"Does Peter have to come to Disney with Us???"

Just call me the clearance queen, baby!!!!

So, you guys are not going to believe this!!! For the favors, I was planning on buying those little tulle bags to put candy in. I’ve been having my Mom and friends save the Michael’s and AC Moore 40% off coupons so that each day I can pick up a package of them and use the coupons. Last night I stopped at Michael’s and found a pack of 40 tulle bags for $19.99. I figured, ok, I have a coupon, it will only be $11 or so. I also saw that the pack of blue ones (12 count) were on clearance for $2.99 so I bought 2 packs of those. I get up to the register and say, “these 2 packs were on clearance and I’d like to use my 40% off coupon on this large bag of 40.” The clerk looks at the register and says, “well it’s apparently your lucky day because that pack rings up at one cent!!!! OMG!!! So I picked up the other pack that was on the shelf and had her add that one, too! Yes, that one also rang up at that magical one cent price! This is a 40 count bag people!!! My favor bags are now purchased and it cost me a whopping $4!!!! (and that’s only because I picked up some blue ones, too). Can you believe it???!!!! When I asked her why one cent she stated that they must have missed them when doing price changes and that their loss was my gain. Ok. I’m not going to argue!!!!

Just call me the clearance queen, baby!!!!

So, you guys are not going to believe this!!! For the favors, I was planning on buying those little tulle bags to put candy in. I’ve been having my Mom and friends save the Michael’s and AC Moore 40% off coupons so that each day I can pick up a package of them and use the coupons. Last night I stopped at Michael’s and found a pack of 40 tulle bags for $19.99. I figured, ok, I have a coupon, it will only be $11 or so. I also saw that the pack of blue ones (12 count) were on clearance for $2.99 so I bought 2 packs of those. I get up to the register and say, “these 2 packs were on clearance and I’d like to use my 40% off coupon on this large bag of 40.” The clerk looks at the register and says, “well it’s apparently your lucky day because that pack rings up at one cent!!!! OMG!!! So I picked up the other pack that was on the shelf and had her add that one, too! Yes, that one also rang up at that magical one cent price! This is a 40 count bag people!!! My favor bags are now purchased and it cost me a whopping $4!!!! (and that’s only because I picked up some blue ones, too). Can you believe it???!!!! When I asked her why one cent she stated that they must have missed them when doing price changes and that their loss was my gain. Ok. I’m not going to argue!!!!

WOW! You SCORED!!!!! I love when that happens! :woohoo:
:wave2: Hi Ann!!

I finally popped over to your PTR and wedding planning journal! LOVE the cake and the beach!! :goodvibes OMG--you have had the best luck with getting great wedding deals! 1 cent for all those bags? You are L-U-C-K-Y--go by yourself a lottery ticket!! :rotfl2:

Love the engagement photos--TFS!!
Hey, i'm all about clearance too Ann!! Especially with all of the "little stuff" for the wedding like favors. No need to spend a fortune there, there are so many good deals. I was never a frequent Michaels visitor until we started planning the wedding. Oh, I am now!! I love all of their coupons, you just cant beat that! That's great that you got that done! And at such a great deal!! I have to start on my favors too, but i've been organizing my tasks instead of stressing (because i've been doing that lately) and being all over the place. Next up on my list is flowers and centerpieces!

I'm going to go check out your pictures right now. That's exciting! And I hope Peter gets the time off from work!
How sweet that he's doing that with Victoria. Nice bonding time!

I went back and forth with the QSDP and DDP too, I stopped stressing myself over that too! I'm going to stick with QSDP unless my mind changing again, but not before the wedding!

:wave2: Hi Ann!!

I finally popped over to your PTR and wedding planning journal! LOVE the cake and the beach!! :goodvibes OMG--you have had the best luck with getting great wedding deals! 1 cent for all those bags? You are L-U-C-K-Y--go by yourself a lottery ticket!! :rotfl2:

Love the engagement photos--TFS!!

Thanks and welcome to my report, although I really haven't been posting alot...not much to plan until the September hours come out! :woohoo:

Is anyone anxious for the September hours to be out already!! UGH!!! :confused: My planning is at a total standstill until those come out! I also read what Janine had to say on her report about all the refurbishments of Toon Town in MK, etc. Boy! I don't know what to think. Victoria has never been very interested in Toon Town, but I know some people love it. I love the Walt Disney Railroad, so I really hope they don't shut that down while we are there. Our first day at Disney (on September 23rd) we will be going to DTD and DisneyQuest. That's a definite plan! Victoria has been to DisneyQuest with her cousin, but I've never been. From what I've read it should be lots of fun and Victoria loves technology type stuff and that's what it sounds like. If anyone has been and can enlighten me on it, that would be awesome! She loves Planet Hollywood so it will probably be that for an early dinner. We went to T-Rex last year and it was ok, but it reminded me a lot of Rainforest Cafe and I think once you've been to one of those places, you can take it or leave it. At least that's my opinion --- no one throw rotten tomatoes at me if you feel differently. :eek: Then it will be shopping for a while.......oh yes....the Disney Scrapbook Store.....it's calling my name!! Ann...Ann... Ann..... Can you all hear that????:lmao:

