"ENCHANTED TALES with ROB" - A Birthday/Christmas DISer Celebration! **NEW TR LINK**

Hi again Rob, just a fun fact from So Cal. The man that does the orientation on Soaring, Patrick Warburton lives here were I live Camarillo, his kids go to the public school that my son attends.

The best part is one of the cities you fly over during Soaring is Camarillo, that is where you see and smell the citrus trees. See Rob, It's a small world after all! :lmao:
Caught up, Rob. What a magical extra hours experience!
Awesome update & another great dismeet. You're having such an amazing trip! The guy photographing your shirt cracks me up! Did he say anything to you? Or just take a pic & walk away?

THANK YOU!!! Despite some amazing trips, this one was easily my favourite. And that really is saying something. OMG Carrie and I both looked at each other, "Did he just take a picture of the shirt?" Nope, he said nothing. Everything happened exactly as described. It was hysterical.

It sounds like a perfect Disney night! :goodvibes:thumbsup2 I'm so glad you were able to meet even MORE DISers and have such a magical evening. Carrie and Riley seem like the sweetest people! I'm just sorry that It's a Small World wasn't open and you weren't able to enjoy it. Now THAT would have just been the icing on the cake! ;)

I totally got wet on Pirates last February and I thought the same thing. I was like since when do you get soaked on this ride?! Ha.

Have you decided on if you're going in September yet?

Oh my goodness Lauren, it sure was. They were so great and it's so much easier to tour with other "pros". It takes a lot of the decision making pressure off. It was nice to just go with the flow and have fun. I know, Small World would have totally been the capper if it had been open... :eek: I'll be honest though. If Riley had wanted to ride I probably would have. :headache:

Yes, this seems to be a thing now. I don't know when it changed, but something changed. I was literally shocked.

I haven't just yet, but I DID just renew my AP for another year. I've been waiting to hear back from a friend to see if she wanted to come, but either way, I'd say it's more than likely it'll be a yes for me. I mean, I pretty much have to with an AP... right?

At least you remembered to turn in your red wait time card to be scanned correctly at Peter Pan. Last trip, they gave me one as I was entering Small World queue. You know how much I was looking forward to going back to this ride after October. :rotfl: Anyway, after trying to herd three kids on to the boat, trying not to get freaked out about the dolls that may or may not be coming to life to exact some form of human sacrifice, and then keeping the kids from standing up during the inevitable boat back up near the disembarking station, I didn't realize I was still holding on to the red card until I was getting off the boat. I had to sheepishly take it back to the CM standing at the front of the entrance and tell her I completely blanked out on this task. :goodvibes

Boy, your days appear to be completely packed with DIS meets! Everyone is going to want to include a meet and greet with Rob in their touring plans after all of these great and fun meets people are having with ya. :thumbsup2

Well in fairness Dave, that was all Riley. I would have been flat out too scared on Small World. Oh and... um... stay tuned... :blush:

Dave, honestly I was so blessed on this trip to not only have some DISmeets, but on some to actually get to spend some time. I spent so much time with Brenda and crew (and you haven't seen the last of her yet) AND this amazing meet with Carrie and Riley (which isn't the last either), it made this trip my absolute favourite. AND there may be one more unexpected DISmeet to come.

So many epic fails and such a great night with a great DIS meet with Carrie and Riley. I mean, come on Rob, you couldn't go back and get a picture of a zero minute wait time??? :lmao:

What an awesome evening. It looks like the three of you are having a complete blast and its awesome that Riley totally took to you. But then again, I'm not surprised at all!

Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!

Great night and epic fails. Hmmm... Maybe that should have been the title of this TR, lol. I know, seriously, such stupidity forgetting that photo. But considering the rest of the night, I can let it slide.

Mary Ellen, I could not have asked for more. Other than maybe more time of course. We did have a blast and MY GOD that is so sweet of you to say.

Why it may bring more of the same. :)

What a fun evening. Of course, I'd already read about it, but it was fun to read from your point of view too!

Ok, what was the treat? It looks like a citrus swirl, but without the swirl. The citrus swirl is one of my favorite snacks in all of WDW.

Was this the licked/non licked picture? :rotfl:

from raw-8962 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

It was so much fun. Haha, yeah, I guess for some it was a little bit of deja vu.

It was a Dole Whip float, but orange Dole Whip instead of pineapple. The Orange Bird was, sadly, closed for EMH. Carrie was NOT impressed, lol.

Ha, surprisingly no. It was actually a smaller picture from a bin.

