DAS during MNSShP?

That is so weard I have never been told ( wait one time at buzz biting EMH like right when the DAS started) been told I could not use it for EMH MNSHP MVMCP and I have said things like oh I am suprised the DAS works during —— and the CM say something like if the line is longer then 10 minutes we have to give a return time to accommodate gust that need it. It does make since I mean if a wheelchair ECV user wanted to ride BTMRRNduring the party EMH I do not think they would say oh you have. To go though the standby line we will not let you go though the exit.

It really just comes down to CM training. On most party nights, the lines for most things are less than 20 minutes minus 7DMT and sometimes Space. I would hazard a guess ill-informed CMs at the rides just assume since there is no active FP+ line for the parties that the DAS doesn’t apply either rather than bothering to know the actual policy. Ultimately, it is super frustrating that there are such training and communication gaps that impact the guest experience.
Ok I'm here now and spoke with a few CM, the common theme is that it is down to the different lands as to how they do it. Most lines are looking like 10-25 minutes so no real need for it, although SM just jumped up to 50 mins! I will say this, the line times are not accurate, there is a big delay in changing. It posts 10 mins and yet takes 25+ but says 10 when you come back out. It isn't excessive but it is a little hard to gauge at times.
Ok I'm here now and spoke with a few CM, the common theme is that it is down to the different lands as to how they do it. Most lines are looking like 10-25 minutes so no real need for it, although SM just jumped up to 50 mins! I will say this, the line times are not accurate, there is a big delay in changing. It posts 10 mins and yet takes 25+ but says 10 when you come back out. It isn't excessive but it is a little hard to gauge at times.

Have fun! I heard it sold out for tonight - have to say, I'm quite the jelly girl, wishing I was there! :)
Lol thanks, sold out and rather busy. Saw the DIS crew setting up for their broadcast too! Lots of tv cameras about... its warm though!
We had difficulty with DAS for DGS last night. We didn't push it, but CMs were definitely all over the place with this.
Waiting in the super long lines for characters was not happening last night, and this was a major disappointment.
Very crowded, and way too much waiting, even for Halloween merchandise. Parade was awesome; we loved it! This was our first MNSSHP, so we were not very familiar with the drill, but I do think that Disney could improve the issues that we ran into last night.
We had difficulty with DAS for DGS last night. We didn't push it, but CMs were definitely all over the place with this.
Waiting in the super long lines for characters was not happening last night, and this was a major disappointment.
Very crowded, and way too much waiting, even for Halloween merchandise. Parade was awesome; we loved it! This was our first MNSSHP, so we were not very familiar with the drill, but I do think that Disney could improve the issues that we ran into last night.

During normal hours DAS is only good with characters that also have FP+ lines like Mickey, Tinkerbell, Ariel, Princess Fairytale Hall. Are you talking about all the special characters out there during parties with no FP+ line? If so even if they were out during the day hours you would not have been able to use DAS.
It does make since I mean if a wheelchair ECV user wanted to ride BTMRRNduring the party EMH I do not think they would say oh you have. To go though the standby line we will not let you go though the exit.
Off subject, but ECV users almost always go through the regular line. There are a handful of exceptions such as Jungle Cruise and Small World.
We had difficulty with DAS for DGS last night. We didn't push it, but CMs were definitely all over the place with this.
Waiting in the super long lines for characters was not happening last night, and this was a major disappointment.
Very crowded, and way too much waiting, even for Halloween merchandise. Parade was awesome; we loved it! This was our first MNSSHP, so we were not very familiar with the drill, but I do think that Disney could improve the issues that we ran into last night.
The DAS does not work for meet and greets unless there is a FP line. So they would not do this for meet and greets that are out side
I’m doing a mom daughetr trip the beginning of Oct. I bought tickets for MNSSHP. Its on a weekend so I doubt we will see low wat times. Will we be able to use the DAS?

A bit of a long reply to this thread, but hopefully it will help...

Background: We normally tour the parks with the DAS. (We are locals, so we go frequently). My teenage ASD son can generally handle waits of 10-15 minutes...even 20 on a really good day. Beyond that...not so much. The DAS has been a Godsend for us.

When we decided to try MNSSHP for the first time last year, it never occurred to us to check into DAS availability during the party beforehand. We assumed that the wait times would be low and that we would not need it. If we needed it, we assumed that it would be available to us. (And we all know what happens when we assume, right? :) )

We attended in early September on a Friday night. It was not a sold out party, but it was a stormy one. We got to the Magic Kingdom at 5:00 and ate dinner first. The wait times for the headliner attractions were still long from day guests, so we decided to walk around and take in the atmosphere while we waited for the official start to the party. We assumed (there's that word again) that the lines for the rides would die down when the day guests departed. Sadly, they did not. I don't know if it was because it was pouring rain or because it was just plain crowded, but at 8:00, Space and BTM were still 45+ minutes long. HM was 40. For some families, this would not be bad. But for our family, that's a no-go.

