"I"m Only Going Because My Teacher Told Me To" Nov. 2016 PTR * update 12/2 TRIP REPORT STARTED! *

That is too bad about your magic band, how rude of them to get your hopes up and then not deliver! I love all of the old pictures you shared. That Stars and Motorcars parade looks really fun, Hollywood Studios could really use an entertaining parade right now.
And also, I found out my work location this week. My home park will be Epcot so I am sure I will see you guys there at some point!!!
It was VERY rude :mad: Can you please tell your sort-of employer to give me unlimited FP's for our next 2 trips as compensation :rotfl2:
And speaking of, how awesome being at EPCOT for work!!! I think other than maybe MK that would be where I'd want to be :thumbsup2 What day do you actually start (if you haven't already?) I should probably go back and check that in your PTR.......). A few days before we come down I'll PM you and find out your hours for the days we're there :goodvibes Our plan has us in EPCOT 2 days but I would definitely run over the day we're not if that's the only day you're working!

It would be great if HS started up a new parade that wasn't just Frozen, or SW. Maybe you can work on that while you're down there, too lol???
OMG! I am all caught up…first, SORRY about your D&B Magic Band :( I'm sure that is so disappointing! But I really like the purple one and the cute luggage tag that matches.

Second, I LOVE your old pics! Our first trip was in 2003 and I remember going to see the Bear in the Big Blue House show because DS LOVED Bear! We ended up getting him a stuffed Bear and I have the cutest pic at home of him sleeping with him. That Christmas parade looks awesome…just one more fun thing that's now gone from DHS :sad1:

You guys start school really late! We go back on August 31st…We haven't done a bit of back to school prep yet, so we will have to cram it in after vacation…fun!

Looking forward to your updates!
That is the most ADORABLE picture of Peter :goodvibes

I know he was so cute as a baby and toddler. On Christmas morning Hannah and Peter went into his new Thomas the Tank engine with Treelo and Ojo and ate their tangerines from Santa. Simple pleasures!

Ricky had a stuffed Bear, also. It was like the only Bear-related thing I could ever find in the Disney store; I think when he started watching they were slowly fading out merchandise from the show, unfortunately. I wish we'd had a Treelo, he was Ricky's 2nd favorite!

It was a shame they retired him so soon. Hannah had Bear and Tutter. I also located Pip and Pop for Pete - who doesn't need purple otter twins in their life?

I'm glad I moved you to locate some old photos; it's so fun to look back at when they were small.

I know you look for one photo and a couple of hours later you are still looking through photos. I really need to get them off that old laptop before it dies.

That is a fabulous idea spending my MB $ on a different treat. Word is there are some new Dooney bags out.........;)

Well the money was earmarked for Dooney and Bourke so that seems like a great idea! You'll get much more use out of a bag than a magic band!

Not long now to your adults only Disney trip! I would never be allowed to do that!
Man, that sucks you didn't get the dooney magic band. Sorry. We've had that same issue with other disney stuff. In 2016 I'm not sure why they can't seem to know how much inventory they have. Jason was designing some new MB's for us today. Want me to have him make you a knockoff :-)

Love all your throw back MGM pictures. I didn't visit in the 2000's so I don't remember some of that, but the old ones I certainly do. We visited the first year it opened when I think the backstage tour and great movie ride were the only actual rides in the park. We loved the backstage tour and being able to participate in the show. I remember being in awe when my cousin got picked to "drive the ship." And oh the golden girls house. You used to also drive past the area where they could tape the Mickey Mouse Club (aka the Justin Timberlake/Britney Spears version). My tween self was in awe
Sometimes, They Surprise Us

And by "they" I mean men. And if we're lucky they make us laugh often. Steve did both while we were out shopping today.
He decided to play hooky from work today because yesterday he had to go to Pennsylvania for work and got home really late. A plus to his job (District Manager with Starbucks - not sure if I've ever mentioned that) is he can generally set is own daily schedule with the exception of out of town meetings and conference calls, which he usually takes form home. I had to run errands today so he came with me to the mall.

