Help Please...Suggestions for 5 days in Disneyland Area


Earning My Ears
Jun 17, 2001
Greetings and thanks to all of the board users,

We have been to Disney World countless times but never DL or California. I want to take my DW and DD (5YO) for a surprise trip.

Here is my tenative plan:

6 days total

3 days for DL and CA (stay at Carousel Hotel)
3 days on San Diego and maybe Seaworld and sightseeing.

I'm thinking the last week of August.

What I would like to have is some suggestions and comments on the plan and if there is enough time. My concern is for my 5YO DD having fun.

I think it sounds like a fine plan. If you can arrange to have those 3 DL days during the week rather than weekend, it will be even better. I don't think you will have any trouble entertaining a 5-yr-old at Disneyland! :) The real key to a great kid vacation is plenty of relaxation time between the excitement, and not burning yourself or the kids out.

Any specific questions?
I'd vote for for : one day San Diego Zoo, one Sea World, one day beach, old town, and Balboa Park, and drive in the evening to Anaheim. Then, go for the 3 days at the parks, that's my two cents!

Originally posted by teri
I think it sounds like a fine plan. If you can arrange to have those 3 DL days during the week rather than weekend, it will be even better. I don't think you will have any trouble entertaining a 5-yr-old at Disneyland! :) The real key to a great kid vacation is plenty of relaxation time between the excitement, and not burning yourself or the kids out.

Any specific questions?

Any guess on how crowded? I'm thinking the week before labor day is quiet as everyone is getting ready for school.

-I think 2 days for DL and one for CA.
-I've been to SW Orlando, so I might skip it for the SanDiego Zoo.
-I think I may make 2 days for other SanDiego stuff.

Thanks so much for the advice from everyone here.
<font color=navy>mmocken,

What a fun surprise!

3 days @ the Disneyland Resort will be fun. 2 days @ DL/1 day @ DCA sounds like a good plan, or you might split the last day between the two, if you'd like to hit the highlights.

As for San Diego, another place to consider is the San Diego Wild Animal Park. Just a suggestion... if your little one likes to swim, make sure to put in some pool time. Some of my fondest memories of trips when I was young was going swimming, and I know my own kids also rate that high on their list of things to do. There is also Legoland, which is geared toward the youngsters, and close to Disneyland is Knotts Berry Farm, with its Camp Snoopy.

Expect there to be high crowds, and prepare accordingly. Labor Day weekend is the last weekend for a lot of people to get in their last summer fun. Regardless.... if you pace yourself, and use fastpass, you'll be able to see everything. :)


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