Cruising with active hurricane - tips??!


Mar 5, 2012
Hi all,
Have my eye on the red "x" on the national hurricane centre. Not looking too good for us as we cruise to the Bahamas next week!
Any tips for dealing with this? Already preparing for the possibility for no CC. Will be bringing bonine and ginger candies.

We have been on a DCL cruise during a hurricane and at WDW about to leave while a hurricane was going on.
While on the ship, they just made an announcement about an altered course and we did not go to CC and had an extra day at sea.
Before we left we were given the option to cancel with full refund or to go and they gave us a shipboard credit, changed the entire itinerary and a few other pixie dustings happened on board. I am not saying this will be everyone's experience, but it was ours and we didn't even notice there was a hurricane, even though they closed WDW and we were told to stay in our rooms at the resort, when we would go out for a walk or get in the pool, they would be there within minutes to tell us to go back to our room.
The red "X" is likely to become a tropical depression (right now it's a wave). The next step would be a storm, and after that a hurricane. So it's got a way to go. And the path is not certain. It's possible it will never affect your trip at all. Be prepared but at this point don't get overly concerned. The bonine is a good call regardless, but don't bring candles - they're prohibited.
Disney does a great job at keeping you safe. The sea my be rough but you will not be in any danger. I would make sure and bring flats and no high heals. One of our cruises was a fun cruise and I never felt any sea sickness. The other thing you have to remember is the hurricane can change directions several times before you leave. Have a great cruise.
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My husband and I were on the Fantasy during Hurricane Sandy; missed CC, late docking, amongst the.. Colorful weather outside for the last few days of our cruise. I'm not normally a motion-sick person but I was pretty darn sick and in bed for a good remainder of that trip. This time, I'm making a doctors appointment and requesting patches as well as anti nausea meds, as a precaution. I'd advise checking into this if you know you may have issues-- I was miserable the last three days over no real meds to help me feel better from the swells. At least they show Disney Movies and have Room Service. Good luck, I hope you get your lovely CC day! :beach:
My husband and I were on the Fantasy during Hurricane Sandy; missed CC, late docking, amongst the.. Colorful weather outside for the last few days of our cruise. I'm not normally a motion-sick person but I was pretty darn sick and in bed for a good remainder of that trip. This time, I'm making a doctors appointment and requesting patches as well as anti nausea meds, as a precaution. I'd advise checking into this if you know you may have issues-- I was miserable the last three days over no real meds to help me feel better from the swells. At least they show Disney Movies and have Room Service. Good luck, I hope you get your lovely CC day! :beach:

We were on the Fantasy cruise right after yours. We boarded several hours late, and left Port Canaveral late. The crew was very tired from being up all night because of the storm. DCL kept changing the itinerary on us because of damaged ports. We did make it to CC. The grounds crew worked really hard to clean up the mess, and the only way we could tell there had been a problem was all the brown leaves from the sea water.

ETA There was a RCCL ship due to leave Port Canaveral the same day we did, but they canceled that cruise and offered the passengers a refund and free cruise, or they could use the docked ship as a floating hotel for the week.
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We were on the Fantasy cruise right after yours. We boarded several hours late, and left Port Canaveral late. The crew was very tired from being up all night because of the storm. DCL kept changing the itinerary on us because of damaged ports. We did make it to CC. The grounds crew worked really hard to clean up the mess, and the only way we could tell there had been a problem was all the brown leaves from the sea water.

ETA There was a RCCL ship due to leave Port Canaveral the same day we did, but they canceled that cruise and offered the passengers a refund and free cruise, or they could use the docked ship as a floating hotel for the week.

