HRH Rocks [Day 4] Check-out, lunch at PBH and random thoughts

Gator Kate

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Aug 18, 1999
Kathy : (aka Gator Kate) 47 years young
Robin : my sis , 42
Nancy : my best friend since 7th grade, also 47


Check-out was quick and easy with no mistakes on the bill. My last stay at PBH had many overcharges so I was pleased to think they're making progress in that department. Walked over to Trattoria for lunch, good salads and Robin raved about her Reuben sandwich. All in all we had a really fun trip. I didn't miss the parks, we do that when we bring my sister's kids. It felt more like a resort experience since we hung around the hotel more. Would have liked to have enjoyed the pool but it was windy, overcast, coolish. Not inviting pool weather. The club level was fun but the food was pretty mediocre. Other then the 1st night's tasty california rolls I can't say I really enjoyed much else. Some of the other offerings were raw and roasted veggies, cold cuts(ham,salami..) dry tabouli and disgusting potato salad. Really, it was either "off" or flavored badly. The music played throughout the hotel wasn't too loud and mostly pop rock. Nor were we bothered by any music coming from neighboring rooms. Much better insulation then most of the WDW hotels I've stayed in. The staff was mostly courteous and efficient. Several were unable to answer basic questions or gave misinformation. I think they're undertrained.
Hopefully that will improve. The weakest staff was housekeeping. Aside from the disgusting dirty sheets the 1st day (which I'm trying to block from my memory) they also only emptied 1 of the 2 trash
baskets and didn't leave any clean washclothes one day. This would not keep me from going back nor did it prevent me from having a great time. It's just unfortunate that at luxury prices one has to endure that level of service.
Thank you to everyone who has posted a trip report.It's always such a big help and I hope I've returned the favor.

Thanks for your nice reports. Sorry about the gross beds ... we're leaving for hrh in two weeks..will be sure to check out the bedding situation. Hopefully, hhousekeeping will improve.
Thanks for the reports Kate! I enjoyed reading them all!

I thoroughly enjoyed your trip reports! I really think you should write a letter to the hotel, and maybe to Loew's directly, about the negative aspects of your experience. If nothing else, it would probably make you feel better!


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