FP+ Royally sucks

Sorry Judgey McJudgerton. Trying to make this once in a lifetime, first ever WDW trip for my lil' guy as perfect as it can be. Spent the last 3 months spending hours daily trying to plan everything out so when we get there, it is simply wave a band, have some fun. You keep being awesome, though, Kay!

I know it can be really frustrating. But I can assure you that if you planned nothing, your child would still be so happy just to be there with you. Our most memorable moments have been unplanned, when we threw the spreadsheet away (yes, we have spreadsheet).

Hang in there and call Tech Support. I called the main reservation line and they transferred me. The Tech people were really great.
I still liken it to using self checkout at a big box store.

The process is simple enough, depending on certain factors. If I grab 5 or so items, all very low level commodities, all with a working bar code, all heavy enough to activate the scale so the code will let me continue, I use a kiosk with no hidden issues, and either there's no line to wait for or I don't get behind someone else who has issues using it, I'll probably be okay.

But if I try to buy something that has an offered extended warranty the kiosk freezes up for an employee to come pitch it (that's becoming more prevalent every day, they tried to sell me a warranty on a $6 Disney Infinity Power Disc recently). It will do the same for someone to check my age for an ever widening range of products. If I try to buy something like produce it goes into the routine to weigh the produce, and that fails half the time. If I buy a greeting card or something else with no appreciable weight the kiosk is unhappy that it didn't sense when I put the product in the bagging area. About every 20th product I've tried to purchase at a kiosk has not been in the database and brought my transaction to a grinding halt.

All this, and I also usually have to stand in line behind someone who is totally baffled by the process when it's working smoothly, or who was foolish enough to try to complete a transaction on something that's tricky on a kiosk. Or buying five weeks worth of supplies.

What WDW is like taking out all of the normal checkouts and replacing them with self checkout kiosks.

Here's the difference. When something screws up at my local Stop-N-Shop self checkout a tiny light flashes and within 30 seconds a register jockey shows up to make everything OK. Disney has set up a system that guarantees failure every single night (midnight) and when you press that tiny little light for help, you're told "Sorry, sleeping. Try again in 7 hours. Oh yeah A&E will totally be gone by then but whatevs"
IHang in there and call Tech Support. I called the main reservation line and they transferred me.

You can call directly:

IT Dept: 407-939-3471 or 407-939-7849
I still liken it to using self checkout at a big box store.

The process is simple enough, depending on certain factors. If I grab 5 or so items, all very low level commodities, all with a working bar code, all heavy enough to activate the scale so the code will let me continue, I use a kiosk with no hidden issues, and either there's no line to wait for or I don't get behind someone else who has issues using it, I'll probably be okay.

But if I try to buy something that has an offered extended warranty the kiosk freezes up for an employee to come pitch it (that's becoming more prevalent every day, they tried to sell me a warranty on a $6 Disney Infinity Power Disc recently). It will do the same for someone to check my age for an ever widening range of products. If I try to buy something like produce it goes into the routine to weigh the produce, and that fails half the time. If I buy a greeting card or something else with no appreciable weight the kiosk is unhappy that it didn't sense when I put the product in the bagging area. About every 20th product I've tried to purchase at a kiosk has not been in the database and brought my transaction to a grinding halt.

All this, and I also usually have to stand in line behind someone who is totally baffled by the process when it's working smoothly, or who was foolish enough to try to complete a transaction on something that's tricky on a kiosk. Or buying five weeks worth of supplies.

What WDW is like taking out all of the normal checkouts and replacing them with self checkout kiosks.

Sorry, but I don't buy your analogy. I'm a grown intelligent person that has absolutely 'no' problems in your situation above.

Fastpass+ - a big huge pain that shouldn't have to be navigated on what is supposed to be a 'fun, happy, relaxed vacation' for all ages and levels of intellect. :headache:
Trying to change my times at 7am = nothing. You can't be serious that there are no FP+ available for Space Mountain 60 days from now on a crowd level predicted 3 day before 3pm. This system takes all the magic of the past 3 months of planning and flushes it. Makes me just want to cancel the whole thing.

