Everything You Do, CELEBRATE YOU! - Polynesian - Club Level - TPV

The music loop gets me really excited, gahhh I love Jurassic Park so much.

HAHA my now husband walked down the aisle on our wedding day to the Jurassic Park theme music (played on a harp of course). We have a weird obsessive love for Jurassic Park so this was a great way to include it in our wedding day!
Oh boy, don't tease us like this. We know you want to ...............

Well, of course I want to!

If you can appreciate a good looking, half naked man, you will definitely enjoy it :thumbsup2

er... uh....

Show ruined.

That's what happens when you save the galaxy for a living pkondz. The wrinkles are setting in.

Occupational hazard.
Very sad.

:sad: thanks friend :laughing:

You're welcome! :hyper:

I don't follow it, but Ienjoy it I guess, I don't mind having it on TV on a Saturday and Sunday. I think that gets me a couple of girlfriend points

Female lets male watch Sports.
Male is obviously not married yet.

Both of these things will change simultaneously.

They've updated the payment method, now I can just scan my magic band over his, er, nevermind.



"Hello I'm pkondz, I'm just your average Canadian guy."


Needs to be Canadian Back Bacon.

This would've been good, albeit slightly passive aggressive :laughing: sadly not my thing. But what else do you do in that situation?! Give him a good tip to prove a point, or the bad tip that he deserves? :confused3

No tip.
Bad service = bad tip.
If that just reinforces a stereotype, so be it.
I ain't stereotypical, so better not treat me like it.

Omg, I laughed out loud at this!!! :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: I have saved it to my desktop, I thank you.

:laughing: You're welcome!

You'll probably see it appear in my signature or something, once I get around to rearranging it. Thank you for the laughs my dear :hug:


September..... :thumbsup2


I know! I know!

NO but I love raccoons so this is something I need to see.

Do check it out. The look on the poor thing's face is priceless.

Thanks for reading pkondzi!! Hope you have an amazing time in Maui!!! :beach:

Thanks, Katie!
Jamie was MUCH healthier than me :laughing:

Yeah, but yours looks more yummy.
Calories don't count on vacation.

those dark clouds were back over the Magic Kingdom!

Nope. They're behind it.
There are never dark clouds over Magic Kingdom!

I know I probably sound like I’m taking happy pills or something,


Uber was a great idea I took from the comments on my last trip report, thanks to everyone who suggested it!
(The Mears shuttle is reasonably priced, but makes multiple stops and sometimes takes FOREVER.
Last year we used cabs and they were quick, but super expensive.
Uber is cheap AND quick!! With great service too.
Top marks from us.)

Second time I've heard this. Must try to remember.

We talked about Clearwater Beach and whereabouts you tend to see sharks and gators in Florida.



We also talked about the 8-foot king cobra that had escaped and was on the loose in the Orlando area (!!!)

Meh. I can outrun a snake.

Pretty sure I can.


Run! Don't let those people in ahead of you!

And I should also mention, we arrived BAGLESS.

::yes:: I remember your pro tip from the last TR.

Putting your bag in a locker and having to retrieve it at every Universal ride is the worst.
(Or just first world problems. :rolleyes:)

Nope. It's the worst.

I love Universal!

You're secret's safe with me.
Just don't tell anyone else.

We started at Universal Studios!
They were all decorated for Halloween.


They really did a great job with the London façade.
Everything is dead on, from King’s Cross, to the tube station, and even down to the font on the English parking signs.

Huh. Well, you would know.

I shall seamlessly blend in by standing stock still in the middle of the street.

We made our way up to Escape from Gringotts, but it was closed due to technical difficulties!
At 9am :laughing:
Of course it was.


You can hear us start laughing at 00:45

Or I could if I was home. <sigh> all videos must wait for now.

because the line "something from the trolley dear" reminds us of a certain internet meme...
(Which I can't possibly link to a Disney forum :laughing:)

hmmm.... must look into that.

Here is our destination, isn’t it beautiful.


Even if it was really busy, there’s so much to see in the castle that I’m sure time would pass quickly!
If you don’t like thrill rides, I recommend still walking through the line and taking the chicken exit at the end, it’s definitely worth seeing.

I've heard that. Would love to see it.

Huh! Well I'll be darned! I wonder how many people notice that?

I said that I’d probably be good at Potions because I’ve worked in a couple of cocktail bars, but Jamie reminded me that a few weeks ago I burnt our spaghetti to the bottom of the pan, and he told me I couldn’t be trusted with a cauldron.
Dreams = shattered.

Awww... poor Katie.
(Note to self. Don't let Katie cook if visiting.)

“Yes, well done Slytherin, welcome to the Slytherin theme-party, you’ve won by 160 points…


:lmao: I never thought of that... but you're right!

Anyway, here's a few clips from the queue.

or not.... yet.

After the ride we bought a bottle of “Gillywater” (ie. regular water)... for $4!!!!!!

I presume that was for a keg of water?

Due to my Disney obsession, I can boast the fact that I know all of the Disney parks like the back of my hand, and I never need to use a map.
But unfortunately that arrogance followed me to Universal, and when I marched us to Jurassic Park, we actually ended up here.

Whoops! Good cover though.

The High in the Sky Seuss Trolley Train Ride had a 5-minute wait!
So why not?!
“Because you’re in your twenties and you’re childless.”