I was mainly looking for clothes for the boys but Steve wanted a few new shirts for our trip. We were in JC Penney and, as usual, he wandered away from me......and a few minutes later I hear, "Hey look what I found, look at this! Did you know they had Disney clothes here??" (of course I did) And he holds this up

I know what you're thinking. That it's one of, if not the, ugliest Mickey shirt you've ever seen. I know, because I did, too! And I thought for sure he was only showing me to let me know JCP was cool with Disney so I started laughing. Until he says, "The material is so nice and thin, I can wear it in Nov. AND August!!"
I was seriously in shock but hey, I'm just glad he's been willing to wear Disney shirts the last few years. So I walked with him over to where all the mens Disney stuff was and ended up getting 3 of those shirts, one for each of the boys. And let me tell you how THRILLED they are to have them :rotfl2:Chris laughed and said he won't wear it but then tried it on and kept it on for like an hour; Ricky said he'll wear it but not at the same time as the other 2. Steve told him he'll wear it when I tell him to........now I'm thinking of going back and getting myself one even though it's still not my favorite, but it's growing on me!

Now for a couple changes.
-First, I moved our Trails End ADR from 8am to 9am on Sun. Aug. 28th. We have to leave our house about 4:45ish in the morning on the 27th for the airport so I decided I didn't want to get up and to a reservation that early the next day. Not that Steve will sleep late as he never does, and I won't sleep in late, but 9 is much better than 8. We'll still head to Epcot after. The only things we'd want to ride that may require a FP or being there for RD are Soarin' and TT, and we can do single rider for TT. The lines for Soarin' haven't been terrible lately and we'll both be fine if we don't ride.
-If you haven't heard already today, my beloved MSEP is leaving in Oct. and I'm very sad. We weren't planning on a night in MK this trip and I assumed I'd catch the parade in Nov. which now won't happen, so I HAVE to see it this month. I haven't completely figured it out, but unless we change our plans and go Sat night it'll be either Monday or Tuesday. But Tuesday was the only time we were going to HS and I can't leave without riding TOT. What to do, what to do..........

This isn't really a change as much as something I forgot to do! Last night I was on MDE and realized I hadn't made any room requests for our stay at WL. I've never been big on room requests and not getting a "good" location doesn't damper our trips at all. However after getting a couple "good" locations I've decided that, since you can make requests, I might as well. So I just made one which is "high floor" because I've read on the WL thread that with the contruction, some standard rooms now have a view of the MK if you're up high. I swear someplace over there it mentioned the 5th or 6th floor isn't good for some reason but the 4th and one of those 2 is. I'll leave it at that one request for high floor unless any of you have another suggestion :)

That's it for now! I've bought some travel stuff that we ran out of and will probably start packing a week ahead of time, so next weekend. And now it's time for the 2nd installment of


EPCOT edition

These pictures are from our Nov. 2012 trip, and we'll begin with some gone but not forgotten entertainment from the Italy pavilion. Back then, before the flag twirlers came, a group of women called "The Ziti Sisters" performed a few times a day and were totally hysterical. On this particular day Steve was lucky enough to get in on their act and they dressed him up as Caesar Augustus

Ooh wait, forgot the crown!

The finished product:

I swear by our next trip in May 2013 they were gone. The flag twirlers (I know there's a more Italian name) are OK but these ladies were always worth the stop!

Now also from Nov. 2012 I bring you to Chefs De France. It was our first time there and we were with friends on this trip. We timed our dinner to coincide with a visit from a French rodent who was making a few appearances each day during lunch and dinner

You can probably tell but they would bring Ratatouille around on a tray with fake cheeses and fruits. He didn't say anything, just swiveled around a bit but it was cute and the kids enjoyed seeing him. I don't believe he was there for too long but I do remember people were disappointed when he left. On an earlier trip, I think either 2010 or 2011, Ratatouille was meeting in the Animation building in HS and Ricky met him :)

My last no-longer-seen memory is from our 2007 trip and involves more characters that are NEVER seen anymore. I don't think their movie was too popular and I know Christopher has never known them, but Ricky had actually seen the movie before this trip. I wasn't aware they were meeting at the time so he and I were kind of excited when we saw them.