OP I literally JUST finished making my FP selections right before I started reading this thread. Today is my day 60 so we must be going the same time......I got everything I wanted, pretty much when I wanted but then again I wasn't really set on certain times (except an early safari, which is the only one I couldn't get). Space is a popular one, so the above could be the case. Doesn't mean one won't become available between now and your trip. Also doesn't mean at some point that day SB won't be really long, and you can ride it that way :)

Maybe you do need to step back and relax for a bit. I got crappy times, accepted them, then went in and changed them which is exactly what I did when we went in Feb. Each time I changed them this morning there were multiple other times to choose from. Could be you just haven't completely figured out the system yet, but then how many of us have?? I think I remember from other threads that you're using TP. I've never used them but it seems you're on a pretty tight schedule......maybe you'll have to scrap that?:confused3 I realize this is coming from someone who goes often and you're taking DS for the 1st time. But no matter how much you plan you won't do it all and things will go wrong-well, not WRONG, but cause you to stray from your plan-once you're there. You need to leave some wiggle room and if you adopt a "go with the flow" mentality now, you'll be more relaxed and have a better time when you're there! FP+ does suck. And I've had no problem either time I've used it, but it does. Try again if you haven't had success yet. But calm down first:flower3:
Your whole post is dead-on to the "technology trap" that so often arrises, and very apropos to the whole MM+ disjointed mélange in which Disney is now stuck... like Brer Rabbit in tar (or honey, if you follow the Splash Mtn. version.)

Once you've committed to going "all tech" on something, the "tech" better be able to handle EVERYTHING, or one little hiccup can simply HALT the entire process.

And, guess what?
MM+ and FP+ tech cannot handle EVERYTHING.

Now, if the tears of many guests' disappointment could only grease the wheels of this thing, that might help solve the problem.

Thank you - you are so 'right on'! :thumbsup2
Does anyone really believe this system can be fixed?
I enjoy vacation planning, but that doesn't mean I want to deal with glitchy software continuously. Planning a WDW vacation is now a job not a joy that it was before FP+
It's not rocket science. I just want to book an appointment on a ride, it shouldn't require a call to tech support to figure it out. Navigation through that app has always been terrible. Just make a lightweight app that allows guest to view wait times and book/edit FP with 1 or 2 swipes and screens that load in less than 2 mins.

Maybe we are just expecting too much. Disney is spending billions on a crowd management system. If they let you decide when and where you want to go, we are back to the crowds managing themselves. The problem is that with the mobile app and the ability to change times and dates on the fly, expectations are created.
Sorry Judgey McJudgerton. Trying to make this once in a lifetime, first ever WDW trip for my lil' guy as perfect as it can be. Spent the last 3 months spending hours daily trying to plan everything out so when we get there, it is simply wave a band, have some fun. You keep being awesome, though, Kay!

Okay, time for a deep breath. First, from the issues you've been having, it sounds like you might be trying to make your FP+ reservations with the app. The Web site works better and is easier to make changes. So I would try that first.

Secondly, I know this is your son's first trip and you want this to be super special and I totally get that. Disney isn't making things easy for you. But I gather from the "Bay Lake Towers: 2014 and beyond" in your signature that you might have bought DVC? If you have, then you're in luck. The one thing owning DVC has taught me is that there will always be another trip so even though there are specific things you want for this particular trip, you won't feel the pressure to do and see everything.

I would try the Web site if you haven't. If you have, take Robo's tip and call IT directly so they can help you untangle stuff.

You're not alone, the new system hasn't been very kind to many of us, but once you get experience with it, you start to learn the workarounds and tricks. For instance, for SDMT and A&E, search for one or two people at a time and see if you can get overlapping times for your group that way.
Here's the difference. When something screws up at my local Stop-N-Shop self checkout a tiny light flashes and within 30 seconds a register jockey shows up to make everything OK. Disney has set up a system that guarantees failure every single night (midnight) and when you press that tiny little light for help, you're told "Sorry, sleeping. Try again in 7 hours. Oh yeah A&E will totally be gone by then but whatevs"

Yep. Also, the self checkout is something most people will use very frequently and eventually learn to avoid the pitfalls. I've seen people that claim that guests will eventually reach a comfort level with MM+, but the number of new users is always high and the number of returning users who are infrequent and don't retain knowledge is also high. And of course, the stakes are much higher.