I felt SO bad for them. Our normal server had told us there was a lot of flooding in their cabins at night and they were up all night bringing the water out in literal buckets. Everyone was so miserable, staff and visitors, alike. :(

That was super nice of RC. Our Captain tried to be as nice as Disney allows and offered 20% off our next cruise. There were a lot of unhappy campers, regardless.
On the off chance that the Capt says we need you to do this for your safety,.DO IT. The ships are designed to take much worse then what the Fantasy and Anthem went thru. If the Capt says stay in your cabin, it's not an invitation to go complain at gs, or sleep in the atrium. Also, take anything on your flat surfaces and out it in a drawer or closet. As posted above, the Capts will do everything they can to keep the ship in calm waters. Unfortunately despite what the weather gussers think of themselves they get it wrong and the ships get a little more lively motion then what should be. The Capts won't deliberately put the ships in harms way. They will look at what the present fact are and make a decision. A eastern may become a western. CC could come first. There really is no perfect answer until it happens and the capt says this is too close for comfort this is waht well do.
We're on the Fantasy (Eastern) this Saturday. Being from the UK I have no idea what to look out for on sites like the National Hurricane Centre. Is this something to be worried about??
They have a hard time predicting where Hurricanes will head--even one day out.

And hopefully if there is one the Cruise Line will exercise due caution.

Just because the ships can "take it" does not mean they should try....

Not much comfort coming back from a cruise where you are tossed around like a salad and then saying--"well she didn't roll over or sink"!!
We're on the Fantasy (Eastern) this Saturday. Being from the UK I have no idea what to look out for on sites like the National Hurricane Centre. Is this something to be worried about??

No need to worry about it since you can't do anything about it. Just bring some Bonine just in case you need it. Enjoy your cruise
I'll try not to worry lol! I have no idea on hurricanes and how they work being from the UK where our weather can be described as pretty normal, and this combined with our upcoming cruise being our first was what got me worried! I've since found the website mentioned in the original post so I'll keep an eye on that and hope it goes by without a problem! Good to know that it wouldn't affect anything though apart from a possible change of itinary.
Here's our experience:

We sailed on the now infamous 2004 Magic cruise -- the first ever Disney cruise to become a 10-day and first ever Disney stop in Galveston. Hurricane Francis was coming and Disney got us out of port and to CC so we could get out of the area in time. We missed Key West and headed straight for our western Caribbean itinerary.

The first 7-days were a fine normal cruise without a hitch and smooth seas. But what happened was Disney got word that PC was in the heart of the storm (some parking lots were swamped) and we could not return there and would have to extend the cruise a day or two. Well, we were quite stunned at the reaction of some of the passengers. Hysteria doesn't begin to describe some of the scenes we saw. And most of it was based around the fact that their kids would be missing the first day of school (this was over Labor Day weekend and our return date was that Saturday).

So we stayed out at sea the next day, and this was the only time in 15 cruises that while out at sea, we saw more than a dozen other cruise ships puttering around waiting to find out where they could go. Never seen that many ships around us at one time.

Disney made an announcement that they would be stopping at Galveston the next day to stock up on supplies, and had gotten permission to allow passengers to leave the ship for the day. This was awesome since many had "cabin fever" and were stressing. We loved Galveston and the welcome was amazing. Because they had never had a Disney ship before, we were told that the Mayor called all the ship owners and everyone in town to be ready for our arrival. The marching band was there to greet us, as well as dignitaries and all the store owners were open and ready! It was just lovely. However, Disney had also made an announcement the night before our arrival that they were providing transportation to anyone who wanted to go to the Houston airport and try to get a flight home since Disney did not know how much longer it would be before we could return to Florida. Disney announced that once at the airport, you would be on your own though for flight connections, etc. Since so many people were trying to get out of the surrounding areas, we found out later that the airport was swamped and many ended up sleeping at the airport overnight anyway.

And more mass hysteria when that announcement was made -- we saw grown women on the floor crying about what to do, we saw men yelling about "why did you give us this alternative -- now we don't know whether to chance it", etc. etc. We stood in the atrium in amazement at some of the behavior we were seeing -- especially because we were safe and dry -- but I don't think it would have been so bad if it weren't that the time was so close to school openings for many.