:rotfl: to the "creepy" types rides! :upsidedow yep, positive you were sooo disappointed about HM replacing iasw for ride #1 of the night!

OMG, that's hilarious that a random guy came upon you, took a pic of your shirt, and disappeared into the night. Yup... Only at Disney. :rotfl2:

Wow! Crazy about the 10/0 minute wait for Peter Pan! Worth a picture for sure!

What a special evening with two very special ladies. :goodvibes

Haha, yeah, that made me giggle too. Oh Yes, SO sad Small World was down. That would have been perfect for creepiness.

It was Tracy. It was the funniest thing. He never said one word and was just so nonchalant about it. Classic Disney.

I KNOW!!!! At least I got the 10 minute sign which was impressive enough. But I'm still sad I missed out on the 0. :(

It really was one of my favourite nights I've had in Disney. And I've had a LOT of nights in Disney. Really and truly special.
I had a little catching up to do!!

I laughed at your comment at the Friendship boat being such a "speedy" mode of travel. It's SO slow!! Haha, we could easily out walk that thing with a stroller! :rotfl:

Beautiful Osborne Lights photos -- along with another fun DISmeet...I'm jealous!

And then, your MK meet-up is just perfection....such an amazing thing to be able to meet someone new and have an instant connection! And I'm not at all surprised that Carrie and Riley enjoyed hanging out with you...you seem like such a fun, positive guy to be around! :yay:

Finally, your dole whip looks really bright orangey-yellow...did you feel like it was different? Mine seemed brighter in color in November...and maybe a little less creamy or something?! :confused:

That's ok Julie, I'll wait...

OMG it's ridiculous. When the Small World boats can beat you in a race, it's time for some more horsepower. But at least the Friendship boat ride doesn't scare me.

Aww thanks!! The Dismeet was what made it extra special.

It was such a great night that I really didn't want to end. I was having so much fun and surprisingly, I still had a lot of energy. Aww gee, Thank You!! I hope I was able to provide as much enjoyment as they did for me.

Yup, it was Orange Dole Whip with pineapple float. That's probably the difference. We had planned on Citrus Swirl from the Orange Bird but it was closed. But since I was craving orange...

Yay for getting a good spot for Wishes this time!

Nice stumbling upon that LSEP ;)

Sounds like you had a great time with Carrie & Riley :) You all look so happy and it definitely seems like you guys really clicked, so no awkwardness or weirdness! Can't beat EMH and getting to ride normally crowded rides with no wait!

Haha, Oh yeah, there was NO WAY I was screwing up this time Alexis

I didn't even plan to see it, but since it was right there, we kind of had to I think.

You know, we really did. It sure helps when everyone knows the park so well, so there's no pressure to lead. Just go with the flow. Plus, I loved EMH. The lines were great for everything we decided to do. I wish it was always like that.

Oh course she took to you - you are clearly amazing! :hug: I adore that pic from the dump shop! So much fun clearly being had!

And I may have a tendency to want to lick certain portraits as well. Ahem.

Aww geez Dani... THANK YOU!!!! I was so glad about that. Oh yeah, I love that picture so much. Just heaps of fun.

Hehe, I have nothing to add to that, lol.

Rob, I know you have answered this question already but, what model Elph camera are you using again? I've been shopping and cannot remember. Your pictures are great. I'm sure it has something to do with the photography.

Thanks! pixiedust:

It's no problem at all Linda. The model I have is "300 HS". I think the current version is 330 or 340 HS. They really are a great camera for the price.

Ok Rob, you are officially my favorite Trip Report writer ever! In fact, I found myself "quote-ing" one of your lines at the beginning of this report this past weekend and my friends now think I'm a little crazier than before. (It's ok tho, they are Disney peeps too.) :dance3:

I just caught up with the rest of this report and will now be going to read your others! Keep writing please! You are awesome! :goodvibes

Oh my goodness. :blush: You just made my day. :flower3: THANK YOU SO MUCH and WELCOME!!! I love that it's "quotable"!! And Disney and a little craziness go hand in hand, so it's all good!

Thank you again for your amazingly kind words. I appreciate it so much!! :goodvibes

Hey Rob! Just wanted to let you know I'm still following your wild and crazy adventure here. Looking like you had a blast so far. Can't wait to read more. Also, I've started a PTR! It's in my signature!:banana:

Hey Jake!! Thanks for sticking with me! It was a trip of a lifetime and still more to go. I'll try to get over to your PTR. I've been awful at getting over to the PTR board. I have so many I want to get caught up on.
Hi again Rob, just a fun fact from So Cal. The man that does the orientation on Soaring, Patrick Warburton lives here were I live Camarillo, his kids go to the public school that my son attends.