Sorry, but I don't buy your analogy. I'm a grown intelligent person that has absolutely 'no' problems in your situation above.

Fastpass+ - a big huge pain that shouldn't have to be navigated on what is supposed to be a 'fun, happy, relaxed vacation' for all ages and levels of intellect. :headache:

I'm not sure what you mean. I'm not describing the kinds of problems that intelligence prevents. You can't be too smart for a checkout to freeze for an associate to come try to sell you an extended warranty; maybe you've never encountered some of my examples but that doesn't invalidate them.

If you're saying that this stuff doesn't bother you that much I agree, these are all minor issues. I'm not saying that it's as bad as MM+.
OP- There really should be some wiggle room..........but you have to first lock in to the 3 attractions that you want.............then tweak the times.

I just did 3 FP items today (30 days out) and yes, the times they gave me were not optimum. Once I locked in the 3, I was able to change and update the times pretty close to my original preferences.

I hope this and the other feedback helps you a little.
I was almost to the point of tears at 1:30am as well so I totally get you. Part of the problem is that the technology stinks. The other part for me is that some are able log on at 12 & I was sitting there at 1am wondering if it was ever going to open up. I too found that all the am times (especially for large groups even if you try to copy it over to all your members) were gone for the hard to get FPs. For others it was 'easy,´ all kinds of availability. This is not the case for everyone even at 60 days out. Sending you some pixie dust OP. Maybe call & see if they can help you schedule them...

I said this yesterday on another thread, why the desperation and staying into the wee hours trying to book? Many systems run maintenance over night and the system isn't as functional. No idea if this is the case here but I've had no difficulty booking during the day.

We're going in early August. When our FP+ day came, I waited until Sunday afternoon and had no trouble booking all the FP's at our preferred morning times for our group of 10. We are a group of 18 year olds and parents so we didn't try for BOG or Anna and Elsa but we booked Soarin' and Toy Story.

I agree that's it seems a bit of a longer process than necessary since you have to choose one of the suggested schedules and then edit them to your preferred times but it was easy enough. It did take me a minute to figure that out but it wasn't tear inducing. I can imagine that at 1:30 am, I might have been a bit over tired and more easily frustrated though.

I've even changed a couple of times in the couple of weeks since booking and changed the time of one previously booked lunch reservation to fit better and had no difficulty and again their are 10 of us.
Hi Buzz, not sure which day you were planning on MK but I know we're going at the same time/week. :) I had problems the first night (only because I happened to be up at midnight) but knew to log in after waking up because it's been having these problems all week. Aside from A&E my first MK day which was totally unavailable, I was able to get everything I wanted in the times I wanted.

Select Best Match or whatever option has your 3 choices and then select that you want to change your FP+ and for X attraction, you'll see a drop-down with available times. If it's not coming up near the timeframe you want, check to see if another attraction is in that timeslot. It won't let you book FP+ for 1 if you already have something in that slot. Or if you have a conflicting ADR.

Ex. You want Space Mountain @ about 3pm but you already have BTMRR 2:40-3:40pm, move BTMRR first to free up that time slot, then go back in to change Space. A bit of extra steps but it's really just a few clicks and no big deal. I picked 5 park days and it took me about 40 minutes to play around and get everything I wanted whenever I wanted.

Off topic - I thought parades and shows came in later? Happy I got MSEP on my 2nd night but didn't expect Wishes to already be unavailable my first.

To ease your mind re: standby times, I went this same time last year and Space Mountain was literally a walk-on in the middle of the day. And I hope your son is really tall for his age because this is one of the few rides my ds5 can't do, I think the height restriction is 44".
If they're going to implement a system like this, it needs to be intuitive and easy to use. For ALL levels of comfort with technology.

Its very easy pick your 3 rides and gives you 4 options....

How do you want it to be easier Disney to personally call you and walk you through it? Yes there is ways to customize FP+ times or move them around or delete 1 FP+ time if you only want 2.

