Did you ever return from a trip, and book another one?

Glory Days

Jun 26, 2000
We had such a great time with our first trip to HRH and Universal/IOA that my daughter and myself are trying to talk dad into a return trip next Easter. We only stayed at the HRH 3 days, and would love to go back to the parks, spending most of the week here and a few at Disney.
DH things we should take a year off, maybe do the Keys, but seems willing to go. Do you think two years in a row could be as good? I hate to put it off too long, as we only have one daughter at home (15) that still travels with us.
I'm sure you will have fun if you go two years in a row. Everybody is different. Some people like to go to the same place every year because they have a good time and know what to expect. Other people get bored visiting the same place more than once and like to explore somewhere new when they go on vacation.

It's really how you and your family feel about the trip! Of course if you want my advice, go to Universal and stay at Hard Rock. Go again and again. You will love it each and every time. Keep in mind that way too much of my income goes to the Loews and Universal corporations so I might be a little biased.

[This message was edited by Jon360 on 04-20-01 at 03:33 AM.]
Hi Glory,
While we were poolside at HRH, having such a nice time, I asked my family "Well, what do you think, return next year for Spring break?" I was sure they would say "yeah, this is it for us".
They surprised me. They want to go someplace new every year! As good as it was, they are unwilling to make it our big vacation year after year.
So, that just means I have to try to one up the HRH and Universal. Can it be done??? I'm not so sure.
Considering Las Vegas for next year.
Our family booked a cruise ship two years in a row, but we did change the ship and ports of call...as for US/IOA/HRH?...We'll have to see. We've never booked consecutive vacations to a theme park, but there's a first for anything. :)
Let's see...

I went on my very first trip to Orlando July 1999...

Went back, planned next trip in October 1999...

came home, planned next trip in May 2000...

planned next trip for September 2000...

as soon as I got back planned my son's birthday for January 2001...

booked hotel for May, 2001....

Had to cancel UIS meet for March 2001 because of May and November plans...

Yeah, I've done that!


Mother of Michael
Proverbs 3:5-6


<font color=purple>Co-Moderator of the Community and Universal/IOA Boards</font color=purple>

Hi Glory! I just wanted to add something....
We traveled to the Keys in 6/99 and unless you have scuba divers in your family, there really wasn't much to do in the Keys. We stayed 4 nights at Key Largo and I actually was bored. Husband and son are divers, so they had a great time. I did snorkel one day, and it was neat but I didn't like it enough to go back and do it the next day. On our last day in the Keys, we went to Key West. Now, I could have spent a few more days there, as there was lots more to do. The shops on Duvall Street are really cool, and Mallory Square is neat, but in my honest opinion, the Keys are overrated. I'll take Orlando any time.


Vero Beach & Poly 9/98
PB & HRH 6/01
We were at HRH last week and are already planning a longer stay in September. This time we will spend a few days at IOA & US, Disney and Discovery Cove. My boys had the best time and begged me to do it again soon!
We go year after year. We switch resorts and find this makes it a new vacation. We're staying at Disney WL this year for 8 days, then over to Portofino for 4 days. While we've done all of the parks, we've never done either of these resorts. So we have "new stuff" to look forward to. Also, we try different months to get different weather. Another thing we do is try different restaurants and see different shows. We end up finding enough different things to do that it never gets boring.
Got back Dec 21st of last year.

Then made plans for late October-early November 2001 combo Universal/WDW trip.
We leave (my 10yr son and I and sister) 7/21 for WDW @ AKL and Poly and already I'm thinking of booking for December (this would be 3xyr if I do December), then I'll book for next summer (I get annual passes so yes, we do go back the next year before they expire). Been doing this last 4 yrs now - twice a year.
I think I'm the kind of person that always has to have one in the workings! I have that DISNEYITIS, I think, I don't think, I know!!! LOL!!!!;)


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