FP+ Pros/Cons


DIS Veteran
Jul 3, 2007
Can someone please explain to me any benefit of the FP+?

I have never had a problem with my WDW trips, getting FP or getting on the rides I wanted to as many times as I wanted to.

And no. I have never abused the FP system. I always returned in my window or as close as possible to it.

I just plan. ALOT. And don't mind getting up early to get FP. To me, the new FP+ system only benefits those who don't want to be at the park at opening or who don't want to put in the leg work to get a FP. Don't hate me for saying that.

But I really can't understand why I, who plans months in advance, should only be allowed 3 FP+ per DAY...not even per park. It is rather limiting. WDW also keeps claiming it allows more flexibility.

Well, what if I spontaneously want to ride something with a Standby of 90 minutes but I've used my 3 FP+ already? We've all been there...one last ride before we must part with the park of our choice for next year...two years...even more!

So, then I have to wait with everyone else rather than get a FP for later. Giving up 1.5 hours of my time and not enjoying my hard earned money and time elsewhere.

So...if you can commiserate, please do so. If you disagree, please (kindly) discuss why FP+ is a good thing...because I can't see how it helps me.

Can someone please explain to me any benefit of the FP+?

Sure, those of us that don't want to run all over to avoid a line are going to see a slight improvement.

it's really as simple as that IMO

it isn't going to help everyone. Some people will be adversely effected, but for every person effected poorly, chances are one or more people will see an improvment.
Can someone please explain to me any benefit of the FP+?
The benefit is that it is the new way to avoid lines in WDW's parks. In AK and MK, it's the only way. In the other two, it will soon be the only way.
I've said it before but it bears repeating. We never had any problems avoiding standing in long lines. We made choices ahead of time as to when we'd go. We avoided busy busy times. We paid attention to the predictions of where to go on which days and it usually worked.
We're early birds so we went for rope drop. And we got done what we wanted to do. And we rarely used the original fast pass system. It can be done.
My opinion in a nutshell is that it benefits Disney. They're trying to spread people out and get them to shop and spend time in the parks and do things they wouldn't normally (?) do. It benefits Disney. Bottom line.
I don't care if they know where we are and what we're doing. But the fast pass plus doesn't appeal to us and from what I've read -- many threads, many posts -- there are a lot of people who don't like it.
I can't change it. Most of us can't change it. If they ever get the bugs out of it, maybe it will work better for more people. It's just as well that we're winding down our Disney travel. There are places we haven't been and things we haven't seen.
Love Disney and have for many years. All the changes in the past year have not been appealing to us. It prevents us from touring the way we always have. We never abused any of the systems or privileges. We kept it simple and it worked. Now it won't.
For those who love it, great. For those who are less than enchanted, good luck. I'll watch from a distance once our spring trip is over. Just trying to get one more good trip in and then we'll call it a day.
The benefit is that it is the new way to avoid lines in WDW's parks. In AK and MK, it's the only way. In the other two, it will soon be the only way.

I don't understand how it will make me avoid lines. I only get 3 FP s and the the rest of the time I have to wait in lines. I could possibly make all my FPs for afternoon and if we're staying into the evening to ride, we'll be waiting in lines. We never had to wait in lines before. For us, FP was the best invention ever for a theme park and am very sad to see it go.
"I've said it before but it bears repeating. We never had any problems avoiding standing in long lines. We made choices ahead of time as to when we'd go. We avoided busy busy times. We paid attention to the predictions of where to go on which days and it usually worked."

"We're early birds so we went for rope drop. And we got done what we wanted to do. And we rarely used the original fast pass system. It can be done."

Not all WDW visitors have the ability, means and opportunity to plan and have the same type of vacation experience that you are describing. Yet they want to visit and enjoy WDW, spend plenty of money to do, only to arrive at DS at 1030a only to see that all FP- were gone for TSM and they were facing 120 minute waits to ride. WDW is trying to use FP+ and MB to provide some form of minimum experience for all users. I do not necessarily agree with them, but I see what their aim is.
OMG!!!! It is everywhere I turn, not matter what board I am reading!!! It is like a bad nightmare you never wake up from:scared1:............why did I open this thread...stupid, stupid of me!!!!
OMG!!!! It is everywhere I turn, not matter what board I am reading!!! It is like a bad nightmare you never wake up from:scared1:............why did I open this thread...stupid, stupid of me!!!!

