Getting best deal at HIFS



We're going to DW in October and would like to stay at the Holiday Inn Family can we get the lowest price on this hotel? I called the Hotel directly and it was 150.00 a night...I thought about using Priceline but you can't pick your hotel...any suggestions would be appreciated.
This hotel doen not participate with priceline. Last October they ran a special, buy one night-get one free. Not sure if they will do it again. I also asked why the rates were so high in October and they said it was the busiest month for conventions.

95- offsite
97- Nikki bird
98- Holiday Inn M.E.
99- Days suites
00-ASM and HIFS
00- DL and MOWC
01- Animal kingdom lodge and HIFS
Call hifs directly NOT the 800# and tell them you would like the VTRIP (valuetrip) rate. For Oct. it should be $116. I will be there the first week of Oct. and that's the rate I got.
Hope this helps! This is such a great hotel! :)

<font Color =FF0000>HIFS 10/01
<marquee direction ="right" align="middle" behavior="alternate">can't wait, can't wait, CAN'T WAIT!!</marquee>

<font face="comic sans MS">"It's disney, it's crowded. Get over it!"</font>
Check out While you're there, look at Sheraton's Vistana Villages (we're staying there in May). Also, look at timeshare hotels for a significant discount if you take time to do a timeshare tour.
If you have a grandparent in your party you can really get a discount! I booked for this coming June and since we put the Ressies in my Mom's name and her granddaughter (my DD) will be along, she is getting the $79. per night Grandparents Special. (The older the Grandparent, the better the rate! My DM is 77.)

I hope that this helps someone ;-))

Hi. We're going 8/29 - 9/3 for 5 nites and have booked a kidsuite for $107 per nite. I called the hotel directly and was give the rate of $129 per nite for this same room. I got the cheaper rate through this board by clicking the hotel discounts and booking it online with Dream Reservations. You might do better, keep trying!
Are actually the same thing, and slightly misleading since you "only" have to be over 50 to qualify. Rate goes down the older you are, but limited spaces are reserved at this rate, so call early! Person that qualifies must be there at check-in with i.d. proving age. Good deal!
Terri the Yoopermom
I would try their website directly to see what you can get. It looks like the October rates are starting @ 129.00 per night, but you may be able to get it discounted with the proper codes. We stayed there Apr/2000 and we loved it!
We have a kid's suite reserved there for June 8 & 9 for $104/night. But I will probably cancel it since we decided to do the BC instead. I wonder if I could transfer the ressie to someone else's name?? Someone might be able to benefit from it then.
... seem to be available through Dream Reservations (this website). Plus, if you book a 4 or more night stay, you can buy discounted tickets. Also, they will handle your priority seating reservations for you. Check it out on the home page at the right hand side of the screen, just type in your dates and requirements. You'll get one or more hotel rates to choose from.
Sorry, I meant to reply but must have hit new thread instead. Anyway, I found a rate of $108 per night for October, at Believe me, I have shopped all over and I think this is the best rate anywhere, aside from senior rates. I will be there in Oct. too, but got the senior rate as my DMIL is coming with us. Good luck!
Great hotel, wonderfully close to all the parks with out any problems driving at all. I got 110.00 per night from, they make you pay in advance and you get a voucher stating paid in full with a confirmation number on it. NO problems with this at all. I did call ahead and check that I really had a room, paid in full with the hotel and they said all was ok. We loved this hotel and would stay again. I stayed at All Stars last year and this is about the same distance to Epcot as that was, and actually closer to DTD than All Stars is. It has a great location.
Hello goofymom/pop,

if you don't mind answering a few questions??

How was the comp shuttle from HIFS to WDW? or did you only use a rental car? They say it's a mile from WDW or is this exaggerated???

We'll be going in October 2002, but can't book it yet, I'm still searching these boards everyday for info on this location.

thank you so much for replying - everybody's welcome to.

have a good day :D



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