How many kids do you have?

We have 2, DD11 and DD7. We're done, unless God has other plans for us ;) I would have maybe liked to have more, but DD11 has Asperger's Syndrome, and takes up a lot of my time. I also don't think she could handle a crying baby in the house (sensory issues). That's ok, though...we just "borrow" other kids and enjoy that :goodvibes
We have 5 children 4 boys and one girl. They are 17,15,9 and 7 year old twins and I would not change one thing. We have heard it all about having 5 children but they all know they are loved. WE do not get invited to other homes much, but that is cool because they each have friends and they go their separate ways most of the time. This will be our third trip to Disney in June and we have a blast.
I have 3 but there is a big gap between my oldest dd and my younger two. My oldest dd is 25, my ds is 7 and my "baby" dd is 5. We also had two losses - one between dd and ds at 9 weeks and one between ds and dd at 21 weeks. I closed my baby factory just after dd5 had her first birthday (I am in my mid-40's).
We have 3 boys... 3+ years apart each. People in DHs family thought we were crazy to have another after DS#2 came along... I was told here on the DISboards when we were trying for #3 that # was teh new 2 (kids that is).

I am from a family of 5 kids, so it just felt right to me. DH has one brother. I hemmed and hawed after DS#2 was born weather or not to have another. DH and I decided that we didnt want to wake up when we were 45 and wish we had had another... YEs its busy, and hard to soemtimes accomodate, but i wouldnt change it for the world. We wanted 3 kids, regardless of what their sex was...

DH had "Brain Surgery" so there will be no more kiddos for us! ;)
We have 4...boys. I don't get comments on the number of kids more than the fact that they are all I get the usual are you going to try for a girl? too bad your last one wasn't a girl. Junk like that. I love my 4 boys :lovestruc. Honestly I don't know what I would do with a girl.

Plan was for 2 kids. Got rid of everything. 3 months later, I wanted another. Then #4 came as a surprise, but I can't imagine my life without him. Sure it is crazy with 4, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I never dreamed of having 4.

We then realized that 4 kids was perfect because we will never have odd riders at Disney! :goodvibes
We have two ... our little girl turned 6 last week and our little boy is 4. We were done at two no matter what the first two were. DH and I both come from families of 4 and being the youngest.
We have 3. It might have to do with how close they are in age. My three averaged 18 mths apart from each other and I got comments ALL the time.
We have 4- DD19, DS13, DD10 and DD1.
We dont tend to get stares, but everytime I go to Walmart for grocery shopping I have at least one person say "boy you have a cartfull!". I usually say, we have a family of 6, but I dont understand why I feel the need to defend my cart of food:confused3 but I do:sad2:
We have one right now, but will be trying for our second shortly. I would love to have 4 or 5, but I don't think our finances could handle that. Plus DH would probably go crazy! lol
We are constantly getting comments about having SOOOOOOO many kids and having SUCH a big family. I never thought of 3 kids as a large family.

We just have 1 - by choice - and we too constantly get comments about how "wrong" it is to have any only child. I've heard everything from my son is going to grow up spoiled, anti-social, and lonely to how selfish I am for not giving birth to a playmate for him
So don't think the comment thing is exclusive to the "big" families...I've come to the conclusion that if I had no kids, 12 kids, or 5 babboons in my family, someone, somewhere would have something to say about it. :rotfl:
We have three.. hope to add #4 sometime next year ;)
We just had baby #4 in Feb. and we get the "you're nuts!!" comments constantly! I really never thought that 4 kids was all that many and I'm an only child so... I mean go back a few decades, my mom is one of 8 and dad is one of 7, it's not that strange. Honestly...we may have more...but oh no what would people think!! ha ha :rotfl:
I'm just curious..have you talked to many only children about their experiences? I only ask because I am an only child myself and I admit to making comments myself. I don't think there is anything "wrong" w/ it and although I will admit to being spoiled ;) I didn't grow up anti-social. I just know that for me ...I hated being an only child, I still do and when I look to the parents needing assistance, etc. I will still hate it b/c as will all fall on me. Ok ok, I'll get off my soapbox now...
Please don't take offense:worship:, I'm only stating my personal opinion from my own experiences.:)
I'm just curious..have you talked to many only children about their experiences? I only ask because I am an only child myself and I admit to making comments myself. I don't think there is anything "wrong" w/ it and although I will admit to being spoiled ;) I didn't grow up anti-social. I just know that for me ...I hated being an only child, I still do and when I look to the parents needing assistance, etc. I will still hate it b/c as will all fall on me. Ok ok, I'll get off my soapbox now...
Please don't take offense:worship:, I'm only stating my personal opinion from my own experiences.:)

No offense taken....:goodvibes
It's actually my experience as the oldest of 3 children, the dynamic that existed in my house, and my belief that we are not destined to be close friends just because my mother gave birth to all of us that led me to the conclusion that having an only child was the right choice for me.

You know what they say about the grass always being grenner...
when I look to the parents needing assistance, etc. I will still hate it b/c as will all fall on me. Ok ok, I'll get off my soapbox now...

Unfortunately, my mother has cancer right now. My brother is useless, my sister lives a few thousand miles away. It all fell to me regardless.


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