Very attractive.
You kinda remind me of a fish there.

However, the audio is probably one of the most incessantly annoying things I’ve ever heard in my life.

More annoying than... uh... that ride that's across from Peter Pan?

Today we saw the Green Goblin jumping around and scaring everyone.

:laughing: Did he get you?

He loves Marvel but he likes his clothes to be minimalist.


Whoa. Jamie. Brave lad.

No not like that. :laughing:
I mean understated.

Oh. Boring!

Yes, I just had a bagel and a muffin about 3 hours ago, but we were hungry, and passing THIS place, so it had to be done!

I remember that place!

Fun fact that demonstrates just how boring we really are:
We ate here at Blondie’s last year.
And we ordered the exact same sandwiches.
And we sat at the exact same table.

I knew you'd order the same!

Hang on Katie!!!! Don't let go!!

King Kong construction!!

Loved that movie.
Well... the first two, anyway.

We looked in the owl shop

What can you get in there?

As we approached I saw what I thought was a 120 minute wait time… :crazy2:
But turns out it was 020 minutes! YAY.

Nice. 20 minutes is nothing.

But they leave their gold out in a little shopping basket in the middle of the room. :rolleyes1

The little carts have built in Avada Kedavra curses. So it's very safe.

I wish it had more drops and fast movements and general vomit-inducing aspects.


Excellent shot, Katie! :thumbsup2

We had a look down Knockturn Alley, oh boy, it’s a creepy place.

I'd love to check that out.
Probably where all the cool stuff is.

Oh, and when I say “a favourite”, I really mean it was the main source of tension in our relationship for several months following this trip.

uh, oh...

In fact, everyone in the car can get the bonus, if you all press AND HOLD the button at the same time, on the word “push”…
But if you button-bash like I enjoy doing, as long as you hit it first and at the right time, you’re the only one that gets the points…
Wow, I’m such a jerk.

:laughing: Every man (or woman) for himself!

This was Jamie’s face as we were exiting.

Whoa. Major pout. I'm surprised they didn't toss him from the park for bringing everyone down.

Salazar Slytherin!!!!!
And the quiz we took last year had told him he’d be in Slytherin!!!

:laughing: That makes it official!
(As if the pout hadn't already.)

I forgot to get a photo of our frog before Jamie bit into it, so here’s a frog with no nose.

(How does he smell?

I loathe myself for writing that.)

Oh, no. You absolutely had to.

That tickles me every time.

And it tickles me that you said it tickles you.

We spotted the Doc running around :lovestruc


I had a look in the Halloween Horror Nights store.

Awesome. Buy anything? I'm thinking you should have.

I turned back around and saw Jamie heading into the shop I’d just come out of, so I walked after him, and as I turned the corner he jumped out and scared me! :sad:


Jamie and I are both huge animal lovers, particularly dogs, so this is right up our alley!

Oh, boy. If Kay ever hears of this, she'll move Heaven and Earth to go.... and then she'll never leave.
I've never seen anyone so animal crazy.

I wish it was acceptable for me to raise my hand when they ask for a child volunteer.

Oh, go ahead. You're tiny. You could sell it.

At the end they come out and stand on the walkway so you can pet them!

Yep. I'd never get Kay out of there.

E.T. is such a classic attraction!
Apparently it was one of my favourites when I was a wee sprog.

Very classic. First rode it in 1992.

That means E.T. can say goodbye to you personally at the end!

He did that back in '92 as well.
Ruby and I cracked up when he did.

I told Jamie to tell them his name was Hymie, but sadly he didn’t.


He looks like E.T. and Quasimodo had a love child.

Perhaps they did.
It's possible, isn't it?

As we got towards the end, Jamie adopted my button-bashing technique and stole the 100,000 bonus points, beating my by a fraction!!!!

:laughing: Karma!

New view from the Poly lobby:


I had three chicken quesadillas that were SO good, I could’ve eaten way more.
I also had a spring roll, a bit of cheese, and a PB&J uncrustable.

That plate looks soooo good.

In fact, it was so magical, I had to go back for one more.
Just one. :rolleyes:


I wonder if it's the double PB?
What kind of jam? Strawberry?

Out on the balcony, Jamie put his legs up like this and asked,
“Is this too Br’er Bear-ish?”


Of course, as soon as we left the shelter of our room, the grey skies came rolling back in!


We were heading straight to our first fastpass at Splash Mountain, where else?!

BTMRR of course. That's where else.

I don’t know what the heck this was supposed to be.

I don't know either... but it's hilarious!

After the drop we realised it was raining! Nooo!

So much for not getting wet!
People in the front row mocked you, perhaps?

We left Splash and as soon as I stepped outside I slipped so bad and ALMOST fell on my face…!!!

Oh, no! I trust Jamie caught you and swept you off your feet?

However, Jamie sometimes likes to play tour guide, and he said, “I’ll take you there, follow me! It’s this way!”

well... he did get you there eventually.

Well, I let him guide me...
And we ended up doing a huge loop of New Fantasyland :headache: :laughing:


We went up past Be Our Guest, past Journey of the Little Mermaid, past Storybook Circus, past the Mad Tea Party, and past Winnie the Pooh in a full circle, before landing back at the entrance to 7DMT :rotfl:

Very scenic. Well done, Jamie.

