FP+ Royally sucks

Actually, according to what I read here, the best way to get the rides at the times you like is to start with booking them at the polar opposite times of what you really want, then move them around.

Sounds perfectly intuitive to me.

THIS! After planning three trips under the new FP+ system, the "pick times that are nowhere near what you want" has become my strategy. Then I go back in a rebuild the day with the times I do want. It makes things so much easier than picking a "best match" schedule and then trying to tiptoe around the times you currently have.
There seems to be a lot of confusion in this thread, especially by the OP. I am 99% sure that Space Mountain is not fully booked 60 days out. The system is just not very intuitive, but it DOES allow you to change your times once they are initially selected by Disney. If you can figure it out.

Once you go through the selection process and choose your FP+ times (based on the 4 options that Disney originally gives you - Option A, Option B, Option C, Best Match) it takes you to the confirmation page. On this page there is a "Make Changes" button. It takes you to a page where all 3 of your FP+ are listed on one page. There is a drop-down list to select from available times. You use the "Select New Time" link to change the time, or the "Change Experience" button to switch to a different ride.

I just did this to make an FP+ for Space Mountain for Sunday 6/29 - only 2 days from now. Times are available for every hour of the day.
Yeah, I have to agree that this is all starting to take the fun out of going to WDW.

Didn't you hear this is a new Disney attraction you get to experience before you get to the park. They call it the IT department ride. It's kinda like a roller coaster with highs and lows , and the ride lasts a long long time. Some guests are on it for months. Just for fun every once in awhile Disney will change up extra magic hours so you get to experience the attraction a little longer. Those who are really lucky get to continue the attraction during their stay. Yes this is one of the newest offshoots of the 1.5 billion dollar expenditure. Enjoy the ride!:rotfl2:
Didn't you hear this is a new Disney attraction you get to experience before you get to the park. They call it the IT department ride. It's kinda like a roller coaster with highs and lows , and the ride lasts a long long time. Some guests are on it for months. Just for fun every once in awhile Disney will change up extra magic hours so you get to experience the attraction a little longer. Those who are really lucky get to continue the attraction during their stay. Yes this is one of the newest offshoots of the 1.5 billion dollar expenditure. Enjoy the ride!:rotfl2:

Oh, and sometimes..... right when you think the ride is almost over........ it starts back up again and turns everything upside down! :rotfl2:
Once you pick the times or the computer picks them for you, then go back in and change them. The system does decide for you what times and order you might want when initially booking, but you don't have to keep those. It's kind of annoying, but it's not crying level once you know what to do.

Don't panic. Sometimes the thing doesn't work properly. There's no way everything is sold out for early times at midnight at 60 days. Just try again later to change them.
I don't have any tickets on my account so I can't play around with FP, but maybe someone could take screen shots and highlight the entire process for OP? Just to make sure she is trying the correct thing. Obviously FPs are not got this far out, so either it is user error or something wacky with the system.
Oh, and sometimes..... right when you think the ride is almost over........ it starts back up again and turns everything upside down! :rotfl2:

See it's not that bad, now Disney World has another attraction besides rock and rollercoaster that turns you upside down!
OP I literally JUST finished making my FP selections right before I started reading this thread. Today is my day 60 so we must be going the same time......I got everything I wanted, pretty much when I wanted but then again I wasn't really set on certain times (except an early safari, which is the only one I couldn't get). Space is a popular one, so the above could be the case. Doesn't mean one won't become available between now and your trip. Also doesn't mean at some point that day SB won't be really long, and you can ride it that way :)

Maybe you do need to step back and relax for a bit. I got crappy times, accepted them, then went in and changed them which is exactly what I did when we went in Feb. Each time I changed them this morning there were multiple other times to choose from. Could be you just haven't completely figured out the system yet, but then how many of us have?? I think I remember from other threads that you're using TP. I've never used them but it seems you're on a pretty tight schedule......maybe you'll have to scrap that?:confused3 I realize this is coming from someone who goes often and you're taking DS for the 1st time. But no matter how much you plan you won't do it all and things will go wrong-well, not WRONG, but cause you to stray from your plan-once you're there. You need to leave some wiggle room and if you adopt a "go with the flow" mentality now, you'll be more relaxed and have a better time when you're there! FP+ does suck. And I've had no problem either time I've used it, but it does. Try again if you haven't had success yet. But calm down first:flower3:

I assure you I am technologically advanced enough that I have figured the site out. It is just a really crappy site.

