How many DVC'ers would never go in July or August??

We were at SSR from July 6-14th. It was hot, but at the same time it was 104 heat index at home (NJ). We are headed back to OKW late August. Yes it will be hot, hopefully not too crowded but you know what they say. A hot day in DISNEY sure beats a cool day in Jersey!!!! Can't wait to go
We almost always go in August, but this year we went in July and never will again. The crowds were higher and there were a lot of tour groups. We're already planning our trip for next August.

DITTO!!!!!!!! We will never go again in July either! We typically go in August, but this was our third July trip and it was by far the most crowded. Thankfully, we were there for 9 (glorious) days! We actually waited 20-25 minutes in line for FP's for RnR! Yes, the FP line! I have never seen this! The tour group guides monopolize the machines with STACKS of passes. :headache:
We have done late August/early September twice.....NEVER again!! WAY too hot for us. Then if the heat isn't enough, the rains will drown you! It seemed like we were always miserable from the weather.
A little local intel here. September is usually worse than July in Florida. August and September are usually the worst months of summer. It's often not until mid-October that the temps begin to go down a bit.

Summer in Central or South Florida is hot, humid, rainy, and sometimes buggy depending on where you are. On the bright side, it's that way in most places in summer, except where it's hot and dry. If you want real misery, go to Washington, DC or Atlanta in July, August, or September! The difference is, at WDW, you are at Disney World!

If you go during the worst part of the summer, the prudent visitor will modify their schedule a bit. You go earlier in the day, plan for the daily late afternoon thunderstorms, and take advantage of late EMH. You stay out of the sun as much as possible, wear sunblock and a hat, drink a lot of water, duck into air conditioned attractions during the hotter periods...common sense stuff. And you have a great time.

I agree...we live between D.C. and Baltimore and it can get very hot here...but the way I look at is .....WE ARE AT WDW.....if you have to be hot....being at Disney would be my choice.
I am not a hot weather fan - although we currently have torrid conditions right now in southeastern PA! :eek:

We've visited WDW during just about every possible month. May is my personal favorite, followed closely by early December. We've done July and August three times and it is just too humid for comfort, IMHO. Since I am fair-skinned, spending lots of time at the pool is not really an option for me (even after layering down with lots of SPF 45!:goodvibes ), but that does not stop the rest of my crew.

We have school concerns too, but we try to get to WDW in June (not much of a difference temp-wise, but sometimes the humidity is less oppressive). As we see breaks in schedules, we plan quick trips too, but try to avoid major holidays, especially summer ones. (crowds + heat = :scared1: ). Maybe someday the hot, humid weather will not affect me as much. Right now, :sad2:
I have logged over 20 WDW trips and all but one was in either June, July, or August. I am also a teacher so I don't have the luxury of planning week long vacations other times of the year. I agree with other posters; it is just as hot in NJ as in FL in summer so I would much rather be in WDW. We now almost always go in August. I might consider the week after school gets out in June, but never in July again.:cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :cool1:
We went last summer in Aug for the first time. At first I was dreading it... the heat, the crowds and t-storms... but it turned out to be a great trip. We went the third week of Aug when the southern schools including FL were back in session. We never waited long for any ride, the early hours at MK we had some rides to ourselves. We would go back to the hotel in the afternoon and swim and rest then it was back to the parks for rides and fireworks. It was a great vacation. We went this July 7thru 10. We missed the Fourth of July crowds:banana: but the tour groups were EVERYWHERE! We didn't have that last Aug. I would give August a chance. It's hotter here in Maryland right now than in Orlando:scared: So Florida sounds like a relief to me:thumbsup2
While I might consider visiting the "world" in the summer, there is no way I would visit the "parks".
I have always said I would never do the parks in July or August.

Now that being said, my industry is having a conference at the Dolphin in late August. Let's see.... a quick walk over from BWV, basically a tax deductible trip, just as hot here as it is in Florida, a never expire day left on our park tickets from last year, Hmmmm.....
I always said that I would never go to WDW in July or August in a million years. BUT....

I had the opportunity to go to a conference for work in, we are headed down in a few weeks (Aug. 27 - Sept. 2).