Do you have ANY idea who they are??

I knew one name but just had to look up the other - they're Koda and Kenai from the movie Brother Bear and we met them at the Canada pavilion. That's Ricky hugging......one of them lol. Apparently my guess above was correct and the movie didn't do well so they didn't meet for long. It was released at the same time as Finding Nemo which totally sunk it at the box office. I guess in addition to Canada they tried having the bears meet at AK for a time but they never went over well.

That's all I got for Epcot! Looks like MGM/HS has been getting the shaft on things leaving/closing down for quite the time now.
.now I'm thinking of going back and getting myself one even though it's still not my favorite, but it's growing on me!

I kind of like it :rotfl:

-If you haven't heard already today, my beloved MSEP is leaving in Oct. and I'm very sad. We weren't planning on a night in MK this trip and I assumed I'd catch the parade in Nov. which now won't happen, so I HAVE to see it this month. I haven't completely figured it out, but unless we change our plans and go Sat night it'll be either Monday or Tuesday. But Tuesday was the only time we were going to HS and I can't leave without riding TOT. What to do, what to do..........

We've never seen it and when we added 2 days in September now we have time too. I'm so glad because if I kept it in our plans for December we wouldn't have gotten to see it at all.

Now also from Nov. 2012 I bring you to Chefs De France. It was our first time there and we were with friends on this trip. We timed our dinner to coincide with a visit from a French rodent who was making a few appearances each day during lunch and dinner

Remy's so cute! I wish he was still there.

Apparently my guess above was correct and the movie didn't do well so they didn't meet for long. It was released at the same time as Finding Nemo which totally sunk it at the box office. I guess in addition to Canada they tried having the bears meet at AK for a time but they never went over well.

I remember seeing that movie in theaters with my aunt and brother when I was younger, and I really didn't like it. (And I love almost every Disney movie). I can see how Finding Nemo did much better.
OMG! I am all caught up…first, SORRY about your D&B Magic Band :( I'm sure that is so disappointing! But I really like the purple one and the cute luggage tag that matches.

Second, I LOVE your old pics! Our first trip was in 2003 and I remember going to see the Bear in the Big Blue House show because DS LOVED Bear! We ended up getting him a stuffed Bear and I have the cutest pic at home of him sleeping with him. That Christmas parade looks awesome…just one more fun thing that's now gone from DHS :sad1:

You guys start school really late! We go back on August 31st…We haven't done a bit of back to school prep yet, so we will have to cram it in after vacation…fun!

Looking forward to your updates!
I'm glad you like the pictures! I think Bear in the Big Blue House was part of the Playhouse Disney show when we went in 2006? Maybe? I seem to remember something like that.........but my memory is getting bad lol! Yes, HS really seems to have lost the most over the years.

As for school I read somewhere that only 5 or 6 states start school after Labor Day! NJ normally does but last year for the first time they started before (I have lots of friends in Jersey b/c I went to college there). We also don't end until late June, this year it was the 24th. Believe me, right about now I'm wishing they went back like Aug. 12th :rolleyes1
Man, that sucks you didn't get the dooney magic band. Sorry. We've had that same issue with other disney stuff. In 2016 I'm not sure why they can't seem to know how much inventory they have. Jason was designing some new MB's for us today. Want me to have him make you a knockoff :-)

Love all your throw back MGM pictures. I didn't visit in the 2000's so I don't remember some of that, but the old ones I certainly do. We visited the first year it opened when I think the backstage tour and great movie ride were the only actual rides in the park. We loved the backstage tour and being able to participate in the show. I remember being in awe when my cousin got picked to "drive the ship." And oh the golden girls house. You used to also drive past the area where they could tape the Mickey Mouse Club (aka the Justin Timberlake/Britney Spears version). My tween self was in awe

