How many DVC'ers would never go in July or August??

Unless it was absolutely, positively a necessity, we would not go in the Summer. We were there for a really hot spell one May and it was miserable. Another time in September, the kids didn't even want to be in the parks it was so humid. We are fall/winter visitors.;)
We have gone in July and August. July trips are usually parkless for us so we spend much of our time at the resort pool or go to the water parks. August is about the same but we might spend 1 or 2 days at the parks. The parks are usually a little less crowded.

Keep in mind that September can be just as hot as August. We are planning a trip for next July! Can't wait!
You will never see my feet inside the state of Florida in either July or August. Add June and September, for that matter. I don't like it really really hot or really really humid.
We always go Labor Day weekend (except this year) and sometimes during August. It's the best time for us to travel and we don't mind the hot weather.
I may go again some day during July or August, you never know. However, as I have reached the age where my kids are grown, I have found I have no desire to fight the tour groups or heat/humidity. My favorite times are in March (still crowded during spring break, but weather is great), November and December.
I don't want to take my kids out of school and my husband cannot get any more than 2 or 3 days off in a row around the Christmas/New Years time - so, it is either Spring Break or Summer for us.

We tried July this year and I would do it again. It was very hot, but we still had an enjoyable vacation. The crowds didn't really bother us - we arrived at park opening and left after lunch to relax in our air conditioned 1 bedroom. We reserved the evenings for leisurely swims or dinner in the parks.

We are trying Spring Break time in 2008. Summer points are less than Spring Break, but I hear Spring Break weather is nice. If we could, I would continue to visit in January or February - not too crowded and definately not to hot - and cheap points.

You do what you've gotta do ...
I'm a winter and spring WDW visitor. I doubt I'll ever consider going in the summer. I get pretty cranky in extreme heat and humidity :mad: and I'd hate to inflict my crabbiness on anyone when it's so hot. :sad2:
From another post I wrote about how jealous I am of those going to WDW in August this year...we're taking the year off. There are lots of positives to this time of year!

I really enjoy going in August. Yes, another time of year might be better, but DH is a teacher and so summer is best for us. Even though some of the things I mentioned might sound negative, we have a great time at WDW in August...despite the heat and the crowds.

For example, we never worry about it being warm enough to swim...we get wet on Kali River Rapids and dry off before we leave the park (unless we hit a thunderstorm - but those can also be refreshing)...we don't plan our time around when Wishes will be shown, since it's usually every night...we're never tempted to spend mid-day in the parks (and so always go back to the room for a rest)...we never pack jackets or coats - or even long pants...we sweat off the calories from our Mickey ice cream bars while walking between attractions...we visit all the gifts shops on the way out of each park, because they are air conditioned...we buy fun Disney-themed hats to keep the sun off...we don't get cold at Fantasmic when the water effects blow over the crowd...and, summer in Philadephia doesn't feel so hot when we return.
I would never go in July or August.
September is pushing it on heat level for me. Give me January any time!
It appears we're in the minority here, but, we would never go in July or August. We've had a juggle just a bit due to school and work schedules (our youngest just graduated from hs and we bought DVC when our oldest was still in times youngest missed a few days of school. Most vacations with the kids have been and will continue to be around college breaks (i.e. the three weeks around Christmas) although NOT Christmas week......made that mistake only once. I think the only exception I would ever make for a July or August visit would be strictly a relaxing resort visit (pools, reading, dinner out and more pools) parks....and I don't know if I could be at WDW and manage NOT to visit any parks so I won't ever attempt it.
Even more important, my wife refuses to go during the hot months. :laughing:
We also would not go in either July or August. September is also pushing it for us, but with low points and low crowds, we go at that time.
Most of my trips have been in late August because of better prices prior to buying DVC. It is hot, but last year we went in mid-July and I found that to be too hot!! :eek:

I would prefer September, but my husband teaches, so we can't manage it.
I think I'd rather be dropped into a vat of boiling oil rather than head to Disney in the summer. If the heat didn't do it the crowds would surely turn me into a 3-dimensional version of Maleficent.

I've been forced to turn my yearly Williamsburg trip into a summer visit so my nieces and nephews can join me. But once I graduated college and went to work for myself, I've adopted a strict Anti-Usual Schedule. I actually pity those who are forced to adopt school and 9-5 schedules. No wonder so many crave graduations and retirement to begin living.
I am DVC member. I have gone in July. It was hot. The beauty, for me, of being a DVC member is that I go more often than I used to, so if I am in a park and am getting really hot, I just leave, go to the pool, or do something somewhere cool (shop, for example!). Being a DVC member lets me think "Well, if I don't see it this time, I'll see it next time".
We went last July and said never again in summer... but to our surprise we are heading there in August. As our daughter gets older the amount of time we can take her out of school gets less... so we reluctantly choose the least of school vacation evils and will try late August this time.
I'm a winter and spring WDW visitor. I doubt I'll ever consider going in the summer. I get pretty cranky in extreme heat and humidity :mad: and I'd hate to inflict my crabbiness on anyone when it's so hot. :sad2:

Yeppers, me too!
I would never go in July or August.
September is pushing it on heat level for me. Give me January any time!
A little local intel here. September is usually worse than July in Florida. August and September are usually the worst months of summer. It's often not until mid-October that the temps begin to go down a bit.

Summer in Central or South Florida is hot, humid, rainy, and sometimes buggy depending on where you are. On the bright side, it's that way in most places in summer, except where it's hot and dry. If you want real misery, go to Washington, DC or Atlanta in July, August, or September! The difference is, at WDW, you are at Disney World!

If you go during the worst part of the summer, the prudent visitor will modify their schedule a bit. You go earlier in the day, plan for the daily late afternoon thunderstorms, and take advantage of late EMH. You stay out of the sun as much as possible, wear sunblock and a hat, drink a lot of water, duck into air conditioned attractions during the hotter periods...common sense stuff. And you have a great time.
My DD dances and every third year, her studio opts for a National competition in Orlando at the Swan/ July. So, rather than pay for lodging at a standard hotel, we use points and go for a 1 or 2 BR, depending on how many from the family are going.

I would never go voluntarily during July or August, though, if I was just picking the month! Last year, DD was invited to go with a friend for a few days in August. She would have endured crowds of millions and flaming heat to go to WDW....and did so....and more power to her! (And the oh-so-kind family who took her!)

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