Cruise and Theme Park Operational Updates due to Coronavirus

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Who said theyre going to return to being busy soon?

Why would you increase capacity when the buckets are filled? By then its already too late. You’re telling people no at the gates even though you can fit more people in. You cant change the capacity with a days notice. You increase the capacity so your CMs are prepared for when more people do show up. That’s like saying I should only put gas in my car when its on empty. As long as I can make it to where I need to go, why put more gas in my car than I need, right? 🤦‍♂️
Since they know well in advance when all buckets will be full cause of the reservation system. Increase when reservations start going up. So when they get a week or 2 of close to full capacity then increase it. They are along way from increasing capacity right now. Right now adding more capacity would only be more AP holders in the parks. That's not what they want.
Since they know well in advance when all buckets will be full cause of the reservation system. Increase when reservations start going up. So when they get a week or 2 of close to full capacity then increase it. They are along way from increasing capacity right now. Right now adding more capacity would only be more AP holders in the parks. That's not what they want.

Why is that not what they want? How do you know thats not what they want? Please source that because thats a wild claim to make. Just because Chapek stated what we’ve known for years, Vacationers spend more money than APs, that doesn’t mean they “dont want them”. Find me an AP that has never spent a dime in the parks. They still spend money in the parks. Allowing more APs in wouldn’t cost Disney money. They dont have to add many CMs, if any at all if they increase capacity by 2,000 guests. The reason why they havent added capacity yet, or probably wont for the next month or two is because the state isnt out of the eye of the storm yet. If cases are still declining in a month, the state goes 2-3 weeks with 5% positivity or below, they’ll probably increase capacity. Again, THIS DOESNT MEAN THEY WILL FILL THAT CAPACITY OR EVEN NEED TO. It means they’re at a point where IF they get more guests, they feel comfortable being able to handle the extra guests.
That’s why its called a “Phased Reopening”. They’re not going to go from ~10,000 guest capacity to ~30,000 at DHS over night and let things get out of control. It’ll be a few thousand at a time. As I said, eventually theyre going to increase the capacity, and I’d bet money on it being before everyone in the country is comfortable with being around crowds of people. I hope those people in IG aren’t thinking that Disney is going to be “uncrowded” forever. Its going to go back to being busy. Not tomorrow, not next week, but it will be back to pre-pandemic crowds. Enjoy the empty parks, but dont get too used to them. The crowds now are much different than what they were a month ago today. They might be less this time next month than they are right now. But a hypothetical capacity number increasing only means more potential dollars for them. Worst case? They make the same amount they would without increasing the capacity
Crowding at DHS is already an issue inside the entrance early morning with everyone there trying to get into a BG. They need to solve that before they allow even more people into that situation by increasing capacity.
For some reason this news is so upsetting to me.
We learned in Chicago that 5,000 of our restaurants will be closed permanently. 5,000.

My initial fear of covid has been well surpassed by my fear/sadness of our economic future. I know that's upsetting to some but to me our bleak future is worse.
I really do worry for the future of Disney, Universal, Vegas, all of tourism if people continue to stay home.
Not to mention people's livelihoods.god, what would happen to Orlando?

I feel like most people would eventually be okay with masks and social distancing, if it meant we could start living again!
But I fear we are being ruled by those who think nothing should happen at all. Nothing should open, masks or not. And I dont understand why.

Gah. Bad day.
Masks are not guaranteed protection though and neither is social distancing. It reduces risk but doesn't eliminate it.

Those measures allow people to do what they feel is essential or want to risk.

People need to accept that for many, that involves doing a lot less now, including restaurants and theme parks. You cannot force people to go out and do what they feel is unsafe. Unfortunately as has been said many times, this is the "new normal" for now and probably until a vaccine is widely available.
Crowding at DHS is already an issue inside the entrance early morning with everyone there trying to get into a BG. They need to solve that before they allow even more people into that situation by increasing capacity.
Is it? When I was there everyone dispersed immediately throughout the park, some attempting to complete a ride on one of the attractions before 10am. I didn’t see any congregating.
So just returned from a 9 day CR stay .I thought all temp check/security checks/limited restaurant seating/social distancing went smoothly. We have been to Disney numerous times so most changes didn’t bother us. We ate at 16 TS and felt comfortable at all of them . I thought tables were nicely spaced and servers were fantastic. CM were terrific , loved the new surprises of pop up parades and character sightings. The pool was patrolled and chair cleaning was constantly occurring. We didn’t mind the less housekeeping visits .
It was astounding how empty the parks were. Loved the empty buses too. This was definitely a different vacation for us but by far the most fabulous we have had. Riding our favorite rides multiple times because they were walk on was very memorable.
Hand gel was plentiful and masks were bearable in the heat . Out of nine days only once did I read hot for a temp on a return to MK late in the afternoon heat for a TS. They checked behind my ear and I was fine.
The CM’s were extremely pleasant.
CR was wonderful, only the coffee shop was closed. All other food options were open .
We order groceries from GG which bell service held and then delivered to our room .
Let us know if you will be doing a trip report. I would love to hop over there and read it.
Latest news from Disneyland Paris:
- The city of Paris has been put back in the 'red zone' by the French government, at the moment no impact for Disneyland Paris
- Tomorrow there should be an official announcement about delaying the reopening of certain hotels. From the start Cheyenne and New Port Bay were open, Santa Fe reopened last week.
Disneyland Hotel due to open on the 7th September will now open 8th December 2020
Disney’s Hotel Cheyenne which opened in July will close on the 1st October 2020 and reopen 1st March 2021.
Disney’s Sequoia Lodge was not given a reopening date, will now reopen 1st May 2021.
Disney’s Davy Crockett Ranch will not reopen at this time.
Disney’s Hotel New York: The Art of Marvel will open 8th March 2021.
Disney’s Newport Bay Club and Disney’s Hotel Santa Fé will remain open as normal.

