HORRIBLE experience @ after hours. Any remedies? RANT LONG

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Earning My Ears
May 30, 2019
So, last night of a short trip with my four year old. It is his first time here, and my first time here in 10+ years. I booked an after-hours at animal kingdom for tonight and I am already back in hotel. Feeling emotional. Disappointed trip ended on this note.

To fill in

My son and I go to the lobby around 6 and as what time they suggest we leave for the after hours. They say they recommend leaving soon, because they usually let people in fairly early. I say "6:30"- the say "oh yes for sure."

Okay, so we get there abut 6:15. Its raining. They aren't letting anyone in. We are just standing in rain. Finally, about 6:45, they let us in. Its now thunder storming HARD. Like, really bad. Okay- I immediately feel a little sad knowing some rides will be closed, knowing I spent all that money, but I decide to suck it up- this will be a life long memory and the rain will only make it more exciting I think. Plus, it was the risk I took

First- we decide to do bugs life. We just need to get in somewhere. I mistakenly took my stroller, so when I got to the door to go in the standby area, they told me they would take my stroller and park it by the others. We go in the theater, and the people before us won't leave- the rain is too bad. The doors won't close. They are trying to pile back in. Its chaos. Finally, they all get back in and sit through the movie with us again. Long delay.

Okay- movie is good. WE leave, its pouring- As I exit, I tell person working about stroller situation and ask where it will be parked- "With the others" I am told.

So I walk "to the others"- its not close. Its a good 5 min walk, in absolute POURING rain. No Stroller. I ask someone else "Oh it should be here. Its not?" We are looking everywhere. 15 min later, after phone calls "Oh, its by the exit actually, you just didn't see it" (it was parked at the exit row behind us) Walk back, pouring rain, get stroller.

Next, we need another indoor ride! Dinosaur. We walk over there, and DINOSAUR IS CLOSED- okay, so not only are the outdoor rides closed, but now also DINOSAUR. But wow, suddenly triceratops spin is opened. Which is weird because its pouring. I guess they were desperate to have some ride open there. Of course my 4 year old sees it, and wants to ride- why not, we are already sopping wet.

So we get on. Then the operator comes up to us and says " You guys should really sit in the front row. The front row lifts you up and down. "No, its fine" I say- He says "No you REALLY should. If you don't you won't be able to go up and down".... oookkk So we move to the front. I get off first and as my son is getting off SLIPS, FALLS and his leg gets TRAPPED under the ride, the part with the stars and the concrete.

He is four, so he is screaming, sobbing. I am trying to unstuck his leg. Everyone is looking dumbfounded. That ride 100% should not have been open- he was in tennis shoes, and slipped and fell SO hard. I finally get his leg out and pick him up trying to console him. The operator says " Is his leg okay?" I tell him I don't know, I need to sit him down and look at it.

I find the exit sit at the bench. His legs are bleeding. There are FOUR workers around, and not one has asked if we are okay. They are laughing and chatting. He is SCREAMING sobbing (over dramatic 4 year old, but they were bloody). Finally, I say " EXCUSE ME... my son needs a bandaid"- I am told "There's a store over there." and points to a store.

OOOOOKKKK so I am carrying my child, with bloody legs, who is hysterical, in the pouring rain, to a store. And as I reach the store, the store is CLOSED. So I have no clue where to go, so I go back to the people working there

"That store is closed" I say.

"Well, you will have to find another somewhere." They say

"My child just got injured on your ride. Your ride is too slippery, and Im thinking it shouldn't be operating right now. He is hysterical and bleeding. Can you please help me get a bandaid or something?"

"No, we can't give you a bandaid because we aren't allowed to."

They then literally turn around and start dancing and laughing....

It was INSANE. There was absolutely ZERO concern for him, or for me, a single mom, with a bloody and screaming crying child, in pouring rain, no clue where to go to find a damn bandaid, and NO one willing to help.

So I just walk off. IDK where I am going, but I finally find a store where someone happily sells us bandaids.

At this point, my child wants to leave. I can't blame him. Its pouring rain, he's hurt- but I still want to try to have some fun so I start asking around for where our "free food/drinks" are

Oh, they are all closed except one, on the opposite side of the park, for "worker safety" So, in the entire after hours, there was ONE stand open for anything. I said, I just need a water, can I please get a water somewhere?

"If you want to pay. If you want it for free you have to walk to other side of park."

Are you kidding me?

At this point we left.

We are in hotel.
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First aid is indoors and would have treated your son. I'm surprised a CM didn't direct you to there. I feel your pain about a rainy event. We went through the same thing both in May and August. Quite honestly, if the rain is that bad, virtually everything shut down, you should've asked for a refund. I know they say they don't give them, but they quite often do when it's a total rain out. I got one for the after hours at HS and didn't even ask. Just went to guest services to try and re-schedule and they offered it.
Here is the bright side. You now have a crazy memory with your child that you can talk about forever.

