First-Timer 2 Questions


Earning My Ears
Jan 29, 2000
We are going to US/IO for the first time this spring. I have a couple of questions. First, When purchasing tickets which discout is the best to use? I want the best deal, I have an entertainment book, Fan Club Card, AAA, but which one do I use, or is the deal the same for them all? Next, I have read a lot of people say how important it is to have your tickets the day you go to avoid lines, I am wondering if the store at the airport sells passes and if it is a good idea to stop there when we arrive. Thanks in advance for the info-I'm sure I'll have many more questions!Ä
I do not know what the best ticket deal is because I always get Fl. Residents tix.
There is a Universal Studios (maybe 2) store at OIA but I don't know if they sell tix. If they do probably only multi-day/flexi tix.

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We're from Canada so we have different deals so can't help you there. Are you going at spring break or not? This would make a difference. We go in off season and have vouchers which we redeem at the ticket office. We have no problem doing this as it takes very little time. The ticket office opens earlier than the park. We also have bought our tickets there to use the entertainment book coupon. Again took very little time adn it was nice having teh script bucks for lunch, etc. I wouldn't be too concerned about having your tickets in advance.

Hi flips4disney,

welcome :D
When you are comparing ticket prices you may want to look at ticket mania also.
ticket mania

There have been quite a few posts here lately from people using them. They get their tickets quickly and some have even received extra goodies. (coupons, brochures)

Good Luck :D



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