Delusions of Grandeur...a Dark Side 2017 Half Marathon Trip Report


DIS Veteran
Apr 7, 2001
Hello! We just got back from a grand trip from April 19-27, 2017 which included the Run Disney Star Wars Dark Side 5k & Challenge (10k & half marathon) events. Who is we?... well, it includes myself and my younger brother.

We completed the 3 Wine & Dine races last November and have completed the Dopey challenge so knew what we were getting into with a 3 race weekend, so had trained religiously leading up so felt great about the races. I have been dealing with plantar fasciatis, hip sciatica issues, and some shin pain....but luckily nothing major flared up that I couldn't handle.

The Days -
Day 1 - Fly to All-Star Sports & Animal Kingdom
Day 2 - Magic Kingdom, Dark Side Run Disney Expo, Studios
Day 3 - Dark Side 5k & EPCOT
Day 4 - Dark Side 10k, Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom
Day 5 - Dark Side Half Marathon, Saratoga Springs & Studios
Day 6 - Animal Kingdom, Polynesian, Grand Floridian, Magic Kingdom
Day 7 - Studios, Epcot, Disney Springs
Day 8 - Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Animal Kingdom
Day 9 - Pack & Magical Epxress :( to Fly out

So, here we go...

Day 1 - Fly day and Animal Kingdom

We checked in to All Star-Sports and we had a lovely Dove we named Daisy living by our room.


We were in Hoops and here's our view from the 3rd top floor. We don't spend a ton of time in the room and this is our 3rd time at Sports and it was clean and just great for us again. Bus transportation to parks was usually pretty good and to & from races we never had to wait long. International Cheer competition groups showed up the 2nd half of our trip, so it was kind of neat seeing all the countries. Oh and band groups were there too, but they all seemed behaved and quiet at night. I know some people worry about large groups but we didn't have any problems with them.

We went to Animal Kingdom first as we wanted to see Rivers of Light when weren't as tired out. We were starved so headed to Restaurantosaurus for dinner, I got the black bean veggie burger. Luckily it came with tomato & arugula on it as I don't do condiment bars anymore & I asked for no guacamole. Not sure what my brother got but he enjoyed it.


Rode Dinosaur, Primeval Whirl, Everest and then Stared at the Pandora time Pandora next time! I'm wearing a Kylo Ren shirt...everyday was a Star Wars shirt day ya know!

Safari ride was lovely.

Had a Rivers of Light Fast Pass for 8:30 show and I think we sat down about 8:00/8:10. I enjoyed it, but felt it was a little flat. It needed just a little more kazam or something. Loved the music & everything, but just needs a little something more I think. It is a nice addition to AK for sure though.
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Nice start! Your opinion of RoLs seems to be what everyone else is echoing. I'm wondering if our expectations were so high because of the constant delays.
Following along, looking forward to your take on the weekend as well!
as I don't do condiment bars anymore
I don't blame you after Dopey last year!

I enjoyed it, but felt it was a little flat.
We saw it during our weekend and thought much the same. We were glad we saw it, but we won't be going out of our way to see it again unless it changes drastically. I don't know if we had high expectations, or the lengthy delays created an undeserved buildup, but for us it was just meh. Though I really enjoyed the pre-show sitar music!
Day 2 - Magic Kingdom, Expo & Studios

We started the day off with Magic Kingdom EMH at 7:00am. It was glorious! I had friends that have a podcast "Rope Drop Radio" down here running as well and we ran into them so that was neat. We did not get let in early to roam Main St. but right at 7:00 we were released from under the RR bridge. They checked our magic bands to make sure we were resort guests when we veered off Main St. towards Tomorrowland.

Road Space x2, Buzz, Pooh, Peter Pan then headed to Splash & Big Thunder when they opened at 8, I think that was it anyway.


We ate lunch at Columbia Harbor House, but I first grabbed a baked potato from Sleepy Hollow to have with my vegetarian chili at Columbia. Brother got the pot pie which he really enjoys. This meal is great & we repeat it later!