I also assure you that I am logically advanced enough to know that there has to be an iota of "Go with the flow" mentality when going about your day.

I finally assure you that I know my own kid well enough that I know if he is not out of the park between the hours of 2-5 pm (The only times most of my FP+ are showing available) and catching a nap, we are in for a full on meltdown around dinner time, something I would prefer to avoid.
kmb584 said:
It actually doesn't matter what time the 3 FP+ selections are made for initially. When someone goes in to change the attraction times a drop down menu is present listing all of the available time slots, from early morning to late night and everything in between.

The thing is that if you don't book them at opposite times you run the risk of having a ride booked when you want another ride in that spot. I agree with others.....it worked best for me to book at complete opposite times....less shuffling around.
There seems to be a lot of confusion in this thread, especially by the OP. I am 99% sure that Space Mountain is not fully booked 60 days out. The system is just not very intuitive, but it DOES allow you to change your times once they are initially selected by Disney. If you can figure it out.

Once you go through the selection process and choose your FP+ times (based on the 4 options that Disney originally gives you - Option A, Option B, Option C, Best Match) it takes you to the confirmation page. On this page there is a "Make Changes" button. It takes you to a page where all 3 of your FP+ are listed on one page. There is a drop-down list to select from available times. You use the "Select New Time" link to change the time, or the "Change Experience" button to switch to a different ride.

I just did this to make an FP+ for Space Mountain for Sunday 6/29 - only 2 days from now. Times are available for every hour of the day.

Rest assured this OP is not "confused." I am fully aware of having to go back and try to change time. I was just on the site less than a minute ago, attempted to change my time for Space Mountain, and the first available is 9:45 (YAY! Lets waste the fact we woke up to RD with a first hour FP) the next is 3:05pm.
BuzzinDownToDisney said:
I assure you I am technologically advanced enough that I have figured the site out. It is just a really crappy site.

I also assure you that I am logically advanced enough to know that there has to be an iota of "Go with the flow" mentality when going about your day.

I finally assure you that I know my own kid well enough that I know if he is not out of the park between the hours of 2-5 pm (The only times most of my FP+ are showing available) and catching a nap, we are in for a full on meltdown around dinner time, something I would prefer to avoid.

I do hope the system works better for you today and you're able to move them around. My next trip will be with my niece age 5 and nephews 7. We also need to be out of the park in the afternoon to avoid meltdowns. I don't pick FPs til Aug and am hoping the system gets better but not holding my breath. I think it took me over an hour for my last trip (last Dec) and that was only for 2 people. I'm scared to book for 6.
Actually, according to what I read here, the best way to get the rides at the times you like is to start with booking them at the polar opposite times of what you really want, then move them around.

Sounds perfectly intuitive to me.

That's IF you want to go the ADVANCED route. I would guess quite a few people get there times and just leave them never moving them around.

Remember this board is a "planning" forum so moving the times to exactly 11:15 and 27 seconds is important here. haha The average use of FP- was 3 FP- a day yet you always heard of people using 4/5/6/7 FP- in a day on this forum. Your dealing with an abnormal sample here from us abnormal WDW lovers.
Yes there is. I know of a system elsewhere in Orlando that everybody understands immediately and intuitively. With their pass, you walk up to any ride, any time, and go to the head of the line, as much as you want.

Period. It works beautifully.

Express Pass, I presume? That works beautifully because they get far less traffic than WDW, and only have three hotels. If WDW got the amount of visitors the place up the street gets, they'd be able to implement something similar. But they don't, so therefore the systems aren't comparable.

Sorry Judgey McJudgerton. Trying to make this once in a lifetime, first ever WDW trip for my lil' guy as perfect as it can be. Spent the last 3 months spending hours daily trying to plan everything out so when we get there, it is simply wave a band, have some fun. You keep being awesome, though, Kay!

I think the point you're missing is that you can STILL have fun whether you ride Space Mountain at 11am or 7pm. FP+ is not the end all be all. It won't make or break your trip. Five years from now, you'll remember the fun you had - not that you had to ride Space Mountain three hours later than you wanted to. Make FP+ reservations as best you can and tweak your plans around that. I promise, it won't be horrific.
I assure you I am technologically advanced enough that I have figured the site out. It is just a really crappy site.