The gloomy sky was making for some interesting pictures on the journey though!

::yes:: very nice. I like 'em.

I like how this one came out.

That one is particularly good.

Anyway, after our expedition through the rain to 7DMT, we went through the fastpass line...
And the ride broke down when we got to the front.

:headache: D'oh!

But as we arrived we realised there was a child going absolutely NUCLEAR up there right in front of us, so we just awkwardly turned around back down the stairs.

You didn't stay for the show? Pity.

Jamie wolfed his meal down, he made such a mess of the table.



I examined the evidence, and concluded that the defendant was guilty.
Exhibit A: Broccoli.


:lmao: Caught! No one else in theme park history has ever eaten broccoli.

We eventually made it to the hub grass, which is the new fastpass area.

Did not know that.
Sounds like you'd recommend it?

The ending gives me goose bumps.
Although it was ruined momentarily by a man nearby who did the LOUDEST SNEEZE EVER.
Way to ruin the atmosphere buddy! :rotfl:

:laughing: The nerve! Take your sneezing somewhere else!

Beautiful shot!

The first time I ever rode 7DMT was during the day last year, and I thought it was cute, but nothing life changing.
But riding at night is a totally different experience!
It seems faster and more thrilling and exciting.

Added to list of nighttime things I need to do.

Jamie wanted a game of Buzz before we left…

:sad2: of course he did.

Apparently even the monorails have wifi?!

Really? Huh.

Thank goodness we could sleep in tomorrow!
Goodnight Disney!

Goodnight Katie!
While I was obsessing over my mini quesadillas, I was completely oblivious to the deliciousness that was still to come…


Oh my life, this was so amazing.
I make PB&J now and again at home, so I don’t know why this was so special.
One might call it “magical”.
And I am that one.
In fact, it was so magical, I had to go back for one more.
Just one. :rolleyes:
These were my favorite school lunch as a kid, and now at 27 I still love:love:

That view is amazing. Its my dream to stay in one of those bungalows someday!!

Your camera has really great zoom features lol

Now we had a fastpass to use at Seven Dwarfs Mine Train!
However, Jamie sometimes likes to play tour guide, and he said, “I’ll take you there, follow me! It’s this way!”
Well, I let him guide me...
And we ended up doing a huge loop of New Fantasyland :headache: :laughing:
As you enter New Fantasyland 7DMT is literally right in front of you, you just veer slightly right.
Jamie went straight forward past it, and walked us all the way around the perimeter of 7DMT, 340 degrees clockwise, rather than 20 degrees anticlockwise :laughing:
We went up past Be Our Guest, past Journey of the Little Mermaid, past Storybook Circus, past the Mad Tea Party, and past Winnie the Pooh in a full circle, before landing back at the entrance to 7DMT :rotfl:
Did you know you were going the wrong way but just wanted to humor Jamie? I feel like I do that alot on vacation as well with my husband :rotfl2:

We finished eating at 8:30pm, so we made our way to the hub.
We had a fastpass for Wishes!

As we set foot out into Liberty Square, we realised that the parade was just staring to pass!
We had to power-walk to Frontierland along the waterside walkway, and we just managed to cross in front of it at Splash Mountain.
Phew. What a detour.

We eventually made it to the hub grass, which is the new fastpass area.


It was lovely!
I'm only 5'5" so I really benefit from this fastpass, it's nice to not have anyone stood right in front of me.
And it was so empty and spacious.
No one was really on the grass because it had been raining, so most people were just stood or sat around the edge.
That is a great view! This may have to be on my list of FP+ this year!

We fought against the sea of people and made our way back to 7DMT to use our anytime return fastpass from earlier :thumbsup2

The first time I ever rode 7DMT was during the day last year, and I thought it was cute, but nothing life changing.
But riding at night is a totally different experience!
It seems faster and more thrilling and exciting.
Mucho gusto.
Aside from BTMRR this is probably my second favorite ride to do at night :lovestruc
Part 1 – You’re a wizard Hymie.

Off to a great start here :rotfl::rotfl:

We got up early and brought some breakfast from the lounge back to our room.
Jamie was MUCH healthier than me :laughing:

All he ate is eggs? He's trying to compete with Gaston I suppose! ;)

And I should also mention, we arrived BAGLESS.
With everything crammed into our pockets.
Putting your bag in a locker and having to retrieve it at every Universal ride is the worst.
(Or just first world problems. :rolleyes:)

You remembered this time! If I ever go back to US/IOA I need to remember this too. It would REALLY annoy me to have to constantly look for a locker to put my bag in every time!

THAT IS SO AMAZING...it looks so much like I pictured it in the books. Le sigh. Oh how I love Harry Potter!!

So...funny story. I glanced at this picture quickly because I was in between screens while reading your TR. And for a split second...I thought Hymie's shirt said "Erotica Britannia" and I was like...well. Ok then! Is that like Encyclopedia Britannica? But with erotica? :rotfl2: ooops! That's what I get for reading too fast :rolleyes1

We made our way up to Escape from Gringotts, but it was closed due to technical difficulties!
At 9am :laughing:
Of course it was.