We saw lots of marching bands which is cool I think because we both along with our other siblings did marching band as well as my niece & nephew now. Band nerds for life, hahaha!


I know we rode other rides, I think Haunted Mansion, Pirates, Tiki Birds, Country Bears, I can't remember what else before heading back to Sports to then head to the Race Expo. We got to ESPN Wide World of Sports by bus from Sports at 1:47pm and stayed till 3:04pm (camera time tells me).

Not crowded really, lots of people outside & around, but waits inside were minimal if at all.

We picked up our 5k and Challenge bibs in the same building and our shirts were there too to pick up. I got my 5k pre-order pin with my bib and then a card with the challenge bib to go upstairs to pick up my challenge pre-order pin bundle.

And we have soooo many pictures but I just selected some to share here so as not too overload! I'm pretty sure we have pics of like everything, but here's the quotes they had in the hall.


The course map banners outside the official merchandise area.

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Some of the merchandise. I liked it all but held back and we only got a few things.


Some of the banners up around, they had a lot of neat ones. I liked the sign the CMs held up, the one I took a pic of said it really should say "Assist you I may", more Yoda like anyway!


They had this frame to take pics with outside the Cantina that was selling drinks and snacks. It was a nice touch. They also had the signs and cheer buttons here to decorate to use to cheer on family/friends or yourself like we did! They had a Star Wars penny press machine here too that had a rather long line.


The medal banners I always like, it was hoppin' with people taking photos but finally grabbed some shots. And the bus signs back to the bus, it's a little walk but not bad. Our bus was there waiting even! Overall, the expo was nice. We looked at the vendor booths and got a GoGo Squeeze they handed out. No Storm troopers were out when we were there.


Back at Sports, a loot shot. I got the men's cut "I Did It" Challenge shirt as I liked the 2 colors vs the women's cut that was black. I also go the weekend magnet and then brother got the Boba magnet and weekend hat. I liked the shirts a lot and how they had the times guides and maps out to take.


We then headed to Studios. Seriously, our bus luck was pretty good this trip never waited too long. We wanted to eat at Pizza Rizzo's (it would be new for us with the redo) but it closed at 4:00pm, say what? Other people were upset too it was closed so early. So, we ended up at Catalina Eddie's for Pizza, which is the same type anyway. I'm also glad Star Tours is mixing up the scenes you get again instead of just Jakku every time. We did get BB-8 every time though. We didn't have a Rockin FP, but the line was actually not bad for evening, I was surprised.


Headed back to Sports at 7:00pm and saw Weecha the raccoon ("Hound that Thought he was Racoon", anyone?). He was lingering around then darted into the trashcan to get some dinner. So, then we watched some cartoons to get sleepy and I think I fell asleep around 8ish. Luckily getting up way early the day before to fly in and this day for EMH made falling asleep earlish not bad. Next up is the 5K!

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Nice start! Your opinion of RoLs seems to be what everyone else is echoing. I'm wondering if our expectations were so high because of the constant delays.
yeah I'm sure it was set too high, I really had no idea what it was since I avoided all spoilers, well except the lotus was hard to avoid seeing. What's funny is my teenage niece preferred Jungle Book Live, I never saw it, but she liked the music since it was recognizable and more upbeat she said.

Following along, looking forward to your take on the weekend as well!
I don't blame you after Dopey last year!
We saw it during our weekend and thought much the same. We were glad we saw it, but we won't be going out of our way to see it again unless it changes drastically. I don't know if we had high expectations, or the lengthy delays created an undeserved buildup, but for us it was just meh. Though I really enjoyed the pre-show sitar music!
I've tried to overcome my condiment bar issue, and they had a lot of stuff too at Restaurnto., but just couldn't. I will get ketchup so I guess that's progress! The music was really awesome, I need to get a copy of it!