I know that both Pam and Janine will be leaving soon after I arrive so I'll have to do a Dismeet with them either my second or third day. Oh, and both of you, do you mind if I get the kids something little as a surprise?? I'm not talking anything expensive, just like a little dollar store something Disney-related. Or maybe even something with Maine on it so they can say they have friends in Maine. Please let me know because if you are against it, I certainly won't do it! :hippie:

This weekend Peter and I are going down to the venue to pay the deposit and sign the contract. We are also going to the bakery for a cake testing. The bakery had to cancel last week as they had overbooked, so I'm very excited about that! As for the DJ, I may have a better deal. I have a call into someone who does both DJ and photography services for $450!!! It's a father/son team, so I'll let you all know how that goes. Peter also wants to go to the resort and walk along the beach we will be getting married at. I don't think that will be possible as the resort is closed until Memorial Day and I believe the property is gated. We'll see. It's a beach. If we have to, we'll park down the road and walk along the beach until we get to the resort. They don't close the beach, after all! :thumbsup2

Peter was asking how much this trip is going to cost. Now, to be fair I told him he would just have to pay the difference between what the trip would cost me and Victoria and what it is costing for all 3 of us.....I think that's fair! I just feel very strongly about I work full time, I make my own money and I can afford to support myself and Victoria. I bet that's going to be the toughest thing about my upcoming marriage......I'm fiercely independent and it's going to be hard to let Peter do things for me. He's excellent at working on cars, so I will let him work on my car! :laughing: I think we should have a house account where all the household needs are like the mortgage, oil, electric, etc. but as far as sharing the rest of the money, I just don't feel comfortable doing that. Don't get me wrong --- he earns more than I do --- but I just don't feel right about that. I feel we both earn our own money and after the household is taken care of we both should be able to do what we want with our own money. OMG!! DID I JUST GO OFF ON A TANGENT THERE OR WHAT???!!!!:rotfl:

I've got to get back on my weight loss progress. I have a wedding dress to fit into and I need to be in shape for all the walking I'll be doing in Disney. It's been hard as I've had this endless cold for 4 weeks now! :sick: But, I did walk on the treadmill Tuesday and did dance class on Wednesday and I plan on walking on the treadmill or doing Wii Fit tonight, so it's back on that horse. I just wish I was 120lbs!!!! :wizard: I'm looking into those sneakers that Hope mentioned in her report. Maybe. I know I want sneakers that when it rains won't get totally soaked. There is nothing more uncomfortble than wet sneakers! :mad: Hey Hope --- will your new sneakers get wet?

Ok, I've rambled on and on now.......and I have been typing for more than my 15 minute break at work so I better go. I don't think the supervisor would be quite a Disney-fanatic as we all are!!!! :rolleyes1

Oh, one more thing ---- Peter was looking at me going through all my Disney stuff the other night and he said "I love the way you love Disney".....I'm thinking he really meant "Oh my Lord, what am I getting myself into???!!!" :rotfl2:


:cool1: :cool1: :cool1:

YAY!!!!!!! Pin codes rock! (until you get more than 1 and you have to decide between them) :rolleyes:


Yes, you are learning from the master! ;)
Woohoo for pin codes! I have yet to receive a single pin code- I don't think Disney loves me as much as you guys! LOL
Okay, I forgot to answer your question about my shoes (which was driving Karen crazy, lol). Yes, my shoes get wet. They are canvas so not waterproof at all. I have never gotten them wet so I have no idea how long it takes for them to dry. Keens do have some waterproof shoes- they look like regular sneakers but have mesh instead of solid fabric.