The best part is one of the cities you fly over during Soaring is Camarillo, that is where you see and smell the citrus trees. See Rob, It's a small world after all! :lmao:

OK, that's pretty cool Linda. I love Patrick in pretty much everything he does.
Ahhh, the Citrus Trees. One of my favourite segments.

Happy Tink, this is a very cool fun fact!


Agreed Teresa.

Caught up, Rob. What a magical extra hours experience!

Yes, it was a magical and fun night for sure.
Another great update Rob!! SO sweet. I love how you all bonded so quickly. What a special night:)
Oh my goodness Lauren, it sure was. They were so great and it's so much easier to tour with other "pros". It takes a lot of the decision making pressure off. It was nice to just go with the flow and have fun. I know, Small World would have totally been the capper if it had been open... :eek: I'll be honest though. If Riley had wanted to ride I probably would have. :headache:

Yes, this seems to be a thing now. I don't know when it changed, but something changed. I was literally shocked.

I haven't just yet, but I DID just renew my AP for another year. I've been waiting to hear back from a friend to see if she wanted to come, but either way, I'd say it's more than likely it'll be a yes for me. I mean, I pretty much have to with an AP... right?

YES! Definitely. Half of the trip is already paid for! :thumbsup2
Oh, what a wonderful night! I'm so glad you got to experience nighttime EMH with some more DISers, and this time with a kid! Don't get me wrong, I became a Disney addict as an adult and love visiting the parks with just adults, but there is something special about riding rides with kids. They are two totally different experiences and both are fantastic in their own way.

Happy to see partaking in the Wishes viewing was much more successful this time around. :goodvibes

I love seeing short waits for Peter Pan's Flight. Albeit, I've only witnessed it once, and it was at 1am, but still...a pretty cool sight. :rotfl2:

Oh man, I would have died laughing if I'd seen someone just walk up to you and take a picture of your shirt. Talk about the best compliment.
Another great update Rob!! SO sweet. I love how you all bonded so quickly. What a special night:)

Thank you Jackie. It ended up so beyond my expectations to become one of my best Disney nights ever.

YES! Definitely. Half of the trip is already paid for! :thumbsup2

That is a good point Lauren. My friend ended up backing out unfortunately, so now I'm just trying to figure out a different game plan.

Oh, what a wonderful night! I'm so glad you got to experience nighttime EMH with some more DISers, and this time with a kid! Don't get me wrong, I became a Disney addict as an adult and love visiting the parks with just adults, but there is something special about riding rides with kids. They are two totally different experiences and both are fantastic in their own way.

Happy to see partaking in the Wishes viewing was much more successful this time around. :goodvibes

I love seeing short waits for Peter Pan's Flight. Albeit, I've only witnessed it once, and it was at 1am, but still...a pretty cool sight. :rotfl2:

Oh man, I would have died laughing if I'd seen someone just walk up to you and take a picture of your shirt. Talk about the best compliment.

Oh Alicia, you really nailed it. Just like you you said, I love the Disney experience as an adult and with adults, but there was just something truly special and unique doing it with Riley. Once the ice was broken (rather quickly), the night just became magical and so much fun.

Haha, indeed. I learned my lesson.

In fairness, it wasn't much before 1am at that point, but even still, a pretty cool sight for sure. But then I was convinced it had a one hour wait even when the park was closed.

It was seriously the most surreal thing. I just kept thinking, "Did that just happen?" Yup... Yup it did.
AHHH your picture in the "dump shop" makes me smile bc 1. Riley and yourself look cute sword fighting.. 2. On our last trip, I let the boys pick something from there and OMG, it took them forever to pick!! Like, we were in there forever and crying and pouting ensued.. MEMORIES!!

Peter Pan was a walk-on?? WOW- I'd have taken a pic too!

That castle though- Just wow!
I love your report! Just caught up after 2 days of reading.

I was there last December and will be returning this year again! Nothing compares to Disney at Christmas time.

Love all the Dis meets I hope to one day have a bunch myself.

Can't wait to see what else happens!I mean 2 MVMCP COME ON!!!!:banana:
Once again I'm beyond behind but now I'm caught up! :cool1:

OMG SANTA DUFFY! :santa: If that's not the cutest thing ever, I don't know what is. Still mad that I didn't get to meet pumpkin Duffy in September.