My son is not into the Characters at all, so that part of the party was not something we were interested in. (The lines for some of those were over 2 hours long anyway! EEK!) We were there for the rides, the decorations and the parade. When we realized that the rides were not looking like an option for us for the evening, I headed for Guest Relations to inquire about DAS availability. At that point, because of the rain, the line was out the door and headed down Main Street. Yikes. I handed my son off to my hubby, and waited in the line. (No WAY my son would have tolerated it!) And waited. And waited. Finally a CM came by to ask what I needed. I told her that I needed a DAS. She told me that they did not have any way to do that during the party. She explained that the lines are usually very short and that the DAS normally isn't necessary. I showed her the current wait times on the app (still 40+ minutes on the headliners). She asked me to wait, and brought out a Manager. The Manager was very sympathetic to our situation, but repeated the same information. There was no provision for a DAS during the party. She encouraged me to wait in the line and that they would provide some "options" for our family. I did, and after a 45 minute wait, was offered the choice of return party tickets to try again another night or 1 day passes good for a year. I chose the return party ticket. If I knew then what I know now, I would have chosen the 1 day passes. :)

Our "take 2" party was 2 weeks later. This was not a sold out party either. Waits on the headliner attractions were lower than our first party, but still mostly over 20 minutes. We had to again pass on most of my son's favorite attractions.

There were some great things about the party. The decorations were spectacular. The parade was fun and the Cadaver Dans were a hoot. Trick or treating was fun, but a little of that goes a long way. :) For our family, without the DAS, it's simply not worth the expense.

Hopefully Disney will offer DAS in the future for MNSSHP. We would love to try again.
During normal hours DAS is only good with characters that also have FP+ lines like Mickey, Tinkerbell, Ariel, Princess Fairytale Hall. Are you talking about all the special characters out there during parties with no FP+ line? If so even if they were out during the day hours you would not have been able to use DAS.

Yes, the special characters. Since it was our first-time at such an event, we were not aware of this. I think the high crowd level contributed to all of the long waits. I guess we were a little surprised that the party was sold out for August 17. I suppose every Disney blogger was there last night as well; we saw lots of serious cameras and sound equipment.
Disney management was everywhere. Many CMs seemed confused when we asked specific questions; first night confusion I guess.
After reading these differing reports of das being instigated or not as the case maybe-
I'm wondering whether to pass on buying tickets?
I'm confused-once again!!
After reading these differing reports of das being instigated or not as the case maybe-
I'm wondering whether to pass on buying tickets?
I'm confused-once again!!

I feel the same. Not sure how much enjoyment our DD will get out of a party. We planned to attend MVMCP in November and I assume you can’t use the DAS for those parties either.
After reading these differing reports of das being instigated or not as the case maybe-
I'm wondering whether to pass on buying tickets?
I'm confused-once again!!

I feel the same. Not sure how much enjoyment our DD will get out of a party. We planned to attend MVMCP in November and I assume you can’t use the DAS for those parties either.

We have done 2 MNSSHP a year since 2006 until 2015. I will say they clearly are selling more tickets now than they did say 6 years or so ago. In 2016 I actually considered not going at all due to the crowds, the longer lines for everything and Disney's not making any changes or upgrades to the party. I felt DS and I were unable to get anything done. He kept asking to go, so in 2016 and 2017 we went to just one party. Both I felt we did much less than previous years.

We will be returning this year, mostly because they seemed to have added some decor and smoke and extra treats. He loves Halloween, costumes, seeing others dressed up and enjoys the atmosphere. We no longer let him trick or treat at home, so this is his chance.

If rides were a priority I absolutely would not be buying the ticket to the party. At this point the party is about parade, fireworks, Hocus Pocus show, treats and overall atmosphere of Halloween.

We do much better ride wise with the use of FP+ during regular hours. Yes the lines might be shorter than during the day for most rides, but due to the crowds they aren't walk on like they were years ago. During the day we use FP+ and DAS and manage rides much better.

It really depends on why you are going and what you hope to accomplish.
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I feel the same. Not sure how much enjoyment our DD will get out of a party. We planned to attend MVMCP in November and I assume you can’t use the DAS for those parties either.
I have gone a few times and just used my DAS a few times to ride 7DMT and space mostly because I was told you could not use it. With this said the party is so much more then the rides the parades fireworks, treaker treating seeing people dressed up I would conceder going even if you do not do the rides.
Ok here is some info based upon my families perspective... 3 kids, 2 of which are special needs with various individual needs and differences.