I LOVE my Keens and would HIGHLY recommend them to anyone in search of some comfy shoes. I have high arches and very wide feet (poor Jace inherited both from me) not to mention I really did a number on my feet by wearing heels for a job that kept me on my feet all day. My point being that my feet almost always hurt- except when I'm barefoot, in flip flops, or in my Keens.
Thank heavens that you answered me, Hope. We don't want Karen going crazy now do we?? OH wait....I suppose it's YOU that would have to endure that as you guys live near each other......whew!!!:rotfl:

Now, I wanted to let you all know that I did book the father/son DJ/Photographer combo for $450!!! Yeah Me!! I am sending over a letter (contract) just so that we are on the same page as to what is expected. I've seen more Judge Judy episodes than I care to count about people only having a verbal agreement! :lmao:

Well, Victoria is a little mad at me at the moment. She wants a sleepover tonight. What is the big thrill about a sleepover? I just don't get that. Even when I was her age I didn't like sleepovers. I liked my own bed, thank you very much. My child would have someone sleep over every night if she could. Last weekend she slept over her friend's house on Friday, then another friend slept over our house on Saturday. I just don't feel like playing hostess tonight. She doesn't get it. I know they are good kids and will behave, but when you are used to only one child, having more than that is a bit much. I'm also still fighting the cold that never ends, so I want quiet! Then she comes back with "well why does Peter get to come over". Ok, child, that is totally a different animal right there! AND Peter does not sleep over! I would like to get my house picked up and cleaned as I've been really lax on that since I've been sick. OH well, she will just have to get over being mad at me. Her new laptop came in on Wednesday, so you think she'd be happy with that.......I know, I know.......it's my fault she is spoiled and doesn't appreciate everything she's given. Ok, usually she's a great child, really! I think I'm just irritated that she went on and on.......ugh! :confused3

I hope everyone is having a great day! I spent the morning with Peter at his house and then picked up Victoria from her father's house at 3pm. We then all went out to Ruby Tuesday for supper. What was really super is that Peter sent me a dozen long stem red roses at work on Friday. He's so special!!!

On Saturday, the three of us went to the restaurant where the reception is being held to pay the deposit and meet with the coordinator. The room is lovely, even though it wasn't set up for a wedding.


Victoria and Peter were practicing their dance moves (or so that's what they called them!) It's still beautiful, big and well lit, so it should work out perfectly.


We had lunch there and then headed over to the beach where we will be getting married. It was COLD!!! It was about 26 degrees, but I still loved it. It's a wonder I don't live somewhere closer to the ocean with the way I love it. We picked up a lot of shells and had fun just playing and running around. It was amazing because the sand seemed so high compared to the retaining wall. In the summer, it's not like that at all. We could tell at one time the waves had gone over the retaining wall as there were shells in the parking lot. Very strange! Victoria even walked around in her bare feet!!! Yes folks, she is crazy!!!


We then went to Edible Delights for our cake testing. That was an interesting experience as I had never done anything like that. The owner had made us three different cakes with three different types of frosting. We went with the strawberry cake with strawberry filling as the bottom tier, white as the middle tier and then another strawberry one as the top tier. Yes, I am going with the style that I've already posted in this report. I just have to decide on a cake topper! She even gave us the little cakes she made to take home. The price of the cake is $475 which I know is pretty expensive, but I feel this is the best we are going to do. Peter put a $100 deposit on it, so that's all set now. Tomorrow morning I'll have to be at Wal-Mart at 7am to get my Hershey kisses on clearence. Fun, fun, fun. Oh, our engagement announcement was in the paper today. It came out very nicely. I should scan that and put it on here. Hmmmmm maybe in the morning. It's after 9pm and I'm tired. It's been a busy weekend!

No Disney planning this weekend. I WISH THOSE HOURS WOULD COME OUT ALREADY!!!! Oh, I do have a question for those out there........If they come out with free dining, can I get that and also use my pin code for 20% off the hotel rate? I should ask my travel agent, but I figured someone reading this would know ---- Karen? And if not, I'll ask the TA. That would be very cool if I could, but somehow I don't think that's possible. I keep scanning the Disboards to see if there's any new info out there, so Disney is always on my mind! Another development is now Victoria is not sure she wants Peter to come to Disney. Man, that girl is worse than a ping pong game!!!

Well, it's really late so I will add some pictures to this post tomorrow!!! Night all!
How exciting to get all that wedding stuff done this weekend!!!!!!! It all sounds wonderful! :lovestruc

No, the official word is that you cannot stack discounts. I booked my first pin with 20% off and then when I got my free dining pin, the 20% came off and the free dining went on. BUT...I have seen a handful (ok, less than a handful) of reports that sometimes if you hint around the CM will put you on hold and come back and give you both discounts. It's a pixie dust thing though, normally it is not allowed!
Very nice room and beach!!! It will be lovely!!! And cake testing.... I have not done that yet... will be getting to that soon!! AHHHHH there is just so much to do!!!

I don't feel like I spoil my kids too much, but Emily (10) does that to me sometimes too. I feel like I give them everything they want, but they always want more. It's ok, when they are adults they will realize it all! I keep telling myself that!
Your wedding plans sound so lovely! And the flowers are beautiful! :lovestruc

I'm right there with you waiting for those hours to come out! I just keep planning and will just adjust and plan some more when the finally do! :rotfl:

Hi All!!! First thing Monday morning I was at Wal-Mart picking up Hershey kisses. Boy, 7am is early, but the store was empty and I love shopping when it's like that! I was almost to the registers when my cell phone rings. It was my Mom saying she was already there at 6am and purchased all the kisses for me. Now, I love the fact that she wanted to help, but she could have told me before I got up and went out into the cold!! :eek: But I'm very happy that all my kisses are purchased and now stuffed into the little favor bags. I had fun doing that and it didn't take me very long at all.

