Homeschool Chat Part III

Has anyone ever taught catechism at home? DD has been going to PSR, but she isn't learning anything. Her first day of the year is tomorrow and we are seriously thinking of sending her just to get the book we have already paid for and doing the rest at home. Heck, the past 2 years they never even opened the book! She could learn something just by reading the book. Instead, they only seem to watch stupid movies and do crafts. She used to love PSR until last year. I am guessing it won't be any better this year. I have no problem with the books they use, but they don't use them.

I was hoping I wouldn't have to teach that at home too, but it is looking like I need to.
Has anyone ever taught catechism at home? DD has been going to PSR, but she isn't learning anything. Her first day of the year is tomorrow and we are seriously thinking of sending her just to get the book we have already paid for and doing the rest at home. Heck, the past 2 years they never even opened the book! She could learn something just by reading the book. Instead, they only seem to watch stupid movies and do crafts. She used to love PSR until last year. I am guessing it won't be any better this year. I have no problem with the books they use, but they don't use them.

I was hoping I wouldn't have to teach that at home too, but it is looking like I need to.

We do...but my daughter is only pre-k. We are using the book through Seton homeschool. It is very orthodox and kinda rigorous. It is good, I just think a little much for the age of my daughter. I have heard great things about Catholic Heritage as well. If you paid for the book (I don't know what PSR is) I would say go get it and see if it will work for you.
We do...but my daughter is only pre-k. We are using the book through Seton homeschool. It is very orthodox and kinda rigorous. It is good, I just think a little much for the age of my daughter. I have heard great things about Catholic Heritage as well. If you paid for the book (I don't know what PSR is) I would say go get it and see if it will work for you.

I looked at some of the offerings out there and they did seem a bit much. The one they use at PSR (Parish School Religion) used to be called CCD in our area, is by Loyola Press. It is colorful and seems easy to use. My DH seems to think he won't need the teacher's manual after all his years of Catholic school. DD is going to go to soft ball practice to night instead of PSR and I think she will go next week, get the book and then probably not go back. Thanks for your info.
Hi all! I am new to homeschooling. We started homeschooling in January of 2012. We just began is 4th grade year in August. I do not know if this is where I should post this, but where can I find information about Disney Homeschooling days and when do they typically announce the dates? Any help is welcomed!
Hi all,

Dad here. I'm home schooling my eldest son in 1st grade. We did k5 with the k-12 program last year. Didn't care for K-12, it wasn't proper home school, it was online school district. Not sure if we didn't like the curriculum or the teacher. This year its real home school.

We are using time4learning. He is really enjoying the reading and math. He is really "getting" the phonics/reading lessons and flying through the math.

Best of all, no admin to deal with for our Disney Vacation next week. (I used to teach HS biology :teacher:)

Our youngest is going to k4 at our local church half a day. He will do k5 there as well. I learned that teaching the Krebs cycle is a lot easier than teaching phonics.

My hat is off to all you Moms out there. Staying home and taking care of the boys is more work than I was expecting. Note to self: go thank Mom for putting up with me and the brothers!
Hi all! I am new to homeschooling. We started homeschooling in January of 2012. We just began is 4th grade year in August. I do not know if this is where I should post this, but where can I find information about Disney Homeschooling days and when do they typically announce the dates? Any help is welcomed!

Visit Disney's YES program website for information. We attended a few years ago. We were mostly there for vacation, but added one educational program to check it out.
Hi all! I am new to homeschooling. We started homeschooling in January of 2012. We just began is 4th grade year in August. I do not know if this is where I should post this, but where can I find information about Disney Homeschooling days and when do they typically announce the dates? Any help is welcomed!

Congrats!! My wife and I have enjoyed homeschooling our daughters. I don't have the link in front of me (posting on my phone), but I believe you can just google it. We did the Animal Kingdom Homeschool program and it was fantastic!!
Hi all,

Dad here. I'm home schooling my eldest son in 1st grade. We did k5 with the k-12 program last year. Didn't care for K-12, it wasn't proper home school, it was online school district. Not sure if we didn't like the curriculum or the teacher. This year its real home school.

We are using time4learning. He is really enjoying the reading and math. He is really "getting" the phonics/reading lessons and flying through the math.

Best of all, no admin to deal with for our Disney Vacation next week. (I used to teach HS biology :teacher:)

Our youngest is going to k4 at our local church half a day. He will do k5 there as well. I learned that teaching the Krebs cycle is a lot easier than teaching phonics.

My hat is off to all you Moms out there. Staying home and taking care of the boys is more work than I was expecting. Note to self: go thank Mom for putting up with me and the brothers!

