Cruise and Theme Park Operational Updates due to Coronavirus

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And so are almost all attractions to some extent at DLR.

Personally, the difference seems negligible to me. Any other venue or business that is closed could equally open with rules in place. Bars being table service only, other venues 25% capacity with distance markers to assist.

Ultimately CA numbers are still too high and so gov is slowly reopening and seeing how that affects numbers. Most visitors would be coming from a purple zone. Should they be going to Disney when numbers are still too high to open schools? Probably not.

No one is sitting on The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, drinking alcohol and sitting within close proximity of others for hours on end. Comparing any attraction in DL to sitting in a school building or bar for hours on end is apples and oranges. In my state, zoos and theme parks were open before schools were open because they are, by far and large, an outdoor experience with people moving from one location to another within a short period of time.
Except that it’s politics driving Newsom’s decisions so I think fair Disney point out how this kinda nonsense is effecting real ppl.
WDW and UO have shown that theme parks can be opened safely. It’s merely a matter that Newsom doesn’t want his states economy to start a recovery quite yet. Disney was correct in pointing out to their cast members that they are ready to follow reasonable guidelines and reopen. It’s horrible that politics have come in to play when there are tens of thousands of Californians who desperately want to get back to work but aren’t allowed.
the show is around 30 and we don't know if they have made changes to the show or the concept of the sing along, we'll find out Monday. The BatB sing along has been playing in France since reopening, granted I haven't been to it since it did, not sure if they are still encouraging people to sing along
We were there in August and they were still encouraging people to sing along 🎵 :earsgirl:
There was few parties inside, it felt very safe.
I hope everyone can take the energy they’re putting into having the same argument over and over again and put that energy into helping these CMs in need. They’re the reason that we all the love the parks so much, and so many of them are struggling right now. For those so worried about the effects of closures and lockdowns on the local economies, here’s your chance to put your money where your mouth is.

Disney Tourist Blog has set up a team through Second Harvest. Here’s the link. They’ve already got $30,000 raised and are still accepting more donations, so I hope everyone gives what they can. For those who have employers who will match charitable contributions, this organization would be applicable for most companies’ donation matching programs, so I’d look into that.

I’ll plug this again: there’s also the Cast Member Pantry. Here’s the DIS article that’s been posted before with more information. They have an Amazon Pantry Wish List and also a Venmo account, so if you can only donate a dollar, there’s still a way to help. I’ve heard first hand from several CMs about how helpful the Pantry has been and they’re working on setting up something in Anaheim for affected DLR CMs.

While I know many are not in ideal financial positions, if it is within your means to help out, please do. If you’re going to WDW this year, consider taking the money you would’ve spent on PH, CL, adding a 8, 9, or 10th day to your ticket, an AP upgrade, or DDP and putting it towards one of these causes. For those who postponed trips, consider taking a little of that money you set aside for the trip and putting it towards one of these causes. If you don’t fall into any of those categories, please help out in any way I can. Like I said, you can donate literally a dollar to the CM Pantry.

This is so much more productive and helpful than rehashing the same argument over and over again. Like I said, if you’re concerned about the economic effects of all this, here’s your chance to help make a difference on that front.
I hope everyone can take the energy they’re putting into having the same argument over and over again and put that energy into helping these CMs in need. They’re the reason that we all the love the parks so much, and so many of them are struggling right now. For those so worried about the effects of closures and lockdowns on the local economies, here’s your chance to put your money where your mouth is.

Disney Tourist Blog has set up a team through Second Harvest. Here’s the link. They’ve already got $30,000 raised and are still accepting more donations, so I hope everyone gives what they can. For those who have employers who will match charitable contributions, this organization would be applicable for most companies’ donation matching programs, so I’d look into that.

I’ll plug this again: there’s also the Cast Member Pantry. Here’s the DIS article that’s been posted before with more information. They have an Amazon Pantry Wish List and also a Venmo account, so if you can only donate a dollar, there’s still a way to help. I’ve heard first hand from several CMs about how helpful the Pantry has been and they’re working on setting up something in Anaheim for affected DLR CMs.

While I know many are not in ideal financial positions, if it is within your means to help out, please do. If you’re going to WDW this year, consider taking the money you would’ve spent on PH, CL, adding a 8, 9, or 10th day to your ticket, an AP upgrade, or DDP and putting it towards one of these causes. For those who postponed trips, consider taking a little of that money you set aside for the trip and putting it towards one of these causes. If you don’t fall into any of those categories, please help out in any way I can. Like I said, you can donate literally a dollar to the CM Pantry.

This is so much more productive and helpful than rehashing the same argument over and over again. Like I said, if you’re concerned about the economic effects of all this, here’s your chance to help make a difference on that front.

Thank you. I donated. Over the years I have so many great memories due to the cast members it’s literally the least I can do.