I also assure you that I am logically advanced enough to know that there has to be an iota of "Go with the flow" mentality when going about your day.

I finally assure you that I know my own kid well enough that I know if he is not out of the park between the hours of 2-5 pm (The only times most of my FP+ are showing available) and catching a nap, we are in for a full on meltdown around dinner time, something I would prefer to avoid.
Wow! You mean to tell me this isn't user error? I am shocked. I thought you were just another hysterical female!;)
From all of the posts I've read so far, everyone who provides a solution is giving a work around to a system that sucks!
Keep checking. Space Mountain is not sold out for all those hours. If you are looking for multiple FPs at the same time then try changing them one at a time with overlapping return times.
You know the thing that I find the most ridiculous is Disney spent sooooo much moneyyyyy on this system and you literally have to jump through hoops to get it to work, spend hours months in advance to get the ride you want. I mean I'm reading people need to book a time then try to rebook it at later date and hope you get the time. Heck I need a secret decoder ring at this point.:confused3 A vacation should not be this frustrating to plan. How on earth is this better than the old system? At least when I had a slip of paper in my hand it wouldn't erase itself and leave me no fast pass! OP I wish to tell you I am sorry and hope it all works out for you! It's unfortunate that the brain trust at Disney couldn't come up with a more user friendly system than this one!
Actually, according to what I read here, the best way to get the rides at the times you like is to start with booking them at the polar opposite times of what you really want, then move them around.

Sounds perfectly intuitive to me.

Yep. You have to be well informed for this vacation. Hence, spending waaayy too much time on the disboards because I never know when the rules have changed.

I never understood anyone who would spend $5K on a vacation but not the $15 on a guidebook to understand what WDW entails.

I assure you I am technologically advanced enough that I have figured the site out. It is just a really crappy site.

I also assure you that I am logically advanced enough to know that there has to be an iota of "Go with the flow" mentality when going about your day.

I finally assure you that I know my own kid well enough that I know if he is not out of the park between the hours of 2-5 pm (The only times most of my FP+ are showing available) and catching a nap, we are in for a full on meltdown around dinner time, something I would prefer to avoid.

Your attitude is FINE!!! Don''t let posters make you feel like somehow this is YOUR fault they put all these hoops up or that the they have an inferior website. :hug::hug:

A WDW vacation is not just a big financial investment but also a big emotional investment. Your first WDW vacation is not the trip to just wing it. The people that go on their first trip, wing it, and are shocked at how crowded, hot, and long the lines are then never return are NOT on the disboards for sure. Not to mention not lining up a single ADR and being horrified there is no TS for lunch.

However, I've been going since before the disboards were born and I came here after a particularly bad trip. I ended up crying in Fantasyland our first trip with the DD's because the line for Dumbo was wrapped past the Carosuel, and mingling with the Snow white attraction. We had Dining reservations and we wandered around I think only going on one attraction because we didn't want to miss the reservations and couldn't get in line. This was PRE-FP or even the SB wait time clocks. The DD's just wanted to go back to the pool but yep, we spent waaaayyy too much money to spend the vacation in the hotel pool. They didn't care but I did. All I had read was Birnbaum's which how did I know they aren't helpful but rather one big brochure.

It was so crowded with strollers I'll never forget the CM standing on a stool right around where Philharmagic is now with a safety vest and two orange traffic flashlights trying to untangle the gridlock.

I knew there had to be a better way to tour the parks so I started reading "The Unofficial Guide" and eventually I ended up here.

So I've been there, you'll be fine. You are already in a better situation than I was.
Does anyone really believe this system can be fixed?
I enjoy vacation planning, but that doesn't mean I want to deal with glitchy software continuously. Planning a WDW vacation is now a job not a joy that it was before FP+

Why cant it be fixed? It is an IT deployment with a very EXTENSIVE rollout... This is the reason new system deployments usually take an extensive amount of time within an organization instead of just a month or two.

Its a shame they had to roll it out the way they did but it will get fixed and working properly at some point.

Also for every glitch there is a person not experiencing a glitch. Not to say a glitch should happen but it DOES happen there is no way around it.


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