I Can! I Can Stink at 9am! A January TR - 3/8 New TR Link!

Woah. So it's been a while. AGAIN! DS and I were sick (i'm still sick :sad2:), then DH had his colonoscopy, DS started Preschool/Day Care whatever you want to call it, so trying to get into a schedule has been hard, as DS is now currently waking up at 5:30am on the dot:sad::sad::sad: So. Early. Anyways, am hoping to do an update here over this 3 day weekend and play catch up! Have a great Saturday, my friends!:goodvibes
Yuck... hope you're feeling better. And I'm sorry about the new sleep schedule. We're kind of going through that now that DS is in Kindergarten. I'm pretty much in bed by 10 pm every night during the week now. I'm getting old.

He even offered to make breakfast! He went to the fridge, looked at the food and said, “I can wait till lunch!” :rotfl2:
Been there, done that... I feel his pain.

I know I’ve said this before, but DS was AMAZING in the mornings. I never broke down the stroller at night, so he would just roll it out and sit and wait for us, while watching TV.
Poor kid. Having to wait on all you slow pokes to get ready and get out the door.

And I remember this morning being SUPER COLD. Definitely high 50’s.
That's perfect park weather... :thumbsup2

Out of the stroller DS went and he was happy about that. This photo seriously, cracks me up every time I look it
That's a good one! :rotfl2:

See ya Rosie and Astro! (Anyone??)

And because this fits in so perfectly, I’ll just leave it all for you to either laugh or roll your eyes at

Yep, the only party
Wow! A whole restaurant to yourself! I hope the service was good. :rotfl:

And Three, DM looks like she wants to kill me.
I can relate. DW has seen this look from me on multiple occasions. I'm not a big fan of pictures. :rotfl2:

Really, who doesn’t like this place? No one answer that. We may not be friends if I know the answer:snooty:
I don't like this place.

I like the caramel corn and some of the other snacks, but they could sell them out of a truck for all I care. The place itself is meh... :rolleyes1

I told DH to let Pam design the car since she’s never done it. Didn’t stop him from giving his unwanted opinions
Nope... I'm on his side. You can't take a guy to ride TT and tell him hands off during the design process. It isn't going to happen. Ever. It's just a natural instinct. There's a big touch screen and a shiny car to design and make awesome. We're going to touch it and we're going to make a badass car.

After TT, we started walking towards the Ellen ride. I wanted to ride, I believe Pam wanted to ride, but someone didn’t want to :rolleyes1 so we hung around the pavilion for a few minutes
Ok, in someone's defense, it wasn't naptime yet. :rolleyes1

I hadn’t been on this in 5 years. We never think to ride it or are ever really interested in riding it but since we had no plans and there was no line, why the heck not?
Fun ride, and definitely worth riding since there was no line. Seems it is basically almost walk on every time I've ridden it though. I just don't do it often because you kind of have to have your stomach and mind in the right state of readiness before you ride.

Or you just need to be drunk and have somebody suggest riding something that spins really frickin' fast and you just go do it and hope for the best.

Caffeine was definitely in order after that hilarity so we headed to everyone’s favorite spot, Starbucks.


Someone had suggested that maybe it was character training? Whatever it was it was cool. Here’s a wide shot of that area
Nice! Looks like a fun character meet. And you even got to see Max!

Not sure what was up with the Photopass people today, but some more bad shots
They were training the rookies, apparently. At least you got to see a bunch of them and offset the bad with some good ones.

And this is when Pam and I fell waaaay behind DH. He’s a fast walker. He should compete, for reals. And I didn’t even realize how far ahead of us he really was until I found this in the PP download. You can see Pam and I in the background :lmao:
Is he really that fast or are you just a little bit slow? :rolleyes1
Sounds like a fun day hanging out in Epcot with a DIS-friend! :goodvibes

Good choices at Karamell Kuche! We have gotten those two often and both are wonderful. Yummy!

How fun that you came across a characterpalooza! :thumbsup2

I was super excited for today (not that I’m not excited any other day at WDW) but today we were going to Epcot AND today we would be hanging out with one of my favorite DIS’ers, Pam @Pinkocto.

:cool1: :cool1: :cool1:

The only person not running behind was DS. I know I’ve said this before, but DS was AMAZING in the mornings. I never broke down the stroller at night, so he would just roll it out and sit and wait for us, while watching TV.

Too cool that he was like this! :)

And seconds later, Pam arrived! All set and ready to go to our first ride, SE. Out of the stroller DS went and he was happy about that. This photo seriously, cracks me up every time I look it

Love that picture! I'm glad I wasn't too far behind you guys. The buses were failing me that morning.