The Osborne lights are AMAZING. I really honestly think they might be the most magical place on earth. Your pictures are gorgeous but you're right-- the pictures and videos don't do it justice!

Aw you bonding with Riley is ridiculously sweet! And her wanting her to wear her birthday button like you literally gives me that warm fuzzy feeling! How adorable! :hug:
AHHH your picture in the "dump shop" makes me smile bc 1. Riley and yourself look cute sword fighting.. 2. On our last trip, I let the boys pick something from there and OMG, it took them forever to pick!! Like, we were in there forever and crying and pouting ensued.. MEMORIES!!

Peter Pan was a walk-on?? WOW- I'd have taken a pic too!

That castle though- Just wow!

Aww thank you Marcie, it makes me smile too. If there is one picture that truly reflects this night, this is it. I'm not surprised it took the boys forever though. There is some insanely fun stuff in there.

There was no one in line. I have never seen that before. AHHH how could I forget to get the 0 wait time photo.

Oh yeah... she be gorgeous.

I love your report! Just caught up after 2 days of reading.

I was there last December and will be returning this year again! Nothing compares to Disney at Christmas time.

Love all the Dis meets I hope to one day have a bunch myself.

Can't wait to see what else happens!I mean 2 MVMCP COME ON!!!!:banana:

Thank you SO MUCH!!!!!! I'm so happy to WELCOME you and appreciate all that reading so very much.

This is very true. It's pretty amazing decked out at Christmas, especially the castle.

OMG, easily the highlights of the trip... Not even a question.

Up next is coming, well, up next!!!
Once again I'm beyond behind but now I'm caught up! :cool1:

OMG SANTA DUFFY! :santa: If that's not the cutest thing ever, I don't know what is. Still mad that I didn't get to meet pumpkin Duffy in September.

The Osborne lights are AMAZING. I really honestly think they might be the most magical place on earth. Your pictures are gorgeous but you're right-- the pictures and videos don't do it justice!

Aw you bonding with Riley is ridiculously sweet! And her wanting her to wear her birthday button like you literally gives me that warm fuzzy feeling! How adorable! :hug:

WOOHOO indeed Courtney!!! Now how about an update on YOUR report... popcorn::

This is my favourite iteration of Duffy for sure BY FAR!!! Obviously he's freakin' adorable, but next update will make his supremeness and specialness extremely clear.

They so are. There's really a certain peace I find when you're there and surrounded by them. Thank you. I wanted a few photos obviously for the report, but yup, they need to be seen in person.

It was unreal and so unexpected Courtney. I just wanted to make sure she had fun. But a real bond did form I think, and still exists to this very day.

Day 8 – December 10, 2013 Part 1

I had a plan for today, and so far I was sticking to it, much to my surprise.
Because of the really late night LAST night, and because of an expected late night THIS night,
I decided to chill for the morning.
I won’t say that I slept in or anything, but I did stick to my plan to relax a bit before heading to Magic Kingdom.

But that doesn't mean I just lazed around all morning; I had a very important mission to accomplish.
The night prior, after realizing the night was going so well, I decided I wanted to get something for Riley.
I thought long and hard about this, and then I remembered she had mentioned a love of Duffy,

So when I saw this, my search was immediately over and my mission complete.


Before heading out though, I had one more thing I wanted to take care of.
Since I was having so many issues with FP+, it had been suggested that I get a printout as proof.
Granted, I had yet to be refused entry, but I had a FP today that I didn't want to risk, so I jumped into the concierge line and waited for my turn.

I also realized that I had turned off my cell service accidentally (it happens a lot, stupid touch screens),
So I turned that on and immediately received a text from Carrie asking if I could meet them before bag check as they had a surprise.

Of course, the text was likely sent much earlier in the day, so this was probably old information at this point.
Nonetheless, I replied that would be no problem, but of course, they had already been in the park for a while.

In any event, I let them know that I was waiting to hopefully get a printout of the FP+ I had for the day.
When it was finally my turn, the young lady told me that sadly, they no longer had the ability to do the printout.

She could still bring up my reservations, she just couldn't print it.
I’m not sure what changed, and it really didn't make any sense to me at all (are they out of printers?), but whatever.

She did offer to give me something as proof though, and in regards to a Trip Report, so much better...

... So here Ladies and Gentleman is my official FP+ backup provided directly by Disney.


