Let's see if I can remember what advice I gave in the past
Best seats are indeed the dessert buffet tickets, but those are sometimes quite hard to come by, and not everyone can afford them.
Other good places:
*As you come out of New Orleans square heading for the Rivers of America, look around for a slightly raised area. It's brick steps, and some planters, and if memory serves should be slightly to the right of the New Orleans Square entrance (that is, if you walk from the exit of Pirates past Blue Bayou and in the direction of the Pirates/Disney Gallery entrance). If you can get up on that slightly raised area and right along the planter's edge, you get a pretty good view. Guests aren't supposed to stand or sit on the ledge along the walkway on the other side of the planter, so if your view is blocked, it will only be momentarily.
*Another great place is on the bridge that goes over the entrance to Pirates. This area in the past has been marked off about three people deep, and is a standing-room only area. If you can get either right on the railing here or close to it, you get what I consider to be the next best view. You will likely be standing on an incline, though, and I repeat is standing-room only.
*If you have a lot of people and are willing to tag-team to hold a place, you could try for a spot right on the railing in direct line of sight between the balcony of the Disney Gallery and the mill building on Tom Sawyer Island. That stage is where most of the action is going to take place, so make sure you have a good view of it.
*Another decent place is at the tables of the Riverbell Terrace, specifically the ones that are slightly raised above the walkway and are right along the railing. Make sure again that you have a good view of the Island. Last time I watched from here, it was sitting-only, and you had to be eating up until a few minutes before showtime.
*If you've seen the show before and are intersted in behind the scenes action, then go to the far edges of the viewing area -- either almost right in front of the Haunted Mansion, or just past the boat dock for the Columbia and Mark Twain. From these areas, you can see a little of what happens behind the scene. But I really only recommend this if you've never seen the show before.
None of these is as good a place as the buffet, but I've found them to be good seconds
Hope this helps!
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