Hopefully things will get back to normal sooner than later.
And so are almost all attractions to some extent at DLR.

Personally, the difference seems negligible to me. Any other venue or business that is closed could equally open with rules in place. Bars being table service only, other venues 25% capacity with distance markers to assist.

Ultimately CA numbers are still too high and so gov is slowly reopening and seeing how that affects numbers. Most visitors would be coming from a purple zone. Should they be going to Disney when numbers are still too high to open schools? Probably not.
WDW and UO did it successfully. WDW's opening time corresponded with a huge spike in FL. DLR can have the same high standards as the other parks have and do it successfully IMO (at this point).

WDW and UO also have a lot of indoor attractions as well and also indoor queues to get to these attractions. For the most part, they've managed this well by keeping lines moving. I stood on lines (looking at length) would have taken hours to get through normally, but it was fast because they kept moving; social distancing markers are in place, and people were wearing masks.

Today I went to an outdoor venue about an hour from where I live (farm that held a fall festival/built a corn maze). We haven't gone out like this except our FL trip in August. Today the farm was well attended. Reservations, staggered entries, and signage for social distance. Many people wore masks even though it's100% outdoors. Very happy to see this business can stay open, hopefully, profitable, and keep their employees working.
Meanwhile Paris has just been put on maximum covid alert level. New measures to be announced tomorrow but likely to be all bars and restaurants to close.

Not clear how that will affect DLP, they may just be outside the lockdown area.
I hope everyone can take the energy they’re putting into having the same argument over and over again and put that energy into helping these CMs in need. They’re the reason that we all the love the parks so much, and so many of them are struggling right now. For those so worried about the effects of closures and lockdowns on the local economies, here’s your chance to put your money where your mouth is.

Disney Tourist Blog has set up a team through Second Harvest. Here’s the link. They’ve already got $30,000 raised and are still accepting more donations, so I hope everyone gives what they can. For those who have employers who will match charitable contributions, this organization would be applicable for most companies’ donation matching programs, so I’d look into that.

I’ll plug this again: there’s also the Cast Member Pantry. Here’s the DIS article that’s been posted before with more information. They have an Amazon Pantry Wish List and also a Venmo account, so if you can only donate a dollar, there’s still a way to help. I’ve heard first hand from several CMs about how helpful the Pantry has been and they’re working on setting up something in Anaheim for affected DLR CMs.

While I know many are not in ideal financial positions, if it is within your means to help out, please do. If you’re going to WDW this year, consider taking the money you would’ve spent on PH, CL, adding a 8, 9, or 10th day to your ticket, an AP upgrade, or DDP and putting it towards one of these causes. For those who postponed trips, consider taking a little of that money you set aside for the trip and putting it towards one of these causes. If you don’t fall into any of those categories, please help out in any way I can. Like I said, you can donate literally a dollar to the CM Pantry.

This is so much more productive and helpful than rehashing the same argument over and over again. Like I said, if you’re concerned about the economic effects of all this, here’s your chance to help make a difference on that front.

Just donated via the Amazon wishlist - thank you for sharing!
Today The Studios in Disneyland Paris will start with reduced opening hours 11am - 4pm during the week.
Also many restaurants and smaller shops are closed.

From ED92 (Fermé means closed in French ;-) ) Below video looks worse than it is, it includes restaurants and shops in the hotels that were closed already. At the moment 2 hotels are open, 1 value and 1 moderate.

And also news from the city of Paris (so not the park), bars will close for 2 weeks. And restaurants need to put extra sanitary measures in place.
WDW and UO have shown that theme parks can be opened safely. It’s merely a matter that Newsom doesn’t want his states economy to start a recovery quite yet. Disney was correct in pointing out to their cast members that they are ready to follow reasonable guidelines and reopen. It’s horrible that politics have come in to play when there are tens of thousands of Californians who desperately want to get back to work but aren’t allowed.

When I look closely at the numbers I am not convinced WDW and UO have proven theme parks can be opened safely. I wouldn’t be surprised if Newsom has folks delving through numbers in more detail than I am. It is horrible that politics are in play. And I don’t envy any of the governors attempting to balance lives, lasting illnesses, and economic consequences in their decisions.
When I look closely at the numbers I am not convinced WDW and UO have proven theme parks can be opened safely. I wouldn’t be surprised if Newsom has folks delving through numbers in more detail than I am. It is horrible that politics are in play. And I don’t envy any of the governors attempting to balance lives, lasting illnesses, and economic consequences in their decisions.

