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Hi :wave2: Awesome! Where are you staying?

We are staying at the Poly! Also, I think I've commented on some of your reports before, but I'm now realizing I posted my last comment like we were long-lost besties or something, so my bad :laughing:
We are staying at the Poly! Also, I think I've commented on some of your reports before, but I'm now realizing I posted my last comment like we were long-lost besties or something, so my bad :laughing:

That's cool! We'll probably be around Epcot those 2 days so maybe we'll see each other. Your comment was fine :laughing: I think we have talked on another of my reports before, I just didn't remember if you commented on here or not before.
No! It's been about a week, and they're still working on the siding. I don't know why they started it so late in the week last week, because they still aren't done. It's been waking me up every morning because they start earlier than I think they're supposed to, and because our window isn't fixed yet it's stuck partially open and so it's extra loud when they work. :sad2: I hope when they're done they'll give us a date for the next set of things they have to do, but who knows if they actually will.

Grr! I hope they get it wrapped up soon. The window being open would drive me crazy.

The floor guy (just ONE guy!! he has done more in three hours than I did in three DAYS!) is here and it is so. loud. Clang, clang, clang. Otherwise it's too quiet in here because he's the only one making noise. Three dogs are in the garage acting like they're dying, one is out here with me, watching every move the guy makes from far away. (the guy is adorable, but his accent is very strong and it takes me a minute to process what he's saying, so there's a lot of awkward smiling and nodding going on.)

It's Xavier's birthday today, so I've been making his cake and just all around feeling guilty that this poor man is so tired and I'm in here baking. I mean I guess it's his job, but I feel bad!!!

Yes! That's what I was thinking at first too many breakfasts/character meals because I really prefer to have better quality food over character meals if it comes down to it. But now we only have WCC, Cape May, and Garden Grill ETTB package for breakfast so I think that's okay. I also don't want to add too many signatures because of the price, but also because I get basically the same thing at them all (steak). We have YS and Citricos there. As much as we like burgers we already have (Dluxe, Scifi) so I don't want to add more. I'm looking to add one more and I feel like all my first choices would fit into one of those (breakfast, signature/steak, burgers) so I'm not sure what to pick!

Oh no that's crappy of them! Do you think maybe she doesn't realize she's doing it or have you had a difficult relationship in the past? You are definitely working hard to give her the perfect trip, and I hope she's a great trip partner especially after your MIL last time.

Just go with Disfriends we'll appreciate you :rotfl:

That's my problem, too. I want the better food, but my mom is not very adventurous with dining, so I feel like I have to make "safe" choices.

Oh, we have all kinds of issues, lol!! We've lived in our current area for five years, and they've only been here once. They're three and a half hours away. I've been back there at least ten times, sometimes just to go and spend an hour and turn around and come back home. Like for my niece's birthday. Last year I was going to skip it, but my brother was so upset, so I cancelled what I had to do that day and drove over, stayed for the party where everyone ignored me anyway, then drove home. But my brother doesn't even remember when my boys' birthdays are. know.

She will definitely be a better trip partner than MIL though, because she likes to do fun things and she's a fun person, she's just kind of crappy at being mom/grandma. She spends a lot more time with my brother and his family since they all live in the same place.

Is that still there? I honestly can't remember ever seeing it. If it's still there I'll get his picture with it again :rotfl:

It's there! Right where you go in for Impressions de France. You definitely need to recreate it!

It has been driving me crazy! We have something in the other side so no one could open it from the outside. But we had a string of burglaries in an area nearish us so it makes me nervous. However I'm hoping no one can move the window because we can't :rotfl:

:rotfl: I wish our siding people were half as fast as that. It's been 4 days and the end still isn't in sight. They start at 7-730 am, and are here until after I get out of work at 6. Also the toddlers next door cry whenever they start banging so sleep is pretty much non existent.

