Disney Dining Died On 8/16/2010 RIP

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For those of you complaining about the precipitous drop in quality, can you post the restaurants whose menus and service have declined as a result of the dining plan? It would help us all.
What I'm not getting about this overly dramatic thread title is what all the folks that whine about the dining plan expect the consumer to do. Are we supposed to make a grand statement by saying, oh no don't give us the dining plan as the food quality will most likely have to suffer.

The fact is, dining plan or no, in today's environment Disney would have made cutbacks on the food quality to economize regardless. Look at all the other cost cutting measures they are constantly taking. The prices go up, and the amount of offerings go down, use the showings of Fantasmic as an example on that one.

If you want to eat offsite, fine. I prefer to stay onsite, and yes, the free dining plan saves us money, even with rack rate. I can eat at Fridays and all that chain stuff where I live, I don't need to do it on vacation.
The only thing I HATE is that the restaurants are so packed, adrs are impossible and when you do get them you still wait past adr time ( sometimes well past it-like 45 mins to an hour)for your table.We have done the dining plan for the past few years, but after our last trip, we spent more time waiting for tables WITH adrs, we decided no more.Dining during Free Dining is like feeding time at the zoo..and before I get flamed for saying that..I have gone with the free dining program and without it. It is definitely noticeably calmer when Free Dining isn't going on.
Amen~I will still go to Disney regardless of FREE dining and will use the dining plan!! :thumbsup2

Our party of 10 staying at POP saved 1900.00 on dining this year~we were already doing the DxDP before free dining was released!!

:thumbsup2 I agree! It's just another promotion and this promotion is the best we found for us!
We returned a week ago from a 12-day stay in WDW, our first since 2008. I just have to say that we did not encounter any trace of a decline in food quality or service. To the contrary, almost every single establishment met or exceeded our expections, and the quality of the service we received was, overall, outstanding! We were paying OOP with a TIW card, and our service did not suffer despite that all of our servers knew in advanced we'd be paying a mandatory 18% tip. In most cases, we left a little extra because the service was above and beyond the necessary.

I have been researching where to dine since our last trip, and we avoided most of the TS restaurants in the parks; we dined mostly at the resorts (with some exceptions in Epcot and CRT). I'm working on my DR now, so I hope you will read it, but I would not hesitate to recommend any of the restaurants we tried. And never once did we feel "gouged," we felt we paid a pretty fair price for everything (allowing a little leeway considering we were in the biggest tourist destination in the world). We will be recovering from this trip for quite some time, but if I knew we could afford to do free dining next year I would jump on the opportunity to book it!

:thumbsup2 We always had great service and always gave more than 18% tip. The food was great, so I really don't get all the drama. WE've been going for the past 3 years and the food is still the same.
I think this is SO true, but probably because I live in the Northeast. I also have to say that I went to a Six Flags recently and paid more than ten bucks for a horrible cheeseburger and fries that would have made McDonald's look positively gourmet, so I don't think Disney is that terrible.

ITA. I go to a local amusement park and can expect to pay $3 for a little plastic cup of soda, $5 for some yucky fries, and $4 for a hot dog. Last time I was there I actually said to the kids "It's no Disney."

I am a tightwad and feel room only discounts work much better for us than free dining anyway. We'll be eating at Chef Mickey when we go, and there is no free dining that week. However I am in no way under the illusion that since there is no free dining that week, they will make the food better or smile bigger. It's the same restaurant all year round.
Going off property for meals has always been the dumbest, most laughable, knee-jerk reaction to the topic of Disney food. Leaving property is (at the very least) an hour of wasted time per day. No matter how much money you think you're saving, or quality of food you think you're gaining, you can always make that up. When on a Disney vacation, every minute counts and any time spent away from the resorts, parks, et al. is Disney winning and you losing big-time, because you've already paid for the tickets and time in the parks which you are willingly giving up. Don't rationalize it, don't justify it, don't excuse it. You can never get back the time that you've lost.