Planning minimal park time and maximum pool and lounge-around time...we are going to play it by ear.
Just back from 6 days and 5 nights in Orlando. We found the humidity higher, but the temps were actually lower than what people were experiencing here at home. Our strategy, like others, is to get up early, stay in the parks until around 1, rest at room, return for dinner and evening. We did very well and enjoyed our time. We took Day 3 off from the parks and just hung out at the pool. Our only "poor" weather day was yesterday, when the showers started at noon and lightening closed the High Rock Pool at Saratoga for most of the afternoon. We hung out, and left for the airport early, only to discover our plane was delayed for an hour and a half, also due to the weather.

Would we go again in July or August? YES We did see tour groups, but the ones we observed were well-behaved. I even heard a chaperone insisting that her group stay behind the yellow line as instructed by a CM. We used all of TGM's suggestions and never waited more than 15 minutes in a queue. We did have technical issues delaying the first show of Nemo the Musical for 15 minutes, but I'm not counting that.

DH is a teacher, so while I agree with an earlier poster about optimal times being May, October, and early December, I have to wait for him to retire to check all of those out. (And for me to accumulate more vacation time).
Never in July and only in late Aug. We use to live 5 minutes from WDW and the summer crowds mixed with the heat is miserable. I know it is the only time for families with school age kids, but this non kid family would never do it!
This will be our first DVC visit in Aug. At first I was so excited to be a member and plan our first trip I didn't care when we went. Then a few weeks later reality set in and I realized WHEW THAT IS GOING TO BE HOT. BUT....since then I have had an open mind, read a lot on the Dis boards about Aug. trips and then I started thinking tonight..... hmmmm Of the people that say THEY WOULD NEVER GO IN many of those people are actual DVC members. I would think that staying in a DVC resort with much nicer accomodations and a lot more SPACE....would make for an alright vacation even if it feels like 100 outside. I mean....last Aug. we rented a 3 bedroom condo on the Gulf at Ft. Walton...and WE LOVED IT. So why not LOVE WDW IN AUGUST now that we are able to stay in plush accomodations. I think I have balanced our trip to include time at the resort, sleeping in when we do an evening park...and basically only doing 1/2 day parks with plenty of POOL TIME. We are even trying the water parks for the first time. SO WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON THIS??? Thanks
We just got back from 5 nights in a 1BR @ SSR in July, and it was VERY HOT. We used to go in Sept, when the kids could afford to miss a week of school. Now with our oldest in Middle School, that isn't possible anymore. We have also been a couple of times in December and this past Janurary for Marathon Weekend.

That being said, we tried to work around the heat by going to the pools, water parks, and D. Quest in the mornings / afternoons and taking full advantage of evening X-tra Magic Hours to do most of our park visiting in the late afternoon / evenings when the sun is down.

This was another interesting thing from going for the 1st time in the summer. We were not used to the parks being open so late compared to "winter time". I was astonished that extra magic @ MK was from 11-2! :-)
I would never go in July or August - I don't deal well with heat and humidity and I'd melt into a puddle! We love November, December, January, Feb, and March, though...April starts getting a little too warm for my comfort, though I can deal with it.

I had the opportunity to go to a conference (which work would've paid for) at Coronado Springs in July two years ago - I said no way, but my two co-workers went...and they were hot, humid, and miserable. And now they understand why I had absolutely no interest in going! :-)
Me, me! I would NEVER go in July or August. Only went in June once and it was way too hot and crowded for our taste! The off-season is a huge perk of DVC for us.
Well we returned late Thursday on the 23rd of Aug. and I have to say...I would do it again. Yes it was hot, but not enough to deter us from never going in Aug. We never had rain, we learned to be out of the parks by 1:00 and not to return til abou 6. The best parks to be in were MK and EC...lots to dart in and out of to cool off. We felt the heat more at AK and MGM. Do we prefer our Jan/Nov. becha...but Aug. is doable.
Not only did I go during the second week of August, but I stayed over a weekend on points. :scared1:

Would I go again in August? Yes!

Will I ever splurge my precious points to pay the outrageous weekend point rates again? Probably not. :rotfl:
I just got back on the 23rd from 7 nights at SSR. We hated it. It was so hot and humid we did not really enjoy the trip at all. We'll never go back in the summer again.

It'll be December for us from now on. Hated it.
No way will you catch me at WDW in July or August. My season runs from Oct-very early June.
Nope, no way! I get more heat and humidity than I can handle up in NJ. Why would I want to set myself up to have a rotten vacation?

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