Yeah, right? Like "Groundhog Day".......
I know and like with FP+ it will be the end of WDW, why even visit again! Oh the horror of it!!! How can someone possibly even consider going or if they did enjoy WDW now!!!!
I don't understand how it will make me avoid lines. I only get 3 FP s
Right. That's three lines you don't stand in. Without FP+, you don't get to avoid those three, because there is (or soon will be) no "old" FP to use instead.
Nemo32, I'm with you. I think the only ones who will enjoy FP+ are those who don't make it to the parks early. I don't like the idea of only 3 FPs a day. I'm not prepared to stand in long lines so I won't be going to Disney as often as I used to go. I'll wait until I retire and can go when the crowds are low.
Nemo32, I'm with you. I think the only ones who will enjoy FP+ are those who don't make it to the parks early. I don't like the idea of only 3 FPs a day. I'm not prepared to stand in long lines so I won't be going to Disney as often as I used to go. I'll wait until I retire and can go when the crowds are low.

It might be interesting to count up how many times this has been stated and how many times it has been explained why it simply isn't true.

The short answer: (1) arrive early, (2) ride as much as possible before lines get long, (3) take a break from the parks in the middle of the day, when they are most crowded, (4) use FP+ in the late afternoon or evening.
It might be interesting to count up how many times this has been stated and how many times it has been explained why it simply isn't true.

The short answer: (1) arrive early, (2) ride as much as possible before lines get long, (3) take a break from the parks in the middle of the day, when they are most crowded, (4) use FP+ in the late afternoon or evening.

With that plan you are bound to wait in a very long line at a park like DHS...it has the trifecta of rides. That may work at other parks, but not DHS.

I think what I'm trying to understand is 1) Why only 3? I wouldn't say a word if I were allowed 5-6 FP+ or dare I say it, as many as I wanted? and 2) Why can't both systems coexist? Why not just limit the legacy FP so there are more FP+ for those who prefer to book their rides in advance? This way both types of travelers can take advantage of the system and still visit WDW how they want to?

Again, I didn't mean to start waves, though some here seem to leave snide comments anyway, just looking to discuss and commiserate with the like-minded.
With that plan you are bound to wait in a very long line at a park like DHS...it has the trifecta of rides. That may work at other parks, but not DHS.
I think what I'm trying to understand is 1) Why only 3? I wouldn't say a word if I were allowed 5-6 FP+ or dare I say it, as many as I wanted? and 2) Why can't both systems coexist? Why not just limit the legacy FP so there are more FP+ for those who prefer to book their rides in advance? This way both types of travelers can take advantage of the system and still visit WDW how they want to?

Again, I didn't mean to start waves, though some here seem to leave snide comments anyway, just looking to discuss and commiserate with the like-minded.

On Sunday, December 29, with DHS at crowd level 10, we were at the park at opening and rode TSMM, TOT, and RNRC (single rider) in less than an hour with no FP. Maybe it won't work in the future, but it definitely does work now.

As for your other questions, the limits are dictated by the capacity for the most popular attractions, especially at DHS and Epcot.
On Sunday, December 29, with DHS at crowd level 10, we were at the park at opening and rode TSMM, TOT, and RNRC (single rider) in less than an hour with no FP. Maybe it won't work in the future, but it definitely does work now.

As for your other questions, the limits are dictated by the capacity for the most popular attractions, especially at DHS and Epcot.

I also have successfully rode all three in less than an hour. However, with the new FP+ system I won't have the freedom to do what I want. Normally, in less than an hour, I can get a FP for two of those three rides and ride all three...leaving me with two leftover to ride. With the new FP+ system, you are limited to a ride once.

I guess in my future visits to WDW I will just have to limit myself to a ride once and then wait x amount of years before I can ride it again. All I'm saying is the new FP+ is the opposite of what they're saying it is. It in no way allows freedom to what you want, when you want.