I'm curious - how are you reaching this conclusion that they aren't showing safe opening plans?
When I look closely at the numbers I am not convinced WDW and UO have proven theme parks can be opened safely. I wouldn’t be surprised if Newsom has folks delving through numbers in more detail than I am. It is horrible that politics are in play. And I don’t envy any of the governors attempting to balance lives, lasting illnesses, and economic consequences in their decisions.
What numbers are you looking at that makes you think outbreaks have been coming from the theme parks? Or even proven cases from theme parks?
What numbers are you looking at that makes you think outbreaks have been coming from the theme parks? Or even proven cases from theme parks?

Yeah when you look at stuff at least for Florida the 7-Day average positive cases found has dropped almost 80% since WDW opened. 7-Day average Positivity rate in Florida has also dropped around 40% since the parks have opened.

I would think it's fair to say they haven't been major contributors at the same time, but they aren't without localized cases for sure. Yes, they are high risk activities but the safety measures they currently have in place are good enough to minimize the possibility of the parks being super spreader locales.

Sorry for going on virus #s but I've been tracking them for my Nov trip as far as what my state requires when returning from travel.
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Cases a day....Illinois has over 2,000 cases a day for a couple months now - yet the hospitalizations and ICU have stayed flat, the entire time. We had big spike in May during our first wave, but we've never got back to that. And we are opening up more and more. Masks are required here.
Something is happening that hospitalizations aren't sky-rocketing - either weaker strain (just a guess, not proven at all), at risk people not getting exposed or better treatments now, but I digress.

California has pretty crazy standards for their reopening guidelines and it's going to be next to impossible for anyone to meet those metrics.
I can't see how Disneyland can open and not lose money in the process.

also just more testing - in the past it was hard to get a tes so you had to have a pretty bad case to get tested vs now anyone can get tested (basically) even if just a concern or only mild symptoms, etc.
I hope everyone can take the energy they’re putting into having the same argument over and over again and put that energy into helping these CMs in need. They’re the reason that we all the love the parks so much, and so many of them are struggling right now. For those so worried about the effects of closures and lockdowns on the local economies, here’s your chance to put your money where your mouth is.

Disney Tourist Blog has set up a team through Second Harvest. Here’s the link. They’ve already got $30,000 raised and are still accepting more donations, so I hope everyone gives what they can. For those who have employers who will match charitable contributions, this organization would be applicable for most companies’ donation matching programs, so I’d look into that.

I’ll plug this again: there’s also the Cast Member Pantry. Here’s the DIS article that’s been posted before with more information. They have an Amazon Pantry Wish List and also a Venmo account, so if you can only donate a dollar, there’s still a way to help. I’ve heard first hand from several CMs about how helpful the Pantry has been and they’re working on setting up something in Anaheim for affected DLR CMs.

While I know many are not in ideal financial positions, if it is within your means to help out, please do. If you’re going to WDW this year, consider taking the money you would’ve spent on PH, CL, adding a 8, 9, or 10th day to your ticket, an AP upgrade, or DDP and putting it towards one of these causes. For those who postponed trips, consider taking a little of that money you set aside for the trip and putting it towards one of these causes. If you don’t fall into any of those categories, please help out in any way I can. Like I said, you can donate literally a dollar to the CM Pantry.

This is so much more productive and helpful than rehashing the same argument over and over again. Like I said, if you’re concerned about the economic effects of all this, here’s your chance to help make a difference on that front.

I'd also add that a number of (former) CMs have etsy and other shops open as a way of getting some income now. I know a number of social media outlets are sharing links to these places (I know I have been doing it on my personal social media and promoting on my own podcast, etc. ... not sure if ok to include links here since external sites/marketing/sales)

Thinking with the holidays not too far off, something to consider buying things from people in need vs big box store
When I look closely at the numbers I am not convinced WDW and UO have proven theme parks can be opened safely. I wouldn’t be surprised if Newsom has folks delving through numbers in more detail than I am. It is horrible that politics are in play. And I don’t envy any of the governors attempting to balance lives, lasting illnesses, and economic consequences in their decisions.
Please. It’s not about looking deeper into numbers when you’re ghosting every major theme park in the state.
I disagree with this. California still has more than 2.5k cases a day, and New York was even stricter than they were, and now is virtually back to semi- normal. People who want the economy open blame those governers, not the federal government.

I think there is plenty of "blame" to go around ... clearly this event has shown the pwoer the governors have, but if there was more of a nationally coordinated effort things might have worked better as well.

Lots of blame - and lessons learned - at all levels
I'd also add that a number of (former) CMs have etsy and other shops open as a way of getting some income now. I know a number of social media outlets are sharing links to these places (I know I have been doing it on my personal social media and promoting on my own podcast, etc. ... not sure if ok to include links here since external sites/marketing/sales)

Thinking with the holidays not too far off, something to consider buying things from people in need vs big box store

YES! I have always supported small shops for my Disney fix. 90% of my Disney gear comes from Etsy or others that I follow on Instagram.
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