Gluttony . . . Pure Gluttony. 14 nights food reviews from two little piggies!LAST DAY

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I've been reading this dining report/adventure for 2 hours now! I've thought of so much to say in my head but now I"m at a loss for words!
You are the champion of WDW/Orlando eating. You and your DH should get an award. I have no doubt in my mind that you tell the truth when you say your DH gained 14lbs!

BTW, where I live we have scum dogs and I refuse to be around DH when he eats them (both during and after:rotfl: ). They are like chili dogs except no cheese. You would LOVE them!
so i have never been to chef mickey's so please forgive me for asking but what are you guys all talking about with the napkins there?
so i have never been to chef mickey's so please forgive me for asking but what are you guys all talking about with the napkins there?

:rotfl2: That must sound wierd!!! At Chef Mickeys and Crystal Palace every half hour or so all the characters do a sort of dance round the room with all the children, and you have to twirl your table napkin above your head to join in!

Another update coming tonight! Got held up last night :(
Your babies are precious!!:goodvibes

Milly and Wilbur are precious!!! I LOVE dogs and can't wait until I can get another dog!
Thank you so much for introducing them to us! Where do they stay when you vacation? I bet they pine for you when you and your hubby are gone.
Looking forward to more!!!

Thank you, they are our angels!! They have to go in the kennels while we are away, my mum has refused to have them ever since we got the 2nd one!! Mean grandma!

Love the reviews!
Thank you, I'm sad its coming to an end!

Your furry kids are awesome. I just picked up a baby German Shepherd about 3 weeks ago. It is the smartest dog I have ever had. Incredible guy.
Oh they are clever! Do you have a picture??

Mmmm, mint bliss sundae at Ghirardellis - by far and away my favourite ice-cream.
Shame about your second round of Tonga Toast - so you can have too much of a good thing ;)

The mint bliss was LOVELY! I will retun for a TT - I think I was just unlucky!

Loving the report!

If you love Krispy Kreme, you need to come here to Atlanta! We have the original KK here store here (as well as many many other outposts). But the original location is still the best, IMO. We also have some great places for ribs (Fat Matt's Rib Shack comes to mind)! :thumbsup2

We are planning a US roadtrip in 2010 (a Disney free holiday :faint: ) and Atlanta is so on our list!! And Graceland!!

I've been reading this dining report/adventure for 2 hours now! I've thought of so much to say in my head but now I"m at a loss for words!
You are the champion of WDW/Orlando eating. You and your DH should get an award. I have no doubt in my mind that you tell the truth when you say your DH gained 14lbs!

BTW, where I live we have scum dogs and I refuse to be around DH when he eats them (both during and after:rotfl: ). They are like chili dogs except no cheese. You would LOVE them!

No cheese - sounds good to me!!!!:rotfl:

Sadly I wasn't lying about the weight gain - the only bitter pill is he has lost most of his already, but I have only lost a pound of mine so far!!!! :sad1:
We had breakfasts booked out the next couple of days, so this was our last chance to eat at the POFQ foodcourt and have the delish beignets. So for some reason instead of them I went for the cinammon roll that I hadn’t much enjoyed at when I tried it last week. Crazy Lady. :crazy: This is what happens when I try make decisions before my morning cup of tea. We also ate in the foodcourt rather than the room as I felt we should eat in there at least once. The cinammon roll was Ok, but when you compare it to a Cinabbon (and beignets) its just fades into nothing!! TG had the croissant which was also a bit dry - 7/10.

We were having an early lunch so NO snacking during the morning . . . I know!!!! We walked to Beaches N Cream and arrived about 12.15. They could seat us straight away at the counter or there was a ten minute wait for a table. We decided to wait, and it was probably less than 5 minutes in total.

The server was pretty good, quick and efficient. I dropped my fork at one point and asked for another, waited about five minutes and couldn’t wait any longer so used the one I dropped on the floor (well if you don’t taste germs you can’t become immune to them), and then she appeared with the replacement. Oh well.

Even the lights in this place are cute!

Onto food! Firstly as a big bonus could get the lovely pink lemonade here!! We decided to share one regular cheese burger with onion rings, and a hot dog with fries. The waitress took the order and asked if we wanted chilli, cheese and onions on the hotdog. “No way” shouted I, “none of your fake, gloopy, cheese for me thank you, had enough of that yesterday”. “But wait” she said “this is real, proper, grated cheese” . Well alrighty then – pile it on!!

Here they are:-
Burger and onion rings

Chilli Cheese dog and fries

This was all superb. Absolutely lovely. Now that’s what I call a chilli cheese dog!!! :love: And the fries were probably the best I have had at Disney. The onion rings were OK, but I still wasn’t in the mood for grease after the tonga toast experience so didn’t eat many of them. But the burger . . . oh the burger . . . sweet morsel of heaven. We both agreed it was the best burger ever, and we only got half each of a regular one! Not even a double!!!!! What an amateur mistake!!!! Moist, unfatty burger, and squidgy soft roll. I gave this 9.5/10 (lose half a point for greasy onion rings, and for the waitress not encouraging us both to have more burgers instead of hotdog!!) TG gives hotdog 10/10 and burger 11/10.