While we were in line we discussed which subjects we would take at Hogwarts.
I said that I’d probably be good at Potions because I’ve worked in a couple of cocktail bars, but Jamie reminded me that a few weeks ago I burnt our spaghetti to the bottom of the pan, and he told me I couldn’t be trusted with a cauldron.
Dreams = shattered.

Well now, everyone has a bad day every now and then. Don't let that deter you from your Potions master dreams!

We also reminisced about that time Dumbledore relentlessly teased the Slytherin school children with the house cup.
“Yes, well done Slytherin, welcome to the Slytherin theme-party, you’ve won by 160 points…


Yeah but it's SLYTHERIN...who cares about them anyway???
(Ever since I got officially sorted into Gryffindor I have been obnoxious about it ;) )

You are sooooooo beautiful :rotfl:

He loves Marvel but he likes his clothes to be minimalist.


What an image :rotfl2:

Fun fact that demonstrates just how boring we really are:
We ate here at Blondie’s last year.
And we ordered the exact same sandwiches.
And we sat at the exact same table.

In your defense, that table looks LEGIT :thumbsup2

And these sandwiches look delicious! :thumbsup2

That lady in the back without a poncho looks like she is probably regretting not wearing a poncho :lmao:

As we walked down Diagon Alley I caught this on camera.


SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO COOL! I love that the dragon breathes fire!

Apparently it was one of my favourites when I was a wee sprog.

Wee sprog? That was very British of you ;)

I told Jamie to tell them his name was Hymie, but sadly he didn’t.

Not cool!

We took our nibbles back to the room and ate on the balcony.


Oh, you fancy huh!? :rotfl:
This is the best view ever...wish I could see it every day!

In fact, it was so magical, I had to go back for one more.
Just one. :rolleyes:


You can never have enough PB&J's is what I always say!

I know what it looks like you're doing...

We left Splash and as soon as I stepped outside I slipped so bad and ALMOST fell on my face…!!!
Luckily I didn’t actually fall down, but I must’ve looked like a cartoon.
My legs just shot out from underneath me :laughing:
I realised that flip-flops were a big mistake.

Oh my goodness! Luckily you DIDN'T fall...that could have been very bad!
No flip flops next time when it's been raining lol

He denied it was him, and tried to blame it on the people before us.
I examined the evidence, and concluded that the defendant was guilty.
Exhibit A: Broccoli.


This was him:

I'm only 5'5" so I really benefit from this fastpass, it's nice to not have anyone stood right in front of me.

SAME. I am only half an inch taller than you so I feel your pain! #thestruggle :sad2:

We had a very clear view of the castle.


Best view in the whole world :lovestruc

Such happy faces!!! :goodvibes What a fun update! Can't wait to read the next installment!
Womp! Jamie's just getting into NBA, he's decided he supports "Golden State".. I think that was just the first team he watched and he decided to support them :laughing: Who should I support?! (/ who's really good?!) I need more rivalry in this relationship :thumbsup2

You should definitely be a San Antonio Spurs fan!! And I am not just saying that because I am from San Antonio :rolleyes1 They are an amazing team! We usually make the playoffs every year and last year we won! We have won many championships over the years :snooty:
We do play Golden State sometimes so it'd be a perfect time to be in a rivalry with him :thumbsup2
Just watched first episode of Fuller House. Uncle Jesse and Aunt Becky still look absolutely amazing! Wow, they sure have aged well. It's quite an experience to see a new generation of Tanner-Fullers taking over the household. "The Circle of Life" continues. They even mentioned Simba at one point. It was so special to see everyone back again -- DJ, Stephanie, Joey, Danny, Steve, oh yeah, and Kimmy.

That's how I feel right now.

We took advantage of some free tea and shortbread… How British!

STOP. I was born in the wrong country.

We grabbed some lunch and browsed the shops to kill the time.
Jamie bought some socks.
See? Last minute.

Boys! We went on a cruise in the beginning of the month and because it's so cold here, Ricky forgot to pack t-shirts! Luckily for him we stopped at the outlets and I bought a slightly-too-big for me Hocus Pocus Spell-tacular purple shirt that he got to wear :rotfl:

And more importantly,
Unlimited free alcohol.


We had some food, I chose the chicken tikka.


Chicken tikka on your flight?! I was SERIOUSLY born in the wrong country!

(When I’m at home I have mugs of tea that are the size of my head :rotfl:)

:worship: The last thing my mom said to me before our last trip was "DO NOT come home with any more tea or mugs". :scared:

Once I made it onto the balcony I literally had tears in my eyes, and I’m not even ashamed.
I can’t believe a view like this actually exists in real life.
We stood outside for a while and took in the atmosphere.
There were speakers on the ground playing Hawaiian music, it was so relaxing!


This view! It's so perfect!:lovestruc

Then at 10pm, HalloWishes started!!!!
OMG you guys.
This was absolutely INCREDIBLE.
And as an unexpected bonus, there seemed to be a speaker on the ground right outside our room, so we could hear the entire show really clearly!!
It was absolutely magical!!!

This was the HalloWishes we saw :sad::sad: Take me back!


Her expression is full of realisation and regret. :laughing:



We continued on to our next destination, but first we stopped at the Tangled area to find some hidden Pascals.

This is always a must do! And we always forget where they are!

Wait, did I lose a bag at the airport, and it ended up here at Big Thunder…?