Welcome, "Dad"! I think it's awesome that you are educating your boys. We'll be at WDW next week as well. Ah...the perks of homeschooling. I posted a while back about our homeschool journey. My girls are in 10th and 12th.
I believe homeschool days will be Oct. 25 this year. I know because we are going!!!Yippee!!! Anyone else going to attend? I still can't believe the superb savings we received on tickets. I'd love details from those of you who've attended the program. I think it's going to be about chimpanzees or gorillas.
We are going to Disney Homeschool Day on October 25th, too. Very excited also. If member Disney Movie rewards. They have free work papers on animals about Chimpanzee which will be the subject from what I gathered. Great info to study on before or after the 25th. :)
I wish we could do Disney Homeschool Days, but the timing never works out. We get home the 24th! Maybe someday.
Hi all,

Dad here. I'm home schooling my eldest son in 1st grade. We did k5 with the k-12 program last year. Didn't care for K-12, it wasn't proper home school, it was online school district. Not sure if we didn't like the curriculum or the teacher. This year its real home school.

We are using time4learning. He is really enjoying the reading and math. He is really "getting" the phonics/reading lessons and flying through the math.

Best of all, no admin to deal with for our Disney Vacation next week. (I used to teach HS biology :teacher:)

Our youngest is going to k4 at our local church half a day. He will do k5 there as well. I learned that teaching the Krebs cycle is a lot easier than teaching phonics.

My hat is off to all you Moms out there. Staying home and taking care of the boys is more work than I was expecting. Note to self: go thank Mom for putting up with me and the brothers!

We also use time4learning. My kids really enjoy it, and I love how we can do it anywhere, including our vacation to Disney next week as well, lol! Hope you all have a great trip!
Hi all,

Dad here. I'm home schooling my eldest son in 1st grade. We did k5 with the k-12 program last year. Didn't care for K-12, it wasn't proper home school, it was online school district. Not sure if we didn't like the curriculum or the teacher. This year its real home school.

We are using time4learning. He is really enjoying the reading and math. He is really "getting" the phonics/reading lessons and flying through the math.

Best of all, no admin to deal with for our Disney Vacation next week. (I used to teach HS biology :teacher:)

Our youngest is going to k4 at our local church half a day. He will do k5 there as well. I learned that teaching the Krebs cycle is a lot easier than teaching phonics.

My hat is off to all you Moms out there. Staying home and taking care of the boys is more work than I was expecting. Note to self: go thank Mom for putting up with me and the brothers!

We did K12 last year. I didn't care for it either. Totally different from what we've been using since the time our oldest was in K4 (Abeka). I took her out of K12 after the 2nd week of school and put her back in Abeka b/c we were both frustrated to tears!! My then 7th grader stuck it out and did well, but it was quite different from K12's high school program. I hated dealing with the administration. Our state (LA) was new to K12 last year, so things were not going smoothly at all. From talking to friends who are still doing K12 this year, things seem to be going better, but I decided to stick to what we're used to. This year, we went back to Abeka. If it's not broken, don't fix it, right? Guess I should have stuck to what we "know" instead of trying something new. All of our kids k4, 1st, 4th, 6th, 8th, and 10th are doing Abeka and have been since K4. I know many families think it is too structured and rigorous, but it works well for us. We'll probably stick to it through 12th grade.

My 8th and 10th graders are taking Biology this year. Can't wait until we get past the plant section! so boring! lol. 8th grader is doing 9th and 10th grade subjects this year. It makes it easier on me to combine some of his classes w/ my 10th grader and he will get high school credits for those. He'll just be finishing all his high school credits a little earlier than planned. no biggie!
We also use time4learning. My kids really enjoy it, and I love how we can do it anywhere, including our vacation to Disney next week as well, lol! Hope you all have a great trip!

This is our second year using Time4Learning. My dd10 really enjoys it too. :thumbsup2
I need advice...we pulled DD out of school after Kindergarten because she was frustrated she wasn't learning anything new. (She went into K reading on a second grade level, and had asked to learn multiplication before learning her letters and how to count wasn't what she had in mind). Last year went pretty well, but I was totally laid back. I felt like I didn't capitalize on the time I had with her, so I decided a workbox system would be best for both of us. Over the summer she got lazy. She has spent the last hour doing a review worksheet from the beginning of last year's math. I think her brain is fried, and she's only done half what I had planned. She doodles on her paper, plays with her braid, stares off into space (with me interjecting, "Focus!"). I'm frustrated, and I'm sure she is too. She had a science worksheet with the question, "Why are hotdogs called frankfurters." The answer is because they first originated in the German city of Frankfurt. She says, "Can I just write 'German' so I don't have to write much?"

My options are to cut her workload in half, knowing that she won't complete a year in a year, but since she's a grade level ahead I guess it doesn't matter. Or to keep at it and hope she learns to focus? Or just give up and send her to PS after our Disney trip.

More information: She's 7.5. We are finishing up last years curriculum as we had a few weeks left. She's doing Singapore 2B, Sonlight LA 2, Core B, Science B.
I need advice...we pulled DD out of school after Kindergarten because she was frustrated she wasn't learning anything new. (She went into K reading on a second grade level, and had asked to learn multiplication before learning her letters and how to count wasn't what she had in mind). Last year went pretty well, but I was totally laid back. I felt like I didn't capitalize on the time I had with her, so I decided a workbox system would be best for both of us. Over the summer she got lazy. She has spent the last hour doing a review worksheet from the beginning of last year's math. I think her brain is fried, and she's only done half what I had planned. She doodles on her paper, plays with her braid, stares off into space (with me interjecting, "Focus!"). I'm frustrated, and I'm sure she is too. She had a science worksheet with the question, "Why are hotdogs called frankfurters." The answer is because they first originated in the German city of Frankfurt. She says, "Can I just write 'German' so I don't have to write much?"