What would be harder:
A.) Pick 3 rides its puts them in 4 predetermined orders (more knowledge to change later)
B.) Pick 3 rides and then have to decide when to a put a ride in the 14-20 hours a park is open for the day

I will tell you likely a large majority for random Disney visitors are happy to have less to think about with FP+ times instead of more.
Been to WDW many times in the past...... Have always looked forward to planning etc.... But FP+ takes it to a whole new level...... How do I know what rides at what time I want to go on 30/60 days in advance, and then on top of that when I do try to book what I want...... the system is so glitchy that I'm lucky if I can get 4 people in my party to ride at the same time.......for a non seasoned wdw traveler this is confusing IMHO .....
Its very easy pick your 3 rides and gives you 4 options....

How do you want it to be easier Disney to personally call you and walk you through it? Yes there is ways to customize FP+ times or move them around or delete 1 FP+ time if you only want 2.

What would be harder:
A.) Pick 3 rides its puts them in 4 predetermined orders (more knowledge to change later)
B.) Pick 3 rides and then have to decide when to a put a ride in the 14-20 hours a park is open for the day

I will tell you likely a large majority for random Disney visitors are happy to have less to think about with FP+ times instead of more.

Actually, according to what I read here, the best way to get the rides at the times you like is to start with booking them at the polar opposite times of what you really want, then move them around.

Sounds perfectly intuitive to me.
My window opened on Saturday night. Everything worked fine... I was given four choices of times I selected the one closest to what worked for us. I then went through and adjusted each time period individually and literally everything ... including Anna and Elsa was adjustable with multiple possible times. The system did first offer me the late night times, I'm assuming those are the least popular, but I then went through and changed them. It took me about 35 minutes to make arrangements for 7 people for 10 days.

Since then, all this week, I've been making little tweaks to the plan and pretty much everything is still available, except Anna and Elsa. Mine train has some limited availability on certain days. Pretty much everything else is still available at multiple times throughout the day. I completely get that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I feel terrible that the OP was disappointed, but the system seemed to work exactly as it was intended to.
Actually, according to what I read here, the best way to get the rides at the times you like is to start with booking them at the polar opposite times of what you really want, then move them around.

Sounds perfectly intuitive to me.

It actually doesn't matter what time the 3 FP+ selections are made for initially. When someone goes in to change the attraction times a drop down menu is present listing all of the available time slots, from early morning to late night and everything in between.
... Trying to make this once in a lifetime, first ever WDW trip for my lil' guy as perfect as it can be. Spent the last 3 months spending hours daily trying to plan everything out so when we get there, it is simply wave a band, have some fun...

I am an intense planner too and with that level of intensity comes emotion. I'll cry with you - we're not all wired to just "let it go..." :hug:

Many posters have good ideas that have worked for us also about juggling times to get what we want later. I try to be accepting and realize that maybe what is available is for the best, but I usually keep checking and juggling 'til things better match my vision... ;)

Regarding ADRs and wanting to check what dates are available rather than day by day - you can't do that on-line, but if you call 407DWDDine they can and will do that. You may be happier with dining options by calling. I would also try Robo's number for tech support - I haven't tried that for FP+ times but they really helped us during the "trial period" in January. (Dad accidentally had multiple accounts and the account with resort rezzies was not the same as the account with APs was not the same... It was crazy, but IT sorted it out for us on the phone.) pixiedust:
This is our 5th year in a row going the Nov/Dec time frame.

The first year required about a half days worth of planning a couple of months before our trip (we had free dining and stayed onsite).

The second year required about a half days worth of planning a couple of months before our trip (we had free dining and stayed onsite).

The third year we were asked to participate in FP+ testing a couple of months before our trip, and that increased our planning time to a full day or more (we had free dining and stayed onsite).

Last year with the advent of FP+ on a larger scale, we began planning almost four months earlier with constant tweaks on a weekly basis to our plans (we had free dining, stayed onsite, and could reserve FP+ before tiering).

This year, we find ourselves having to plan our fifth trip a full SIX MONTHS prior to our arrival, not all at once but in various stages as the windows for ADR's and FP+ open at different times (we again have free dining and are staying onsite).

My spreadsheet for our 15 day visits has grown into an array of columns and rows that rivals my 30 year retirement plan.

Yeah, I have to agree that this is all starting to take the fun out of going to WDW.


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