Love Disney but between IT and sales they need to get their poop together........can't wait to see what Jason has come up with for you guys this time :) I'll take a knock-off lol, and then I'll give you half the profit when I sell it on Ebay as a "Booney and Dourke" MB :thumbsup2
I know I have more pictures of the Backlot Tour from 2006 but my pictures are completely unorganized. Half of them still aren't unpacked from when we moved to this house in 2013! I do remember going by lots where they filmed and being told certain shows/movies were "in progress" as we drove by, but don't remember specific ones.
I finished my first year of college in 1990 and went to visit my boyfriend in Florida. We went to MK but that's it; I don't even think I knew MGM existed then!
I kind of like it :rotfl:

We've never seen it and when we added 2 days in September now we have time too. I'm so glad because if I kept it in our plans for December we wouldn't have gotten to see it at all.

Remy's so cute! I wish he was still there.

I remember seeing that movie in theaters with my aunt and brother when I was younger, and I really didn't like it. (And I love almost every Disney movie). I can see how Finding Nemo did much better.
Apologizing for how I'm responding and mentioning AGAIN that my nasty old computer will not let me multi-quote :mad:
First I have to say THANK YOU for correcting me - REMY :worship: DUH! At least I never claim to know it all lol. Too bad they don't bring the full-size Remy out for surprise M&G's ever. Even a couple years ago when they had the promotion where rare characters came out, he wasn't one of them.

I'm glad you like the shirt :P I guess it's really not so bad the more I look at it, but it seemed a little loud when he first held it up! And the Disney shirts he normally agrees to wear are like blue, black or gray and more......subtle, let's say. I can't wait to see all 3 of them in the shirts, Ricky is going to have a fit! I told him I won't post a picture anywhere on social media but of course I'll put one here ;)

So glad you get to see MSEP! And I hope you like it as much as I do. Even if you don't at least you can say you've seen it, but it's really cute and a fun thing to look forward to at night. We're often able to find a good spot minutes before it starts, but I have a feeling the closer it gets to it's last few weeks the earlier we'll have to find a spot :(
So I'm behind. The first week with students is kicking my butt! So sorry about the D&B band. Ugh! I remember a lot of stuff you are posting. I've been to WDW 15x but all spread out starting in 1977.

As far as WL I think 4th and 5th floor bc there is a lip that overhangs on the 6th, maybe?? I haven't paid as much attention to that discussion on that thread bc we would be in a dvc studio (if we get it) so we won't be on that side.

I'm glad we got to see MSEP in June. Good luck working it into your schedule!

ETA: that Disney shirt, though! Lol
Apologizing for how I'm responding and mentioning AGAIN that my nasty old computer will not let me multi-quote :mad:

It's okay I just figured out multi quote like last week and I can't use it from my phone where I usually post from :rotfl:

First I have to say THANK YOU for correcting me - REMY :worship: DUH! At least I never claim to know it all lol. Too bad they don't bring the full-size Remy out for surprise M&G's ever. Even a couple years ago when they had the promotion where rare characters came out, he wasn't one of them.

Aw full size Remy would be awesome.

I'm glad you like the shirt :P I guess it's really not so bad the more I look at it, but it seemed a little loud when he first held it up! And the Disney shirts he normally agrees to wear are like blue, black or gray and more......subtle, let's say. I can't wait to see all 3 of them in the shirts, Ricky is going to have a fit! I told him I won't post a picture anywhere on social media but of course I'll put one here ;)

Haha I can agree it's a little loud. Maybe I like loud Disney shirts? I bought my boyfriend a bright yellow one that I don't think he wants to wear :rotfl2: Since this site probably isn't his social media of choice Ricky will never have to know :rolleyes:

So glad you get to see MSEP! And I hope you like it as much as I do. Even if you don't at least you can say you've seen it, but it's really cute and a fun thing to look forward to at night. We're often able to find a good spot minutes before it starts, but I have a feeling the closer it gets to it's last few weeks the earlier we'll have to find a spot :(

I'm so glad we get to see it at least once. Hopefully in September it'll still be easy to find a spot.
It was VERY rude :mad: Can you please tell your sort-of employer to give me unlimited FP's for our next 2 trips as compensation :rotfl2:
If I had that much power I would give you as many unlimited FPs as I could!