After 20-25 minutes of standing in line, we finally boarded the ride and got our first official picture of our DIS meet

That was great fun chatting while riding that ride. I don't go on that one very often.

Pam you’re going to have to help me here, but I think we did the Nemo ride afterwards? But I thought I rode it with Pam and I have a picture with DH and DS for whatever reason:confused3

I rode this one with your mom. We discovered our joint love of Sci-Fi movies :)


After our ride, we thought we could check in early for lunch (cause remember no breakfast!) so headed over to Nine Dragons.

I'd never been here before so that was cool.

I’m pretty sure we were the first ones there, besides the Hostess of course

I think there was one other table eating.

But it was gorgeous!

It really was pretty.

I tried to get a group shot and failed unsuccessfully for a plethora of reasons. One, the whole group was not in the photo. Two, Pam wasn’t looking. And Three, DM looks like she wants to kill me. At least I’m smiling! :thumbsup2

I look dreadful! HA!

I had the veggie spring rolls and the shrimp fried rice. Both were really yummy. And you were so generous to pay for my lunch, thank you again!

I think we may have looked at the dessert menu but passed since there's way better options in the World Showcase for sweets. Like Pam's favorite place...


Our next FP was for Test Track and can’t remember if we used our FP or not. I know DM didn’t ride so not sure if Pam had gotten around a FP around the same time?? Doesn’t matter we got on and it was her first time making a vehicle!

I got a FP at the same window as you guys.

I told DH to let Pam design the car since she’s never done it. Didn’t stop him from giving his unwanted opinions

I look intrigued! That was great fun.

Or making selections for her


SORRY PAM!!!:lmao:

I had no idea what to do, I was grateful for the help. And it was fun to have help.

Our photo

I've gotten some dreadful photos taken of me this day....

After TT, we started walking towards the Ellen ride. I wanted to ride, I believe Pam wanted to ride, but someone didn’t want to :rolleyes1 so we hung around the pavilion for a few minutes

I definitely would have gone on Ellen, it's been years! At this point we talked about going over to HS and trying to ride RnRC. Your mom was the only one not sold on the idea and we didn't want to separate.

When I suggested we do this

I hadn’t been on this in 5 years. We never think to ride it or are ever really interested in riding it but since we had no plans and there was no line, why the heck not?

We were literally the only ones in here

I love that we were the only ones in there. That was too cool! And funny.

DH announced that he wanted solo pictures

Oh my. :laughing:

Caffeine was definitely in order after that hilarity so we headed to everyone’s favorite spot, Starbucks. Pam, don’t be frightened, it’s just coffee!

I really do look frightened...

Back into the World Showcase we went, where we showed Pam and DM the really cool spot that DH and I discovered back in 2010. We were walking along from Canada towards the UK Pavilion, when we noticed a large gate that was open and noticed a few people taking pictures with characters. We walked in and the CM shut the gate behind us to not allow any more people to walk in but we were able to meet the most random characters

This was really cool, I'd never seen it before.

Here she is looking for help and realizing this was a bad idea :rotfl2:

No point telling grandparents something isn't a good idea.

And this is when Pam and I fell waaaay behind DH. He’s a fast walker. He should compete, for reals. And I didn’t even realize how far ahead of us he really was until I found this in the PP download. You can see Pam and I in the background :lmao:

I know we weren't walking that slow, but he was zooming!

Pam and I took one last photo on our way out

This is cute :)

Pam I had so much fun being able to hang out again on this day and be able to sit down for a meal! My family really enjoyed it as well! :goodvibes

I loved spending the day with you guys, thanks so much for sharing part of your vacation with me :goodvibes I had so much fun with everybody :)
Oh my goodness your DS is so precious in every photo this day! I can't believe how awesome he is in the morning. My DS is..... welll...... NOT. LOL! I love that you had a fun dismeet and I love that you call it IASWM. ME TOO! It's one of my favorite rides ever. I love the extra cheesy factor ( which is awesome after a few Margaritas)

Karmel Kuche is my favorite. I am buying a BOX of goodies there next week and they are ALL MINE. Hands off family.
This morning we were running behind so no breakfast for anyone. You guys. A certain person was not cool with this. It was DH, are you surprised?? He even offered to make breakfast! He went to the fridge, looked at the food and said, “I can wait till lunch!” :rotfl2:

And did you follow that up with, "THAT'S WHAT I THOUGHT." :rotfl:

The only person not running behind was DS. I know I’ve said this before, but DS was AMAZING in the mornings. I never broke down the stroller at night, so he would just roll it out and sit and wait for us, while watching TV.

