DL novice, want to plan a great trip, please help!


DIS Veteran
Sep 14, 1999
We've been to WDW a bunch 'o times, but now I'm planning our first-ever trip to Disneyland! I am so psyched, I can hardly stand it, but I don't have a single idea of where to start! Travelers will be me, DH, and 8yo DD. DD's at that confusing age- loves the thrills of the Mountains, but still believes in Princesses & Pooh! Who could ask for more? I have a few rough ideas (very few) and am looking for input. I really have no idea of what DL has to offer, and what about DCA? I just read about the "Practically Perfect Tea Party" and I KNOW it will be on our must-do list. We will be travelling either during the last two weeks of June or the last two weeks of August, and we'll probably need to stay in one of the less expensive properties as this will be a major trip (info on CandyCane Lane- if this is the right name?). Hotel-wise, we're looking for something clean, not terribly spartan, maybe including continental b'fast (we often stay in Comfort Inn/Suites or Hampton Inn, very happily). What do YOU suggest? How will the heat and the crowds at these times compare with those at WDW? Is there an "unofficial Guide" for DL/DCA, just like there is for WDW? I think we'll be flying open jaws from Boston, i.e. BOS-SFO, drive down the coast, and then return LAX-BOS- or in reverse. We have friends to visit in the San Francisco area, and want to take DD to Yosemite- she's never been, but is is one of DH's and my favorite places (we lived in SF for 3 yrs, til DD was born in '93). Can you guys give me any info on the best things to do and see, where to stay and eat, etc? Pleasepleaseplease? I really want to have a great trip!!! Thanks!!
Hope you have a great time at Disneyland, I love it. As for must do rides at Disneyland; Indiana Jones, Pirates (compare the differences from MK), Splash MT. (also different than MK). Must do eating is definately Blue Bayou at Pirates, the seating overlooks the Pirate ride. My 6 & 7 year old nieces beg to go here everytime. Lunch menu prices are comparable to most of the fast food type places in the park. Must do rides at CA; Soaring over California, The roller coaster (can't remember the name), Grizzly Rapids (prepare to get wtet). Warning beware of the Ferris Wheel. It has 3 line, 2 go to moving cars (avoid at all costs unless you like heart failure) and 1 goes to stationary cars which is best bet if you want to ride. As for hotels in the area check out mouse planet at the link below. Not only do they list hotels they also have reviews from fellow travelers. They also give you a lot of good info on things to do. THe hotle you are refering to is the Candy Cane Inn (I have stayed there quite a few times and enjoy it very well, by far as the best continental breakfast). Birnaums prints an unofficial guide for Disneyland/California Adventure, must buy. I bought it for our trip in October just for the info on CA because we hadn't been there yet.


The Candy Cane Inn is a very nice motel. It is a 5-7 minute walk to the parks or you can take their shuttle. Good "Continental" breakfast.


Other good hotel choices within easy walkin Distance or with shuttles are..

Howard Johnson Plaza
Fairfield Inn
Park Inn International
Desert Inn and Suites
Best Western Park Place Inn
Best Western Anaheim Inn
Carousel Inn
Portofino Inn and Suites
Anabella Inn
Gosh, can't you muster some enthusiasm for your trip? ;) ;)

Hang out here, there will be pelnty of information as the days proceed. Also, check out Laughingplace.com, they have a nice discussion board there, too. But don't forget to come back here!
ok for help..i just about to psot a huge post about comparing DL to WDW...i hope i help you!