Today my new 2010 Disney vacation planning video came in so Victoria and I spent the afternoon watching that. I was almost crying thinking about the magic! Does anyone else do that? I cried the last time we were watching Wishes at the park. Victoria looked over and asked why I was crying and I said "it's just so magical!!" pixiedust: I had another state shutdown day today so I ended up with a four day weekend. Yeah!!! Got quite bit of housework done, including laundry!!! :laundy: (I've been dying to use that icon!) Has anyone else started packing yet?? I've left my small "bathroom" case out and have been putting stuff like bandaids, toothbrush, toothpaste, neosporin, you get the idea. This way I will hopefully not forget to bring anything! I also have our layards packed and my decorations for the hotel window packed. Victoria says that she's excited, but not "over the top" like I am. I bet you, by the time she is my age, she will be!! Oh, I also ordered my baby Kevin from the movie UP from Disney Movie Rewards.com. I had enough points for it and I thought it was cute. I may bring him with us to Disney.

Yes, another trip to AC Moore was had today. I used my 40%off coupon on flip flops that will imprint "just married" in the sand as I walk with them. I had seen them in a cataloge and really liked them. With my coupon they ended up only being $3.75! I think Peter will think they are cute. I'm so lucky! He thinks everything I do is cute. I have him fooled, eh??? :rolleyes1 I tried on my dress today. Let's just say it's a good thing I know how to sew and will be able to add some fabric to it...hee...hee....I know I have over 7 months to go, but still.......speaking of that, I have to get on the treadmill so I should finish this update up. I also have to heat up Victoria's rice pack. She's had an awful stomach ache for the last two days. I don't think it's another kidney infection, but I am doting on her pretty well. :sick:

Heehee... I haven't started packing exactly but I have a Disney tub that I keep adding to. :goodvibes

And those flip-flops sound cute, that will make some GREAT pics. I can just picture a winding trail of "Just Married" in the sand and you guys looking back over your shoulder. :lovestruc
Oh Hope, can't you just imagine the shots we could get with those flipflops?!?!?! And what a bargain they were!

I have TWO disney bins b/c the first one got filled and I had to make another! :laughing:
gee, it's sounding like someone is volunteering to take pictures at someone's wedding!!!!! actually it's sounding like 2 people are offering to take pictures....:lmao:

Hi All!! I did take a picture of my kisses favors that I wanted to share with you as well as the first page in my wedding scrapbook. I have my engagement announcement from the paper and our first card (from my Mom). I found the stickers "once upon a wedding" in the Disney section at AC Moore. I thought it was a perfect fit. I also got "and they lived happily ever after" that I will put on the last page.


I should be able to buy the airline tickets in March. I am so torn as to what to do about Peter. I understand Victoria wanting it to be her and I, but I really want to share the Disney experience with Peter and it would make such a special Disneymoon. I just don't understand her. They get along so well and play like 2 12 year olds. I know they'd enjoy each other's company in Disneyworld --- in fact I'm the one that will probably be the 3rd wheel when it comes to the "2 seater" rides (ie Toy Story Mania). I think she will be fine. I know, I know --- I'm the parent and it's my decision! Ugh!

On a positive note....it's almost time for those Disney hours for September to be out!! Yahooooooooo :woohoo:

I might be able to share a little insight about Victoria's hesitation for Peter to come with you. My parents got married when I was nine. My dad isn't my biological father although he adopted me and most people that didn't know me in childhood have no idea because it's a non-issue now. He is my dad, no question about it. I was six when I first met him and immediately we hit it off, when my mom moved in with him I was thrilled because we really got along. HOWEVER, as much as I liked him I wasn't used to sharing my mom. My feelings about that were completely separate from my feelings about him. I wanted him to be in MY life, but I also wanted my mom all to myself sometimes. So even though Peter and Victoria get along great and would have a blast together maybe she is worried about that. She may not even realize what she's worried about because I certainly didn't when I was that age- it was only as an adult that I was able to sort out and understand those feelings that really confused me as a child. If I were you I'd work on reassuring her that the two of you will still be close and still have time for just the two of you. Perhaps at WDW you could make an appointment at a spa or at BBB for just the two of you and in everyday life be sure to have time sometimes for just the two of you. It will be an adjustment but I'm sure that you guys will figure it out. :goodvibes


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