Gotta Perfect That Hula - A July 2010 PTR - UPDATED 8/3 - I STARTED THE TR!!!!

I'm subbing:surfweb: You remind me a lot of myself, the love of Disney and talking a lot :laughing: I can't wait to read more.
Thanks for subbing! And it's always nice to know that there are other people out there like my weirdo-self. :upsidedow

Oh and a note to all of my readers(including all of you lurkers...come out and post! I promise I don't bite!), I hope to post an update at some point today with some actual trip details! Like where we're staying. Although the title kinda gives that away, doesn't it? ;)
I'm on board!! I'm a 90s child too and I was obsessed with the Pink ranger although i've never thought of taking a photo with the new Pink ranger--she's not kimberly!! But it looks like fun so maybe I'll try to get one in August!! For halloween last year, my cousin and I dressed as the Purple Parrots from Legends of the Hidden Temple another great 90s show!!

i'm on board!! I'm a 90s child too and i was obsessed with the pink ranger although i've never thought of taking a photo with the new pink ranger--she's not kimberly!! But it looks like fun so maybe i'll try to get one in august!! For halloween last year, my cousin and i dressed as the purple parrots from legends of the hidden temple another great 90s show!!


You are the COOLEST FREAKING PEOPLE in the world.
Good God, woman. Every word out of your mouth is just like mine LOL. The internet is so weird because I never meet someone in real life I have so much in common with. But then I come to a Disney board and post a TR, and boom I find someone I have everything in common with!! Power Rangers, man. I can't even. I'm sure you remember JASON? The RED ranger? My first celeb crush EVER. Yep. Before Mr. DiCaprio and Mr. Depp, it was all about JASON THE RED RANGER!! When I was 3. Those were the days. I had Power Rangers stickers and one had his face on it and that was the most exciting thing in the world to me.


Moving on.

OHANA!!!!! I've never been there, can you believe it? I just made an ADR for our fall trip though. SO EXCITED! You and your family are so funny, I love it. I love all your leis. Did you walk around saying "HEY EVERYBODY! LOOK HOW MANY TIMES I GOT LEI'D?!" or... not? I realize not everyone has the maturity of a 15 year old boy but in those situations I do.

Anyway bring it on!! More of the report cause I looove it!:hippie:
I'm on board!! I'm a 90s child too and I was obsessed with the Pink ranger although i've never thought of taking a photo with the new Pink ranger--she's not kimberly!! But it looks like fun so maybe I'll try to get one in August!! For halloween last year, my cousin and I dressed as the Purple Parrots from Legends of the Hidden Temple another great 90s show!!

Oh, snap! That is AWESOME. Beyond awesome, actually.

And definitely get a pic with one of the Power Rangers. You're right in that she's no Kimberly, but all of the ridiculous poses are just too fun to miss out on!

And since we're sharing halloween photos....Here's a pic of my girls and I dressed up in our homemade Power Rangers costumes 2 years ago. We only had 2 days to put them together, so we're pretty proud of how they turned out. And I apologize for the terrible lighting in the pic. That is a result of my friends' horrible dorm hallway lights.

I'm the Yellow Ranger!
Good God, woman. Every word out of your mouth is just like mine LOL. The internet is so weird because I never meet someone in real life I have so much in common with. But then I come to a Disney board and post a TR, and boom I find someone I have everything in common with!! Power Rangers, man. I can't even. I'm sure you remember JASON? The RED ranger? My first celeb crush EVER. Yep. Before Mr. DiCaprio and Mr. Depp, it was all about JASON THE RED RANGER!! When I was 3. Those were the days. I had Power Rangers stickers and one had his face on it and that was the most exciting thing in the world to me.


Moving on.

OHANA!!!!! I've never been there, can you believe it? I just made an ADR for our fall trip though. SO EXCITED! You and your family are so funny, I love it. I love all your leis. Did you walk around saying "HEY EVERYBODY! LOOK HOW MANY TIMES I GOT LEI'D?!" or... not? I realize not everyone has the maturity of a 15 year old boy but in those situations I do.

Anyway bring it on!! More of the report cause I looove it!:hippie:
I know, right? Who'd have thought I'd meet my Brain Twin on a Disney board? Okay. Actually probably a lot of people would have thought that. Just because my Disney obsession is so strong. But still. It's ridiculous how much we have in common.