It really sucks that it didn't go amazing though. Like someone else said maybe hit the front desk to see about a refund?
Definitely go to Guest Services or e mail them if you don’t have time to go in person. They do care about making things right most of the time. And I’m very shocked & surprised you weren’t directed to first aid. It would have been helpful to get the CMs names but I’m sure that was the last thing on your mind. I hope your son is okay & that the good memories outweigh the bad.
OP, I'm sorry you had such a bad night. I really feel for you and your son, and he doesn't sound overdramatic to me, poor baby. I am glad you took him back to the hotel where you can be warm and dry and cuddle.
I hope you do get a refund. It is good to learn where the first aid is in each park. Things happen--blisters, sunblock in eyes, etc.
Wow... Just wow... I can't STAND workers who act like that (and please no 'they aren't paid well' comments, that behaviour is unacceptable, to just dance and not care that there is a paying customer in need). You weren't asking for anything unreasonable. Helping you with an injured child should not only be in their job description, but should be common sense. Considering that there were several of them around, ONE of them should have at least helped you find the First Aid area. I know that it wasn't really the time or place for you to try and find someone to complain to about that (as you had your child to care for). I'm so sorry and am sending you hugs for this nightmare of a night! Just a question for those who have been to the After Hours events, is it an 'at your own risk' event, where you don't get a refund if it's rained out?
So, last night of a short trip with my four year old. It is his first time here, and my first time here in 10+ years. I booked an after-hours at animal kingdom for tonight and I am already back in hotel. Feeling emotional. Disappointed trip ended on this note.

To fill in

My son and I go to the lobby around 6 and as what time they suggest we leave for the after hours. They say they recommend leaving soon, because they usually let people in fairly early. I say "6:30"- the say "oh yes for sure."

Okay, so we get there abut 6:15. Its raining. They aren't letting anyone in. We are just standing in rain. Finally, about 6:45, they let us in. Its now thunder storming HARD. Like, really bad. Okay- I immediately feel a little sad knowing some rides will be closed, knowing I spent all that money, but I decide to suck it up- this will be a life long memory and the rain will only make it more exciting I think. Plus, it was the risk I took

First- we decide to do bugs life. We just need to get in somewhere. I mistakenly took my stroller, so when I got to the door to go in the standby area, they told me they would take my stroller and park it by the others. We go in the theater, and the people before us won't leave- the rain is too bad. The doors won't close. They are trying to pile back in. Its chaos. Finally, they all get back in and sit through the movie with us again. Long delay.

Okay- movie is good. WE leave, its pouring- As I exit, I tell person working about stroller situation and ask where it will be parked- "With the others" I am told.

So I walk "to the others"- its not close. Its a good 5 min walk, in absolute POURING rain. No Stroller. I ask someone else "Oh it should be here. Its not?" We are looking everywhere. 15 min later, after phone calls "Oh, its by the exit actually, you just didn't see it" (it was parked at the exit row behind us) Walk back, pouring rain, get stroller.

Next, we need another indoor ride! Dinosaur. We walk over there, and DINOSAUR IS CLOSED- okay, so not only are the outdoor rides closed, but now also DINOSAUR. But wow, suddenly triceratops spin is opened. Which is weird because its pouring. I guess they were desperate to have some ride open there. Of course my 4 year old sees it, and wants to ride- why not, we are already sopping wet.

So we get on. Then the operator comes up to us and says " You guys should really sit in the front row. The front row lifts you up and down. "No, its fine" I say- He says "No you REALLY should. If you don't you won't be able to go up and down".... oookkk So we move to the front. I get off first and as my son is getting off SLIPS, FALLS and his leg gets TRAPPED under the ride, the part with the stars and the concrete.

He is four, so he is screaming, sobbing. I am trying to unstuck his leg. Everyone is looking dumbfounded. That ride 100% should not have been open- he was in tennis shoes, and slipped and fell SO hard. I finally get his leg out and pick him up trying to console him. The operator says " Is his leg okay?" I tell him I don't know, I need to sit him down and look at it.

I find the exit sit at the bench. His legs are bleeding. There are FOUR workers around, and not one has asked if we are okay. They are laughing and chatting. He is SCREAMING sobbing (over dramatic 4 year old, but they were bloody). Finally, I say " EXCUSE ME... my son needs a bandaid"- I am told "There's a store over there." and points to a store.

OOOOOKKKK so I am carrying my child, with bloody legs, who is hysterical, in the pouring rain, to a store. And as I reach the store, the store is CLOSED. So I have no clue where to go, so I go back to the people working there

"That store is closed" I say.

"Well, you will have to find another somewhere." They say

"My child just got injured on your ride. Your ride is too slippery, and Im thinking it shouldn't be operating right now. He is hysterical and bleeding. Can you please help me get a bandaid or something?"

