junior - we were so disappointed. Peter watched Bear on DVDs but they had stopped selling the merchandise. I had a few months trying to locate new plush toys on ebay for Christmas 2006. They were absolute favourites of his. He would sleep with Treelo under one arm and Ojo under the other. Your photos caused me to try and locate the photos of him and I couldn't find them. I have now located them on my old laptop and found a few years of photos I had forgotten about. Thanks for triggering that memory!

Now I've found them I'd better post one.

That is the most ADORABLE picture of Peter :goodvibes Ricky had a stuffed Bear, also. It was like the only Bear-related thing I could ever find in the Disney store; I think when he started watching they were slowly fading out merchandise from the show, unfortunately. I wish we'd had a Treelo, he was Ricky's 2nd favorite! I'm glad I moved you to locate some old photos; it's so fun to look back at when they were small.

That is a fabulous idea spending my MB $ on a different treat. Word is there are some new Dooney bags out.........;)


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