Onto dessert . . . I was SO torn between the No Way Hose or sharing the Kitchen Sink, we had heard so much about both. In the end I went for the No Way Hose (peanut butter and hot fudge delight with chocolate and vanilla ice cream, peanut butter and chocolate morsels, whipped cream and a cherry ) and TG went for the Fudge Mud Slide (A gooey chewy brownie, hot fudge, three scoops of vanilla ice cream, oreo cookies, topped with whipped cream and a cherry ). We had every intention of sharing them but in the end I mainly stuck with the No Way Hose and TG the Mud Slide.

First of all they are humungous!!! Bigger than any sundae I have ever seen. This might have scared some people, but not us. We laugh in the face of danger.

Yes that is oreos decorating it! Whole ones!


Oh yes, should just say this picture was taken by a little boy in the restaurant . . . his dad sent him over to ask if we wanted a picture together! How kind was that?!

Not many things make me grin like this . . .

Anyway I had the No Way Hose and it was to die for. Peanut butter chips and choc chips all over it. The peanut butter sauce is really thick. OMG I loved this. I think I left a bit of icecream, but I had a good attempt at it. 10/10 from me and another 11/10 from TG. TG gives the Fudge Mud Slide 10/10 (I didn’t try enough to mark it!). We sure liked this place! :love: :banana:

OK, so I lied about leaving some . . . :rotfl:

Well, there was only one thing for it. We had to return and have a full burger each. There was no option - I had to look at my precious “food day-plan” made six months ago, and rearrange something. A Dis-sers worst nightmare.

But this meant another chance to maybe have the kitchen sink!!!!

Went back to Ecpot and by 4pm we were famished. We were heading to Norway for a school bread when I remembered seeing some good reviews of the Boulangerie Patisserie in France, so thought we would give it a look. Well this is us, so a look led to a purchase or 2. I went for a Crème Brulee (hadn’t had one all trip and was gagging for one!). TG went for something he thought was a chocolate éclair . . .

Managed to get a table outside eventually (they SO need more tables there, it was like a battle ground trying to get one. Luckily I have sharp elbows!!). I tucked straight into the crème brulee and have to give it a 8.5/10. Excellent! Really crisp topping and lovely light base. I wouldn’t know how to choose between it and the school bread to be honest.

Poor TG!!! Now I don’t know about France but in the UK a chocolate éclair is light pastry with chocolate on the top, and cream all through the middle. TG loves these. So, he took a massive bite and then gagged. Instead of cream it was filled with a really pale, unchocolately chocolate, brown thick goo. He hated it!! He said it was like eating (and if I am sharing too much tell me and I will delete it) he said it was like trying to eat a certain part of Willy Wonka!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotfl2: Which made me laugh so hard that I choked up a piece of my lovely crème brulee. He gives it 1/10, (tasteless, just plain weird)

Left Creme Brulee, right Willy Wonkas . . .

Anyway he refused to eat anymore of it so tucked into my crème brulee!!!!! He had half of it. Oink, oink Mister! He didn’t like the crisp top (is he mad?) but liked the base - 7/10

Now you are all going to call me a fool for this. Tonight we had reservations for Le Cellier, 7pm (didn’t I do well!?). You may have noticed we are not really into steak, but we were going for the atmosphere, and there were other things on the menu we were going to have (think there was a pork chop thing). Then of course a couple of months ago they changed the menu and there was literally nothing left we fancied! They should give 6-months notice when they change a menu so as not to inconvenience people with ADR’s!!! So I gave away the reservation to another Dis-ser . . . and made the decision to go to Bahama Breeze on Vineland Ave. That’s where the fool part comes in.

Now in my defence I had seen a few good reviews of this place, and indeed one of my guide books says it is the best chain restaurant food I will find in America, and the website was all tropical and alluring and I thought it would get us in the mood for next years cruise. Plus the menu had ribs and TWO types of wings – how could I fight that?!

Off we went! It was packed near the podium but we got seated straight away on a nice big table, waitress came straight over and was really friendly. Everything was going so well.

And then arrived the worst food of the holiday (for me, I should sat up front TG quite liked it). I had the Jamaican grilled wings (Marinated with authentic spicy jerk seasonings and slow roasted, with a tangy dipping sauce. ) and ribs (A full rack of fall-off-the-bone baby back ribs, glazed with our sweet and smokey guava barbecue sauce, served with mash ). TG had West Indian patties (Crispy pastry with savory beef filling served with seasoned sour cream and apple-mango salsa ) and the wood grilled Angus burger (Thick and juicy...a half-pound of Angus ground chuck on a toasted bun with lettuce, vine-ripe tomato, red onion ). When the wings arrived I literally drooled. They were huge!!! Then I started eating them, they were SO tough and gristly. Despite the size I barely got any meal off them at all. I also didn’t much like the rub they were in. I only had about 3 of them. TG’s patties were OK, kind of like Cornish pasties and very filling.

