Gluttony . . . Pure Gluttony. 14 nights food reviews from two little piggies!LAST DAY

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Really enjoying your reviews and pics!

Just wanted to say:

"Weebles wooble, but they don't fall down." :rotfl2:
Love the review of Chef Mickeys and very excited o go. I couldn't PM you my e-mail because I need 10 posts before I can PM you for some reason. Could you PM me and then maybe I can PM:lmao: A lttle confusing hope you understood that

Your reviews are awesome! Great commentary and great pictures!

I am a huge Anglophile so it is funny to me how much you like the United States! We have actually traded houses twice with families in England. In 2003 we were in Carleton Rode. Do you know it? It is a tiny town in Norfolk about half an hour from Norwich. We went to a show at the puppet theatre and this sort of castle-museum and the cathedral and library in Norwich. In 2005 we were in Tunbridge Wells in Kent. We enjoyed it so much both times. My kids adore British treats like cherry bakewells and chocolate digestives. So many good memories!
I just found your trip report tonight and have enjoyed it so much!
You and your hubby are adorable and I am so enjoying your fun sense of humor!!
So funny, I am probably 1/2 again as big as you are and can only eat about 1/4 to 1/2 as much as you....You rock!!:worship:
Looking forward to more!!!!
Sorry to hear about your experience with the servers at the Pop Century food court. One of the reasons that the Pop is my favourite resort is because the CMs are usually so nice! I like the chilli cheese dogs but my favourite meal from there are the nachos - sooooo good!

Chef Mickeys is on our list for next year, so I'm glad to read a good review! Those mousse oreo things look really good.

Laur's princess:
let me suggest a solution to your chili cheese dog dilemma - next time, order it with the chili and the SHREDDED REAL CHEESE underneath it. I assure you this will make a huge difference !

I second this suggestion. Real cheese adds to the flavor and very yummy...

That orange easy cheese is a product of Chernobyl Farms. Avoid all all cost! :lmao:

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :lmao: Isn't that the grossest stuff!

Tonga Toast has got to be one of the most decadent breakfasts I have ever had. MMMMMM! And that coffee-now that's real coffee. (no insult to your nescafe~ well, maybe a little one:rotfl: )
:laughing: As much as you said the cheese was horrible, those dogs look SO good!!

We loved Chef Mickey's for breakfast! We went there on the day we left and what a great way to end the vacation on a Disney high!! The character interaction was great, and the PB&J Pizza is indeed, how shall I put this, YUM!! After a few plates and 2 huge glasses of chocolate milk (the choccy milk is awesome!) I too was feeling really sick and I was worried I'd be sick on the monorail :laughing: I guess it's funny now!! I was going to book it again this year but managed to snag an ADR at CRT for brekkie.

Awww that's another one you've made me want to book!!
Ick - I hate that squirty faux-cheese :sick:
I agree with your DH though, the Pop foodcourt is top notch!
Chef Mickeys looks fab - that mickey-ears moose looks lush AND on-top of an Oreo :faint: The other day I sampled the Oreo Mcflurry at McDonalds... :cloud9:
And, speaking as an American, you're not quite ready for your "naturalization" test! You need to remember that we use "z" here instead of "s"!

Darn it all, failed at the first hurdle!! Such an amateur!!!

Once again you leave me wondering "Where does she put it"?:confused3 I feel stuffed just reading....:rotfl: TG wanting to stay at POP to be close to the food court had me

I only wish I was laughing but look at my signature - we've only gone and booked it! My dreams of French Quarter will have to stay as dreams!

I am so enjoying your reviews - you have such a gift for it I think you should go every year just to entertain us!!!

OK!!! More than happy to! If you could all just chip in towards the flights . . .

Tuesday 20th May

First of all, just let me tell you that I am thoroughly enjoying your reviews ! And then, in the interest of international relations of course, let me suggest a solution to your chili cheese dog dilemma - next time, order it with the chili and the SHREDDED REAL CHEESE underneath it. I assure you this will make a huge difference ! I am not a fan, but my husband is, and this was his solution to the unidentifiable orange goo . . . . ! At Pop, they have this cheese at every station, so its not a problem ! Hope it helps !

See,I needed to know that a month ago!!!! :thumbsup2

What a bummer that you had such poor service at Pop
I've stayed there several times, and actually had wonderful experiences at the food court, very friendly CMs. Hopefully, it will be better for you next year!

Thanks for the review of Chef Mickey's! We've always done breakfast, not dinner, so it was great to see that and the desserts. The look delish!

I am really looking forward to breakfast! Only ten months to go :sad:
I'm sure service will be better next time, can't taint all the cast members because of those two rogues!!