Oh, Jason...:lovestruc

It's funny because I was sick a few months ago and was up at like 5:00 AM puking my brains out, but what do I happen to find on TV? Old school Power Rangers of the Mighty Morphin' kind. It was the greatest. And I was like, they should show this stuff in Prime Time again. The kids of today are missing out.

Yay!! I'm so happy that you got an 'Ohana reservation. It is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO wonderful. I'll definitely be doing an update in this report declaring my undying love for that place. And we're eating there in July (of course) so I'll be reviewing it in my actual TR too.

Anyway, thanks for reading, girlfriend! And thanks for existing, as proof that my insanity isn't all that uncommon. :rotfl: :hug:
Really quickly before I start the next update, I just want to thank you all for being such wonderful readers. You guys rock! :grouphug:

Okay. So I've forced you all to sit through an epic-ly long description of myself, and I've introduced you to my family. I think it's time to get onto the good stuff - actual trip details!

As you all know, one of the most important decisions one must make when planning their Disney vacation is where to stay. It can be quite a challenge. There are so many amazing resorts that each have something unique to offer.

But for my family, there is one place that we love a little bit more than all the rest.

And that place is....drumroll please...

The Polynesian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :jumping1:

Now I should warn you all, there aren't going to be many pictures in this update. Unfortunately, all of our pictures from our 5 previous stays at the Polynesian were lost in the Great Computer Crash of August 2008. All we have left are the pictures we have framed and hung up in the living room on our "Disney Wall". But if you REALLY want to see pictures from the Polynesian go over to the Pictures Thread on the Resorts Board. There are a lot of awesome pictures there. Including one of a wild turkey on the Polynesian grounds. I know, I was just as shocked as I'm sure you all are. I never knew that turkeys liked to hang out at the Poly. I guess the tropical atmosphere is appealing to or fowl.

So here is the one picture that managed to survive in digital form. Only because I uploaded it to Facebook to be my profile picture. Ready? Here goes.

Those are my feet in a hammock at the Poly while waiting for Wishes to start. You can't really tell it's the Polynesian, but trust me on this one. I'm even wearing my Mickey Mouse anklet that you can really see, but it has little silver Mickey heads dangling from it. And you can also see my flip flop tan lines which are a sure indicator that I'm in Florida. :rotfl: So just trust me, it's the Polynesian.

Anyway, I had mentioned earlier that all of our pics got lost in 2008, but we haven't actually stayed at the Polynesian since July 2007. The past couple summers we've stayed at the Wilderness Lodge because the Poly was getting quite pricey. But now, thanks to Disney's huge summer discounts, I get to return to one of my favorite places on earth.

So why is it that I love the Polynesian? Well, there are a lot of reasons.

1. The smell of the lobby. Seriously, folks. If you've never been to the Polynesian, go right now and stand in the lobby for a few minutes just inhaling. The smell is glorious. There is nothing better than when the sliding doors open up and you step in and are assaulted with that smell.
2. Palm Trees. This Midwestern girl needs to spend her fair share of time sitting under a palm tree. It's just absolutely necessary.
3. Proximity to 'Ohana. Even when not eating there, the smell is heavenly.
4. The Polynesian music they play all around the hotel. For those of you that have stayed there, you've probably heard this, but there's a song that's a drum chant type of thing. It sounds like the guys chanting are saying "Hee A Ha Ha". That song is my favorite thing in the world.
5. "To our new passengers, Aloha and welcome aboard!" Yep, that's right. The Polynesian gets a personal shout out from the monorail voice guy. And I love it. It makes me feel superior to all of the other people who are already on the monorail. "Oh, the Contemporary didn't get a personal shout out? Well, we did SUCKERS!"
6. The view. Now this one is fairly obvious because who wouldn't want to be able to look across the lagoon at Cinderella Castle while tanning? It's the best view ever.
7. The font on all of the signs. You all know the one I'm talking about. Seeing signs printed with that font makes me unbelievably excited.
8. Tiki Torches. Tiki Torches = Party. And I like parties.
9. The homemade chips at Captain Cooks. OH.MY.GOD. These are heavenly. Go try them, people. Go! Go!
10. It's the first Disney hotel I ever stayed at. So I like to think of it as the birthplace of my obsession. We first stayed there in 2003 (all of our previous trips had been day trips) and it was during that trip that I honestly, truly fell in love with the place. That was when I started to try and convince my friends that Disney is the greatest place ever and we all need to go there RIGHT NOW. (It hasn't worked though. My friends remain unconvinced) It was then that I decided I've gotta find a man who won't mind coming to WDW every year. And that I'm going to raise my kids on Disney movies/music and bring them to meet Mickey Mouse as soon as they're born. It was then that I realized just how much I NEEDED Disney in my life. So it's really special to me.