Following! Great start so far. :)
Yay! thanks!
Day 3 - Dark Side 5k & Epcot

So, we had Mickey wake us up at 2:45 am, buses were starting at 4:00am & we knew character lines would get long fast so wanted on the earliest bus to get at least one in. We were on a bus at 3:50am and just sat there forever for no reason. Finally, we headed out to EPCOT's parking lot for the 5k start. Now, a side note... I've learned from races that my stomach and bus rides in the early morning do not mix well, so I bring a bottle of club soda mixed with cranberry juice to drink after arriving, it helps settle my stomach from the bus ride, random I know but it works!

The Staging area at EPCOT with signs, wait times for characters (a nice addition), and port-o-pots galore


The character lines/area. Hopped in to see Jabba and then did the Rogue One that had like no line. The Millennium Falcon is on my head by the way on a headband. Also, this outfit I sewed, well my mom who can sew anything did most the tank top. I had this sparkly material around for photo sessions and was like that is so Star Wars and then added the Death Star, tie fighters, Luke's X-wing & Vader's Tie Fighter to be like the end of New Hope.

So, we eventually headed to corral A, which we were both in. The bottom right with people sitting is before walking to the start banner. Lots of kids running which I love seeing.

After a couple pushrims went we were up at 6:00am!

My plan was all the stops and to run not crazy fast, but gosh golly I just sort of took off in the excitement. I felt so good after a few days of no running. Oh and I had to go the bathroom really bad the whole race, but at least I was hydrated!

I heard Ewok music but only saw Chicken walker parts, hopped in line and yay...there was an Ewok (my camera photo here as Photopass cut off all the Walker parts). Then at some point was the Emperor's chair (which I didn't know how to sit on so look dorky), then R2-D2 was out right before entering EPCOT I think.

We entered by Mexico and then went around World Showcase exiting by International Gateway, where Chewie was, then coming back into World Showcase. Star Wars music was playing.


They had a photopass to get a Spaceship Earth photo then closer to the fountain the CM's used your own camera for a stormtrooper shot.

Then we head to the Land/Living Seas side of Future World. I've ran this 5k only once before in Jan 2016 & it went by Land/Seas, but my parents ran this last year and it did not go by Land/Seas but more towards the tombstones/entrance of EPCOT.

Imagination and Ezra & Sabine from Rebels were out! It's funny overhearing people who are clueless on who they are or even Star Wars in general.

The Seas & a monorail passed by. The green tents are where the photopass photographers hide out, so aim for the green to get pictures as you run by. Do not please do a crazy jump messing up other runners, someone in the 10k did that and I almost crashed into them. Not cool, dude! If he had checked around to make sure it was clear, fine, but it wasn't.

Then we head to Spaceship Earth & mile 3.


Then into the finish with Stormtroopers and all. Time 40:?? - None of the stops were crazy long, but watching my video waiting for chewbacca shows the winding line. Nothing hurt really so that was a plus!

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Hopped in line for some after character photos & found brother as we said just meet by the characters. Oh, the glow that started around my neck then went to my arm was handed out when we arrived, I really don't know by who though. As soon as I started I was like I can't run with this on my neck so at the Ewok stuck it on my arm after carrying it.


This guy as Yoda was awesome, he knelt down so his knees turned into Yoda's feet. The snack box was typical but no Clif this time, it had a Yummy snack bar. We also watched the last corrals head out for the 5k since the start goes by where the buses pick up (so buses don't start till after all start), that was cool to watch. My brother took a pic but I failed to combine pics for this report, oops!


We then caught a bus back to Sports, it was there waiting, how nice. Cleaned up then headed to EPCOT and got there right as it was opening at 9am. Rode Soarin', the Land Boat Ride, Seas with Nemo, & Figment. I love this medal and the green on it!


We did Test Track single rider then visited the Festival Center for Flower & Garden. It was only open Fri-Sun.


Lunch was at Mexico outside but brother brought his China food over. Rode Mexico boat ride. Then since we had a fastpass for Frozen but not till like 2:50 we reversed to head around World Showcase coming in by Canada.