And speaking of, how awesome being at EPCOT for work!!! I think other than maybe MK that would be where I'd want to be :thumbsup2 What day do you actually start (if you haven't already?) I should probably go back and check that in your PTR.......). A few days before we come down I'll PM you and find out your hours for the days we're there :goodvibes Our plan has us in EPCOT 2 days but I would definitely run over the day we're not if that's the only day you're working!
I am super excited to be placed at Epcot. There is also a great variety of characters there and I am sure I will have great stories to tell about all of the drunk people at Food and Wine :rotfl2:
Photopass is currently very short staffed so I am sure I will be working pretty much everyday. I could also have shifts at the other parks so I will definitely let you know my schedule when I get it!
now I'm thinking of going back and getting myself one even though it's still not my favorite, but it's growing on me!
I am sure there are uglier Disney shirts out there! And how nice of your boys to agree to wear it! And how awesome of Steve to be excited about a Disney shirt!
If you haven't heard already today, my beloved MSEP is leaving in Oct. and I'm very sad
I am also super sad about this. I did get to see PTN earlier this year and it was cool but MSEP is so classic and I love it. But I am spoiled in the fact that I have plenty of time to see it before it leaves at least.

a group of women called "The Ziti Sisters" performed a few times a day and were totally hysterical.
This act sounds entertaining! We saw the flag group last week and it was cool to watch for a couple minutes but not something I would go out of my way to see.
So I'm behind. The first week with students is kicking my butt! So sorry about the D&B band. Ugh! I remember a lot of stuff you are posting. I've been to WDW 15x but all spread out starting in 1977.

As far as WL I think 4th and 5th floor bc there is a lip that overhangs on the 6th, maybe?? I haven't paid as much attention to that discussion on that thread bc we would be in a dvc studio (if we get it) so we won't be on that side.

I'm glad we got to see MSEP in June. Good luck working it into your schedule!

ETA: that Disney shirt, though! Lol
You are completely excused and forgiven for falling behind :hug: I can only imagine how tough that first week back to work/school is! I just hope you like your kids and they're treating you well!
Your thought on the 6th floor sounds good.....going to try and take the time to read through that thread AGAIN soon so I can maybe add a 2nd request for a specific floor. On the other hand I don't know if I want to get that specific as if they don't have a room available on that floor they may put us lower.......

I am super excited to be placed at Epcot. There is also a great variety of characters there and I am sure I will have great stories to tell about all of the drunk people at Food and Wine :rotfl2:
Photopass is currently very short staffed so I am sure I will be working pretty much everyday. I could also have shifts at the other parks so I will definitely let you know my schedule when I get it!
Great! LOL about the drunk people at F&W but you're right, that should be fun! Also cool if you get switched to another park from time to time.
While at Epcot will you're actual "spot" or assignment change daily? That would be great if you get the chance to PP with all the different characters, at the entrance, etc.
I hope you eventually do a DCP TR. I know from reading others' TR's who were in the CP that they keep you pretty busy and it's hard to keep up with the Dis. But if you get the chance I'm sure lots of people would love to follow :)
You should totally get yourself one of those shirts! I love the slow transition of everyone in your family lol. Pretty soon it will be all of y'all's favorite. ;)

I am so sad about the MSEP! We only sort of saw it in June. Like, over the course of a couple of nights, saw it in pieces without actually finding a spot for it and really watching it. If I had known it would be going away so soon, I would have made a point of seeing it. I'm glad you'll get one last chance!

