Flying with a toddler


Jan 29, 2001
We are going to the HRH in Nov for 5 days along with our 2 year old. Does anybody know what kind of carseats are ok for the plane. If you need one at all
Most carseats approved by the FAA will say so on a sticker on the side of the seat. I would recommend bringing one - it made all the difference in the world in getting my daughter to sit still. Before she was 2 we took a trip and she went from lap to lap and didn't understand why she couldn't just get up and walk around. The next time (I was dreading the flight) we had her carseat and she just buckled in and stayed in for the whole flight. She was an angel compared to our previous flight!
I want to add that I make up a goody bag. Fill it with theme park related items (and age appropriate) to where we are going. Examples that I have packed would be coloring books and markers, pez dispensers, plastic straws with characters perched atop, sea life and tropical stampers, stickers, sunglasses, snacks, bubbles, etc. Nothing to disturb or hurt other passengers, e.g. anything that makes noise, anything that could bounce, or anything gooey! The grandkids love it.


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