Help needed!


Earning My Ears
Nov 12, 2000
Hi there, we just booked Disneyland today to leave in 3 weeks. We haven't been since 1999. So this whole new California Adventure is new to me! We decided to save some money and stay at the Hampton Inn. Has anyone stayed there, and is the hotel/area nice? Also, we are going to take our 2 1/2 year old son to a character breakfast, but don't know which one is best. Any recommendations there? How is the new theme park?

I remember when we went to Disney World last year there were so many sites, I researched the whole trip! Now I can't seem to find much on Disneyland!

Thanks to anyone who could help!

Check out our sister website. Doobie and Rebekah have the best Disneyland information.

and great info on DCA too :)


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Hi - We just got back from Disneyland and DCA. We had a great trip! Enjoyed the new park too!

We did three character meals. Goofy's kitchen was probably the best food and the characters were great. We saw Belle, Minnie, Chip & Dale, Goofy, Pluto and Max.

We also did breakfast at Minnie and Friends. The food was not too good. Characters were Minnie, Daisy Duck, and Pluto.

We also ate breakfast the Plaza Inn in Disneyland. It is a Pooh character breakfast. The food here was also very good and had the most variety.

My girls, 6 and 8, probably enjoyed Goofy's Kitchen the most. Let me know if you have any other questions.


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