BTW, we've been to hundreds of restaurants in the Orlando area and you're fooling yourself if you think leaving for lunch and/or dinner is taking you to some culinary heaven-on-Earth. It's not. Disney isn't winning any James Beard awards, but neither their F&B outlets nor their DDPs are so disgustingly bad that you cannot "tolerate" another meal.

You need to get over yourself. :rolleyes1

Someone needs a hug!
There are a number of restaurants on property that do not accept the Disney Dining Plan. I've been eating at the ones at Swan/Dolphin. Free dining won't affect those at all, so maybe consider giving them a try.

Also try the signature restaurants. Most of them are easy to walk into, and I had some really nice mussels and salad at Flying Fish on Saturday.

can you post the restaurants whose menus and service have declined as a result of the dining plan? It would help us all.

Any Disney-operated buffet for sure. I don't go to any of them now. Of course that is just my opinion. I also don't consider the dining plan the cause, but a symptom. Disney's on a standardization kick that the dining plan is just part of. Even the bar menus are standardized. This is also true at Disneyland, which doesn't have the same dining plan WDW has.

I knew from reading the first post that debate here was inevitable. But if it gets into namecalling it'll get closed.
Going off property for meals has always been the dumbest, most laughable, knee-jerk reaction to the topic of Disney food. Leaving property is (at the very least) an hour of wasted time per day. No matter how much money you think you're saving, or quality of food you think you're gaining, you can always make that up. When on a Disney vacation, every minute counts and any time spent away from the resorts, parks, et al. is Disney winning and you losing big-time, because you've already paid for the tickets and time in the parks which you are willingly giving up. Don't rationalize it, don't justify it, don't excuse it. You can never get back the time that you've lost.

BTW, we've been to hundreds of restaurants in the Orlando area and you're fooling yourself if you think leaving for lunch and/or dinner is taking you to some culinary heaven-on-Earth. It's not. Disney isn't winning any James Beard awards, but neither their F&B outlets nor their DDPs are so disgustingly bad that you cannot "tolerate" another meal.

You need to get over yourself. :rolleyes1
I am pretty much 'over myself'. I have been to WDW about 35 times since '99. I have eaten at almost every WDW restaurant....many more than once. And I will contend that Disney has taken away any individuality from most menus. In fact, we met friends at the Top of the World Lounge at BLT a few weeks ago. They go to WDW often..and enjoy drinking in the various lounges at the resorts. They complained that Disney now has a standardized bar menu...each resort no longer has it's 'specialities' like they used to. It's all the same.
The menus have changed at almost every single restaurant. The more expensive offerings have been taken away...quite awhile ago. Many of you may not even realize that if you haven't been going to WDW for many years.

When I go to WDW, there are days we don't go to a park. It's not all about the 'attractions' for us anymore. We like to try new things. So, if it means going offsite to a non-Disney restaurant in order to get a really good meal, then so be it. We don't mind taking that couple of hours away from the parks. Good dining is one of my dh's favorite things.....so we will go where the good food is.

For those of you complaining about the precipitous drop in quality, can you post the restaurants whose menus and service have declined as a result of the dining plan? It would help us all.
Almost every single restaurant on site. No need to single any out. It won't help you out at all....you either eat at WDW and get the lesser menus now or you go to non-Disney spots and get better food.

I just returned, last Thursday, from a 12 day stay at WDW. We had many sitdown meals...sometimes two a day. I have never been so disappointed in so many meals. Chef Mickeys used to be a 'must do' on each trip. After our meal there a week ago, I doubt we'll be going back. The food was not particularly good.....bad in some cases. When I am offered a slice of beef, it would be nice if it were thicker than a piece of paper, with more than 3 edible bits from it.
I knew going in that meals were going to cost me more...seasonal pricing and all. But really???? What is seasonal about the end of July, beginning of August? Oh yeah...no free dining, so we'll take you for every penny we can get. To automatically add $3-4 to each buffet is incredible. Won't be doing many buffets down the road either.