Love all the topiaries they do, wish they were always up. Found a couple of the eggs but didn't do the Easter egg sticker hunt.

American Adventure including the music group first. This was a nice enjoyable sit! My Plantar fasciatis foot was a little sore so a few times during the day I massaged it and applied Arnica, hoping no bad flare ups would happen.


More topiaries as we made our way around to Frozen to use our FP. I like Frozen but miss Maelstrom. I feel there's too many black areas in Frozen where they could add more stuff or maybe I should just look at what they want us to and not all around, haha!


Rode Spaceship Earth on the way out.

We went back to Sports and debated dinner. We decided to walk to Movies and dine. Pretty tasty and good pre 10k meal. Based on the pictures we were eating at like 5pm. Wondered back to Sports & set Mickey to wake us up at 2:15am Saturday for the 10k.
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WOW! I love all the awesome photo ops along the course! Your outfit is fantastic!! You are totally making want to do this race next year!!!
Love the outfit! I only did the half so it's cool reading about people's experiences with the 5k and 10k.
Here's the 2017 Star Wars Dark Side 5k course map from my Garmin data. Starts and Ends in the EPCOT parking lot.
Following along! Great TR so far! Did Dark Side w/ my DH and it's so fun to see other people's experiences. We did not do the parks this trip, since we do an AP every other year and this is our "off" year, and I missed seeing F&G which I love. I tried to look at all the topiaries as we were running through Epcot but it's just not the same!
BTW are you vegetarian? I am, so I'm really intrigued by your meals! :rotfl2:It can be tough finding tasty, interesting veggie fare at WDW!
Following along! Great TR so far! Did Dark Side w/ my DH and it's so fun to see other people's experiences. We did not do the parks this trip, since we do an AP every other year and this is our "off" year, and I missed seeing F&G which I love. I tried to look at all the topiaries as we were running through Epcot but it's just not the same!
BTW are you vegetarian? I am, so I'm really intrigued by your meals! :rotfl2:It can be tough finding tasty, interesting veggie fare at WDW!
Yes, I am a vegetarian, I do eat eggs and dairy though. It is tricky at times for sure. They like to offer wraps a lot, like I noticed a new one at the Yak & Yeti quick serve, but it seems whenever I get a wrap I'm underwhelmed. I don't think I could go without visiting the parks, that would take great will power for sure! Hope you guys had a great race, it was so fun!
Day 4 - Dark Side 10k, Magic Kingdom & Animal Kingdom

Mickey woke us up at 2:15am! Buses started today at 3:30am for the 5:30am start. We wanted again to be one of the first buses and also like to get up early to eat, fully wake-up, massage my plantar foot, etc.

We were on a bus at about 3:20am & in line to meet Vader at 3:47am & saw him at 3:54am. This is the only time I saw Vader, his line was popular. Brother met him after the races since he is speedier. Also, before entering the staging area bags are checked, which was very quick all 3 days. We brought grocery sacks to hold a water, club soda drink, a gogo squeeze for the last minute zoom I guess I thought I needed, camera, etc. so then it was easier to use the porta potty, then ditch the bag/trash before the corrals.

The 10k and Half were starting at the TTC, Magic Kingdom Parking Lot. This and the half would be brand new courses. They were point to point since we would finish at EPCOT.

The pre & post setups all 3 days were -
Rogue One (no character)
Boba Fett with Han in Carbonite
Jabba and S. Crumb
Kylo Ren
Captain Phasma


The corral entrances and last chance porta-potty row. We were both in A again. We were doing the Dark Side Challenge which was the 10k and half. We would wear the same bib for both, but I had 2 different corrals, A for the 10k and I would be C for the half. The "George Lucas" runner was neat and got lots of mentions/screen time. We got into our corral about about 4:30am, so had an hour to wait.

And we are off...