Wings / lumps of gristle

Then the ultimate annoyance. The entrees arrived while we were still eating. Man that really bugs me big style. I told the girl that we were still eating but she didn’t really seem to understand the point I was making, and to be frank the wings were so bad I didn’t mind giving up on them. But still, that really sends my blood pressure boiling. Is it that hard to work out that even me and TG need at least 10 minutes between dishes appearing!!!

The ribs were also a let down. Again they were just very tough and definitely didn’t fall off the bone. I have to be fair though – the mash was lovely – best of the whole trip. Proper potato and loads of it – not enough to redeem the meal though! And not even a little salad or anything on the plate. I give the place 4/10 for the mash. TG gives it a 7/10.
Ribs and burger

We decided not to bother with Dessert !!!! Well sort of . . . we went back to Epcot for Illuminations and yep, you guessed it. I had another Crème Brule!!!! All to myself!!! As good as the last . . . we only have one day in Epcot next year and I still don’t know how to choose between that or the schoolbread. I will probably have both though so let’s not stress over the decision.

Got back to the room and decided to mess with the ADR’s. Lunch on Friday was meant to be Plaza (MK), and Saturday was meant to be a final trip to the Earl before heading for the airport. But I threw mad caution to the wind (TG was busy watching Stacey on Disney TV and unable to help) . . . I decided to forego our last Earl visit and return to B&C. Then I was in the mood for change so we cancelled our lunch at the Plaza tomorrow and I booked Grand Floridian Café . . . without even seeing the menu!! What kind of disaster was this going to be?! Find out soon!!!!

Up next, Crystal Palace breckie, Aloha Isle treats, Grand Floridian lunch, Raglan Road dinner
Wow great update. You sure do love your ice cream don't you, but that peanut butter sundae looks yum. I might make a special trip to Beaches and Cream just to get one.

I've never tried Bahama Breeze but have also read lots of people rave about it. Those wings don't even look good in the picture!
I think these are the BEST reviews I"ve ever seen. Question: you mentioned your TG gained 14 lbs. May I ask how much you gained? I would have gained about 10-12 I"m sure. And you look like such a little thing. How did you do it? And are you practically fasting now after all of that?

Congrats for being able to eat this way and still look great! :)

Please do some more updates today! I LOVE reading them! :)

Up next, Crystal Palace breckie, Aloha Isle treats, Grand Floridian lunch, Raglan Road dinner
OK firstly the NO way Jose is on the menu, I am bigger than you but there is no way I could eat that AND the meal before hand so we might just go for the dessert.

Bahama Breeze... You are right the wings don't look that flash, although I wasn't planning on ordering them or ribs but shrimp all the way.... I wonder if that is better?????

I will keep an eye on future reviews and make our decision when we get there. The joys of offsite dining is that you don't have to decide 6 months in advance if you want to eat there.

Gosh I am so jealous of your trip you seem to have tried everything! I can't wait until Aaron and I go alone and can try some more exotic places to eat. However I will say that Josh did surprise us this trip. He actually tried sushi!
Once again I'm blown away by the amount of food you can consume girl, and stay SKINNY!!!!:thumbsup2
Oh, my! I really must get off my duff and get something done this evening! Thanks so much for your reviews and pics. I really need visuals to make decisions.
I'd love to have those itinerary templates, but they won't let me PM anyone until I have 10 posts! I'll have to work on that in the next few days!
I think the No Way Jose can be summed up in one word.


I sooooo want to go here on my upcoming trip now. I've seen different threads about it, but your review makes it sound just delish! And I think I may have a table service credit floating around that I hadn't decided on yet...sounds like a plan to me!:lmao:
Oh wow!!! The chilli dog, burger and ice cream sundaes all looked SO good! I think I would like your husbands with mint chip ice cream....yummmm!!
What a bummer that bahama breeze was so bad. The menu choices at least sounded good...too bad all the meat was tough! How do you make tough chicken wings?? I didn't even think that would be possible...
Looking forward to more!!!
Great update :thumbsup2
I can't believe that Fudge mud slide - whole oreos for decoration... :cloud9:
Sorry you didn't have a good meal at Bahama Breeze. We ate there a few years ago and loved it. If I remember rightly, I had the mahi mahi and it was YUM! :)
Ive really enjoyed your reviews. how on earth did you tuck all that food away? :laughing: I showed the reports to my 15 yr old. He says that he aspires to eat as much as you and that he WILL in August. We'll see! :lmao:

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