Did anyone get a GC from etour?


Squirrelly as all heck
Jan 2, 2001
I was wondering if anyone was able to get GC today using etour?

I wasn't home, so I didn't have to put up with the added stress.
Yes! I had trouble signing on, so when I finally got on they were out of Outback (which is what I wanted!). I was able to get one for Olive Garden.
I was able to get in. I checked my address before 2:00. At 2:00, I was able to get in and get my Home Depot certificate. But, it did take me a couple of weeks! Hang in there!
I kind of accicently got two Outback certificates. I hit send twice when the screen froze and it took my order twice since I had enough points. That was fine with me, but beware if you don't want to get muliple certificates from the same place. ( and have enough points) Be careful. Lisa
My brother was able to get an outback gc.
Yes, I suggest that you be signed on and click on the "redeem points" screen right at 2:00. One week I was trying to sign on right at 2:00 and the screen just froze until it was too late. (All of the good stuff was gone) Good luck next week! Lisa


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