When Disney came out with the DDP in the beginning, we started to see changes in the menus. As years went by, more changes were made...to both the DDP and the menus. Disney took stuff away from the DDP and then increased the price. It is now ridiculously overpriced...especially when you add in the tips to be paid OOP. Just nuts.
It looks like more signature dining for us....in addition to eating in our villa....from now on. Disney has made dining at WDW a non-event for us. Maybe it's okay with those who don't go frequently, but those of us that go often have seen the changes. Or perhaps, like in so many corporations, Disney just doesn't much care about those of us who love WDW...they figure we're going to go no matter what Disney does with prices and food. They 'have' us already. They pretty much care, for the most part, about those who don't go very often..they want to get them 'hooked' as well.
I am pretty much considering myself 'un-had'. Disney is starting to lose it's appeal for me.....and I own DVC to boot. I'll still go but not nearly as often as in the past.
Please do not interpret this as a defense of food quality or the DDP (free or otherwise)-
What I read in the press release is pretty simple. About 120 nights out of the next 400 have a free dining option available that has been released far sooner than Disney's usual business practice. This is simply a way to increase bookings further out during slow periods. This decision will make it easier for those who consider free dining to be a good option for their vacation to plan ahead. It is a strategic business decision to enhance occupancy. They haven't "changed" anything except how they rolled out a promotion.
Free dining books trips and that is the business model-to get people to come and get them to stay on property for the largest percentage of their trip possible. That's why DME exists. That's why Free Dining exists. That's why Value Resorts exist.
If you think "free" dining is a ripoff, then structure your trip differently. I have used it one time (staying at a value) and I feel as if we got our money's worth-if and when we stay moderate or deluxe depending on the promotions available at that point in time I may see things differently.
The other thing to keep in mind is that when you are on the property the food will be what the food will be whether or not you are on the DDP and regardless of how you chose to set up your trip.
Every restuarant I have been to ANYWHERE over the last couple of years has had to modify their offerings in one or more ways-either by raising prices, altering portion sizes, or eliminating menu choices altogether. The decline of restaurant quality is not unique to Disney, and there are plenty of restaurants that are in danger of closing if they have not already done so.
sorry Disney has lost it's Magic for you.

when you apply any of the discounts it cuts into the bottom line

the discounts all come out to about the same %

room only
gift card
kids play
free dinning

it you take a discount you are cutting into quality
The only thing I HATE is that the restaurants are so packed, adrs are impossible and when you do get them you still wait past adr time ( sometimes well past it-like 45 mins to an hour)for your table.We have done the dining plan for the past few years, but after our last trip, we spent more time waiting for tables WITH adrs, we decided no more.Dining during Free Dining is like feeding time at the zoo..and before I get flamed for saying that..I have gone with the free dining program and without it. It is definitely noticeably calmer when Free Dining isn't going on.

No Flame from me.. I agree with you.

I also think that the dinning experience at WDW is a big part of the trip for My DW and I. We have no kids so the Dinning is a one of our favorite parts of our trip.

As for Disney.. It's a business.. I can see why they are doing the promotion.

Free Dinning or NO Free Dinning... it's still Disney .. "It's all Good!" :goodvibes
Boo hoo! If a five-star dining ezperience is so important on your vacation, why are you going to Disney (or even Orlando in general)? Why not go to a destination that's known for its food?

Anyway... for most of us that are looking for an excuse to take that trip to Disney, free dining is wonderful. But I also realize that, when it's all said and done, Disney is as corporate as it gets. I'm expecting higher prices for decent corporate food, nothing more.

This thread is lame. Go to Disney because it's Disney.
For me, Disney isn't "all" about the food, but coming from a family of six who paid OOP until the dining plan, and basically we had one special meal, like the Luau (way back when), or HDDR, the dining plan was a real treat. We got to go to new restaurants and indulge in a way that we didn't at home unless it was a special occasion. That said...

