Every Wish That We Put Into Motion.... (comments welcome!)

Wow does my body wanna run. Changed my interval timer to 60/30 and went out to do my 3 miles, aiming for 13:15 pace. Huge fail on mile 1 with 12:25. Got my stuff together for 13:12 on mile 2, and was 13:07 (this had more downhill) for mile 3. Yeesh. Maybe I need to do a 50/30 timer for the first 20min of the race on Saturday just so I don't go out waaaay too fast.

Spotify is doing 3 months for free for new premium subscribers. Perfect timing since that'll get me almost all the way through to MW, and I'll only pay for one month (so I have it for goofy) before I cancel it.
Wow does my body wanna run. Changed my interval timer to 60/30 and went out to do my 3 miles, aiming for 13:15 pace. Huge fail on mile 1 with 12:25. Got my stuff together for 13:12 on mile 2, and was 13:07 (this had more downhill) for mile 3. Yeesh. Maybe I need to do a 50/30 timer for the first 20min of the race on Saturday just so I don't go out waaaay too fast.

Spotify is doing 3 months for free for new premium subscribers. Perfect timing since that'll get me almost all the way through to MW, and I'll only pay for one month (so I have it for goofy) before I cancel it.

Hopefully lesson learned. Hawk that pace early because adrenaline is going to be flowing.
My nails on my big toes hurt. Or like...the nail bed? This is very weird and I don’t like it.
My nails on my big toes hurt. Or like...the nail bed? This is very weird and I don’t like it.
I’ve had that happen to me. I went to a podiatrist, and he said that my big toes curl upward and the nails were hitting the top of my shoes. He suggested getting shoes with a taller toe box. I’ve also found that trimming the nails as short as comfortable helps a lot. Congrats on finishing your marathon!!
Race Report Sleeping Bear Marathon
Ok here we go. I’ll probably come back and edit this as I think of things. Long post ahead, so to start with
TLDR: completed my first FULL marathon! 6:11:16. (I paused my watch for all of the bathroom stops, and with those taken out my time was 5:59:10) Woohoo! Go me! Got last place and I do not care at all. My DopeyBadger plan did exactly what it was supposed to do, but I definitely have some things to figure out before MW.

Actual weather from a local station (but not the station where the race was because that one doesn’t have historical data.)

And now, a novel.

This is how the race went:
Let’s start with Friday when I was supposed to run 1.5mi EB + strides. I realized around 1am Saturday, when I woke up with major anxiety about the race, that it never happened. Friday went more like : clean, clean, clean, go to Costco for the first time ever, go to Meijer to finish the grocery shopping, come home and clean more. Organize rides and transportation for 3 kids for their sporting events, and fall asleep nervous and exhausted. DH worked football concessions with our cross country parents (I was adamant that I was not spending 5 hours standing on concrete the night before my race and didn’t help this time) and came home and says to me, “did you know Traci and Asa have both only run one marathon EVER? And Traci didn’t finish hers. She was done at mile 20. They said they’ll be praying for you tomorrow.” Which, they were D1 and D2 college distance/XC runners, and theyre Such reassuring information. 😂 I slept like crap Friday night (aided by a toddler who knew something was up), which made me extra thankful that I had slept well on Thursday night.
Saturday: up at 5am. So so so nervous. Did all of the stuff I have done on race mornings so far, packed a lunch for after the race, and SIL and I were out the door at 7:00 and in the start chute by 7:20. It was soo humid at the start. And warmer than I wanted. The guy behind us was super friendly and was talking with us. It was his 10th marathon. And he says, “Just so you know, at some point it’s going to suck and you’ll feel awful. It will get a little bit worse. But you have done the training and you can do it.” We passed him (he was ahead of us, obviously) at around mile 11 and he gave us a lot of encouragement. Basically everyone did. The other runners were SO SUPPORTIVE.
SIL and I decided we would run continuous until the big hill/mile 4 and after that we would switch to intervals. I was ruthless in keeping our pace down. And the “big hill” wasn’t that bad, it was just looooong. 2 miles up uphill, but not overly steep.
I stopped to use the bathroom every 4 miles on the first half, and that ate up a lot of time, but it was necessary. There was an older man running intervals that we yo-yo-ed behind for most of the race. Checking the finish times, I found out that he is 74! So amazing!! But we were feeling GREAT. This was the longest run I (maybe both of us?) had ever done and I could not believe how well it was going.