So adorable! He's so chill :cool1:

I was hoping to get to Epcot by 9:45 but time was not on our side this morning, we ended up getting here at 10:10. And I remember this morning being SUPER COLD. Definitely high 50’s.

Sounds perfect to me! Or maybe it's just that I am sick of summer right now. It's September and it's still 100 degrees where I live :sad2:

Awww this is a fantastic family picture!

So flippin adorable!!!

You so corny! ;)

My DB and DSiL really enjoyed this place when they visited in 2010 for their honeymoon so thought it would be a good time to try it.

I haven't been there in years but I remember we didn't have an ADR and we walked right up and were seated right away. I don't think this place is EVER super busy? It's pretty good food! But I think most people can get similar food at their local Chinese place so that's probably why it's never busy.

Pam swears by the Caramel Roll with Marshmallow Crème so I got that

That sounds amazing :hyper:

And a Dark Chocolate Caramel with Sea Salt

Change that to milk chocolate and I am totes on board! :banana:

Oh my gosh, I’ve been missing out on this scrumptious caramel. So soft and sweet! Like me ::yes::

You know that's funny because I was JUST thinking what the best adjectives would be to describe you and soft and sweet were top of the list :thumbsup2

It was a gorgeous day out and it finally started to warm up a bit!

Ahhhh, I am praying for weather like this when I go next December! Weather gods hear my plea! :rotfl:

I told DH to let Pam design the car since she’s never done it. Didn’t stop him from giving his unwanted opinions

Well I'm sure he gave her a chance!

Or making selections for her


Oh nevermind :rotfl:Way to hog the car making DH :rotfl2:

It looks like an IG filter! I like this one of you guys :thumbsup2 Too bad Calvin was sleeping! He's too stinkin cute though :goodvibes

I think in this one he had spotted the psycho fish gutting boy from Maelstrom!

Oh DH. He loves to crack himself up ::yes::

And now he's pondering the best way to get rid of him :rotfl:

On our way out of Future World, I wanted to get another PP picture, but this time with Pam!

You and your DH and Katie and Jamie are in the running for best looking DIS couple!

How excited! You got to meet King Louie! He's the jungle VIP you know ::yes::

Spotted another lonely PP photographer on the bridge towards France!

How precious! :goodvibes Look at that cute little smile on your DS!

Here she is looking for help and realizing this was a bad idea :rotfl2:

Grandma's never learn :rotfl: My mom doesn't either!

And this is when Pam and I fell waaaay behind DH. He’s a fast walker. He should compete, for reals. And I didn’t even realize how far ahead of us he really was until I found this in the PP download. You can see Pam and I in the background :lmao:

Dang, he must have been trucking it :rotfl2:

Pam and I took one last photo on our way out

Great picture!! Looks like it was a successful and beautiful day at EPCOT! :thumbsup2
You had a nice day at Epcot and also spend some time with Pam. All of your pictures with everyone looks very nice.

The Karamell-Kuche is what I see every time I check out a WDW trip report. I will have to check out that place next month.
DS waiting in the stroller every morning cracks me up! He's too funny, just laid back while everyone else scrambles around!

Fun Dis meet! It seems like you guys had a great time on Test Track! It's so nice to meet up with someone who can talk Disney business with you.

Yum, those treats from Karamell Kuche are looking really good right now!
Uh, cause you know i'm the last lady since i'm the oldest out of all of us. :sad: And where's my margarita?!?!:mad: This gif bothers me.:laughing:

Calm down I got a guy making you your margarita right now!


Margarita pool!

Woah. So it's been a while. AGAIN! DS and I were sick (i'm still sick :sad2:), then DH had his colonoscopy, DS started Preschool/Day Care whatever you want to call it, so trying to get into a schedule has been hard, as DS is now currently waking up at 5:30am on the dot:sad::sad::sad: So. Early. Anyways, am hoping to do an update here over this 3 day weekend and play catch up! Have a great Saturday, my friends!:goodvibes

Oh no I'm sorry you and your DS have been sick! Hope you guys are feeling better now

This morning we were running behind so no breakfast for anyone. You guys. A certain person was not cool with this. It was DH, are you surprised?? He even offered to make breakfast!

:rotfl2: Your poor DH!


What a cute family! :goodvibes

This photo seriously, cracks me up every time I look it

He is just too adorable! ::yes::

And because this fits in so perfectly, I’ll just leave it all for you to either laugh or roll your eyes at



I tried to get a group shot and failed unsuccessfully for a plethora of reasons. One, the whole group was not in the photo. Two, Pam wasn’t looking. And Three, DM looks like she wants to kill me. At least I’m smiling! :thumbsup2

Your DM really does look like she wants to murder you! :rotfl:

Check out my plate. I was full from the apps, I guess :lmao:

:scared1: Were you feeling ok??? You are starting to scare me! :laughing:

Oh my gosh, I’ve been missing out on this scrumptious caramel. So soft and sweet! Like me ::yes::

Okay that looks amazeballs! Of course you are soft and sweet! :rotfl:

I told DH to let Pam design the car since she’s never done it. Didn’t stop him from giving his unwanted opinions

Or making selections for her


SORRY PAM!!!:lmao:

Isn't that what you meant when you told him to let her do it?