I have to weigh in on the mash bowls for you. I HATE KFC. With a passion, seriously it makes me ill thinking about it. With that said, we went there about a year ago b/c DF loves it so much. I reluctantly ordered the mash bowl, oh my a little piece of heaven. I don't mind going there anymore. It's worth a repeat trip.

You're just taunting me now!!!!:rotfl:

That orange easy cheese is a product of Chernobyl Farms. Avoid all all cost!

:rotfl2: :rotfl:

Really enjoying your reviews and pics!

Just wanted to say:

"Weebles wooble, but they don't fall down."

Yey!! You have weebles and Magic Cookie Bars!! Its more perfect over there than I ever dared to dream

Love the review of Chef Mickeys and very excited o go. I couldn't PM you my e-mail because I need 10 posts before I can PM you for some reason. Could you PM me and then maybe I can PM A lttle confusing hope you understood that


No prob!!:thumbsup2

Your reviews are awesome! Great commentary and great pictures!

I am a huge Anglophile so it is funny to me how much you like the United States! We have actually traded houses twice with families in England. In 2003 we were in Carleton Rode. Do you know it? It is a tiny town in Norfolk about half an hour from Norwich. We went to a show at the puppet theatre and this sort of castle-museum and the cathedral and library in Norwich. In 2005 we were in Tunbridge Wells in Kent. We enjoyed it so much both times. My kids adore British treats like cherry bakewells and chocolate digestives. So many good memories!

I have never heard of Carleton Rode, how shameful! But I know all the other places!:thumbsup2 I'm glad you had a good time here! We always have lovely times in the US!!!:goodvibes

Ohh chocolate digestives - my fave thing in the world to dunk into a cup of tea!!!

I just found your trip report tonight and have enjoyed it so much!
You and your hubby are adorable and I am so enjoying your fun sense of humor!!
So funny, I am probably 1/2 again as big as you are and can only eat about 1/4 to 1/2 as much as you....You rock!
Looking forward to more!!!!

It takes a lot of training to eat this much, don't rush into it, take the training slowly, just build up by 500 calories per day . . . :)

Sorry to hear about your experience with the servers at the Pop Century food court. One of the reasons that the Pop is my favourite resort is because the CMs are usually so nice! I like the chilli cheese dogs but my favourite meal from there are the nachos - sooooo good!

Chef Mickeys is on our list for next year, so I'm glad to read a good review! Those mousse oreo things look really good.

Laur's princess:

You don't like that cheese do you?! :scared1:

The oreo was good, wish I could have managed more than one!!

Isn't that the grossest stuff!

Tonga Toast has got to be one of the most decadent breakfasts I have ever had. MMMMMM! And that coffee-now that's real coffee. (no insult to your nescafe~ well, maybe a little one:rotfl: )

It tasted evil!!!!

I have to say, Kona's coffee even beat the stuff in the foodcourt:rotfl2:

:laughing: As much as you said the cheese was horrible, those dogs look SO good!!

We loved Chef Mickey's for breakfast! We went there on the day we left and what a great way to end the vacation on a Disney high!! The character interaction was great, and the PB&J Pizza is indeed, how shall I put this, YUM!! After a few plates and 2 huge glasses of chocolate milk (the choccy milk is awesome!) I too was feeling really sick and I was worried I'd be sick on the monorail :laughing: I guess it's funny now!! I was going to book it again this year but managed to snag an ADR at CRT for brekkie.

Awww that's another one you've made me want to book!!

Don't have the cheese, don't have the cheese!!!!!:scared1:

Chocolate milk at breakfast?? Well done you!:worship: I cannot wait to get my hands on that pizza again!

The amount of restaurants I crawled out of thinking I was going to be sick . . . it went past funny and turned into routine!! TG knew that as soon as we got to the car I would have to pop the buttons on my skirt waistband open and release the tummy!!

CRT brekkie review coming up!!:thumbsup2

Ick - I hate that squirty faux-cheese :sick:
I agree with your DH though, the Pop foodcourt is top notch!
Chef Mickeys looks fab - that mickey-ears moose looks lush AND on-top of an Oreo :faint: The other day I sampled the Oreo Mcflurry at McDonalds...

Don't tease me!:goodvibes I keep seeing them advertised but am still trying to lose the vacation weight so haven't let myself have one yet!!! Its our wedding anniversary next week so I may be a devil and treat myself to one then! Get a little American flavour going on!!:) ::yes::
Yay, I'm caught up again!

I've been a member of the 50's Prime Time Cafe's "Clean Plate Club" in the past. I earned a sticker. ;) I enjoy the fried chicken and meatloaf there, and the s'mores...I guess that's really American if you can't get graham crackers in the UK!

