Geeks On A Plane - 1/11 PTR * Postponed :( 7/2

Since I did MK and DHS "must-do's", here's our list for Epcot :)

Must Do
Spaceship Earth - Of course we have to go in the park icon! Besides, it'll be a nice break.
Test Track - James LOVES cars and is a commercial driver, so I think he'd get a kick out of it.
Nemo - Again with Jacquie and the under-the-sea thing.
Soarin' - You know, I've never been on this?
Gran Fiesta Tour (the boat in Mexico) - I told Jacquie about this and she was all "OMG OMG WE HAVE TO" because she loves the Three Caballeros (sp?).
Maelstrom (the boat in Norway) - Why not, right? :)
Explore the World Showcase - This is probably how we'll spend most of the day.
Illuminations - Us + fireworks = :cheer2:

Everything else

Mission Space isn't included on either list because I have trouble with spinny things and Jacquie has claustrophobia, so neither of us will be going on it. If the guys want to, they can, but that's up to them.
those photos were so cool!!!:cool1: interesting to see some behind the scenes photos!

loved the harry potter scarves!!! can't wait to see what the forbidden journey's ride format is going to be like!:goodvibes

I'm definitely getting some face painting done at Disney, know they do it in animal kingdom, do you know anywhere else that does it?
those photos were so cool!!!:cool1: interesting to see some behind the scenes photos!

loved the harry potter scarves!!! can't wait to see what the forbidden journey's ride format is going to be like!:goodvibes

I'm definitely getting some face painting done at Disney, know they do it in animal kingdom, do you know anywhere else that does it?

I love those pics :) The one of Laura with the AVAC always makes me laugh.

I want to see the Harry Potter park, but we've cut it from our trip and can always go another time, you know? We're either doing another day at MK or Epcot, but we're not sure which yet. We're going to wait and see what we decide we want to do when we get there.

Um... They USED to have face painting in Toontown at MK, but I'm not sure if they still do because of the teardown and everything, since I'm not sure when that starts. :confused3 They may have a kiosk in Adventureland, but that may have just been a hair wrap station. The best thing I can suggest is just looking at a map or asking a CM. Custodial CM's are the best people to ask, since they're basically walking information desks (seriously).
Sooooo booooooooored. Sometimes I hate my job and tonight's one of those times. I'm very tired for some reason and want to go home (or to DBF's place).

So instead I'm posting our must-do's for DAK. We'll be done with this park pretty quickly, since we're only doing a few of the rides and shows and can quickly get through the animal viewing areas.

Must Do
Festival of the Lion King - We MIGHT be going to see the Lion King musical here in Chicago in October, but it depends on if we can get tickets. Either way, I've never been able to catch this and want to see it.
Kilimanjaro Safaris - I love this ride :)
Expedition Everest - Jacquie might not go on this because of the backwards part, but I still think the rest of us will like it.
Finding Nemo - Again, Jacquie and her love of the ocean. She LOVES Finding Nemo because of the animation, though, and when I explained this to her, she was all "OMGOMGOMG I WANNA SEE IT".
Animal viewing areas - We're not going up to the Conservation areas, even though I think they're cute, and will likely just stick to the main viewing areas in the larger part of the park.

Kali River Rapids - This really depends on the weather, since we're going in January.
Dinosaur - This gave me a headache the first time I went on it, but if the others want to go, I will, too.
Everything else

Like I said, we'll be done with it fairly quickly :)
I had been reading your PTR, but just realized I hadn't actually subbed! I have been enjoying reading about your new relationship! You are giving me hope for eharmony... I haven't tried any internet sites yet, but it's good to know they work sometimes!

I am planning on being back at the world solo (as long as I get my butt in gear and get trained for the marathon) in January as well, so I will keep my eye out for you and your crew!
I had been reading your PTR, but just realized I hadn't actually subbed! I have been enjoying reading about your new relationship! You are giving me hope for eharmony... I haven't tried any internet sites yet, but it's good to know they work sometimes!

I am planning on being back at the world solo (as long as I get my butt in gear and get trained for the marathon) in January as well, so I will keep my eye out for you and your crew!