For example, I'm bringing a newbie in May. He doesn't know if he wants to ride Splash Mountain. What if he decides he wants to when I get there? Yes, I could change my FP+ selections the day of...but there's also Space Mt., BTMRR and Jungle Cruise...3 FP already taken up. And I'm on vacation, why should I have to decide between those? And if I'm limited, why should I wait on a line when in the past, with good planning, I wouldn't have had to wait on any line? I'm just saying it isn't as great as they're making it out to be and the limit of 3 is quite unfortunate as it doesn't leave room for freedom or spontaneity.
But I really can't understand why I, who plans months in advance, should only be allowed 3 FP+ per DAY...not even per park. It is rather limiting. WDW also keeps claiming it allows more flexibility.

Well, what if I spontaneously want to ride something with a Standby of 90 minutes but I've used my 3 FP+ already? .

If my belief is correct, then you will eventually have the opportunity to purchase additional FP+ reservations by tier for a fee. That simple. The limit of 3 per day, the tiered rides, and the removal of FP- are all great reasons for Disney to implement sales of FP+ reservations. This is a system created to be monetized, and monetize it Disney will, imo. Just wait for it... It shouldn't be long now.
If my belief is correct, then you will eventually have the opportunity to purchase additional FP+ reservations by tier for a fee. That simple. The limit of 3 per day, the tiered rides, and the removal of FP- are all great reasons for Disney to implement sales of FP+ reservations. This is a system created to be monetized, and monetize it Disney will, imo. Just wait for it... It shouldn't be long now.

Boo...I hope that isn't so! One of my selling points for non-Disney believers on the Six Flags/Universal vs WDW topic is their FP system is FREE! Disney already costs so much...if that comes true it would only make what I've been hearing from people who don't get me over years true...that Disney is just looking to make a buck.
I also have successfully rode all three in less than an hour. However, with the new FP+ system I won't have the freedom to do what I want. Normally, in less than an hour, I can get a FP for two of those three rides and ride all three...leaving me with two leftover to ride. With the new FP+ system, you are limited to a ride once.

I guess in my future visits to WDW I will just have to limit myself to a ride once and then wait x amount of years before I can ride it again. All I'm saying is the new FP+ is the opposite of what they're saying it is. It in no way allows freedom to what you want, when you want.

I'm having trouble following you here. If you want to ride some things more than once, you can get FP+s for 2 of them (TOT and either TSMM or RNRC), and then arrive at park opening and do all 3 standby (or single rider at RNRC) in that first hour. So, you will still have ridden all 3 and still have 2 FPs in reserve.

If you want to ride things over and over, that will probably be more difficult with FP+. But, at the busy times of the year when we can usually visit, that has always been difficult anyway because FPs for the most popular attractions always ran out pretty quickly.
I'm having trouble following you here. If you want to ride some things more than once, you can get FP+s for 2 of them (TOT and either TSMM or RNRC), and then arrive at park opening and do all 3 standby (or single rider at RNRC) in that first hour. So, you will still have ridden all 3 and still have 2 FPs in reserve.

If you want to ride things over and over, that will probably be more difficult with FP+. But, at the busy times of the year when we can usually visit, that has always been difficult anyway because FPs for the most popular attractions always ran out pretty quickly.

Yes, I understand that and that is what I plan to do. Get there at park opening and have my FP+ in reserve as well. But what about in the evening when I'm at another park? Sure, likes can be lower in the evening, but still. It's principal. What if they're not?

And for other parks, you can still get there park opening with your FP+ in reserve, but for rides that don't have FP+, like HM, PoTC, etc...the new FP+ system will make those Stanby lines longer, earlier because travelers will have their FP+ for the bigger attractions already. So, then do I start the day with the minor rides because I have FP+ for the major rides? If so, then no, I can't ride more than once. The whole system puts everything askew and will have a ripple effect. It's seems like more planning than before.

I guess I'm spoiled? And will just have to accept that I can't ride as many rides as I used to.


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