That definitely belongs to me.



I asked Jamie and he said his favourite part was when the dancers twirled around.
This may sound innocent, but if you’ve seen the show, you might know that it’s not…
Let’s just say the dresses/skirts are very… floaty. :sad2: :laughing:

That sounds a lot like a certain boy I know...:scratchin:rolleyes1

Ey up love” and offer you a can of cider

I would take the first reservation, please! :drinking1

Well, I hate to tell you this, because I know there are a lot of Kona lovers out there.
But the food wasn’t great today :sad2:

We went for the first time a few trips ago and we felt the same way. I sent my parents there because they had a night in Disney and I couldn't find any other dining reservations. They LOVED it! Completely raved about it. Maybe it was because I warned them of our experience :confused3

I had one of these for the first time just this month. It was so amazing. I feel so ashamed.


We talked about Clearwater Beach

If you guys have never gone, you absolutely should! My family used to go a lot because our favorite baseball time started their season there. It's so much fun and there are so many great places to eat. ESPECIALLY Frency's Rockaway Grill! It's this delicious bar/restaurant right on the beach!

I'm only 5'5" so I really benefit from this fastpass, it's nice to not have anyone stood right in front of me.

The struggle!

Love, love, love this shot!
Haha- glad to hear someone else is as obsessed with the uncrustables at the Poly lounge as we are!! Ever since our stay there, years ago, we MUST order some from Garden Grocer wherever we are staying!!

I'm glad I'm not the only one who prefers PB&J sandwiches to the fancy, exotic, unique offerings of the Poly CL :rotfl: That's a good idea! We don't have uncrustables here in England, maybe I'll do a Garden Grocer order when I'm back, I got lots of American candy at MNSSHP that I really liked too, so maybe I can just order all the bad things to be delivered to my door :thumbsup2

LOL, what types of attractions will you have in the United Kingdom Lodge, that will require a fastpass?

:rotfl: How about we move the water tanks from Catastrophe Canyon at the Backlot Tour, and make a black cab ride through the rain?! :umbrella:

13 episodes will be out on Feb. 26 (or in British, that would be 26 Feb.) I'm going to try not to watch it all at once. But maybe two episodes at a time.

I said this to myself too.. But I sat down to watch it at 6pm and just binge-watched all 13 episodes at once :rotfl:

You got some great evening photos! I've only been on Mine Train once and it was at night. I loved it! I will have to get a fast pass for Wishes during my next trip - it looks very nice and relaxing compared to being smooshed in with the crowds!

Thank you! I'm sad though, because I heard they're getting rid of the Wishes fp?! :confused3 That will be such a shame, I find that I can't really enjoy the show from Main Street so I always love standing in a reserved quiet area :sad2: but we can keep our fingers crossed that it's still around for your trip! If not, on this trip I discovered the joys of watching from behind the castle in Fantasyland a couple of times! Have you tried that? The photo opportunities aren't as good, but it's very spacious! Plus, some fireworks come from the castle area, and some come from way behind the park, so it's entertaining watching everyone spinning around trying to see everything :laughing: a lot of people have a good sense of humour about it and you can hear lots of people laughing with their families, so the atmosphere is really nice! :goodvibes

Loving your TR and photos!! I have to say...uncrustables are the BEST!!! I also love the PB&J from Starbucks...:) Just BTW :) You had the best spot for Wishes...obviously worth using a FP+ for...but I guess only if you had lots of other chances to use them on rides as well..

Thank you Kathy! Haha yes! I'm glad I'm not the only one with a taste for kids treats :laughing: Ooh I haven't seen any PB&J in Starbucks, I'll keep an eye out!
I'm one of the minorities that really likes the Wishes fp, but as I've just said above, I heard they're discontinuing it! I really hope that's just a rumour.
Absolutely, that's one of the main arguments I hear against the Wishes FP, and if I was travelling during the busy season I would definitely be using my FPs on the headline attractions instead. It's good for September nights like this though! :goodvibes
Thanks for reading! :hug:

YUM! That sounds good!! Sounds like you and Jamie were getting some good luck with the offerings at CL!

Everything was good! I'd been reading a thread that said the quality of the offerings had gone downhill, so it was always going to exceed my expectations! :goodvibes

:rotfl2:Good for you for stealing all the uncrustables! :rotfl2::thumbsup2

:laughing: It's like that Friends episode where Ross and Chandler stay at a hotel and Ross is like "There's a difference between stealing, and taking what the hotel owes you!" :rotfl: I'll come up with anything to justify hoarding my uncrustables!!


Katie Disney should pay you for this picture, they could so use it as an advertisement! It looks so cool!

Thank you!!! I don't know anything about photography, but I liked how this came out too :goodvibes
:rotfl2:That's cute he wanted to be a tour guide! At least you got some nice shots!!