I would recommend you stay at FairField Inn...less than 10 minutes to DL resort and its a nice hotel..this time we styaed high up and could see DCA by the elevator and DL from the walkway in front of our room
ok i know a few ppl have been wondering(KATIE! :D)so Im finally getting around to it...hehe!
ok well Im going off a DL map so i wont forget to compare stuff!
Main Street USA
I thought they were always the same but they arent! espically after going 10 days between you do notice how different they are...same design but just different shops
ok yeah
WDW-grand and magical
DL-short...some of the cmas decorations blocked it but still cool b/c walt was there to walk by it
the rest of Main Street
DL-has Walt Disney Story where the camera center is at WDW
and also it has the Main Street Cinema and ther Penny Arcade...the cinema is awesome!
well I like WDW..but t
hey are pretty much the same
why do i talk about this?
ok well imagine WDW's with the whole beginning on it...i get the ride now! at DL it tells a story at WDW you are just in it and confuses the heck out of me!
pretty much the same except when i rode it at DL I rode the Holiday version and its cool..but i can kinda remember from the year b4
Disney Gallery
I think its interesting...art is my thing though..espically disney kind!
Indiana Jones
a very good ride...Ive still never seen a movie of it and I enjoy it...compared to Dinosaur i like it better...DIno just scares me!
havent done Swiss Family in years but i like the treehouse..its interesting
the same to me
Tiki Room
didnt see it this trip to DL but its like the old version of the one at wdw
DL is soooo much shorter...and its weird sitting behind each other....i prefer WDW but its still not bad
a great ride! must have been scary back in its opening days!
ok Ive only done the cmas version but I love it sooo much...Im not sure if its different or not
same...how can it be different?!
Peter Pan
pretty good...i like the wdw version of London better but its all good
Snow White
pretty bad...snow white is shown only once..it ends to suddenly
not at WDW but its a cute ride..i enjoy it
StoryBook Canals
wonderful! its sooo cool! :)
Casey Jr.
a really cute ride
Tea Cups
smaller and different types of cups....still fun though..its its outside!
wdw was better but at least there is a one!
Alice in Wonderland
i love this ride! really cute too!
better at DL,hands down! :)
mickey house
ok i havent gone it b/c u gott ameet mickey first..actually i did last year but cant remember...sorry! same with minnies
RogerRabbits Toon Spin
ok now it has doors and such but something weird had to happen b/c you couldnt just fall out..you had to try to get out and get something
Jolly Trolley
how adorable! but make sure to get otu the way!
Gadgets Go-Coaster
ok but I like Barnstormer better
cuter and better than the one at WDW
exact same..minus true colors pre show! :(
i guess its the way that you are sitting but it seems soo much faster!
Star Tours
its weird to see it on the ground!!! i like to look up to it...lol
New Orleans Square
i love it..it reminds me POFQ!
Critter Country
no need for it..espcially since Splash is the only ride over there now
i still remember but i liek the wdw version better...but DL is good too..i dont like sitting ont he ground though!
kinda the same..cant get too much different
Mickeys ToonTown
sooooo much better! :D
comparing DL to MK at cmas time
i prefer DL...liek the tree uses really ornaments..wdw used this fake things...decoartions at DL are everywhere...going not at cmas would mess us up! at wdw i wont notice like at all in March..i was disapointed at the decorations at wdw
ok now on to DCA....

ok i like it...its cool looking
soarin' over California
OMG! its the best ride ever...it brought tears to my eyes! i was getting off and almost started crying!
the music is on the DCA cd
Grizzly River Run
fun ride! but not to do when its cold!
same thing!
Redwood Creek Challenge Trail
didnt do..looks like a maze!
Bountiful Valley Farm
its interesting..something to when your bored
Tortilla Factory
i found it interesting...then in a little video the lady said ven aca! its means come here..i had learned that the day b4 we left...lol
Bread Place
cool...and the bread is good too!
Golden Dreams
didnt get around too! :(
a big flop! my bros fav ride though...i rode it 3 times! :rolleyes:
Disney Animation
coolest thing! i loved it in there..my bro hated it! and it has the one mans dream film that i love! :)
Muppet Vision
same! i love that show! :D
omg! it sound be illgealy to be that good! our drumline does that kind of stuff alot so it was realyl cool..a must see!
California Screamin'
a great coaster! a definate do more than 1 time!
Sun Wheel
omg! scary....the rocking ones are soo scary! lol
Jumpin' Jellyfish
fun...really kiddie...think kid version of a maliboomer!
fun fun fun! i love that ride....it shoots you up when you least expect it!
Orange Stinger
its fun!
Golden Zephyr
stupid! stupid! stupid!
Mulholland Madness
didnt get to ride....the line was really long!!
King Tritons Carosel
a carousel with sea animals...fun!
Im assumming its the same
i like it!! its a great park with great rides and such! we spent the whole day there and still missed stuff(as you can see!)i wanna go ride Soarin' right now!
at DL were bad and DCA no one really...i think thats why i enjoyed it soo much!
pretty much the same! its fun though..its more like a mall..with a bit different shops

ok well i think Im finally done! yay! !only took me about an hour! LOL!...if you have any questions...just ask!
i hope you enjoyed this! hehe! :)
if there are typos im sorry...i cant prove read this..ill fall asleep!


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