DH announced that he wanted solo pictures

:rotfl: :lmao: :rotfl2:


Caffeine was definitely in order after that hilarity so we headed to everyone’s favorite spot, Starbucks. Pam, don’t be frightened, it’s just coffee!

Well Starbuck is a really scary place!
:scared1: :rotfl:

Someone had suggested that maybe it was character training? Whatever it was it was cool. Here’s a wide shot of that area

That is so cool and so strange! Is straool! :rotfl2:

Spotted another lonely PP photographer on the bridge towards France!

Awww! :goodvibes

Here she is looking for help and realizing this was a bad idea :rotfl2:


No breakfast?? Wow! I would have totally passed out. :teeth:

What a cool day with Pam. It looks like a lot of fun and I'm so envious that I wasn't there.
Nine Dragons is an interesting restaurant at Epcot. It gets mixed reviews and you can almost always count on walking up for a meal. What a shame it's not a 'killer' Chinese restaurant.

Pity about the OJ.
And that's two bad PP photog misses!
I Love EPCOT days, and this day looks like it started out great (other than the OJ incident.) :(
I've always considered the trying the Chinese restaurant and wondered how it is... looks like a good menu and the interior looks beautiful! :flower1:

Hope everyone is doing well, and that we will see you again soon!
hope you are all feeling better and that DH's colonoscopy went well (there is a Hallmark greeting card that is a tough one to find)

I fell a bit behind but was actually fun to just scroll through and see all the gifs in this thread ... definitely chuckled more than once

That is great how well your son got ready in the morning ... hopefully he keeps that up for the rest of his life!

Glad you met up with Pam no problem and had a good day together

See ya Rosie and Astro! (Anyone??)
"These three hour workdays are killing me!" (too bad that prediction of the future hasn't come true yet)

Oh my gosh, I’ve been missing out on this scrumptious caramel. So soft and sweet! Like me ::yes::
... plus you are both often found in EPCOT :thumbsup2

We've never eaten in nine dragons - just so many options in EPCOT and it didn't look that different than standard Chinese food, but it does look pretty good and glad you enjoyed it .... despite having to brave the crowds there. Glad they were able to squeeze you in ;)

Bummer about the bluish PP pictures - though still appreciated DH's solo shoot
My dd10 and I spent the day reading your trip report. We are really enjoying it and can't wait to read more.

Your family is too cute and so much fun.

Dd10 says, "Please, please, update soon!"
After 20-25 minutes of standing in line, we finally boarded the ride and got our first official picture of our DIS meet

I'm such a tool I saw this and wondered how it turned to night so quick and then realized it was inside the pavilion not a picture of the outside ; ) All those blonde highlights must be seeping into the brain

I tried to get a group shot and failed unsuccessfully for a plethora of reasons. One, the whole group was not in the photo. Two, Pam wasn’t looking. And Three, DM looks like she wants to kill me. At least I’m smiling! :thumbsup2
#WorstDISMeetPhotoEver ; )

Oh my gosh, I’ve been missing out on this scrumptious caramel. So soft and sweet! Like me ::yes::
How have you not tried this before???? It's ah-maz-ing. And yes of course soft and sweet just like you ; )

After our intense ride through space, I spotted a PP! And look how messed up they came out!

Seriously these are photo pass pictures?

Oh DH. He loves to crack himself up ::yes::
Wow, he just screams catalog model! Does he have another career we don't know about?

Back into the World Showcase we went, where we showed Pam and DM the really cool spot that DH and I discovered back in 2010. We were walking along from Canada towards the UK Pavilion, when we noticed a large gate that was open and noticed a few people taking pictures with characters. We walked in and the CM shut the gate behind us to not allow any more people to walk in but we were able to meet the most random characters
This is amazing. How have I never discovered this!!!!! We found a few training characters over by journey into imagination, but nothing to this degree. Very cool!
Hey Lesha! I'm back again haha. I have been so busy with my life, I have neglected the DIS for awhile. Your day at EPCOT sounded so much fun, I have always wanted to try Nine Dragons as well. Your pictures were also so cute. ANd those treats you were all eating....looked heavenly! Seeing your great updates reminds me I have to go back and tend to my TR lol.


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