Double Stroller or Two Singles?


<font color=deeppink>Cinderella looked at me like
Jan 18, 2001

We will be visiting WDW in February 2002. My children will be DS 5, DD 3 (very petite), and DD 1 1/2 (petite also). I know I will probably need a stroller for both DDs. What is the best way to do this?

Double? Can you rent them? I have a side by side double and you just can't get ANYWHERE with it, barely into doorways!!

Two Singles? I would have to buy them or rent them at the parks? Sounds costly at $14/day, although we only have a 5 day hopper (going for 7 days, though) so it would only be $70.

What are the strollers like at the parks? Are they all plastic and metal? Comfortable to sleep in or not?

Thanks for your input.


1995 - Off Site (Days Inn Suites)
Feb 2002 - PO - Riverside!!!
Our twins were 2 years old when we went Feb. 2000 and we took 2 very cheap umbrella strollers. This worked the best for us because:

1) They are small and easy to get through crowds, stores, monorails, etc.
2) They fold quickly to get on busses.
3) The boys were able to get in and out of them easily at the rides.
4) They were cheap so we didn't care if they got stolen, lost, or broke.

I have read some people prefer the bigger strollers for kids to nap but I knew ours would never sleep in their stroller with all the stuff going on. Also we have a 7 year old daughter who was usually ready to go to the pool in the afternoon for a break.
personally I would go with your one regular stroller and once cheap stroller. That if you didn't feel like bringing it home you can toss at the end and it will still be cheaper than renting. We never rent always bring our own. I did the double for awhile when DD was small (front to back kind) never really had a problem folded easy enough. Not to bad on the bus. But once the kids got bigger we went with our usual and a cheap one. So glad we did. it never failed they were always asleep by the time we left or too tired to walk. Plus with 3 kids the extra storage is great!

2 years ago we did 2 umbrella strollers, this last time we did 1 umbrella, and one regular size Graco stroller, so we'd have use of the basket, etc. But next time, I think we'll go back to the 2 umbrellas because they are easier to fold up for the bus, and are less bulky, etc.



June 1999 my kids were turning 5, 3 and 1. We brought our double stroller and a single stroller and THANK GOD!!! I walked every single day with my 5 year old to get her ready, but she rode in the stroller by the end of every single day. I think it was partially the humidity (see where we're from).

This year I'm taking 2 single strollers, one of which I am buying specifically for the trip! At $7 per day, it's a lot cheaper for me to buy a nice Kolcraft lightweight stroller with canopy and basket at Kmart for $33! I really don't care if I leave it in Florida---it's still cheaper for us, and way more convenient for the airport, shopping, from the front gate to the bus/tram, etc!

Personally, I would prefer to UNDERestimate my kids' stamina than (1) carry them (man are they heavy) or (2) ruin a great day!

We tried a side-by-side double umbrella stroller this past December and it was alright but hard to get through sometimes and it was a bit bulky on the buses.

This time we are going to bring a single umbrella stroller and then I just bought a standard stroller with Elmo all over it for $25 at Walmart. It's made by J. Mason. I was trying to find an umbrella stroller that wasn't expesive but had a basket. Very hard to do. Anyway, this stroller is as light as an umbrella stroller with a canopy and a basket. It says it can fit in the over head compartment of a plane.

I love it! It's just like an umbrella stroller but folds the other way, almost completely flat, though and it has a basket! :)


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