Very much enjoying your pictures series. Keep 'em coming!
That's good Steve is getting into the spirit of things and picking out Disney t-shirts. Good luck on getting the boys to wear them - bribery will probably work. I don't think I could get Peter to wear matching t-shirts even if they were Nike! Although it can be surprising what they'll do at Disney that they wouldn't do anywhere else.

Thanks for the trip down memory lane at Epcot.

Remy was so well done at Chefs de France. I remember we had to get a 5pm ADR as he was only there for lunch and early ADRs.

I recognised Koda and Kenai straight away. Brother Bear was the first movie Hannah went to see at the cinema. I think it had a bit of a strange storyline. Hannah met Koda on her first Disney visit at Disneyland Paris with her Gran and Grandpa. What a cute picture of Ricky!
-First, I moved our Trails End ADR from 8am to 9am on Sun. Aug. 28th.
We might cross paths at Trails End. We've got a 10am breakfast there that morning!!!!

-If you haven't heard already today, my beloved MSEP is leaving in Oct. and I'm very sad. We weren't planning on a night in MK this trip and I assumed I'd catch the parade in Nov. which now won't happen, so I HAVE to see it this month.
Its in our HAVE to category to, cause I'm a bad Mom whose never seen it and now feel like I'm destroying Casey's childhood if we don't see it. I generally don't like the parades cause i'm too impatient to sit around for an hour before and wait for it. Got any scoop on a good place to watch it???

So I just made one which is "high floor" because I've read on the WL thread that with the contruction, some standard rooms now have a view of the MK if you're up high. I swear someplace over there it mentioned the 5th or 6th floor isn't good for some reason but the 4th and one of those 2 is. I'll leave it at that one request for high floor unless any of you have another suggestion :)
We just do high floor there too and have been happy with what we got. I think we were on the 5th floor last time and could see the castle and fireworks. Our view down wasn't so good (loading dock) so we just looked up ; ) I think the 6th floor isn't recommended sometime because their balconies are enclosed at the bottom so if you sit down you can't see.

You can probably tell but they would bring Ratatouille around on a tray with fake cheeses and fruits. He didn't say anything, just swiveled around a bit but it was cute and the kids enjoyed seeing him. I don't believe he was there for too long but I do remember people were disappointed when he left. On an earlier trip, I think either 2010 or 2011, Ratatouille was meeting in the Animation building in HS and Ricky met him :)
This is awesome!!!!!! How did I not know about this?

You've totally inspired me to find some old Disney pics. Gonna have to hit up my parents house and see if I can come up with anything.
Got any scoop on a good place to watch it???
Liberty Square or Frontierland. We (or should I say Mom and Will, while the rest of us rode Splash...lol) staked out a spot about 45 min early and we were right on the rope. But you can actually wait a bit, I hear, and still get a good spot. Also up on the porches on one of the buildings is great, as well.
My DH has informed me he wants to wear Disney polos to the parks. Of course they are like $80 on the Disney site! Did you see any at JC Penney? I'd like to think they would have them but I truly don't know.
You should totally get yourself one of those shirts! I love the slow transition of everyone in your family lol. Pretty soon it will be all of y'all's favorite. ;)

I am so sad about the MSEP! We only sort of saw it in June. Like, over the course of a couple of nights, saw it in pieces without actually finding a spot for it and really watching it. If I had known it would be going away so soon, I would have made a point of seeing it. I'm glad you'll get one last chance!

Very much enjoying your pictures series. Keep 'em coming!
Cool! I have a few from MK and AK I'll post soon!
I'm sad about MSEP, too. I wish Disney would announce these things a little farther away from the actual closures/endings. That way you would've known back in June and you could've seen it :(
I actually tried on Ricky's shirt to see how it looked, but I'm not one of those women who can wear men's t-shirts. However I did go back to JCP today and may have found a couple different Disney shirts for myself :rolleyes1

That's good Steve is getting into the spirit of things and picking out Disney t-shirts. Good luck on getting the boys to wear them - bribery will probably work. I don't think I could get Peter to wear matching t-shirts even if they were Nike! Although it can be surprising what they'll do at Disney that they wouldn't do anywhere else.

