How many of you Solos own DVC?


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Jul 11, 2001
How many points do you own? Do you sometimes take friends/family with you?
Solo here and DVC member. I have 330 points. I bought a 260 point OKW resale and added on 70 points at VWL. I occasionally will take friends but for the most part I go solo.
I own at OKW, VB, BWV and VWL - I love it. Yes I do take my family and friends - first solo trip will be this December - I can't wait. I traveled before I brought DVC to WDW solo about every other year - but when I brought at DVC they were having the free tickets - and I hated to waste them so I generally brought friends or family. Now though who knows - maybe every year I will go solo. It depends upon how much fun I have this december.
I am single and I own 670 points. I usually take my two daughters and last trip I let them each bring a friend so they would not get bored - teens you know! LOL.
I am a single and I own 200 points at OKW. I go more often by myself. I have taken my brother and his family and a friend and her family also. However, even then I usually just stay with them for the first half of their stay and then I leave!
I am single and before I bought DVC I went to WDW once a year, now that I own a DVC membership I go to WDW 3-4 times a year. I either travel with my children(who are young adults) take a friend or take solo trips. I enjoy all my trips whomever they are with but I must say I realllllllly enjoy my solo trips. I do more, meet more people and it is time for just me, which is great!!

DVC OKW HERE. Bought in 94 or 95 (can't remember which) and the 4 of us always went together.....Then the kids got older and I wound up going twice a year---once with child and friend and the other with all of us. Then the kids were in college and it got much harder to plan ahead and the kids interest just wasn't there.......Then Hubby---self- employed, found it harder and harder to get away........I have gone with friends, my aunt, and other relatives. Then last year I decided I would go Solo---------and that was great.........I am going solo again in April and I can't wait ( a little scared to fly though). Then the 4 of us PLUS RELATIVES are supposed to go in July...We'll see how that turns out.....The solo is great though. Did a massage and facial last year. I don't have anything planned for this year yet---Maybe a tour (anyone have any suggestions?). What I like best is that you can do whatever you want when you want and don't have to even think about if someone else wants to do the same. Started out with 210 points --we now have 600.....Haven't tried any other avenues with the DVC. I figure we can do that when we are older and not working so hard...Hawaii is on the top of that list......:pinkbounc
I'm single with 500 OKW points. I give my brother and his wife a week at BWV for a Christmas present every year with some of my points. DD travels with me whenever she gets a chance (in med school in VA now, so this isn't too frequent now). The rest of my trips are either solo or with friends.
I'm single with 900 points, and thinking seriously of another 100 at BCV (but will see the units in person this weekend to make sure I like them).

In the beginning, when the free park passes were included I invited friends & family all the time - and let them use the passes. Since I got that out of my system, though, most of my trips are solo and the ones during school vacations are my 15yr old son & me. I'm fortunate to visit almost monthly, and so I am *not* interested in all in spending hours in the theme parks - which is the main thing that keeps me from inviting others. I don't want to appear rude by not spending time with them, but I just don't want to spend my time in the parks all day - so I'm happy with the solo trips where I can do as much or as little as I want.
I'm single and own 230 points at OKW. I bought them back in 1994.

Most trips are solo but I have invited friends on several occassions and even sent my cousins down one year. They had a 2 Br for 5 days in July.
These posts are very encouraging! We have 532 VWL points, but dh has admitted he could care less if he goes to WDW or not!!So......I'm trying to get up the nerve to go solo next month and again in May! I guess dh thought I was going to rent all those points????? Forget it, those are for me! Anyone else with a reluctant spouse?
Future single DVC owner...will be buying 175 points at BCV in April.

I have a single friend who is also buying at BCV, we will sometimes be transferring points and going together for our stays so that we can use half the points necessary.
If you get 210 points you will get a 7 night free stay - 150 is 5 night stay - at a deluxe resort. but you can do plenty with a 175 points.
Technically not solo, but two adults with no kids who own DVC here. DH and I purchased 400 points - 150 at VWL and 250 at BWV - just this past December! We do plan to do a few large family/friend vacations, but mostly we bought to splurge on ourselves!! :D
We're like the WDWGuru: Two adults, no kids. We own 220 points at Vero Beach and would like to add on at VWL or BCV sometime soon. We enjoy our vacations with just the two of us. Last December we brought 4 of my in-laws along and I personally found it exhausting. They had either never been to WDW before, or had been a long time ago and expected us to tell them what to do. Now I understand if you don't know what's available, you don't know what to do, but we would ask "Do you want to do X or Y?" and they still wouldn't give us an answer. Next time (if there is a next time), we'll get seperate rooms and just tell them to meet us somewhere for dinner and leave their days up to them to plan. OK, done venting.
Single with 340 points. I go by myself, with friends, or with family. I have taken family for 10 days in a GV at OKW--I had other friends and family in studios for 2 nights--to celebrate my parents' anniversary. I have taken my mom for Flower and Garden Festival, each of my nieces separately, and another friend who had never been to WDW. My best friend is a DVC member, too, so we have combined points from time to time.
While every trip has been unique and enjoyable, and it is fun to share WDW with others, I probably enjoy going solo best because then I don't feel responsible for ensuring everyone has a good time.
I own 150 points plus I am in the process of buying out a friend with whom I own another timeshare in Orlando. I love the way DVC works...I'm going to go to Disney at least 4 times in 18 months...maybe more. But even better I probably wont go back to WDW for a couple of years after that...I'll try out Hilton Head and Vero before returning. ...Welll....I'll go back to Disney I just won't stay on site!

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