He's goofy! He usually only does it when the destination is in sight, eg. walking down Main Street he'll decide he's directing me to the castle :laughing:

Great picture after a great night! Also I love the shorts - so cute!:goodvibes

Thank you! I've had these shorts for so long I just can't part with them :goodvibes

Oh! And your pictures from wishes look great - always a magical sight to see!:lovestruc

I'm glad you enjoyed them! You can never take too many pictures of Wishes :lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc
Thanks for reading, friend! :hug:
Thank you! I'm sad though, because I heard they're getting rid of the Wishes fp?! :confused3 That will be such a shame, I find that I can't really enjoy the show from Main Street so I always love standing in a reserved quiet area :sad2: but we can keep our fingers crossed that it's still around for your trip! If not, on this trip I discovered the joys of watching from behind the castle in Fantasyland a couple of times! Have you tried that? The photo opportunities aren't as good, but it's very spacious! Plus, some fireworks come from the castle area, and some come from way behind the park, so it's entertaining watching everyone spinning around trying to see everything :laughing: a lot of people have a good sense of humour about it and you can hear lots of people laughing with their families, so the atmosphere is really nice! :goodvibes

I heard the same thing about the FP going away. And yes, during our last trip we saw Wishes right outside 7DMT since it started just as we got off the ride! It was AMAZING - fireworks all around us! Best evening of our entire trip! :thumbsup2
Everything was good! I'd been reading a thread that said the quality of the offerings had gone downhill, so it was always going to exceed my expectations! :goodvibes
Yes! I have read the same things before. People always seemed to have mediocre reviews of CL in general, but when I read that you and Jamie had such a positive experience, I was glad to hear it!
:laughing: It's like that Friends episode where Ross and Chandler stay at a hotel and Ross is like "There's a difference between stealing, and taking what the hotel owes you!" :rotfl: I'll come up with anything to justify hoarding my uncrustables!!

I LOVE FRIENDS! And yes I remember that episode! Friends is a very good way to justify things:thumbsup2
Okay so i'm massively behind (not my fault blame it on my computer!!!) but i'm desperately trying to catch up! :blush: Also, I need to apologize for the lack of GIFs/images on my end. I love using them on TR's for replying but my computer is slowly dying and those make it die much faster.:sad2: I do not feel like myself without GIFS!

(like make-up and Jaffa Cakes… Essentials).

Um yes! And Jaffa Cakes?! The love of my life.


:rotfl2: Why is this something my hubby would say?! Men.

(We had 3 big suitcases. It was ridiculous.)
(…yes, two of them were mine.)

Those really aren't that big so needing two is definitely a necessity ::yes::

And more importantly,
Unlimited free alcohol.


Oh dear.

What a gorgeous view! Definitely not California! :lmao:

An 8-hour flight sounds very long, but breaking it up into two 4-hour flights makes it feel much shorter.


(When I’m at home I have mugs of tea that are the size of my head :rotfl:)

Right?! Our version of 'mugs' and their version is completely off. We're right and they're wrong :snooty:

(Of course, it’s everyone’s favourite on day one, but it is the evilest form of torture on the last day.)


…But she pronounced Jamie, like… High-Mee…?!
I could be wrong, but I think it could be a Mexican/Spanish thing? :confused3

What the heck?! :rotfl2::rotfl:Cause he clearly looks Mexican :rolleyes1

Well, we piled in the elevator….
The CM reached out to the buttons…
And he hit…

NUMBER 3!!!!!!


The smile on my face was so obnoxious.

Like this?!


Stop....just STOP! What is that outside your window?!?! :faint::eek::faint::eek::faint:

Agh how special!

(This entire trip I was in a constant battle with the curtain pole. Here's where it all started.)

:rotfl::rotfl2: I'll battle that pole for that view anyday :woohoo: <---me with my fists up


(Minus grey.)

Who would get the Grey, for reals?

^writing that in small font in case people get offended...

She seems happy to see me.
(She follows me on Twitter, therefore, we’re BFFs.)

Seriously though, so cool. I remember when you posted about that!

I need all of that in my life right now.

You can totally tell when he's tired. But didn't he sleep like three different times on the plane??

a carafe of water.

This. This is why I want Club Level. The fact that you can take a fresh, cold carafe of water to your room is everything!

(Also, I love that you can see the Contemporary right out the window!)

First thing I saw. I can not believe your view, I would have slept with the curtains AND doors open the whole trip!

We finished our food and went to the lounge to get some milk to drink with our cookies (we’re children),

Uh no, you're smart. Taking advantage of Club Level! Actually, I purposefully chose a Bed & Breakfast on the coast one year for my birthday because they delivered warm chocolate chip cookies and a cold pitcher of milk to your room at turndown ::yes:: Who can say no to that?! Weird *** people, that's who.

^again small font, don't want to offend those that aren't fun

I find this the most random show as well! But such nice, unexpected nighttime entertainment that's basically free.

Then at 10pm, HalloWishes started!!!!
OMG you guys.
This was absolutely INCREDIBLE.
And as an unexpected bonus, there seemed to be a speaker on the ground right outside our room, so we could hear the entire show really clearly!!
It was absolutely magical!!!

No way!

NO WAY!!! :cloud9::worship::love:

When the show ended, everyone down our longhouse clapped and cheered!!!
This is definitely one of my top Disney experiences ever.
I’m so grateful I’ve had the opportunity to experience this!

What a way to end your first night at Disney! And you haven't even stepped foot in a park yet, what the heck?!

Yikes what a perv/creep! Jamie and Daniel have to be long lost brothers ::yes::
Hi Katie! I binge read your first trip report and LOVED it and am so happy to see that you're doing another one (I even came out of lurkdom for it!). I'm following along and can't wait to see another update!