Anchor's Away...the only item on the menu at Columbia Harbor House as far as I'm concerned, now that they don't have the 1/2 sandwich and cup of soup combo anymore. I'm a big fan of tuna, and I'm glad you agree it's a might good tuna sandwich. :thumbsup2

I haven't been to Chef Mickey's in years. My favorite item had been the parmesan mashed potatoes. And I think you're confusing the cornbread you like vs. "stuffing/dressing", a side dish usually on Thanksgiving. Stuffing is savory, and cornbread (like the muffins) can be on the savory or sweet side. I like it better sweet, like the muffins at the Boston Market restaurant chain. I think you'd like it there. :)

You must have a hummingbird's metabolism. That's the only explanation for your twiggy nature. ;)
Thank you for the training advice! Actually I usually end up with a doggy bag and I don't have a dog:worried:
But I do have a very well fed garbage can!!!::yes::
Looking forward to more of your culinary adventures!!!!
you are a loveable hoot :goodvibes do you ever get indigestion?????:confused3 keep writing-- you are magical:lovestruc
Two “gentlemen” from Jamaica according to their name badges (and a country I will now never bother to visit) ignored us while they carried on their chat, then looked at us, then ignored us again and on it went.

I know EXACTLY how you feel. That's how I am feeling waiting for you to finish the next day of your report. Can you please just ignore all these other people's questions and concentrate on the report?:)

Please don't anyone take me seriously. I'm only kidding. I look forward to reading your review each day, but I see it is nearing the end. Guess it is time for you to get back to the World and eat some more.
Ok...all caught up!

I am in love with your food report and quite jealous of your metabolism.!

Isn't cornbread great!?!? Actually, speaking of cornbread and KFC, our local KFC used to have cornbread, and it was divine (totally unexpected, coming out of a fast food joint). Well, ours no longer carries it, but if you do happen to make it back there next year, definitely ask if they have it. You won't be disappointed!

Also, since you seem to like tuna sandwiches, I had the best one of my life (yes, of my life) at Roaring Forks at Wilderness Lodge when we went in April. I've never had a tuna sandwich anywhere else in the world, but this one was top notch, really. And it was so huge! Top it off with one of the megasize brownies and a diet coke and I was a happy, happy lady!

Looking forward to your next installment!
I have been following this thread. But after seeing the food at Trails End, I had to chime in to say I can not wait to go there. We just switched to TE from WCC and I'm more excited to be going now. We are also doing 50's and I may have to get over to POP and try that chili cheese dog. Can't believe we've stayed there a couple times and I have never had that! popcorn:: Here's to as many reviews as you have. :worship:
I can answer that one! Stick-in-the-mud, poopypants types of people don't wave their napkins. ::yes::

I would wave my napkin, but the last time I tried it I nearly put out my own eye and I knocked over a glass of juice. :rotfl2:

And then I tried waving a small towel at a playoff baseball game a few years back (rally towels ... you guys know what I'm talking about) and it resulted in a near miss that would have resulted in the spillage of much skunky beer.

I've now been officially banned from napkin waving. :lmao:
Wednesday 21st May

So, originally this second Kona Café breakfast was booked so I could have the macadamia nut pancakes. But serendipity in the form of TG happened the other morning when TG’s breakfast came with them, so I got to try them after all. Which meant today I could choose what to have . . . more tonga toast please!! I ordered the fruit cup with it again, and that lovely pot of coffee again. TG went for the french toast with bacon, and another side of toast.

Before coffee . . .

After coffee . . . it really is good stuff!

Different view . . . today we have the tonga toast cut open. Looking good!

I wish it had tasted as good as it looked. All I can say is, if this was the first tonga toast I had ever had, than I would never try it again! It was SO overcooked compared to the superb one I had Monday. The bread was really over crispy, and because it had been siting in the oil too long the oil had really seeped through into the bread. There was also (get this from me!) way too much sugar on it. I ate half of it, but was feeling so sick from all the excess fat I just couldn’t carry on. I was so disappointed. I will go here again, and I will have it again, but next time I will make sure to say that I just want it very lightly cooked. I know you won’t believe this considering my vacation diet, but I actually don’t like the taste of just pure fat – this made me feel ill for most of the day! For the next few days after eating it I swore never to have one again, but since getting back the memories of the first one have flooded back over me thankfully! I can only give this one a 5/10 sadly. :worried:

French Toast

TG liked the French toast and bacon 7/10, and we both really enjoyed the coffee again! If I owned a percolator I might have bought some of the beans!