- And the UK has put France on the quarantine-upon-return-list, and so did France for the UK. So for the time being, my guess, hardly any guests from the UK at DLP.

But there is also good news, the show The Lion King - Rhythm of the Pridelands (a mix of the animation and the broadway show) has reopened today at the Chapparel Theater with limited capacity. Reservations are made via Lineberty (4 shows a day). Next week Jungle Book Jive will reopen as well, but in the Studios instead of Disneyland park,. It will move to the Stunt Show theater and will also use Lineberty to reserve your spots. I am so excited for this, as one of the downsides of Jungle Book Jive in Disneyland Park at the hub was getting a good spot. With the theater it should be easier to see it once and have a good view of the entire show.

Hope all will go well the nex two weeks as I have a 2nd visit planned since reopening for beginning of September :)

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Latest news from Disneyland Paris:
- The city of Paris has been put back in the 'red zone' by the French government, at the moment no impact for Disneyland Paris
- Tomorrow there should be an official announcement about delaying the reopening of certain hotels. From the start Cheyenne and New Port Bay were open, Santa Fe reopened last week.
Disneyland Hotel due to open on the 7th September will now open 8th December 2020
Disney’s Hotel Cheyenne which opened in July will close on the 1st October 2020 and reopen 1st March 2021.
Disney’s Sequoia Lodge was not given a reopening date, will now reopen 1st May 2021.
Disney’s Davy Crockett Ranch will not reopen at this time.
Disney’s Hotel New York: The Art of Marvel will open 8th March 2021.
Disney’s Newport Bay Club and Disney’s Hotel Santa Fé will remain open as normal.

- And the UK has put France on the quarantine-upon-return-list, and so did France for the UK. So for the time being, my guess, hardly any guests from the UK at DLP.

But there is also good news, the show The Lion King - Rhythm of the Pridelands (a mix of the animation and the broadway show) has reopened today at the Chapparel Theater with limited capacity. Reservations are made via Lineberty (4 shows a day). Next week Jungle Book Jive will reopen as well, but in the Studios instead of Disneyland park,. It will move to the Stunt Show theater and will also use Lineberty to reserve your spots. I am so excited for this, as one of the downsides of Jungle Book Jive in Disneyland Park at the hub was getting a good spot. With the theater it should be easier to see it once and have a good view of the entire show.

Hope all will go well the nex two weeks as I have a 2nd visit planned since reopening for beginning of September :)

I don't think I've seen such a comprehensive update for DLP in a single post. Thanks and hope you get to enjoy your trip.
I don't think I've seen such a comprehensive update for DLP in a single post. Thanks and hope you get to enjoy your trip.
There hasn't been a lot of news lately about Paris. They reopened and that was it, :)

There are some more topics about the entire crisis in the DLP section of the Dis. this one about the reopening:
I'm just saying, I wish people would adhere to and also BE COMFORTABLE with the idea that masks and social distancing is what we need to do to start opening up again.
Because I think it's both sides - those who won't wear the masks and those who have such a fear of Covid that are contributing to this issue. Sorry if that offends people.

I’ve now seen it all. I thought people generally agreed that everyone should make their own risk assessment and only do what they’re comfortable with. Now we’re comparing people who are being careful to people who aren’t mask compliant? Shaming people for doing what they can to stop the spread? This is as bad as shaming people for traveling!

You do realize that because some people stay home and refrain from doing certain things, it makes going out and social distancing more feasible, right?

Masks and distancing are vital to reducing transmission, but they’re not a 100% guarantee. Eating meals in public is certainly an issue for me. I wouldn’t want to bring my kids to the park all day because I’m not comfortable with mask removal around other people, and especially indoors, where we’d prefer to eat during the hotter months. I’m also not comfortable with the number of high touch surfaces everywhere. Things are sanitized, but not after every guest.

