DDP Causing Some Issues?

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The same crowds will be there DDP or not.

I actually (and respectfully, lol ;) ) disagree with this part. I already posted about how I feel about the OP that started this earlier in the thread so I'm not going to repeat it here, but I DO think more people are eating at TS now because of DDP. Is that bad? Not for DDP folks or for Disney but spur of the moment planning is GONE.
I actually (and respectfully, lol ;) ) disagree with this part. I already posted about how I feel about the OP that started this earlier in the thread so I'm not going to repeat it here, but I DO think more people are eating at TS now because of DDP. Is that bad? Not for DDP folks or for Disney but spur of the moment planning is GONE.

I guess thats true.... I'm probably just basing my thoughts on when we go in Sept because the crowds are less than other parts of the year. I didn't have much trouble booking spur of the moment (maybe i was lucky?) But every day we were there we called the dining # from our resort in the AM or around noon time and tried to see if we could get a ressie and we were able to every time we called. We did Morocco, Germany, mexico, actually le cellier was booked when we tried, but the others were no problem. :goodvibes
OP: you are in my prayers. I had 3 m/c prior to having dd and 1 prior to having ds. :sad1: I know how heartbreaking it can be. And how overwhelming the grief can be. Take care of you and feel better soon!
Wow....I think this thread should close to...What a rude woman the Op is...I don't believe a word she says anyway. Its no good her playing the victim now after all the snobby rude and laughing smilies she has used,.Really really appalling attitude. We should all stop feeding the troll.
Haven't been her in awhile, but I can see that this thread has really frayed some nerves. First of all thanks Lauralee for backing me up. Lauralee did some searching, but for those of you who haven't here's some of the other threads the OP has started: Oprah, wife swap, snow storms, the Sopranos, lent, adoption, online thong shopping, beanie babies, chin hair, lime green, yada yada yada, and all this in only 2 months. Okay dear, read the label on the bottle and don't exceed the recommended dosage. I'm no genius, but this could have started with the 2004 Disney wedding. Maybe the couple and guests were forced to eat CS because they didn't plan ahead of time. (OK GUYS WAIT FOR THE ANSWER ON THIS ONE) I feel sorry because you have health issues because I wouldn't wish that on anyone. But I think we need an intervention here so that you can get some professional help. Don't think so (refer to above threads, this is a DISNEY discussion forum). Here's what I think you should do. Have your husband ( forget that, the poor guy probably isn't allowed to say anything) have your concierge contact each of your favorite restaurants at Disney and ask them to take themselves off the dining plan. This seems like a pretty simple solution. We probably would all be very interested in which restaurants would do this. NOT MANY!!!! Then you could start a thread for only the upper crust of society, (i.e., the Clintons, Kerrys, yourself) to boycott these restaurants which would eventually lead them to close causing Disney to also close. This would leave the private jet flying, dining rather than eating, chin hair pulling, wife swapping upper echelon of society searching for new destinations where they can sip martinis and talk through clenched teeth while trying to figure out how to outdo each other while looking and smiling at each other. Meanwhile the rest of us mere mortals would have to search for other vacation. Cruises? Nope, you'll shut those down to because of the lower quality. It just seems to me that as another poster said, you're "new money" and can't figure out how to act. That's the life YOU have to live with while the rest of us live within our means and ENJOY the vacations we take. One last thought: I wouldn't be giving any advice for a person who has 47 visits and counting, but can't figure out how to eat in the restaurants without commandeering a personal concierge to do everything for you. Just because you're unorganized doesn't mean that the rest of us are. With that being said Your Honor, I humbly rest my case....
Haven't been her in awhile, but I can see that this thread has really frayed some nerves. First of all thanks Lauralee for backing me up. Lauralee did some searching, but for those of you who haven't here's some of the other threads the OP has started: Oprah, wife swap, snow storms, the Sopranos, lent, adoption, online thong shopping, beanie babies, chin hair, lime green, yada yada yada, and all this in only 2 months. Okay dear, read the label on the bottle and don't exceed the recommended dosage. I'm no genius, but this could have started with the 2004 Disney wedding. Maybe the couple and guests were forced to eat CS because they didn't plan ahead of time. (OK GUYS WAIT FOR THE ANSWER ON THIS ONE) I feel sorry because you have health issues because I wouldn't wish that on anyone. But I think we need an intervention here so that you can get some professional help. Don't think so (refer to above threads, this is a DISNEY discussion forum). Here's what I think you should do. Have your husband ( forget that, the poor guy probably isn't allowed to say anything) have your concierge contact each of your favorite restaurants at Disney and ask them to take themselves off the dining plan. This seems like a pretty simple solution. We probably would all be very interested in which restaurants would do this. NOT MANY!!!! Then you could start a thread for only the upper crust of society, (i.e., the Clintons, Kerrys, yourself) to boycott these restaurants which would eventually lead them to close causing Disney to also close. This would leave the private jet flying, dining rather than eating, chin hair pulling, wife swapping upper echelon of society searching for new destinations where they can sip martinis and talk through clenched teeth while trying to figure out how to outdo each other while looking and smiling at each other. Meanwhile the rest of us mere mortals would have to search for other vacation. Cruises? Nope, you'll shut those down to because of the lower quality. It just seems to me that as another poster said, you're "new money" and can't figure out how to act. That's the life YOU have to live with while the rest of us live within our means and ENJOY the vacations we take. One last thought: I wouldn't be giving any advice for a person who has 47 visits and counting, but can't figure out how to eat in the restaurants without commandeering a personal concierge to do everything for you. Just because you're unorganized doesn't mean that the rest of us are. With that being said Your Honor, I humbly rest my case....

Well said!.. Let us all remember Walt just wanted a place where parents and their children would have fun together and that's what Disney World is all about! Shouldn't be about regular/middle class families not being allowed to eat at a certain place because it's crowding the upper class! Walt would be VERY DISAPPOINTED!
One thing I want to say about the PM though. Neverenoughwdw PM me three times yesterday (I had never sent her a PM to that point) and today I replied to them and then she PM me two more times today (in response to my PMs) So, she may not like people PM her, but she needs to remember when she is the one to take originially PM a person (especially more than once), she has to expect the person to respond.
I didn't know that...the only thing I can say to that is...
People shouldn't dish it out if they can't take it!
One thing I want to say about the PM though. Neverenoughwdw PM me three times yesterday (I had never sent her a PM to that point) and today I replied to them and then she PM me two more times today (in response to my PMs) So, she may not like people PM her, but she needs to remember when she is the one to take originially PM a person (especially more than once), she has to expect the person to respond.

Deleted...double post!
I didn't know that...the only thing I can say to that is...
People shouldn't dish it out if they can't take it!

I totally agree!:) ...The OP was trying to be controversial and enjoying the reactions...to play the victim now and site a list of medical reasons why we should not be negative towards her awful attitude really is pathetic.
Hey we all have problems..I have had very bad medical issues myself in the past but I don't use is as an excuse to act like a complete..(I won't say);)

I think the Op may need conselling if her medical issues are making her enjoy causing havoc on the internet
:stir: Maybe the unregistered user and OP are the same person.HMMMMMM

This thread upset me the first time I saw it! Now it is like a bad car accident on hwy; you know you should not look yet you look anyway!!:rotfl2:
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