DIS tattletales

My favorite is when they come at you "well, I certainly hope the mods are paying attention and see this here, they'll take care of it then" or when they actually tell you "this is being reported!":rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

Hold your breath and turn blue too why don't ya? Unless it's some kind of disgusting spam or something, I think the mods pretty much can figure out what should stay and what shouldn't, all without the little hall monitors helping.

Hmm. I've reported a couple (maybe 3-4 in my whole time here), but they were obviously against the rules -- like calling people nasty names using swear words and putting a s-p-a-c-e between each letter so it wouldn't get caught by the filter). It wasn't because I just didn't like what they were saying or thought someone was being rude.

I thought that was what the "report" button was for -- so the mods don't have to look at each and every thread/post on the board. But since Goofy4Tink *is* a moderator, and thumbs upped LuvsDragonflies's post that the mods don't need help of "little hall monitors," then perhaps I'm mistaken.

I've never typed "this has been reported" in a thread, but when I see someone do it, I thought it was more of a notice for other people: "Nobody else needs to report this because I already have" rather than a nah-nah-nah-boo-boo thing. That way, the mods don't have to wade though 20 "reports" on the same post. If someone has already reported it, I don't... no matter what it is.
Hmm. I've reported a couple (maybe 3-4 in my whole time here), but they were obviously against the rules -- like calling people nasty names using swear words and putting a s-p-a-c-e between each letter so it wouldn't get caught by the filter). It wasn't because I just didn't like what they were saying or thought someone was being rude.

I thought that was what the "report" button was for -- so the mods don't have to look at each and every thread/post on the board. But since Goofy4Tink *is* a moderator, and thumbs upped LuvsDragonflies's post that the mods don't need help of "hall monitors," then perhaps I'm mistaken.

I've never typed "this has been reported" in a thread, but when I see someone do it, I thought it was more of a notice for other people: "Nobody else needs to report this because I already have" rather than a nah-nah-nah-boo-boo thing. That way, the mods don't have to wade though 20 "reports" on the same post.

See, I wouldn't report a post for using spaces between letters to slip in a curse word. That doesn't bother me in the least. But that's just me, no offense intended toward you.
I was reported once...couldn't believe my comment was taken so far out of reasoning. That's why I walked away from the DIS for a while. :confused3
See, I wouldn't report a post for using spaces between letters to slip in a curse word. That doesn't bother me in the least. But that's just me, no offense intended toward you.

It would depend on how it was used. The ones I reported were a personal attack where the person obviously knew they were out of bounds. Something like "You're a #*#@(#* #($* and I hope you go &$*#($ yourself."

If someone were complaining about their rotten day and slipped a curse word in, I'd let that go, too.
It would depend on how it was used. The ones I reported were a personal attack where the person obviously knew they were out of bounds. Something like "You're a #*#@(#* #($* and I hope you go &$*#($ yourself."

If someone were complaining about their rotten day and slipped a curse word in, I'd let that go, too.

If there are no actual words, I don't see the point in reporting it. This is just my opinion. OTOH, there was a thread recently where the OP was name calling l i k e t h i s and it was pretty crude. I didn't report it, but the mods caught it.
If there are no actual words, I don't see the point in reporting it. This is just my opinion. OTOH, there was a thread recently where the OP was name calling l i k e t h i s and it was pretty crude. I didn't report it, but the mods caught it.

That might have been the post I reported. They were actual crude/curse words with spaces between the letters so the filter wouldn't catch it. In my example, I used %#$* in place of the swear words because I didn't want to *do* something (I deem) reportable.

The fact that the person was attacking someone else and knew enough to use spaces to get the crude words through was what made me report it. If they'd cursed while talking about their day, I wouldn't have. And if they'd been rude without using curse words, I wouldn't have. But they were breaking multiple rules and trying to evade the filters. Like I said... up to this point, I thought that's what the report button was for. But if the mods don't want "the help", which apparently they don't... then that's fine with me.
That might have been the post I reported. They were actual crude/curse words with spaces between the letters so the filter wouldn't catch it. In my example, I used %#$* in place of the swear words because I didn't want to *do* something (I deem) reportable.