Not long after starting was R2-D2. I was on the left side of the road and he was on the right, so I slowly wiggled over to make sure I didn't mess any runners up. Not sure why I repeated him since I got him in the 5k, the line was a little long. This is my camera's pic as photopass zoomed in so close it cut off all the set. I liked this part of the course too & you could hear each corral starting. Oh and there was a marching band out playing Star Wars music, much appreciated along with volunteers, security, and everyone who had to get up early.

We entered under the Magic Kingdom entrance backwards since were heading to Studios, so I had to turn to get the sign, of course moving over to not block anyone.

Stopped for Ezra & Sabine as another repeat. I had to go to the bathroom sooooo bad too just like the 5k, it was hard just standing still. I had even left the corral to use the port-a-pot beforehand, but hydration and excitement I guess, but I was too stubborn to pull off during the race just like in the 5k.

The first like 3 miles were all Hwy as we headed to Studios, but they had big screens playing movie clips which is fun! Death Star going down....

Here's after the long circle ramp up looking down. I ran in the grass on the inside up it pretty much the whole way, I really wanted to have as little banking (road slant) as possible. Luckily, there were only a couple divets, no holes or anything. So, those runner's are behind me and still have to come up the ramp. The bright spot at the end was the Emperor's throne, which I skipped today.

We then were right outside of Studios and Darth Maul was there

We ran up a ramp then past Fantasmic where the fan groups/cosplay were at. So, cool!


There's no missing image but it keeps put the tag, oh well....

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I stopped for a picture with Boba & Jango cosplayers. Not sure if these were 501st or some were and other a different group. They were awesome!

Then we headed past Tower and up Sunset Blvd., where Disney official Stormtroopers were at.


Then up Hollywood Blvd. and out of the park.

We were then on the path to Yacht & Beach to go to EPCOT. They had green lights and laser battle sounds set up under the bridge.


Oh and the speeder bike was out today, but no Ewoks today.

Along the Yacht & Beach we went, I like running along there and hearing the boards and feet running on them.


We came in by the International Gateway to EPCOT at the UK I think. Before entering was Chewie, but I skipped him today.


We turned left to Future World, so just a real short part of World Showcase today. Photopass was for the ball again but only your own camera for the Stormtroopers. We headed right today (vs left like in the 5k) since we didn't enter any of the Future World sides.


We headed backstage just like in the 5k and anytime a race finishes at EPCOT that I know of.

More fan groups/cosplay lined the road heading toward the finish. So, with the Chewie & Tarful, I was like why isn't that Rey runner leaving, oh duh she is the cosplay Rey! It was just so much fun.



Then into the finish! They had paddles to hold after (my 5k one is lost I guess, they can't find it). My time was 1:18:06. I really liked this course (I will say I'm pretty easy to please too). I have no idea what my wait times/stopping added up to as my Garmin I don't pause and it thought I was pretty much always moving.

I was dumb today too. I wore my new shoes that only had like 15 miles on them, they were only to be backup (same brand/model), but I thought wear these today and have the others fresh for the half. Well, I don't know if I ran weird or they were stiff, suitcase smashed, or what but my plantar foot and shin on that side were very sore. I massaged and used Arnica the rest the day hoping it wouldn't bother me in the half.


They hand you your medal, then water, powerade, & snackbox as well. Then I went to the character area to grab a few photos. Rogue One again had like no line so might as well! Brother had been long done.


Then we went to the bus. That sign on the Tie says something like "I had friends on that Deathstar". So many great outfits and costumes or just shirts with clever sayings.

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Day 4 - Dark Side 10k, Magic Kingdom & Animal Kingdom

Mickey woke us up at 2:15am! Buses started today at 3:30am for the 5:30am start. We wanted again to be one of the first buses and also like to get up early to eat, fully wake-up, massage my plantar foot, etc.