"No, we can't give you a bandaid because we aren't allowed to."

They then literally turn around and start dancing and laughing....

It was INSANE. There was absolutely ZERO concern for him, or for me, a single mom, with a bloody and screaming crying child, in pouring rain, no clue where to go to find a damn bandaid, and NO one willing to help.

So I just walk off. IDK where I am going, but I finally find a store where someone happily sells us bandaids.

At this point, my child wants to leave. I can't blame him. Its pouring rain, he's hurt- but I still want to try to have some fun so I start asking around for where our "free food/drinks" are

Oh, they are all closed except one, on the opposite side of the park, for "worker safety" So, in the entire after hours, there was ONE stand open for anything. I said, I just need a water, can I please get a water somewhere?

"If you want to pay. If you want it for free you have to walk to other side of park."

Are you ****ing kidding me?

At this point we left.

We are in hotel.

Please send an email to guest services, or visit them before leaving. That is not ok.
Please send an email to guest services, or visit them before leaving. That is not ok.
Maybe give details, such as the time that this happened, etc. It should be reported, because your child was injured ON a ride, especially as you were talked into changing spots on the ride too.
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Wow... Just wow... I can't STAND workers who act like that (and please no 'they aren't paid well' comments, that behaviour is unacceptable, to just dance and not care that there is a paying customer in need). You weren't asking for anything unreasonable. Helping you with an injured child should not only be in their job description, but should be common sense. Considering that there were several of them around, ONE of them should have at least helped you find the First Aid area. I know that it wasn't really the time or place for you to try and find someone to complain to about that (as you had your child to care for). I'm so sorry and am sending you hugs for this nightmare of a night! Just a question for those who have been to the After Hours events, is it an 'at your own risk' event, where you don't get a refund if it's rained out?
I’m not sure- and honestly the rain isn’t what bothered me. I mean, of course I preferred it didn’t rain, but I def had intention of making best of it.

And exactly. I would have helped a stranger. It was so so Inconsiderate. It just blows my mind that if someone is hurt a ride no one cares. At all. It was hurtful they were laughing and joking as my child sits hysterical bleeding and don’t even say “hey are you okay?”
Definitely go to Guest Services or e mail them if you don’t have time to go in person. They do care about making things right most of the time. And I’m very shocked & surprised you weren’t directed to first aid. It would have been helpful to get the CMs names but I’m sure that was the last thing on your mind. I hope your son is okay & that the good memories outweigh the bad.
Julia from Chicago and Bobby (don’t remember where he is from)
I’m not sure- and honestly the rain isn’t what bothered me. I mean, of course I preferred it didn’t rain, but I def had intention of making best of it.

And exactly. I would have helped a stranger. It was so so Inconsiderate. It just blows my mind that if someone is hurt a ride no one cares. At all. It was hurtful they were laughing and joking as my child sits hysterical bleeding and don’t even say “hey are you okay?”
Unreal... Seriously, I mean, it's not even like they were being indifferent and doing their job slowly kind of thing, they were being blatantly rude. I would really making some phone calls type of thing. Simply for the safety element of his being hurt on the ride. I'm so sorry for you! Hope your little guy feels better soon.
Op.. what an Atrocious situation. Looks like this was posted yesterday so I’d be interested in hearing what came if it... from the perspective of bringing he entire debacle to Guest Services Attention.
If guests allow this to be forgotten, nothing will change. You both should have been taken to medical aid.
I truly hope the rest of ur visit is/was Much better and that ur little one is ok!
What a Disappointment Disney!
Pixie dust ur way.
That’s terrible.

With the tropical storms coming, the rain is really terrible. Hang in there.

My experiences at Disney rarely looks like the ads on TV. It’s more like a lot of ups and downs, which hopefully means your next day is better even if you don’t go to the parks.
It is totally unacceptable for the cast members to behave that way when you were asking for help for your injured child. I hope Disney does something to remedy the situation. I'm sorry that you and your child had to go through that.
Wow. The cast members should have directed you to First Aid. According to Disney's website:

First Aid
Presented by AdventHealth
At Walt Disney World Resort, your well-being is our top priority.

Theme Parks and Water Parks
If you begin to feel ill or find that you require medical assistance, please visit one of our conveniently located First Aid centers.
Nurses are available during normal park operating hours to offer over-the-counter medications, bandages and other quick remedies so that you can begin enjoying your vacation again.

You should go to Guest Relations and explain your situation and how the cast members handled it when you approached them. I have always gotten the best results from Guest Relations in Disney Springs. It's worth the trip over there to have a one on one talk with them about your concern. Explain your frustrations with the safety of your child and how you received no direction from cast members throughout the event.
I’m so sorry you had to go through this. Definitely unacceptable. I agree with the other posters above. Hope your son is ok. 💕
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