:rotfl: Oddly enough, I'd signed up on eHarmony out of a combination of boredom and seeing that some of the girls on the wedding forum had met their husbands there :) My sister's godfather met his wife on eHarmony, too. I have some issues with the company, but it apparently worked anyway :lmao: Just a note, but I had bad luck with and YMMV, though.

Awesome! If you're at the same place at the same time we are, we'll have to get together for ice cream or something! :goodvibes Good luck getting trained for the marathon! :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:
hey girl! has DBF showed much interest in planning the trip? My DBF Is not showing as much interest as I would like but hopefully once we get there he'll see what all the fuss is about!
hey girl! has DBF showed much interest in planning the trip? My DBF Is not showing as much interest as I would like but hopefully once we get there he'll see what all the fuss is about!

Not really, to be honest. Most of the trip is planned already, though, since Jacquie and I have been talking about this for almost a year now :rotfl: There are some other issues going on right now that I don't really want to talk about yet, since I don't know for sure what's happening with them. But, yeah, he hasn't really shown any interest in the planning :)
Hi! I'm late, but I'm here! I found my way to your PTR after you posted on mine! :) I am loving it so far! I am going to go back and read everything right now, I just wanted to say a quick hello first! :woohoo:
Hi! I'm late, but I'm here! I found my way to your PTR after you posted on mine! :) I am loving it so far! I am going to go back and read everything right now, I just wanted to say a quick hello first! :woohoo:

Yay! :welcome: :) I'm glad you're enjoying it, lol. I like to write (for a while, I thought about doing what you do for a living), so I like to try and make this as entertaining as possible :rotfl:
Okay, I'm all caught up! This is a great PTR! Here are my comments so far:

That is so cool that you were a CM! I have always wanted to work at WDW! I wanted to do the college program but it just didn't work out with the classes I needed for teaching at the time. I would love to hear all about what it's like to work there! :goodvibes

I'm so sorry you had to cancel your birthday trip. :sad2: I have had a few hopeful trips fall through and that always stinks. But you will be there in just over 7 months having the time of your life! :hug:

Congrats on the DBF!! That is so exciting! It's awesome that you guys are getting along so well and things are progressing so nicely. ;) We need some pics now! :laughing:

OMG! I almost fell out of my chair when I saw that picture of you and Jared Padalecki. He is SOOO CUTE!! :love: I'm jealous!!

I am loving all of your "must-dos"! Can't wait to read more! :thumbsup2
Okay, I'm all caught up! This is a great PTR! Here are my comments so far:

That is so cool that you were a CM! I have always wanted to work at WDW! I wanted to do the college program but it just didn't work out with the classes I needed for teaching at the time. I would love to hear all about what it's like to work there! :goodvibes

I'm so sorry you had to cancel your birthday trip. :sad2: I have had a few hopeful trips fall through and that always stinks. But you will be there in just over 7 months having the time of your life! :hug:

Congrats on the DBF!! That is so exciting! It's awesome that you guys are getting along so well and things are progressing so nicely. ;) We need some pics now! :laughing:

OMG! I almost fell out of my chair when I saw that picture of you and Jared Padalecki. He is SOOO CUTE!! :love: I'm jealous!!

I am loving all of your "must-dos"! Can't wait to read more! :thumbsup2

LMAO, I absolutely loved being a CM. I mean, where else do you get paid to watch fireworks and parades and blow bubbles at kids? Of course, I was in custodial, not all roles are like that, but I'd still love to move back and be a GSM in the parks. That depends on some other things that are going on in my life right now. I'm definitely not staying in the health care field, though. I'm weird... I bounce around.

I'm hoping to be able to get down for my birthday next year, since this year didn't work out. I so can't wait for this trip. It's all I've been looking forward to for months now.

The DBF... Well. In all honesty, I'm not sure if things will continue going the way they are. It's a long story, but it has to do with the possibility of him being transferred by his company to another location. Said location being in Tennessee :sad2: But, yeah. Long story :( I'm hoping that he'll still be around at least for my birthday (two weeks from yesterday), since he and Jacquie and Ian and I are supposed to go to Six Flags.

:lmao: I've met Jensen Ackles, too :teeth: And most of the rest of the cast of Supernatural, which is one of my favorite shows ever. Jared gives good hugs, though :goodvibes I go to conventions every once in a while and may be going to a Stargate one here in August, and I might go to the Supernatural con in October, but that depends on who all's going to be a guest there.