But first, your view? INSANELY jealous!!!!
I was completely oblivious to the deliciousness that was still to come…

So that's what an Uncrustable is! I have seen these on the CS menus before but my DDs are not PB&J lovers (for shame!) so we never got them. That picture looks so good, I might have to try it next time. :-)
Well, that must have been programmed to be specifically 7am UK time… and my alarm thought it was appropriate to start mooing like a cow at 2am.

What I want to know is, is your alarm really set to a cow?!

(Side note: Me being me, I got hair product all over the shoulder of this white top which left a big mark, so I changed it before leaving the room – in case anyone notices that I’m in a different top in the park :laughing:)

How funny, when I was looking at that photo I was going to ask about your hair! What hair products do you use to tame your hair in that awful humidity?? You'll see in my TR (whenever i'm able to post it!) that even in January, my hair can't deal with the humidity! It drives me nuts that I do it and minutes later it's all crazy.

That's the way to start your day!


* Eye twitch *


(The contrast in our concentration faces is quite amusing. Jamie is always quite animated, whereas I’m always really gormless :laughing:)

I told DH that I wanted to marry you because you used the word gormless! (he doesn't mind, BTW!) I know you've used it before but that word is amaze-balls to me!

I tried to project this encouragement onto Jamie, but he was too busy giving me his usual response to losing…

I HAVE THIS SAME PICTURE OF DH!!! :rotfl: Ugh, I need to post my TR asap!

Well this year...



Here’s another gormless ride photo, just for laughs.


And here’s one for the ladies.


Seriously, his 6 pack-possibly 8 pack- is giving Eric a run for his money!

Zooming in on animatronics is one of my new favourite things.

I can totally see that and I understand why! :laughing:

We exited the ride and I showed Jamie the hidden Steamboat Willie in the rocks!
It took him a while to be able to see it, but when he did it blew his mind!!!
Today I finally saw the ring that’s in the concrete during the queue!

All new things to me! What's the story behind the ring?

Today I decided that this ride is far too scary for little kids.
Am I alone in this?!

I agree until a certain age. DS, now 3 1/2, still finds it funny seeing all those ghosts in the graveyard. But I feel in like a year or 2, he's definitely going to understand why they're ghosts and be scared. That will be an awful day, I can feel it in my bones!

We went to see the new grass area, and it was totally empty!

Don't you love it! I loved seeing people sitting out there, eating lunches and snacks and just relaxing. Perfect addition!

Then I noticed a very rare Disney sighting.
There was nobody by the Partners statue!

Woah that is rare!

Jamie span us super fast, and at one point he abruptly changed our direction, UGH I did not appreciate that at all! :sick:

THIS! I don't mind the spinning, but when you take it the other way, forget about it!:faint:

The perspective makes Jamie look like he has a ginormous hand, and now it’s all I see when I look at this photo.


Well I wouldn't have seen that before had you not said it, but now that's all i'm looking at so thanks for that! :rotfl2:

I was slightly, unintentionally Disneybounding as the PeopleMover today :thumbsup2

Yes! Disneybounding as an attraction! Interesting. Wonder if there really are people that do this instead of characters:scratchin

I was so stoked because the Itinerary Planners at the Poly didn’t manage to get this reservation for me, but I randomly checked the reservations website one day and found a prime opening at 12:45pm!

That is a major score! You should be an Itinerary Planner ::yes::

I have a book called The Hidden Magic of Walt Disney World by Susan Veness, which says that the cherubs on the ceiling of Be Our Guest restaurant are in fact the faces of the Imagineers and their children as infants.

Why would I need the book when you're around?! What a cool fact!

Will be back to read more. Took me an hour and a half just to post these responses! The stupid spinning circle of death on my Macbook is KILLING ME!
Jamie suggested we ride the PeopleMover again while we wait (isn’t he perfect).


Okay, I know you keep saying it's busy, but it totally doesn't look that way at all! I feel like our January trip was way more crowded around this time of day and we went in the 'off season'?!

I do love the lobby! I was bummed when they ripped out the beautiful waterfall but i'll take this too!

Jamie is an Arsenal fan, and they won 2-1, so he was EVEN happier.

I'm always praying when DH watches sports on TV during vacation, that his team wins. It just makes the rest of the day much easier for me :rotfl2:

Huh, I thought we’d paid for a theme park view room, not a crotch view room.
I mean, I know Disney puts on a lot of shows, but I didn’t know we’d be getting our own… “private show”…

:rotfl:What the!? That's definitely a view you didn't pay for!....or did you???

The workmen weren’t around for long, thank goodness.
It was an awkward experience, to say the least!

You could have made it even more awkward and actually sat on your balcony and stare at them :lmao:

So Goofy!

Before we went to the lounge we agreed that we wouldn’t actually get anything to eat, since we had a dinner reservation at 6:45pm.
So naturally, we got two plates each :laughing:


I also tried some of the Polynesian’s signature POG juice (pineapple, orange and grapefruit I believe) and it was tasty!

Isn't it refreshing?!

Ugh, magnificent.