So that's why I love the Polynesian, in a nutshell. A nutshell the size of Rhode Island, but that's the only kind of nutshell I can fit my ramblings into. ;)

Once again, I apologize for the lack of pictures and I love you all for reading this!
Amazing list! I need to share this with my brother. We've been to the Poly a dozen times for dinner (Ohana is amazing, but our favorite is Kona) we've watched Wishes on the beach, strolled the grounds to the TTC, but this is the first time we are actually staying there! The "aloha" monorail shout out gave me goosebumps, I just can't wait any longer!! AAAAAAAAH
That shirt is awesome! You have good taste, girl.

That website is INCREDIBLE, by the way. So many amazing things.

I've wanted this shirt for a while now, but haven't gotten around to actually ordering it. But it recognizes the greatest fake cartoon band in television history.

Killer Tofu!

And you will LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the Polynesian. It's amazing. Getting off the monorail/boats/buses and knowing that it's your "home" is an incredible feeling.
I never stayed but from your list i feel like i might have to at some point. I normally stay at OKW which i love.:love: but its always fun to try something new...maybe in April.
:worship::worship: for your Polynesian list! While it is not technically the first resort I stayed at (that would be the old Disney villas that are now Saratoga Springs!) we stayed at the Poly several times when my sister and I were younger, so in a way it is the birthplace of my obsession too. We had to, well...I had to, go visit it on our trip. OMG I miss it there so much! The lobby is amazing and I always loved getting back at night and seeing the tiki torches. And good old Captain Cook's. :goodvibes Dear Disney Vacation Club: please build vacation homes at the Poly!!
HI! I came over from our TR and I'm subbing :goodvibes

Love the pic with the Pink Ranger and all you girls as the Power Rangers. You girls are so cute!
The Power Rangers were very popular around our house oh 14 or 15 years ago! When Caitlin was 4 she was was Kimberly for Halloween complete with the swoosh sounding gloves :rotfl: I was so bummed when she picked that over something Disney :rolleyes:

You describe the Poly wonderfully! I've stayed there several times and it's great! I also appreciate your love for Ohana!

Looking forward to hearing all about your plans! :)
I can help in the picture department!!

1. The smell of the lobby. Seriously, folks. If you've never been to the Polynesian, go right now and stand in the lobby for a few minutes just inhaling. The smell is glorious. There is nothing better than when the sliding doors open up and you step in and are assaulted with that smell.


2. Palm Trees. This Midwestern girl needs to spend her fair share of time sitting under a palm tree. It's just absolutely necessary.


3. Proximity to 'Ohana. Even when not eating there, the smell is heavenly.



4. The Polynesian music they play all around the hotel. For those of you that have stayed there, you've probably heard this, but there's a song that's a drum chant type of thing. It sounds like the guys chanting are saying "Hee A Ha Ha". That song is my favorite thing in the world.

Don't have a picture of the music....

5. "To our new passengers, Aloha and welcome aboard!" Yep, that's right. The Polynesian gets a personal shout out from the monorail voice guy. And I love it. It makes me feel superior to all of the other people who are already on the monorail. "Oh, the Contemporary didn't get a personal shout out? Well, we did SUCKERS!"

So right! You can't tell from this picture, but we got on at the Poly and I'm positive the monorail man was saying those exact words when I took this picture of DH! ;)

6. The view. Now this one is fairly obvious because who wouldn't want to be able to look across the lagoon at Cinderella Castle while tanning? It's the best view ever.


7. The font on all of the signs. You all know the one I'm talking about. Seeing signs printed with that font makes me unbelievably excited.

This is me doing the Humpty Dance. If you know the song, you'll know why! ;)

8. Tiki Torches. Tiki Torches = Party. And I like parties.

Hmm, don't think I have a pic of the tiki torches either...

9. The homemade chips at Captain Cooks. OH.MY.GOD. These are heavenly. Go try them, people. Go! Go!


10. It's the first Disney hotel I ever stayed at. So I like to think of it as the birthplace of my obsession. We first stayed there in 2003 (all of our previous trips had been day trips) and it was during that trip that I honestly, truly fell in love with the place. That was when I started to try and convince my friends that Disney is the greatest place ever and we all need to go there RIGHT NOW. (It hasn't worked though. My friends remain unconvinced) It was then that I decided I've gotta find a man who won't mind coming to WDW every year. And that I'm going to raise my kids on Disney movies/music and bring them to meet Mickey Mouse as soon as they're born. It was then that I realized just how much I NEEDED Disney in my life. So it's really special to me.