I think this year will be our make or break year as far as the dining goes. I have to agree with the people who mention that the menus are becoming more and more similar, and that the quality has gone downhill. There used to be places we chose because they were our favorites, now we choose based on, "What can we cook/order near home for less/better quality?" (And we are not gourmets.)

My parents were right when they mentioned that they missed some of the park time when they were at TS restaurants, and they disliked being forced to wait, at times more than 40 minutes past their reservation time. And even with "Free" Dining, there are still tips, which will continue to rise as the menu price goes up. I think for us, we'd rather eat whenever at a quick service, and splurge on a really nice meal at a signature, or somewhere that doesn't take the dining plan.
For those of you complaining about the precipitous drop in quality, can you post the restaurants whose menus and service have declined as a result of the dining plan? It would help us all.

Just a small example:

2008 Le Cellier
7-oz Filet Mignon
glazed with Maple Barbecue Sauce
served with Cream Cheese
Mashed Potatoes $27.99

2010 Le Cellier
Le Cellier Mushroom Filet Mignon - with wild mushroom risotto, white truffle and herb butter sauce $34.99

In 2 years the cost went up $7 (25%)? Do most companies raise their prices when the economy is bad?

And most people who have eaten there will tell you the quality of the steak has gone down.
For those of you complaining about the precipitous drop in quality, can you post the restaurants whose menus and service have declined as a result of the dining plan? It would help us all.

I know of 1 (there are many others as well but I do not recall for certian)
Kona Cafe had a Filet Mignon that was from what I recall 25.00 the first years of the DP. The Strip steak was in the low 20's --now the Filet is gone and the strip steak is 27.00.
The point is that the DP has caused disney to inflate prices to make people think the are getting a good deal when they are in fact not.. Look at Fulton's and Portobollo in DTD lunch menus and compare the prices to an EPCOT place.... the food at both the DTD places are as good and in most cases better than what Dinsey serves for twice the price.... and that was not the case before the DP.
CS do not get me started--yes there are some food options but the prices no longer make sense..
for those who say quality has gone down other places as well--I agree but so have the prices. Three course meals are now 9.99-12.99 before the entree alone was only a few dollars less and in most cases still is... forcing people to buy the 3 course meal or feel ripped off by what they get... Just as as Dinsey is doing the same forcing people to buy the DP in order to feel good about lesser food..
charge a reasonable price and serve a reasonable meal
I eat mostly at places outside of the DP for this reason--there are still others I eat at and enjoy but I think are pricey for what I can get at places outside the DP.
Boo hoo! If a five-star dining ezperience is so important on your vacation, why are you going to Disney (or even Orlando in general)? Why not go to a destination that's known for its food?

Anyway... for most of us that are looking for an excuse to take that trip to Disney, free dining is wonderful. But I also realize that, when it's all said and done, Disney is as corporate as it gets. I'm expecting higher prices for decent corporate food, nothing more.

This thread is lame. Go to Disney because it's Disney.

People go to Disney for different experiences i.e. food, attractions, resorts, shows etc. "Go to Disney because it's Disney" doesn't make any sense.
Just a small example:

2008 Le Cellier
7-oz Filet Mignon
glazed with Maple Barbecue Sauce
served with Cream Cheese
Mashed Potatoes $27.99

2010 Le Cellier
Le Cellier Mushroom Filet Mignon - with wild mushroom risotto, white truffle and herb butter sauce $34.99

In 2 years the cost went up $7 (25%)? Do most companies raise their prices when the economy is bad?

And most people who have eaten there will tell you the quality of the steak has gone down.

I remember when you could walk in at any given time and get a decent meal for a decent price
I truly do miss this THAT place
hoping the 2 TS will bring some of that back -- even if it is overpriced a little I would pay if the quality and service improves
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