Glad you like our list of must-do's :goodvibes As I keep telling Jacquie, it helps that I'm a former CM :lmao: On the CP, I didn't have much money, so if I wanted something to do, I just went to the parks.
LMAO, I absolutely loved being a CM. I mean, where else do you get paid to watch fireworks and parades and blow bubbles at kids? Of course, I was in custodial, not all roles are like that, but I'd still love to move back and be a GSM in the parks. That depends on some other things that are going on in my life right now. I'm definitely not staying in the health care field, though. I'm weird... I bounce around.

I'm hoping to be able to get down for my birthday next year, since this year didn't work out. I so can't wait for this trip. It's all I've been looking forward to for months now.

The DBF... Well. In all honesty, I'm not sure if things will continue going the way they are. It's a long story, but it has to do with the possibility of him being transferred by his company to another location. Said location being in Tennessee :sad2: But, yeah. Long story :( I'm hoping that he'll still be around at least for my birthday (two weeks from yesterday), since he and Jacquie and Ian and I are supposed to go to Six Flags.

:lmao: I've met Jensen Ackles, too :teeth: And most of the rest of the cast of Supernatural, which is one of my favorite shows ever. Jared gives good hugs, though :goodvibes I go to conventions every once in a while and may be going to a Stargate one here in August, and I might go to the Supernatural con in October, but that depends on who all's going to be a guest there.

Glad you like our list of must-do's :goodvibes As I keep telling Jacquie, it helps that I'm a former CM :lmao: On the CP, I didn't have much money, so if I wanted something to do, I just went to the parks.

I'm so glad that you liked being a CM! Hopefully you can work there again someday! :)

I've got my fingers crossed for your birthday!

I'm sorry to hear about DBF. :worried: I hope everything works out for you!

I'd like to try one of those Jared hugs on for size! :lmao:

It would be so awesome to go to Disney with a former CM! You know all of the best spots! Tell your friend Jacquie that you're the boss! ;)
I'm so glad that you liked being a CM! Hopefully you can work there again someday! :)

I've got my fingers crossed for your birthday!

I'm sorry to hear about DBF. :worried: I hope everything works out for you!

I'd like to try one of those Jared hugs on for size! :lmao:

It would be so awesome to go to Disney with a former CM! You know all of the best spots! Tell your friend Jacquie that you're the boss! ;)

Well, depending on what happens with DBF's job, it might be in the cards again. :)

We've discussed it and, honestly, if he's offered it, I think he should take it. If he doesn't, he'll regret it. I know he's worried about just picking up and moving, but I've done it before. It's scary at first, but it's not that bad. I've decided that if he does take it and move, I'm not going to date for a while and just focus on saving and then move back to Florida in a couple years. I don't want to stay in Chicago, but I was willing to do it for him. However, I am NOT willing to move to Tennessee, and have absolutely no desire to do so. Such is life, though. Whatever's going to happen is going to happen :)

:lmao: Not all the best spots, just most of them :goodvibes
Hey Firefly...thought it was time I returned the compliment and check out your PTR.

Your ADR plans are gastronomic and I'm hoping that you will enjoy your birthday at 6Flags in a couple of weeks.

Nice to be able to put a face to the name :)
Hey Firefly...thought it was time I returned the compliment and check out your PTR.

Your ADR plans are gastronomic and I'm hoping that you will enjoy your birthday at 6Flags in a couple of weeks.

Nice to be able to put a face to the name :)

:lmao: Thanks for looking! :)

Yeeeaaah, one of the main reasons we're looking forward to it so much is the food. We all love to cook and eat, so naturally, we're looking forward to enjoying the food while we're there :goodvibes I'm hoping my birthday will be good, too. My parents may now be joining us, but I'm not sure on that one yet. My dad hasn't heard about it yet, since we're actually going the day before my birthday.

Nice to hear from you over here! :)
Last night, Jacquie and I spent about two hours on the phone talking about the trip. Since it looks like James more than likely won't be coming now (it actually looks more and more like we'll be splitting up :( ), we've changed a couple things around. We also changed some of the restaurants we want to get ADR's at.

