FOTL and order of attractions


Earning My Ears
Mar 2, 2001
Will be staying at HRH and definitely enjoying FOTL at Easter. During our only day at Universal my children want to go to all the major attractions (Back to the Future, ET, Jaws, Earthquake, Twister, King Kong, MIB etc., if we are using FOTL does it matter what order we attempt to do these in?
FOTL is the same thing as "Express, except you can do it as often as you wish. For the rides you mentioned, express doesn't start until 10:00 pm, so I'd suggest you hit MIB first, since it is the newest & most popular ride in USF. Starting at !0:00 am, FOTL works really well at all the other places, except we had longer waits at Hanna Barbera, where express isn't implemented very well..
Universal Express starts at opening, 9 am. You can pick up tickets from opening to close as long as they are available. Your return time may be later in the day, though. FOTL starts at opening as well. Just flash your room key and you can go through the Universal Express queue.


Barry Hom
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

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