earliest time you checked in

We have been able to check in early morning on at least one or more of our trips,

It just depends on how busy the place is, if they have your site available they will give it to you.

Sometimes we go late the night before and boondock in the parking lot and then checkin first thing in the morning.

We have also checked in early but not been able to get our site as it as still occupied, it was worth the wait though - it was 1432 right by the campfire program and it was a large site - it is now our favorite site - easy to back into also.

<Font Size=2><Font Color=blue>Scott</Font><Font
Co-Moderator Camping @ Disney Board

<center><Font Color=ff0066><Font size=4>www.disneycampers.com
I'm Not sure about FW but I know you ca check in to the other resorts you can check in VERY early Ihave checked into DL at 4 AM. Got my tickets room ( yes it was even ready ) and E-Tickets no problem.
:pinkbounc We have been able to check in early on allmost every trip we have taken in the past,usally by 11.0 -12.o am,and as scott said if your site is ready!We are headed to Disney this weekend!!!!!!!!:bounce:


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