And then—mile 16 happened. My hamstrings were getting really tight so I stopped briefly to stretch them and when I stood back up I got super light headed, and it took a few minutes to recover. We started to get back on track, but at around mile 19 we were both hurting.
My thinking switched away from “keep on pace” to, “just finish this thing however you have to.” We walked a lot more. We reminded ourselves that our legs are strong and that we have been training for this for 10 months. And we reminded ourselves often. We had passed another runner at around mile 15, so we knew we weren’t in last place, but the sweeper on his bike was passing us and then looping back quite a bit. We found out later that he (the runner) had withdrawn from the race at around mile 16. The “Sweeper” rode along side us for the last 3-4 miles. He assured us that as long as we were upright that we wouldn’t be pulled from the course and would absolutely get to finish. SIL took off on her own for the last 3 miles (she was in worse shape than she was letting on and needed to get in her own zone to finish) and I had a 45min conversation with the sweeper in to the finish line. He was so friendly, kept me distracted from how awful I felt, and brought me a beer after I crossed the finish line
DH met us at the finish and brought us Gatorade (because the hammer electrolyte drink I took one sip of on the course was SO GROSS) and SIL and I both took off our shoes and socks and stool in Lake Michigan for about 15 minutes while DH walked back up to the parking lot to get her car for us.
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Needs improvement:

fueling and hydration.
This became an issue after about 3 hours of running (which is also about how long my longest training run was.) I had packed 2 soft flasks of tailwind concentrate, 2 Gu packs, pretzels, and half a pbj. I filled the bladder on my vest about 1/3 of the way so it wouldnt slosh at ALL (if it’s half full it does have a little sloshing) and planned on just taking water from every aid station and only using my vest to supplement. I had a stroop waffle on the walk from the car to the start line. Half way through the race I had gotten through the first soft flask and started a gu packet that I could not finish because it was just too sweet.

I also had a lot of problems with feeling like water was sloshing around in my stomach, which made me want to drink LESS. I tried to spread out the intake more between aid stations, but it was a problem for the whole 2nd half. I HAD to drink water to swallow the pretzels (my not-sweet option) so things got pretty frustrating

I had zero problems with chaffing during training and I definitely had problems with it yesterday.

These aren’t painful, but I have a lot more blisters than I was expecting (and I was expecting some.)

bruised big toes/toenails.
When I got (re)fitted for shoes the guy made a comment that I’m a “toe lifter” because of some wear to the mesh on my old shoes. After the race, I completely agree with him. Of everything that’s sore today, my big toes are the worst.
I had zero problems with chaffing during training and I definitely had problems with it yesterday.

These aren’t painful, but I have a lot more blisters than I was expecting (and I was expecting some.)

Have you tried Body Glide? I use it religiously on areas of my body prone to chaffing and preventing toe blisters. It works well for me.

fueling and hydration.
This became an issue after about 3 hours of running (which is also about how long my longest training run was.) I had packed 2 soft flasks of tailwind concentrate, 2 Gu packs, pretzels, and half a pbj. I filled the bladder on my vest about 1/3 of the way so it wouldnt slosh at ALL (if it’s half full it does have a little sloshing) and planned on just taking water from every aid station and only using my vest to supplement. I had a stroop waffle on the walk from the car to the start line. Half way through the race I had gotten through the first soft flask and started a gu packet that I could not finish because it was just too sweet.

I also had a lot of problems with feeling like water was sloshing around in my stomach, which made me want to drink LESS. I tried to spread out the intake more between aid stations, but it was a problem for the whole 2nd half. I HAD to drink water to swallow the pretzels (my not-sweet option) so things got pretty frustrating

What an interesting dynamic. So you didn't drink much but had the feeling of sloshing and had to use the bathroom regularly. I'm not sure I'm thinking of a good solution at the moment. Might be a good question for the hive mind of "The Running Thread". Were you dehydrated post-race? Taste changes are always a challenge late in the race.

Overall though, it sounds like a good first marathon experience. Lessons learned and areas to try and improve on in training. Be sure to take some time off from running. Like 10 days, no running. But do some walking during that time just to keep everything moving. Be prepared that it's going to take as much as a month or more before running becomes normal again. It takes a long time to recover from a hard marathon effort. But doing the good recovery now will pay off despite Marathon Weekend feeling like it's so close.
Have you tried Body Glide? I use it religiously on areas of my body prone to chaffing and preventing toe blisters. It works well for me.
I haven’t used anything for chaffing because it has never been an issue. I will definitely try something so I’m prepared for MW.