We've decided that we're going to skip the Wishes cruise (since it's just going to be the three of us) and, instead, probably watch Wishes from the beach at Fort Wilderness before we have dinner at the Hoop Dee Doo Revue.

We've also decided that on our last day, we're going to go to Magic Kingdom for a second day :) We were originally going to wait and see where we wanted to spend another day between Epcot and MK, but Jacquie and I decided on MK :rotfl:

The restaurants that have changed are the following:

Nixing Turf Club in favor of Raglan Road. We wanted to do Raglan Road anyway, but this is just moving it to our first day instead of on our last.

Nixing Artist Point in favor of Planet Hollywood on the same night and another reservation later in the week. I looked at the menu again and realized that there's nothing on there that Ian or I would like, so we're skipping Artist Point. If we spend the whole evening at Downtown Disney, we don't have to worry about driving anywhere, since we can just take the boat back to POR. We are still having breakfast at the GF that morning, but after that, we'll just park at the resort and head over to Downtown Disney on the boat.

On our second MK day, we're doing lunch at Liberty Tree Tavern. We were originally thinking about going out of the park for lunch, but instead we're going to try and get an ADR for around 2:30 or so, so that we can possibly see the 3pm parade from our table.

The other reservation we nixed Artist Point for is Kona. Jacquie had wanted to try it, and when it looked like James was coming, we had decided that on our last day, we'd split up for lunch (her and Ian, me and James) and they were going to go to Kona if we spent the day at MK. Now we're just doing it as a late lunch before leaving for the airport :) Jacquie was happy when we decided this :lmao:

I will hopefully have some current pictures to post after this weekend. Jacquie, Ian and I are going to Six Flags on Sunday. She has to process her season pass (I did mine today), so we're all going up for the day. Then next Wednesday, it'll be the three of us and my parents heading up there for the day. James isn't coming due to work, which is fine. Such is life, you know? :)

Jacquie and I are also thinking about going down again next July for a few days. My birthday's in June and hers is in August, so we're considering doing a combined birthday trip for just the two of us next year. We haven't decided yet, obviously, but it is something we're thinking about.
hey hey!

your change of plans mean we have a couple of adr's the same now/...

we have Liberty tree tavern booked for our MK day at 2.30, I saw a photo of their tavern friend cheese in another trip report and man, that cinched it for me, its also on the disney food blog as one of their fav appetizers/snacks in the whole of disney!:worship:

we are also going to Planet Hollywood, I like a lot of stuff on their menu, the chicken crunch has been my fav sice I went to the planet hollywood in Toronto 12 years ago!

hope things work out for the best with you and James...:hug:
hey hey!

your change of plans mean we have a couple of adr's the same now/...

we have Liberty tree tavern booked for our MK day at 2.30, I saw a photo of their tavern friend cheese in another trip report and man, that cinched it for me, its also on the disney food blog as one of their fav appetizers/snacks in the whole of disney!:worship:

we are also going to Planet Hollywood, I like a lot of stuff on their menu, the chicken crunch has been my fav sice I went to the planet hollywood in Toronto 12 years ago!

hope things work out for the best with you and James...:hug:

LOL, yay for similar ADRs :teeth: We were originally thinking about doing Liberty Tree on our first MK day as a lunch, but we didn't want to do three meals, so we cut it. Now it's back on :) I love that restaurant, though, omg. It's such a pretty building, and Liberty Square is one of my favorite parts of MK. :woohoo:

:rotfl: We also originally had Planet Hollywood on the list and then nixed it for Artist Point, but now we've decided to undo that :) We like a lot of the things on the menu, too, and we think it'd be good to spend the evening in one place, so we're not stressed out about running around to make an ADR. Plus, it gives us an excuse to use the boat from POR to DD :yay:

Honestly, I'm thinking that it's just about over. I've barely talked to him over the last few weeks. We tend to text instead of call because of how our jobs are, and unless I text him, he doesn't really text me. And I haven't heard from him at all over the last few days. We'll see, but such is life. It was fun while it lasted :) Thanks for the :hug: though :) :hug::hug::hug:
I hope you have a good time at six flags!! I can't wait to see pictures! :)

I think that you made some good changes to your ADRs! Planet Hollywood is delicious. I've never had Raglan Road but I've heard good things! And Kona...YUMMY! :love:


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