Have a trip question - hope this is the correct board..


<font color=green>We'll remember when...<br><font
May 13, 2001
Had been planning a trip to DW in January of '03 (finances permitting, of course) but after reading about all the neat Christmas adventures I'm starting to re-think that schedule.. I would LOVE to see DW all decked out for Christmas and know that my 3 year old granddaughter would absolutely be thrilled to pieces..

Here's the problem though.. My husband is quite ill and cannot be out in the extreme humidity without suffering from SEVERE breathing problems.. (We would also need a wheelchair for him..) I was just there this past September and know that he never could have tolerated that humidity for even an hour.. What is the humidity like in December? Would taking a chance on very cold weather in January be better?

And if he can't make the trip, :( , crowd-wise what would be the best time of December to go?

Thanks ahead of time! :)
December is not a humid month normally. It can be very nice. I would go before Chirstmas by a week or two. You will have a great time then and it is not too crowded.
Well, it rained cats and dogs about 2 years ago when we were there in late December... but the humidity on nice days is nothing like the summertime. He will be fine. :) Crowds are light after Thanksgiving weekend is over until the week before Christmas, then it gets super-heavy until after New Years.
We have been there in September and also one year over New Years. The weather in September was much different, since it was humid and HOT. It was cool in December, so it didn't feel humid (even if it rained some days).
I have heard other people say the same as Lisapooh and teri, so I think everything will be just fine.
We went to Disney this past December. It was our first Christmas vacation and I realize this past winter has been milder in most places but we went the first week in December, the temps were in the high 70's very low 80's all week, no humidity, no rain, and no crowds. We went to the MVMCP and it was great. If you can make it in early December, that would be the time to go. Hope you have a great time.
I found lots of websites with the average temps and rainfall by month but couldn't find much info about average humidity. I did find this chart. According to it, April is the lowest humidity, but December and January aren't very different.

On the weather charts, the average temp was only 2 degrees lower for Jan, and the rainfall was .1" more in Jan, so I wouldn't expect the 2 months to be very different. For the past 2 years, Jan has been pretty cold, which helps a lot but isn't a lot of fun, but the chances of that happening 3 years in a row is probably slim-to-none. The good news is that if you decide to go at the beginning of Jan, the decorations are still up until about the 7th. You will only miss CP and MVMCP.


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