HRH FOTL Question: Who Can Use IT?


Earning My Ears
Feb 26, 2001
My sister and her daughters live in Orlando, and I am staying at the HRH in April.

Do I have to offically regiter them if I want them to have FOTL with me? Is the number of people in my rooom on the pass/key that gives me FOTL access?

Also, I'd appreciate it if someone could point me to a detauiled description of FOTL for HRH guests. I have pieced a lot together from this board, but haven't found a complete desciption anywhere that answers all of my questions.

In case somebody is bored and wants to answer all of my question, here they are:

1. If I check in at 10 am, can I use FOTL? How about the day I check out, can I use it all day?

2. Can I bring people along with me to the FOTL, or does everybody in my room have to show a key/pass?

3. What rides is FOTL on/not on?

4. I read somewhere that you can use FOTL on a ride once an hour; is that accurate?

5. Is FOTL in IOA and the Studios?

6. Is FOTL all the time-every day, or do they suspend privileges some times during the day?

7. Is the a special line to get in like fastpass, or do I show an attendent my key/pass, and they tell me where to go?

To use FOTL, every member of your party needs a key.

FOTL runs all day at both park, USF and IOA. Usually, you show your key and are escorted to the FOTL line. This may change, as now the keys are scanned in for the one FOTL ride per day. FOTL is good for the dates on your key, whether or not you check in early.

The following rides do not accept FOTL:
Pterandon Flyers at IOA, Fifel's slide at USF


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
Everything is subject to change in the near future, but I have been a hotel guest three times (twice in the past month) and here is my experience:

1) Yes, you can use it the day you check in and the day you check out. Register at the hotel and get a key, even if you don't get your room.

2) I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with Barry here, in my experience, yes, only one person needs to show their key. My brother lives in Florida and he and his girlfriend have come along twice with me on FOTL tours of the parks without his own key.

3) It's only not on One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish, Pteradon Flyers, and Woody's Fun House Coaster I believe ... maybe one or two others, but in general its on all rides with only a few exceptions.

4) Not in my experience is there an hourly limit, but the only ride I've ever riden back-to-back was MIB, but others have reported they've riden other rides over and over. This is something that will be reportedly changing.

5) Yes, both parks.

6) All day, every day now (used to only be until noon).

7) Show your key to the attendant at the front of the ride and they'll tell you where to go, this varies widely by ride, so you have to ask
Thanks for the Info....

I guess the don't publish anything so they can change it whenever they want!


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