What an interesting dynamic. So you didn't drink much but had the feeling of sloshing and had to use the bathroom regularly. I'm not sure I'm thinking of a good solution at the moment. Might be a good question for the hive mind of "The Running Thread". Were you dehydrated post-race? Taste changes are always a challenge late in the race.
The whole bladder thing is an ongoing issue with a long term solution that I’ve been working on. The timing of the race was basically the worst it could have been for the number of stops I needed. I probably was somewhat dehydrated by the end of the race but I didn’t have any headaches, muscle cramps, etc. I kept drinking water even though I didn’t want to because I knew dehydration would feel a lot worse than a sloshy stomach.

Overall though, it sounds like a good first marathon experience. Lessons learned and areas to try and improve on in training. Be sure to take some time off from running. Like 10 days, no running. But do some walking during that time just to keep everything moving. Be prepared that it's going to take as much as a month or more before running becomes normal again. It takes a long time to recover from a hard marathon effort. But doing the good recovery now will pay off despite Marathon Weekend feeling like it's so close.
It was a great learning experience! And I didn’t hate it, and I’m not dreading MW, which is a huge plus.

This is horrible. All I can think about now is how to change our flights on Wednesday to get there early enough to do bib pick up and upgrade my goofy to a dopey. :rotfl2: DH would not be a fan because I would [probably] be so sore I wouldn't be able to move at all by Sunday afternoon.
same actually
So I ran the numbers, and looked at the flights, and considered the house-sitter situation, and I don't think Dopey is in the cards because of all of the additional costs above and beyond the bib upgrade (which would be about $277 on its own.) MIL would have to come over a day sooner (which may not even be a possibility), we would have to get up and drive to Detroit at like 4am and then drive directly from MCO to the expo AND hope the flights didn't get delayed/cancelled on top of all of that. Plus having a 2 year old with us would make the need for naps and early bedtimes pretty difficult.

Went for a 1.7mi walk today with DS3 (he's home in quarantine as a close contact from a positive student he sits near during lunch) because he is missing cross country AND soccer practice this week and is going stir crazy. My legs are past the "sore" stage and into the "tired muscles" stage. I'm no longer clinging to the handrail to go up and down the stairs, but I'm definitely no where near wanting to run yet (which is obviously not a surprise.)
I'll start this off by saying that I'm NOT IN A RUSH and that I'm capable of stringing together a couple of weeks of EA/EB (plus strides here and there) runs while I get back in the groove of things. But I am starting to think ahead because if I don't have something written on my marker board I will not get out and run.

Revised pacing?
-I don’t know if it’ll need to change at all, but I’m also willing to do a HR test (the hr test in the daniels book seems like it would be pretty easy, and I have a big hill just down the road I could use) if additional data would be appropriate. I’m OK with what I have at the moment because my goals for MW are to finish the races and have fun. I’m going to try some very very easy jogging on the treadmill next week and just see how it feels because I’m feeling mostly normal today, and I'll probably start some lifting again next week also, probably concentrating on upper body for a week before adding lower body 2 weeks post marathon.

Looking ahead to a training plan and juggling DS2 and then DS1’s basketball schedules:
-My plan over the summer had Wednesday and Saturday off, and Monday was usually a light mileage day. That is probably going to continue to work the best as ALL of DS2’s games fall on those days and mess with my daily schedule more.

Glitches/conflict in the schedule that are known:
-Probably need Oct. 17th off since we are doing birthday stuff that day/weekend (DS1 is turning 16 EEEEEK!)
-I’m looking for a 5k Turkey Trot (Nov 25) that I would probably run with DS3, so at an easy pace and not really race it. If I need to forego the off day on Wednesday because of where that falls in the timing to still hit the time on feet/mileage for that week that’s completely workable.
-Maaaaaaaybe another holiday themed 5k in December (possibly on Dec. 19th) if I can find one that is nearby and inexpensive enough for a group of us to do? Again, not for time, just for fun. I’m not sure if there are many of these in my area.
-Flight to Orlando is booked for Jan 5th, and running will not happen that day (it’s a Wednesday) because of how all of the timing is going to play out (4+ hr car drive to the airport, 3hr flight, and then getting settled at the resort.)

Realistic logistics:
Anything faster than LR is tough to do with the stroller. Some speedwork could be done on the treadmill if it’s something that I really *should* be doing. The weather is probably going to start getting weird in the beginning of November.


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