So that's why I love the Polynesian, in a nutshell. A nutshell the size of Rhode Island, but that's the only kind of nutshell I can fit my ramblings into. ;)

Once again, I apologize for the lack of pictures and I love you all for reading this!
I never stayed but from your list i feel like i might have to at some point. I normally stay at OKW which i love.:love: but its always fun to try something new...maybe in April.
Yeah, I absolutely adore the Polynesian. I'm sure you can tell. You should definitely try it sometime, even if only for a night or two.

I've never been to OKW, but from the pictures I've seen it looks very relaxing.

:worship::worship: for your Polynesian list! While it is not technically the first resort I stayed at (that would be the old Disney villas that are now Saratoga Springs!) we stayed at the Poly several times when my sister and I were younger, so in a way it is the birthplace of my obsession too. We had to, well...I had to, go visit it on our trip. OMG I miss it there so much! The lobby is amazing and I always loved getting back at night and seeing the tiki torches. And good old Captain Cook's. :goodvibes Dear Disney Vacation Club: please build vacation homes at the Poly!!
Oh my god. If Disney ever builds vacation homes at the Poly, I will be the first person to buy in. Or well, my parents will be because I am a poor college student who is nowhere near able to afford DVC. :laughing:

HI! I came over from our TR and I'm subbing :goodvibes

Love the pic with the Pink Ranger and all you girls as the Power Rangers. You girls are so cute!
The Power Rangers were very popular around our house oh 14 or 15 years ago! When Caitlin was 4 she was was Kimberly for Halloween complete with the swoosh sounding gloves :rotfl: I was so bummed when she picked that over something Disney :rolleyes:

You describe the Poly wonderfully! I've stayed there several times and it's great! I also appreciate your love for Ohana!

Looking forward to hearing all about your plans! :)
Thanks for coming over! 4 year old Caitlin had very good taste. :rotfl:

And yes, 'Ohana is the most amazing place ever. I feel like I could sit in there the entire trip and just have the waiter keep bringing me more food. I never get sick of it!
Nikki, you are AWESOME. Thank you for adding some visual aids to my report. They are all wonderful. And the picture of the grill at 'Ohana is making me soooooooo hungry. I wonder if I could hire one of the 'Ohana chefs to come to my house and grill for me.

Samoans, do the Humpty Hump. Do the Humpty Hump.
Your family sounds great. I have twins so I can relate to your relationship with your sister through them. It will be exciting to see how much alike or different they will be. Currently, they both enjoy sports and learning. I hope it stays that way! ;)

We stayed at the Poly for our first trip -the one that was our once in a lifetime trip to the place we wouldn't be returning to for 6 years. Funny, that six years only felt like 6 months and turned into a DVC membership. :cool1: It is a negative that we won't be able to stay at the Poly because of DVC, but we will be eating there! I love Ohana. I enjoyed your list, but you didn't mention Tonga Toast or Dole Whips!
Joining in! And, I have a story to share, that I think you'll appreciate... ;)

My :love: of Disney movies began long ago, and I've been collecting them for as long as I can remember.... mostly since Disney puts the classics back in the "vault" and re-releases them every 10 years or so, and I always knew I wanted my kids to be able to grow up with all of the classic Disney films. Anyway, so back in September 2006, I met the man who is now my DH. Not long after we started dating, I was at his house, and I saw HIS collection of Disney movies. It was just as large as mine, but we only had ONE overlapping title: The Lion King. My all-time favorite Disney movie (of the ones that had been released at that time, and still in the top 3). It was also his favorite. I still joke that I married him for his Disney movies. :lmao: (He doesn't always find that joke funny, though... :confused3 )

Our first vacation together was to WDW, when we'd been dating about 6 months. My love of WDW was born on that trip, my 3rd to the World. We even bought into DVC on that trip! Including that first trip, in April 2007, we've been to WDW 7 times together (yes, 7 trips in under 3 years), with 3 (or 4 :rolleyes1 ) more already planned.

And apparently, I ramble just as much as you do, since that story really isn't relevant to much. ;) I just thought of it when you mentioned needing to find a man who wouldn't mind annual WDW vacations...


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