Seeing the mass panic about "what to do, what to do", my DH said it was a no brainer -- stay on the ship because we knew Disney would take care of us and we were safe and had a place to sleep and food to eat. The next day, Labor Day, Disney announced that we would not be able to return to PC at all and had to dock at Port Everglades near Fort Lauderdale. They asked for everyone's flight info, whether booked through Disney or not, and they worked with the airlines to reschedule everyone's flights for that Wednesday. The Magic docked at the port on Tuesday and told us we were allowed to stay onboard overnight and that buses would take us back to Orlando airport for our flights on Wednesday. We got to dock bow to bow with the Wonder and they had a ship's horn sound off which was amazing and everyone on both ships were cheering. Only time we have ever been docked with another Disney ship.

The next morning we all disembarked and headed for our assigned buses. Unfortunately, our particular bus had a very inconsiderate family who, when we stopped for a very quick rest stop for bathroom only, they decided to go to Burger King and buy mounds of food -- keeping us all waiting. As a result, our bus didn't make it to the airport for us to catch our flight! But Disney reps were waiting and put us all up at Dixie Landings for the night and gave us food vouchers and free Meers transport the next day (this was before Magic Express). The damage at the resorts was extensive -- trees down and tree branches in the pools, debris everywhere, etc.

My daughter ended up missing the first two days of school and we missed there extra days of work -- but the care and consideration we were given were top notch.

But let me end by adding a fabulous fact that I love to tell others. One of the teacher's at my daughter's school was in the same situation, but on RCCL. She told horror stories about how they were not only running out of breakfast foods, ice, drinks, but also running out of clean towels because for some reason they couldn't do laundry. When Disney stopped at Galveston to "stock up", we found out they had also arranged to fly in more entertainment from L.A. We ended up with two new entertainment acts for the next two nights!

We also sailed on the Magic through PC and sailed through Hurricane Hillary in 2005 -- but that's another story LOL
Red Sox 68- what an ordeal!!! I think you had an awesome attitude about your trip! I hope our sailing turns out to have no rough patches, but if it does I will remember what you went through!

I am definitely getting a laugh out of the fact that the "red x" is now a storm called Gaston!
Red Sox 68- what an ordeal!!! I think you had an awesome attitude about your trip! I hope our sailing turns out to have no rough patches, but if it does I will remember what you went through!

I am definitely getting a laugh out of the fact that the "red x" is now a storm called Gaston!

Hey, we were together and safe, and got an extra three days cruising.
Not a hurricane but we definitely had some rougher than normal seas on our repo cruise from San Diego to Vancouver as we headed towards San Francisco. 50 knot winds over the bow, a lot of creaking, boat movement. Unfortunately, there wasn't an option of just changing the itinerary and going to calmer waters as there weren't really any, and we had to be docked at San Francisco the next morning by 8, and in Vancouver by the following Monday. Maybe I'm strange, but I would love the adventure (knowing we are in safe) of hurricane weather, even if the seas are rough. I was in St. John's, Newfoundland about 10 years ago when a hurricane just passed west of us. That was crazy wind and rain!
Hopefully, the present storm fades out . . . I think there have been enough bad hurricanes in the American south and east for a while and they deserve a break.
As a local FL person, we of course, watch the storms closely. I live in the Tampa area and this is the site I use to watch the storms.

The ships will do all they can to avoid rough seas, storms etc. Which could mean a completely different route/itinerary as expected.

Locally, right now they are stating that it's way too early to say if a storm is indeed coming towards FL/Caribbean. If it does, it will be on the Sunday/Monday (Aug 29th/30th) time frame. Only one model wants to develop it and they are unsure at this point.
Check the site daily and then starting close to your trip, check several times a day. I believe the Hurricane Hunters fly over the storms about 4 times per day and give updates morning, early afternoon, evening and overnight.


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