We went to Blizzard beach, but I felt so queasy after the tongo toast that we couldn’t even partake in our favourite mini-donuts. This was devastating indeed! Then an even bigger blow to the diet plans – we were due to have lunch at Cookes of Dublin (where we were both planning on having the battered cocktail sausages) but I still couldn’t bear the thought of anything oily near me. The only thing in the whole wide world I fancied was . . . icecream . . . so off to Ghirerdellis’ again for lunch!

Despite how ill I was feeling I made a remarkable recovery when this appeared in front of me!:rotfl:



Ohh! TG’s is the very berry sundae (A scoop of premium strawberry cheesecake ice cream smothered with sliced strawberry topping under a layer of blueberry cheesecake ice cream, blueberry topping, whipped cream, our chocolate berry blues and a hand made chocolate dipped waffle roll), and I went for the mint bliss -one scoop of mint chip ice cream, one scoop of chocolate ice cream, dark chocolate hot fudge sauce, whipped cream and a square of Mint Bliss Intense Dark chocolate (but I subbed normal fudge sauce for dark choc fudge sauce – I have been unable to eat dark chocolate since a slight over indulgence last Easter!!!!). Must say this was a joy to eat – best sundae of the trip so far, I ate every last drip. 10/10 (TG 8/10)

Then I felt sick again and we spent the afternoon laying in a darkened hotel room! The sundae was so worth it though!:thumbsup2

While at DTD we picked up a couple more Goofy snacks to last the rest of the vacation. I had my favourite – marshmallows, milk choc, reeses pieces and choc chips, and caramel. Delish! 10/10 again! TG tried a gingerbread mickey with choc chips and m&m's. he didn’t like this – thought the gingerbread tasted mouldy!!! I tried a little and it seemed OK to me! TG 6/10.


Tonight we wanted a quick and early dinner as we were going to the Princess and Pirate party so thought we would go to one of our favourites, Pizza Hut! We LOVE Pizza Hut in America, its better in every way from the UK ones! Usually we go to the one at the top of I-Drive, but thought we would try the one on 192 for a change. What a mistaka to make-a!

The fact that when we arrived at 5.30 it was completely empty apart from one family should have been a clue that it wasn’t perhaps the best. Despite the fact it was empty we waited a good few minutes to be seated. Then it was about another 10 minutes before the same girl who seated us came to take our drink order. All the while we had been waiting we had been able to hear her and a man (I assume the manager) behind the counter having an argument about how overworked she was!!!! You had two customers lady!!! I asked for a bottle of water
Waitress - “I can’t sell you water”,
Me “Oh? But its on the menu and I don’t like fizzy stuff”
Waitress “We can only sell bottled water to our takeout guests. I can get you a glass of tap water?”

Is it me?! Isn’t it a bit weird not to be able to sell me a bottle of water, that is on the menu she handed me?! Anyway, we went for garlic bread and a large super supreme (I think) which was basically a bit of every topping!

All the while we were waiting the argument carried on, it was really quite uncomfortable (yet entertaining!!!!!!). A British family came in, sat down, listened to the argument, then left without ordering!! The wait also gave us time to look around a bit – this place really was grubby. I’m so glad we couldn’t see the kitchen. TG is an environmental health officer and I think if we’d have seen it we would have had to leave, or shut it down!!

I am pleased to report the food was as good as remembered! Thank goodness!! The garlic bread in Pizza Hut is to die for. If I tell you that Pizza Hut garlic bread in the UK is half this size, in only buttered on one side, and is always overcooked you will understand why our hearts leapt at the sight of this. Buttered so thickly on both sides that it meets in the middle, and cooked to perfection. This was wolfed down in 10 seconds flat. Garlic bread is a 10/10 every time for us!

Side story - Remember my friend who was ill in the Cheesecake Factory? Back in 2002 her and me came to Orlando alone together and she puked up the pizza hut meal we had and blocked our hotel toilet with it . . . what a waste of garlic bread. And is she always ill on vacation?! Anyway the garlic bread is so good, that memory doesn’t put me off it, and I have had some every trip since!

The pizza was also nice, much nicer than the Dominos one. I had 3 slices and TG had 4. We mark it 7/10 though because the place was dirty and the atmosphere appalling! Stick with I-Drive!

We had some popcorn in the MK that evening, I love that stuff. They started getting Orvil Redenbacks in the UK for a while, but it seems to have vanished again now, more’s the pity. I had to bring a suitcase full of it back from Walmart!! TG then got an icecream from Main St but they messed up his order so I didn’t dare take a photo of his face at that point!! Don’t mess with his snacks people!

Only an OK day food wise, we will do better!

Tomorrow, POFQ foodcourt, Beaches and Cream lunch, Bahama Breeze dinner, and many snacks from Boulangerie Patisserie!!!!!
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