hard rock all-access card


Earning My Ears
Mar 18, 2001
hardrock.com offers an "all-access" card for 24.95 part of the benefit is $149 rate at hrh web site won't go to faq tonight and i've got resevations end of july for $185 any body kbnow anything about this card and whether it will in fact save me $35 a night???? any info would be most appreciated thanks alan
That's what the web site says. If you're asking if anyone has used it, you might be better off posting on the Universal board since that's where the HRH is located. This is the Disney World area.
I wold call the Loews Hotels 800# on their website and ask about the hard rock acess card discount. You can also use the USF fan club card for a discount, usually 30% available free at some large employers.
You might want to look into getting an Entertainment Card. I got HRH for 117.50 per night using it. I also have the HR All Access card. The reservationist told me Entertainment is the best discount they have.:D :D :D :D
Listen, a couple of tips, got a free card, check the page again, it supposedly has $10 credit, gonna try it out, also put you birthday near your trip, they added $10 more to it, but only for like 20 days, like a week before
I'm going, so I also applied for cards for spouse and me again with different birthdays closer to when we go, hoping to at least get two cards, $20-$30 between them, would put a dent in dineer, figured we could always split into two groups there's five of us.Wouldn't buy the card, entertainment rate is better..
:bounce: Yippy!!!! I got the $10.00 added to my HR All Access Card!!!! :bounce:


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