When were on a bus at about 3:20am & in line to meet Vader at 3:47am & saw him at 3:54am. This is the only time I saw Vader, his line was popular. Brother met him after the races since he is speedier. Also, before entering the staging area bags are checked, which was very quick all 3 days. We brought grocery sacks to hold a water, club soda drink, a gogo squeeze for the last minute zoom I guess I thought I needed, camera, etc. so then it was easier to use the porta potty, then ditch the bag/trash before the corrals.

The 10k and Half were starting at the TTC, Magic Kingdom Parking Lot. This and the half would be brand new courses. They were point to point since we would finish at EPCOT.

The pre & post setups were -
Rogue One (no character)
Boba Fett with Han in Carbonite
Jabba and S. Crumb
Kylo Ren
Captain Phasma


The corral entrances and last chance porta-potty row. We were both in A again. The "George Lucas" runner was neat and got lots of mentions/screen time.

And we are off...

Not long after starting was R2-D2. I was on the left side of the road and he was on the right, so I slowly wiggled over to make sure I didn't mess any runners up. Not sure why I repeated him since I got him the 5k, the line was a little long. This is my camera's pic as photopass zoomed in so close it cut off all the set.

We entered under the Magic Kingdom entrance backwards so I had to turn to get the sign, of course moving over to not block anyone.

Stopped for Ezra & Sabine as another repeat. I had to go to the bathroom sooooo bad too just like the 5k, it was hard just standing still. I had even left the corral to use the port-a-pot beforehand, but hydration and excitement I guess, but I was too stubborn to pull off during the race just like in the 5k.

The first like 3 miles were all Hwy as we headed to Studios, but they had big screens playing movie clips which is fun! Death Star going down....

Here's after the long circle ramp up looking down. So, those runner's are behind me and still have to come up the ramp. The bright spot at the end was the Emperor's throne, which I skipped today.

We then were right outside of Studios and Darth Maul was there

We ran up a ramp then past Fantasmic where the fan groups/cosplay were at.



I really liked the 10K course. I just felt like there was constant entertainment on the course even on the highway portion of the course.
No wait for a bus so we were back at Sports pretty quick to clean up. Oh, it was very humid and I felt a little heavy at the end of the 10k, nothing bad just like I could tell I wasn't used to it. I'll take warm over cold any day though, just wasn't acclimated since our training weather had been cool or cold leading up.


We went to Magic Kingdom and got there at about 9:10am. I met the Mayor! Then we did Splash and Big Thunder, Aladdin, Pirates, Jungle Cruise that I remember.


I really the 10k medal!

We were hungry so went to Sleepy Hollow to get the breakfast waffle that comes with egg and cheese. Only served till 12pm. It also has ham but I asked for it without. My brother actually did too even though he eats meat, he was being careful with his eating with the races. We also saw some Muppets and more marching bands. I know we did Mine Train and some Fantasyland rides before heading out.


We hopped by bus over to Animal Kingdom for Earth day and to meet our older brother and his family. Jiminy Cricket was supposed to be at Conservation Station/Rafiki's Planet Watch just for Earth day, but all we saw was a way long line outside and he still wouldn't be out for like another 30 minutes. So, we didn't wait. My niece and nephew did some bug hunt thing, that honestly bored me as it was really hot and bugs were really not out, like just one butterfly.

I can't remember what these lizard things were but they clung to their window, they were really weird.

Seems like they cut trees down on the backside to open the tree's view, I guess since there were putting in projectors back there for the tree night show.


We did Flights of Wonder. They were handing out these Earth Day Party of the Planet things to frame your photos with. We also did Bug show before heading out.

Back at Sports we saw the Runner boxes for sale.


We ate dinner at Sports. We were being very careful with our eating with the races and I think we both didn't get upset stomachs for the races or anything so that was a plus!


Massaged my foot and shin with my electric massager and used Arnica some more as well! I don't know if that stuff really works, but I think it does or my mind says it does, who knows. Another early bedtime, which I had no problem falling asleep. Set Mickey for a 2:00am wake-up for the half the next day!

Here's the Star Wards Dark Side 10k map from my Garmin
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