The fact that the person was attacking someone else and knew enough to use spaces to get the crude words through was what made me report it. If they'd cursed while talking about their day, I wouldn't have. And if they'd been rude without using curse words, I wouldn't have. But they were breaking multiple rules and trying to evade the filters. Like I said... up to this point, I thought that's what the report button was for. But if the mods don't want "the help", which apparently they don't... then that's fine with me.

Lol Sorry, I'm a little slow today. That thread was over the top and I completely see your point.
That's what I don't get. I mean in reality we are all mostly strangers, so they/he/she are trying to be the "favorite" amongst a room full of strangers?

don't get it. :confused3

Yeah, i don't get it either. :confused3
I've only reported a post once, it was on a TV show thread that was supposed to be no spoilers, big bold caps NO SPOILERS in the title. Someone came on and posted a big spoiler, so I did report that post so the mods could remove it before too many others saw it. Found out the person had done the same thing the year before. :sad2:

If you're talking about Survivor, I remember that. I also reported it. To me, that is being mean to other posters just to be mean, which is worthwhile. These were not spoilers about things that had already been aired.

Mostly what I'm referring to are the posters who will post things to someone's thread that sound like this: "This is political/religious and I'm the DIS police and this is political/religious so how dare you post a thread like this. You're a horrible person because you break rules. How come I can't break the rules, too?? I'm telling." I think THAT is the kind of help the moderators/webmasters don't need or want.

Cruelty directed at posters, even as minor as the Survivor spoilers (which were end-of-season spoilers - not ones about things that had already happened on the show), I think is worth reporting. That person came on specifically to be mean to a group of people, and I'm guessing they were booted. It seems to me like they were maybe using a new identity both times.
If you're talking about Survivor, I remember that. I also reported it. To me, that is being mean to other posters just to be mean, which is worthwhile. These were not spoilers about things that had already been aired.

Mostly what I'm referring to are the posters who will post things to someone's thread that sound like this: "This is political/religious and I'm the DIS police and this is political/religious so how dare you post a thread like this. You're a horrible person because you break rules. How come I can't break the rules, too?? I'm telling." I think THAT is the kind of help the moderators/webmasters don't need or want.

Cruelty directed at posters, even as minor as the Survivor spoilers (which were end-of-season spoilers - not ones about things that had already happened on the show), I think is worth reporting. That person came on specifically to be mean to a group of people, and I'm guessing they were booted. It seems to me like they were maybe using a new identity both times.

Funny thing is, he was wrong wasn't he? The guy came on and posted the "final 3" and that wasn't the final three that wound up happening.
Do people really tell on each other on here.:sad2: If I found a thread I didn't like I just wouldn't read it, I wouldn't even know how to go about telling on someone. By the way I loved your snow globes - they made me laugh!

Yes, yes they do. I can't give details or I'll get "in trouble" (again).
Isn't it odd how some adults seem so ready to be tattletales on here? I don't mean about spammers, or posters being mean to other posters. I'm talking about things where there is some slim potential for a thread to cross over the prohibited topic line, but where no sign of that has even appeared at all. Usually it's about something that could be considered religious or political, but that is really a benign original post that hasn't even showed signs of being an argument/debate.

It just reminds me of that kid in school who would say, "You said the word 'fart'. You better stop, or I'm gonna tell the teacher."

It's obnoxious.

I'm surprised my Mary and Joseph snow globe thread wasn't deemed a religious discussion by someone.
Didn't you report me for a post a ways back? I remember a thread where I was joking around with another poster(nothing political or religious). You came on the thread thinking our posts were serious. We explained that we were only kidding around. But you didn't find it funny.

Anyway, I think there are many tattletales on here.

I'm trying to think back if I ever reported someone. I honestly can't remember for sure. There is one poster (posted on this thread, actually) that was posting such disgusting things on a thread a while back, I was just about to the point of reporting him/her. I can't remember if I actually did, or if the thread got closed before I did.
It thru me for a loop when I joined the Dis, the golden rule in my neighborhood has always been snitches get stitches