You can’t make this stuff up.

I’m going to be honest here…
This was WAY better than an actual printout just for the entertainment value alone, so I gladly accepted this “official” documentation.

MyMagicPlus is AWESOME!!! And you thought paper fastpasses were a thing of the past.

I decided once again that since I was only doing MK today, I would take the bus since it drops you on the MK side of the Seven Seas Lagoon.
I’d had pretty stellar luck with transportation so far this trip, but that was about to come to an abrupt halt.
I got into the MK line, and watched as every other bus possible came and went.

I’m pretty sure I even saw a city transit bus from my hometown in the mix, but I may be wrong about that.

I do know that I saw two Epcot buses simultaneously (the one with no sign showing I swear is Epcot but it didn’t show in the photo).


FINALLY after what seemed to be an eternity, a Magic Kingdom bus arrived and I was off to Magic Kingdom.


I arranged to meet Carrie and Riley near the washrooms in Storybook Circus, and this is indeed where we met up.

Riley, God bless her, ran over with a big hug, and then I received a special surprise that Riley insisted on presenting to me.


(photo courtesy of Carrie)


(photo courtesy of Carrie)

Here is the entire contents taken in my room that night.


I feel it necessary to give a little back story on the pin.
Back around September, I was reading Carrie’s PTR for this trip, and she had posted photos of some pins.
The source was the Dream Squad from the “Year of a Million Dreams”… also known as 2008/9.
There were 2 identical exclusive pins in the set…

“One to give and one for you. Now you can spread a little magic of your own.
Simply detach the card with pin below and give it to another Disney guest.”

Well, long story short, I had (sorta) jokingly volunteered to be that Disney guest and…



I absolutely adore this pin and will be forever grateful for it and the fact that she brought it back to Disney just for me...
That is something I will never forget.

Then it was my turn as I proudly presented Miss Riley with Santa Duffy, who I am told she loves...


(photo courtesy of Carrie)


Also note the birthday button added to today's ensemble.

Riley had a very special tea party to attend at the Grand Floridian at 2:00, so we only had time for something quick.

We caught a little bit of Move It Shake It, because I can’t NOT watch at least a bit whenever it’s nearby.
Obsessed I tell you!!





Buzz Lightyear was a virtual walk on, so this made a good choice, PLUS… I was given this supreme responsibility.


Unfortunately, unlike Riley the night before, this was yet another EPIC FAIL on my part as I realized I still had it as I exited the ride.

#Oops #DumbA$$


Rather than chance being late, I suggested they head over to the G Flo now just to be safe.
Better to be too early than too late.

After they left for the tea party, I grabbed a locker out front to store my stuff.


Seriously, there were so many things I wished I'd taken photos of like some group shots at the Osborne Lights,
Yet I make a special point of photographing the locker.

I didn’t have a ton of priorities for the day, but I did have one thing I absolutely needed to do, and this was the perfect time to do it.

My love of this place we call home, otherwise known as Walt Disney World, was introduced to me as a child by my father.
We made regular trips there when I was growing up, and my parents are the reason this place has meant so much to me.

The last (and first) time I attended MVMCP (not including the last minute one a couple night's prior),
Was in 2009 with my parents and was my first trip with them ever as an adult.

In fact, it was on the exact same day, December 10, which is a very special day.

I had celebrated MY birthday (and still was), celebrated Walt’s birthday, but there was one more birthday I needed to acknowledge today.

So I posted on Facebook:
Happy Birthday Dad!! I Love You!


What a great way to remember your dad on his birthday, especially he introduced you to so many great memories at Disney World! That's awesome!

I love your gift from Riley. How sweet! So glad you all got to spend more time together. So much fun! :thumbsup2
What a sweet gift exchange! Love the sentiment on both sides! :flower3:

And, what a nice birthday message to your Dad! :goodvibes
Okay that is too cute. TOO CUTE I tell you. The Duffy, the pin, the birthday button. I'm dying here of the cuteness.

Way to go though forgetting to give the card. Now the whole system is messed up. How do you even sleep at night? The shame.

And back to the cuteness with the picture for your Dad. So sweet. I hope you called him too to wish him a happy birthday over the phone ;) Not that I doubt you, you probably did. I forgot to take a picture in May on Mothers Day for my mom, so you're ahead of me in good child points :thumbsup2
OMG, such a sweet gift! So absolutely perfect.

Hmmmm. Can't print it out? Well that's just bizarre.

You definitely got a great gift too! So awesome.


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