My options are to cut her workload in half, knowing that she won't complete a year in a year, but since she's a grade level ahead I guess it doesn't matter. Or to keep at it and hope she learns to focus? Or just give up and send her to PS after our Disney trip.

More information: She's 7.5. We are finishing up last years curriculum as we had a few weeks left. She's doing Singapore 2B, Sonlight LA 2, Core B, Science B.

Have you read about various learning styles and how to work with your children's learning style? She might learn better by doing than writing or hearing than reading, etc. I'd encourage you to check that out and see what works best for her.

Also, I would not stress about worksheets and too much writing at this time. Read together, talk about things, have her draw pictures to tell a story and write out the story for her. Get some math manipulatives and a book of "games "to play with them. Let her explore and enjoy learning. Collect things, take walks, go to performances, listen to music, get a few books from the library on a subject that interests her and cuddle up on the couch with them. Sing, play, draw, join a music class - or something else she'd enjoy. Don't feel pressured to get a lot of worksheets "done".

I'll repeat this one: READ together (or I should say, read to her.) My girls are almost 17 and almost 15 and I still cherish the time we spend reading together. We've used Sonlight Curriculum most of the time and we have really loved it.

I don't know what your state requirements are, but you are the teacher and you can decide what your child needs. School doesn't have to look like public school. There will definitely be a time for learning proper grammar, spelling, etc. Even if she already reads pretty well, a good phonics program would be good just to give her the framework for the difficult reading that will come down the road. We used a vertical phonics program ( It was great for my girls who also picked up on reading fairly quickly.

For math, I highly recommend Miquon Math. It's a little quirky, and if you're not at least a little interested in math yourself and willing to read about the system, it can be intimidating because the pages of the student book don't really give directions. It uses cuisennaire rods and my kids and I really loved it.

I need to go for now, but those are the basic things I used in our early homeschooling. I'd be happy to share more later or answer specific questions.

I am feeling a little uncertain right now about my boys' education, so I figured I would join this wonderful group to ask for advice.

My DS13 and DS9 are currently attending a college prep school which uses a classical education approach. They have been there for a few years now. Because the workload continues to be overwhelming (particularly for my 8th grader), I am considering going back to home school. We have used Saxon Math, Shurley Grammar, Writing with Excellence, Veritas Press or Abeka for History, Christian Schools International for Science, and Spelling Power in the past.

Since my oldest will be entering 9th grade next year, I feel somewhat pressured to look into some type of accredited diploma home school program that will provide him with a transcript. On the other hand, I am not crazy about following a set program because I fear it will not allow us flexibility to choose the curriculum that works best for my DS. What advice or suggestions do you have for me to get him properly, college-prepared by 12th grade?

I have just put my daughter in a school like this. It is an accredited university model school, but because there aren't 180 days, we are technically still homeschoolers, and she only goes 3 days a week. I am not happy with the unbelievable workload she has. She is in 10th, but I would be outright homeschooling if I had the choice. However, she has begged me to go there and loves the school. This place is crazy...she did homework for the entire weekend without a break. It totally goes against my educational philosophy.

Good luck on your decision...I know where you're coming from. If it helps, I have a 19 year old daughter who is a college sophomore and she had no trouble getting into college, but she did have to lean towards small private colleges. The main thing is when they get older to get a good SAT or ACT score (we did ACT) and you'll be fine.
I have just put my daughter in a school like this. It is an accredited university model school, but because there aren't 180 days, we are technically still homeschoolers, and she only goes 3 days a week. I am not happy with the unbelievable workload she has. She is in 10th, but I would be outright homeschooling if I had the choice. However, she has begged me to go there and loves the school. This place is crazy...she did homework for the entire weekend without a break. It totally goes against my educational philosophy.

Good luck on your decision...I know where you're coming from. If it helps, I have a 19 year old daughter who is a college sophomore and she had no trouble getting into college, but she did have to lean towards small private colleges. The main thing is when they get older to get a good SAT or ACT score (we did ACT) and you'll be fine.

Yes, we do go to the same type of CRAZY school. M/W/F for instruction and assignment sheets from 8:30 to 3pm, then homework T/TH/Sa/and sometimes even Sunday between church services. My DS13 does not have any time for rest and relaxation. It's to the point that it's affecting his sleep and appetite. We've struggled through the last several years, but now that it is affecting his health I think I will have to make the decision for him. He says he has mixed emotions about leaving his school; I think because he'll miss being with his friends, but he definitely will not miss the workload.

Thanks for your encouragement. :hug:


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