Disclaimer - we have been to MNSSHP multiple times and are AP holders, so we are somewhat used to what it is and what it isn't.


We are AP holders so were in the park a little early, i think they were allowing MNSSHP ticket holders to enter around 4pm, so it was a good long afternoon if you were only planning on using a hard ticket for that day instead of one of your standard ticket days. They funneled everyone in and then pushed everyone to the right and behind of Mainstreet USA to the bypass road to Tomorrow Land.

This is where they handed out bags and you got your first hit of Candy... strategically placed big bags of M&M's and other similar partnered candies. Most of the Candy pick up points were not out at this time, you can see the red and purple pillars in the distance on the picture above, there designate the candy pick up points around the park (also highlighted on the map they give you). This path takes you towards Tomorrow Land and attempts to loop you around the park anti-clockwise to give guests who are not attending MNSSHP time to exit the park in the same direction on the opposite side of the park. CM's were very stringent in checking hands for bands and ushering people out who were trying to stay.


The lines for characters even at the earliest locations were simply insane. Lines were 50+ people deep within minutes of being in there to line up for Candy, and we are talking store bought small snack pack candy, nothing super special! Although I did like the Dove chocolate, that was a nice touch! The characters were good though, with that said there was no way to FP+ the lines and as above, the lines were insane. We wanted to see the park, get a little candy, check out the shows and parade and then see the new deserts they had this year..... It was not a disappointment!


The parade was awesome, we got great spots in Frontier Land and sat with the kids to watch the show. A couple of new characters... namely Wreck-it Ralph and crew! And the usual suspects in all their glory.... I think the biggest cheer of the night was for a CM who was taking her cleaning cart along the road to check for trash prior to the headless horseman's entry, the crowd went wild! it was very funny....


Our family favorite!!!....

We were there to check out the new desert foods though... here are some shots:





It was all very good and very different!....

Now to the rides, as I stated above, lots of places were simply posting 10 minutes as wait times, we say no FP+ lines open and spoke to a number of different CM's about DAS access. They were pretty consistent and stated that it is down to the various Lands as to how they handle that. They were allowing ECV's and wheelchairs around all the normal lines for the most part. While the signs posted stated 10 mins, we did a little bit of timing and they were more like 20-25mins, give or take. We experienced fewer CM's on the rides coordinating things which slowed things down a little, but overall it wasn't that much of a wait. That said, the lines for characters and some candy spots were just insane. Maybe because it was opening night and everyone was manic? but there was no way we were going to be able to wait 25-35 mins to meet a character. Some of the desert vendors had lines as big as rides too!

The parade was great, the ambiance was great and while it felt busy at times it wasn't as bad as a usual day in the park in my opinion, especially when taking into consideration there were no FP+ lines operating.


We got to ride lots of rides, get lots of candy, see some cool people and shows (parade was awesome) and then we stayed for the fireworks and the night ending castle show... The fireworks were great! However, as a tip, they are shot from behind Fantasy Land and there is limited viewing of that from the side of the castle (think sleepy hollow area) so think ahead when trying to get a spot.


And finally the night ending Sanderson Sisters! Definitely worth staying to watch..


I'll pad this out a little more in the next few days, but I wanted to get something down as its so fresh in my memory... just getting the kids ready and going to jump on the monorail and go play Sorcerers Quest!

We enjoyed it, rode good rides, didn't wait too long, saw some cool characters, ate (too much) good food and enjoyed the show..... However, enjoy it for waht it is, its an bit hectic and an 'experience' as opposed to getting on lots of rides.... but of course you can do that too if you want!

If you want to see some more pictures I tend to upload to my instagram channel.. TheGizmodi so feel free to look there.
No problemo! Hopefully it can help guide others to their decisions!

I'll be posting up the video of the parade in the next few days....
I feel the same. Not sure how much enjoyment our DD will get out of a party. We planned to attend MVMCP in November and I assume you can’t use the DAS for those parties either.

I attended MVMCP in December 2017 and got a DAS shortly after 4 pm when we were let into the park with our party ticket. The CM made sure I understood that I could use the DAS during teh party as well. I said something along the lines of really, I thought you couldn't during the party ? and he confirmed that yes I could, explained how (go to CM at attraction entrance etc) and that if I encountered any problems from a CM to ask them to get their Team Lead and speak to them. We used it a few times and it worked well: we got return times and on return were let in via the FP line.



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