Emerald Aisle - how does it work???


DIS Veteran
Aug 18, 1999
I have sent in my application and am waiting for membership kit to arrive. Got fee waived through Disney Club. So how does this work? Do you book a certain class car in advance in order to get to choose any car available on the EA? Does that mean you could pay "Compact" prices and pick out anything available, even though they would cost much more than a compact? Help! Thanks

You must rent a minimum of an intermeadiate size car. Make sure you rent a car with the minimum size that you need, for if nothing else is available, you will have one that will not cause a space problem. We used EA for the first time in Jan. and it makes renting a car very easy. You receive a 20% discount with DC and you should keep checking the National website, for the cost can decrease significantly. We had an inter. for $115.99/wk and got a SUV upon our arrival. We have reserved a full size for late Oct. for around $137/wk (w/o all those Fla. taxes)
Thanks, Walter. Knowing that you must specify and pay for at least an intermediate is very helpful.

the discount rate is not "carved in stone" and varies....

sometimes the EA discount is 10% sometimes 15% sometimes 20%....

so the discount rate with your contract for DC will not always be 20%....

lately it has been...so have used it as my contract id instead of the EA code....

you will like the emerald aisle and the ease of use it gives you ....both going and coming back...


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