Thanks for the trip down memory lane at Epcot.

Remy was so well done at Chefs de France. I remember we had to get a 5pm ADR as he was only there for lunch and early ADRs.

I recognised Koda and Kenai straight away. Brother Bear was the first movie Hannah went to see at the cinema. I think it had a bit of a strange storyline. Hannah met Koda on her first Disney visit at Disneyland Paris with her Gran and Grandpa. What a cute picture of Ricky!
I can't quite remember the Brother Bear storyline; I'm pretty sure Ricky saw it with one of his Grandmother's, too!

Ricky used to not mind wearing Disney-themed shirts, but got a lot pickier about 2 years ago. I've matched him and Steve a couple times but never all 3 boys or the 4 of us. However, last Nov. Chris noticed all the families there with matching custom-made shirts and said he wants them for our next family trip. So whether it's the green Mickey shirts or ones I order, Ricky will be matching at some point!
But yes, I'm sure bribery will enter the picture to some degree..........

We might cross paths at Trails End. We've got a 10am breakfast there that morning!!!!

Its in our HAVE to category to, cause I'm a bad Mom whose never seen it and now feel like I'm destroying Casey's childhood if we don't see it. I generally don't like the parades cause i'm too impatient to sit around for an hour before and wait for it. Got any scoop on a good place to watch it???

We just do high floor there too and have been happy with what we got. I think we were on the 5th floor last time and could see the castle and fireworks. Our view down wasn't so good (loading dock) so we just looked up ; ) I think the 6th floor isn't recommended sometime because their balconies are enclosed at the bottom so if you sit down you can't see.

This is awesome!!!!!! How did I not know about this?

You've totally inspired me to find some old Disney pics. Gonna have to hit up my parents house and see if I can come up with anything.
Please DO look for old Disney pictures at your parents! I think you said you didn't go at all in the 2000's but went in the 1990's; after 1988 I only went in 1990 (just MK) and 2000 (MK and Universal) until 2006, so I'd love to see any pictures you find!

I knew you were going to TE the same day as us, I'll tell Steve to eat slow lol.

Thanks for the feedback on the WL floors, pretty much matches what I read on the thread. Think I'll stick with just the high floor request and hope we get the 4th or 5th. I don't care what our view down is but it would be nice to have a view of the MK and/or Wishes!

I cannot BELIEVE you've never seen MSEP-what's wrong with you :scared1: I may just have to take Casey myself to make sure she's being Disney-fied propery lol. @ArielSRL had a good suggestion with Frontierland, we enjoy watching parades from there and the closer to F. land you get the less crowded. We also like watching from the curb right outside the Emporium, going out the door closest to the fire station. The parade starts from the doors to the right of the station. We've always been able to walk up a few minutes before the parade starts and get a good spot, but I'm thinking with the announcement that it's leaving it may mean having to definitely secure a spot earlier :rolleyes: LMK what night you're going to watch it!

My DH has informed me he wants to wear Disney polos to the parks. Of course they are like $80 on the Disney site! Did you see any at JC Penney? I'd like to think they would have them but I truly don't know.
Ugh, $80! No way, man. Unfortunately I didn't see any men's Disney polo's at JCP and even went back today and looked again. I know I've seen some before though, maybe occasionally at the Disney outlet I go to? And I've definitely seen them in the parks. Have you checked the Shop Parks App? Are they $80 there, too?
Also saw on FP someone suggested you check Etsy, hopefully they're cheaper there :)
I've been terrible at keeping caught up lately, but I've just read the couple of pages that are new since I was last on.

That sucks about the Magicband you ordered being out of stock :( You would think Disney would know how to properly track inventory these days...

I actually love that Mickey shirt, but I'm known for falling in love with super ugly shirts haha. I hope you're able to get a picture of Steve, Ricky and Chris all wearing the shirts at the same time - that would be a great picture!


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