Have been here on the CB nearly 9 years and there's been one time I wanted to reach through my monitor and make the "golden rule" come true. Biggest CB bully reported me for being "harsh" to her. She dished it out to many here but reported me for being "harsh" to her. Yeah, no doubt I have everyone here in tears with my bad self. :sad:
If you start a thread that is deemed inappropriate (political or religious for example), the moderators shut it down and slap you with 20 points (or is it 25?). I got one, cause they thought it was too political even thou i dont think it was. It was about prisons. :confused3
Thanks, I think I should pay closer attention to what is going on.
Yes, yes they do. I can't give details or I'll get "in trouble" (again).
That's okay, I don't want you to get in trouble (again).
I have read some pretty crazy threads on here, sometimes they can be quite entertaining but when people really start getting into it I don't understand why they don't just agree to disagree. :confused3
If you're talking about Survivor, I remember that. I also reported it. To me, that is being mean to other posters just to be mean, which is worthwhile. These were not spoilers about things that had already been aired.

Mostly what I'm referring to are the posters who will post things to someone's thread that sound like this: "This is political/religious and I'm the DIS police and this is political/religious so how dare you post a thread like this. You're a horrible person because you break rules. How come I can't break the rules, too?? I'm telling." I think THAT is the kind of help the moderators/webmasters don't need or want.

Cruelty directed at posters, even as minor as the Survivor spoilers (which were end-of-season spoilers - not ones about things that had already happened on the show), I think is worth reporting. That person came on specifically to be mean to a group of people, and I'm guessing they were booted. It seems to me like they were maybe using a new identity both times.

Pot meet kettle? Odd to me that you started this thread.

I've never felt the need to report anyone although I was reported for saying some (general) people eat a disgusting amount of food on the dining plan.
You know if they send you a PM telling you they did at the same time you get in trouble from the Mods!::yes::

I can't even remember what it was, but I guess it doesn't take a lot to be classified as a minor personal attack.

I've had some people get really mean and nasty on this board, yet I have never reported them. I pull up my big girl panties and keep going. :lmao: HOWEVER, I have been turned in for minor personal attacks. The funny thing about that is, the people I got snippy with (and whom I am certain are the ones who turned me in) are some of the rudest bullies on the board. In seems the bullies have the most tender feelings and are the quickest to squeal when they have been offended. Typical.

What I am always surprised about is when a thread that seems like no big deal/nothing controversial gets closed. The thread starts off harmless enough and then someone takes it on a tangent (usually because of their own agenda) and the next thing you know, it is closed.
I've had some people get really mean and nasty on this board, yet I have never reported them. I pull up my big girl panties and keep going. :lmao: HOWEVER, I have been turned in for minor personal attacks. The funny thing about that is, the people I got snippy with (and whom I am certain are the ones who turned me in) are some of the rudest bullies on the board. In seems the bullies have the most tender feelings and are the quickest to squeal when they have been offended. Typical.

What I am always surprised about is when a thread that seems like no big deal/nothing controversial gets closed. The thread starts off harmless enough and then someone takes it on a tangent (usually because of their own agenda) and the next thing you know, it is closed.

And then we flock to it like flies. :rotfl:

Shoot-I was quoted before I could correct my mistake. LOL
I've had some people get really mean and nasty on this board, yet I have never reported them. I pull up my big girl panties and keep going. :lmao: HOWEVER, I have been turned in for minor personal attacks. The funny thing about that is, the people I got snippy with (and whom I am certain are the ones who turned me in) are some of the rudest bullies on the board. In seems the bullies have the most tender feelings and are the quickest to squeal when they have been offended. Typical.

What I am always surprised about is when a thread that seems like no big deal/nothing controversial gets closed. The thread starts off harmless enough and then someone takes it on a tangent (usually because of their own agenda) and the next thing you know, it is closed.

I agree with the bolded 100%!
And then we flock it it like flies. :rotfl:

I admit it. When I see a "Closed" thread, I usually click on the last few pages to see WHY it was closed. I mean, if it's about strollers, ECVs, cutting in line, parade etiquette, politics, etc., I expect it to be closed and know it's just a matter of time. But when the topic title is harmless and I hover over the title, read the first bit of the OP and it indeed IS harmless, yet it manages to morph into nastiness and get closed......I want to know what kind of journey, "Do you prefer banana nut muffins or blueberry muffins?" took to get closed. :lmao: How does, "Should I cut my hair?" turn into a blistering back and forth of hatred? I don't know, yet it happens again and again. So yes, I click on it and want to see the evolution from harmless to vicious.


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