Help, pls: Choosing between BCV incentives


Earning My Ears
Feb 5, 2002
I don't know why, but when it comes to figuring out which BCV incentive makes more economic sense, my mind kind of clouds over. Hoping someone will take pity on me and do my thinking for me! : we plan to buy 250 points, with a december use year. Our next post-purchase trip will be in January 2003. So does it make more sense to take the $5 off- even I can figure that it's $1250, right, and use points for that trip? (6 or 7 nites studio, BCV) Or take 7 days free nights, stay if possible at the Beach Club, which usually costs us around $300 per nite, and bank the points we would have used? I guess what's confusing me is that without the free nites, we wouldnt have been staying at the Beach Club at that rate----Can anyone please untangle this? Thanks so much, newbie wannabee, Judy
I personally would go for the $5 off per point. There is no guarantee that you can book the rooms you want when you want. And taking the $5 off each point is a one-time offer so if you can't get the reservations you want, when you want them, you end up with nothing. Plus, why book a regular room when you can go in January, 2003 and start staying in your own DVC with much more room? Just my opinion - hope it helps in your decision.
We bought 100 points today and talked about the rooms with our guide. We stayed at AKL last Nov and loved it. However, the rooms they give for the point purchase are only standard rooms and not savannah rooms. She said that they couldn't guarantee an upgrade to a savannah room. We took the $5 per point.
I purchased 130 points yesterday for the BCV. It was no contest, I took the 5$ less pp promotion. I will be kept busy utilizing my points let alone worrying to fit another vacation with many blackout dates.
We bought 260 points last week and took the free nights stay. We had been prepared to pay $80 per point for BCV so we felt $75 per point was still a good deal and now we have 10 free nights. According to our guide, Joan Lane, the only blackout dates are over Christmas, Easter and President's Day weekend. We have a trip planned in May and already had a standard room at the Poly reserved so we can use our free nights at that time. I don't think you will have any trouble booking a standard room at a deluxe next January as our guide also told us they are not limiting the number of standard rooms available with this promotion. As long as you don't mind waiting to stay in a DVC resort, the free nights are a better value. And you can book your room as soon as your sale is completed. So if you buy now, you can book your free nights for next January in less than a month. We chose the free nights because we always wanted to stay at the Poly and we figured this would be the only time we would do so because once we started staying at a DVC resort we wouldn't want to do without the microwave, refrigerator, etc. Good luck on your decision!
We certainly appear to be in the minority from the posts I've seen but we took the free stay. We already had a spring break trip planned for this nights at the Poly. Even with AAA discount, it was $2950. Compared to the $1,050 savings if we had chosen the $5/point savings (210 points), it was a no-brainer for us.
I guess we looked at it on the other side, we just bought 310 points and decided to take the 7nights plus the 5 nights. Since we are going in May and again in Sept. we will be using our 5 nights (I can't call them free because utimately we are paying for it) before the BCV opens, and we would not be able to use points anyway.

You have to do what you think is best, for us the extra nights mean extra trips to our favorite place. Also, the only blackout dates that there is are Presidents week, Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Its not like they only have a certain block of these rooms available, as long as there is lodging availble you will get a room.

Just remember if you do chose to use the room incentive it has to be used by July 1, 2003.

Belle and Rella's Dad
We bought 280 points, and took the free stays.

Thanksgiving is not blacked out.
I guess that's why they make two different offers... different people are looking for different deals. We bought 210 points, and we took the $5/point. We figured that it was a better deal in the long term.
Just added on 220 points at BC, and took the $5 off per point. Since we already had the same amount of points at VB, we decided to take the $$$. It helped with the downpayment, and, as someone already stated, once you stay at a DVC resort, you get spoiled by the accomodations!

We have what we need now for several vacations to follow, and so we felt better off with the cash.

To each his own!

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