As soon as our waiter came over he asked if we were from England, but he didn’t exactly seem, like, interested in us or anything.
When we said yes he was abrupt and his face was deadpan…
After the meal we both agreed that we thought it might be regarding British people not tipping… :confused3
Tipping in the UK is 10% if your service is really good.
If the service is “meh” it’s not uncommon to tip less than 10%.
So maybe it's common for British people to be bad tippers in the USA, not because they’re rude, but because they’re plain oblivious to the difference.

This I did not know about. So are you saying if we ever make it to the UK and we tip what we normally tip (18-20) we'll be worshiped?! :banana:

We started off with some DELICIOUS bread.
Warm pineapple bread with macadamia butter to be exact.
Omg, it was fantastic, and it was the size of my head!

That bread and butter is literally everything.

Well, I hate to tell you this, because I know there are a lot of Kona lovers out there.
But the food wasn’t great today :sad2:

Oh poop! Sad that they only thing worth eating was your free bread!

Maybe we just ordered the wrong things.

We've only ever eaten the sushi (which is delicious BTW, I know you're not big on that) and have never really been interested in any of the other items on the menu.

Something I was prepared for (thanks to the Disboards) was that they’re now only covering half of the treat in toppings!
We were a little disheartened at first, but it turned out we actually PREFERRED them one sided!

I've never actually been to Goofy's Candy Co :-)duck:) but dipping on both sides of the crispy sounds like way too much, i'd much prefer this way! Glad you ended up liking the change!

While we waited for our treats a CM gave me some free candyfloss (/cotton candy)!

Love the name Candyfloss!

“Gee Brain, what do you want to do tonight?”
“The same thing we do every night, Pinky.


Also, I can’t decide whether I love these dolls or hate them…
Someone decide for me please.

Same! Definitely don't like the Drizella/Anastacia dolls with the crazy, evil eyebrows :scared:
Uber was a great idea I took from the comments on my last trip report, thanks to everyone who suggested it!

Great tip thank you! Never even thought about it.

You can hear us start laughing at 00:45 because the line "something from the trolley dear" reminds us of a certain internet meme...
(Which I can't possibly link to a Disney forum :laughing:)

Ugh i'm so out of the loop, off to Google!

I said that I’d probably be good at Potions because I’ve worked in a couple of cocktail bars, but Jamie reminded me that a few weeks ago I burnt our spaghetti to the bottom of the pan, and he told me I couldn’t be trusted with a cauldron.
Dreams = shattered.

:rotfl: Oh Katie!

After the ride we bought a bottle of “Gillywater” (ie. regular water)... for $4!!!!!!


Yep my reaction exactly. That's exactly why I purchase two flats of water for our trips, can't justify paying that amount for one bottle when you get 24 for 2 bucks more!

I don’t know why Seuss Landing is often labelled as a kid’s area, there’s plenty of high-brow entertainment in line for this ride.


My kind of entertainment :hyper:


No not like that. :laughing:

Aw shucks.

I’d like to explore more of Florida sometime

Isn't it funny that we always say that? Then i'm like, "Wait, I only have 8 days. Can't waste that elsewhere when there's Disney to explore":laughing: What's your excuse you have two full weeks?! :scratchin

Salazar Slytherin!!!!!
And the quiz we took last year had told him he’d be in Slytherin!!!


“No, come along, Bort.”
“Are you talking to me?”
“No, my son is also named Bort.”

:rotfl2::rotfl:Love this scene!

The perfect Doc expression!

Now this looks adorbs. ET always scared me so I couldn't imagine having a doll/plush of him, but this one I could definitely take!

I've never tried them but have always wanted too! I love me a PB&J and DS requests it about 4 times a week, so i'm sure he'd love them too. But they're frozen right? So you have to heat them up in a toaster? Or no...?

:rotfl2::rotfl:I"m sure the CM's that work there have seen way worse!

Out on the balcony, Jamie put his legs up like this and asked,
“Is this too Br’er Bear-ish?”


I love that he said this. You have the most perfect man! :cloud9:

It is so cool though!

We left Splash and as soon as I stepped outside I slipped so bad and ALMOST fell on my face…!!!
Luckily I didn’t actually fall down, but I must’ve looked like a cartoon.
My legs just shot out from underneath me :laughing:
I realised that flip-flops were a big mistake.


And we ended up doing a huge loop of New Fantasyland :headache: :laughing:

DH does this all the time. He wants to be 'the man' of the party and take charge and will walk ahead and then come to a fork and turn around and look at me with a perplexed look on his face. Nice try, hun ::yes::


I finally, FINALLY got my chance to eat here this past January! And I didn't have to sell DH too hard, but I said my friend Katie on the boards said they serve a crazy amount of Broccoli (DS loves broccoli) and he agreed! So thank you:love1:

But as we arrived we realised there was a child going absolutely NUCLEAR up there right in front of us, so we just awkwardly turned around back down the stairs.

...my child??....:headache:

This is the most picturesque picture of a floret i've ever seen:laughing:

We had a fastpass for Wishes!

How much did you love that area for Wishes?! Oh my gosh, way better than fighting to find a spot somewhere on Main Street, and we got there a minute late and still had a great view.

But fear not!!!
I was able to swap it to a 1:50-2:50pm fastpass on my phone right there and then!
Apparently even the monorails have wifi?!

Wi-fi everywhere! :hyper: Love Disney World. Disneyland needs to take some notes quick fast.

OMGosh i'm caught up! :cool1:


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