You could offer him cake :rotfl:

We're willing to be more adventurous, but everything I had on my "list" is either too expensive or too much like another meal. So I'm still working on it :rotfl:

Oh no lol. That's not far enough away to excuse that. Oh goodness my brother thankfully doesn't have kids yet (because he can barely take care of himself :rotfl:), but I could see him being like that in the future too. He never ever talks to me except when we see each other at my dad's, but if he wants to complain you have to drop everything and take his call.

That's good! (That she likes to do fun things, that's not great that she's crappy at being a mom/grandma). :hug:

Well that explains it! We've never been in there to see that movie :rotfl: I will try to get a picture in there then. I showed Josh which picture it was and he saw that he was wearing a hat and said "it's like the start of my Indiana Jones hat".

I also told him your squirrel story today :rotfl:

Oh no! The burglary thing would make me so nervous!! Maybe if it's too hard to open the window the burglars would be like, "Nah, this one is too hard. On to the next one!!" Which is terrible for "the next one" but great for you!! :rotfl2:

Crying toddlers are the worst. And I say this as a parent of former toddlers. Now that mine are big, crying toddlers are the EXTRA worst, lol!!

We could make a very dramatic movie if we combined our two family situations. It would probably win Oscars and stuff, because things like that always win a ton of awards, haha!!

She really does like to do fun things, and she is very excited about the trip. We just spend zero time together so I'm glad we'll be busy and doing stuff so we don't have too much quiet time where we have to actually TALK to each other, lol!! And if things become tense I'll just make her drink some Beverly!!

You should do Impressions de France! There's seats in there unlike the other movies. Plus, it's awesome and it makes you want to go to France!! It's a great spot for when it gets hot or crowded and you need a break. Plus, gargoyle.

The start of his Indiana Jones hat!! I love it!!

Haha, I hope it didn't make him afraid of those crazy Disney squirrels!! That was such a weird thing!! I'm really glad I didn't become a meme :rotfl2::rotfl2:
Also ugh I want this, I wish it was available on the app:


How much do you want this dress? I'm heading to Disneyland this Saturday and can stop by the Vault to see if they have it in stock (they did the last time I was there).
That dress is adorable! And I love the Cruella shirt, I have one Cruella tank I work in May but didn't bring this time. All your outfits look great as usual :) I understand what you're saying about forgetting to wear your ears, you know those buttons from ParkBoundButtons I bought for this last trip? Except for one button I forgot to wear them the whole trip :( Now I need to go again just to wear them lol!
I do think we're ditching the MNSSHP costume idea again. It's just too hot out for me to convince Josh to wear a costume, and I keep thinking I'll be more comfortable in regular clothes too :scratchin
I think that's what we'd end up doing if we went :)

I love your shirts! Especially the Little Mermaid one and the Dumbo one (I remember that one!). And that tangled skirt :lovestruc I also love that Small World dress... I liked the Tiki Room one too, but the pattern was probably a little much for me lol.

I'm trying to gather up ideas of what we're wearing. Zack has a lot of 28 and Main shirts (I have a few too... :)) so I need to figure out which ones he wants to take and which days I can put us in matching shirts :rotfl: I tried to ask him that this weekend, and he was like, is this really what we need to focus on now? :rotfl2:

For me, all of my swimsuit tops now come in black from the mix and match sections, because I like boyshort bottoms and they're not really a thing anymore, so I must hunt for them every time :magnify:

Ears from Besttrendscreations, tank from HimandGem.
Love this combo!

even in the water (if I end up going in at all :rotfl:)
You should make it a priority to take a dip in the pool at least one day! Sometimes having kids forces you to stop and do things like that where when you are just 2 adults, you don't. Plan some time to swim, even if it is a quick dip and grab a drink form the pool bar! Especially in Sept, it will be hot! (that's my plan, since my girls will want to swim each day!)

I hear you on the costumes... I have been struggling with what to do for us. I wanted something more costume-y for the girls but I just think they will be too hot!
I love all of your outfits! You can't possibly cut one, just change part way through the day! I love love love the Groot t (obviously). I also love your criticos outfit and the pirate one! So cute!!!


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