I am very pro mask and social distancing because they do reduce transmission. but there is inherent risk in doing anything in a crowd right now. I’m also definitely not comfortable flying, and for a road trip, I’m definitely not comfortable stopping at a roadside motel or driving 24+ hours without stopping.

We still have no idea what the long term effects of covid are. This is personally challenging for me as a parent of young children, one of whom is high risk. It certainly frames our view of the risk and what is safe and what is not. What is worth doing, and what is not for us.

We already know much more now about how to treat covid and mitigate the spread than we did in March. Even if there is not ever a vaccine, more time likely means better treatment options, more information about how to manage long term impacts, etc. Not everyone avoiding certain situations is going to live under a rock forever. Some people are just more patient and want to see how things evolve before diving back in.

Before, it was Disney needs to open up because I want to go. If you’re not comfortable, stay home. Now it’s Disney is open and everyone should feel comfortable going?

If you feel going to Disney is the right choice for you, fantastic! Go and have a blast! It’s just not going to be for everyone. And that should be ok.
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I’ve now seen it all. I thought people generally agreed that everyone should make their own risk assessment and only do what they’re comfortable with. Now we’re comparing people who are being careful to people who aren’t mask compliant? Shaming people for doing what they can to stop the spread? This is as bad as shaming people for traveling!

You do realize that because some people stay home and refrain from doing certain things, it makes going out and social distancing more feasible, right?

Masks and distancing are vital to reducing transmission, but they’re not a 100% guarantee. Eating meals in public is certainly an issue for me. I wouldn’t want to bring my kids to the park all day because I’m not comfortable with mask removal around other people, and especially indoors, where we’d prefer to eat during the hotter months. I’m also not comfortable with the number of high touch surfaces everywhere. Things are sanitized, but not after every guest.

I am very pro mask and social distancing because they do reduce transmission. but there is inherent risk in doing anything in a crowd right now. I’m also definitely not comfortable flying, and for a road trip, I’m definitely not comfortable stopping at a roadside motel or driving 24+ hours without stopping.

We still have no idea what the long term effects of covid are. This is personally challenging for me as a parent of young children, one of whom is high risk. It certainly frames our view of the risk and what is safe and what is not. What is worth doing, and what is not for us.

We already know much more now about how to treat covid and mitigate the spread than we did in March. Even if there is not ever a vaccine, more time likely means better treatment options, more information about how to manage long term impacts, etc. Not everyone avoiding certain situations is going to live under a rock for ever. Some people are just more patient and want to see how things evolve before diving back in.

Before, it was Disney needs to open up because I want to go. If you’re not comfortable, stay home. Now it’s Disney is open and everyone should feel comfortable going?

If you feel going to Disney is the right choice for you, fantastic! Go and have a blast! It’s just not going to be for everyone. And that should be ok.

Not what I was saying at all. I couldn't care less if people decide they don't want to go out. No one should feel bad about any choice they make - for themselves.

I do feel some people who aren't comfortable yet to venture out are still demanding things stay closed and try to guilt those who do choose to do things they are allowed to do.
Not just Disney either. Movie theaters are opening and people aren't happy about it...

And my whole point of my posts last night is I think those who are comfortable to follow rules, wear mask, social distance and frequent establishments where they are allowed are being made to feel guilty for doing so, thus not going and those businesses aren't going to make it. Or those who won't wear masks will make it so we have to shut down again.
That's my fear. Obviously a lot of other factors play into this too.

The problem is we can't have reasonable discussions because as with everything, people pick one side and that's that! And if you voice a different opinion, even in the slightest, you are dismissed as not caring about people. Or you don't care about people's freedoms. And then probably put on ignore! :D

Would love to discuss further but can't in this thread and I respect that.
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If they increase capacity they really need to open more food options and ride capacity. We've seen how long the lines are already getting on weekends. So I don't think it's smart to increase capacity before doing those things or some people won't feel safe and others (the out of state "spenders") won't come because they have to wait too long to ride.
Went to Sea World last night for their Electric Ocean event, this is usually held all Summer with food booths, dancers, live performances a special Sea Lions show and fireworks. Basically all the elements are still there just in a more condensed form.
Arrived at 6pm, parked right next to the entrance, temp check is just a walk by, they have the camera that senses people's temp and there are 2 ambassadors monitoring the screen, bag check at SW is a joke, but it was less than 30 sec so I'm not complaining.
Wacthed Sea Lions Tonite, exclusive to the event and my favorite show, they are so good at social distancing their guests in theaters, along with ambassadors holding signs reminding people to keep their masks on they had a spiel before the show every 5 min reminding people to do so. Also they let out the theater in sections so not everyone just gets up and goes.
Headed to Orca encounter (my least favorite show but people love watching it on stream) and a huge lightning storm hit so the show was eventually cancelled. Headed to seaport, their main area for the event and at 8:30pm they had turned off the music so I was convinced the fireworks at 9pm would not be happening, started heading out and decided to spend some time in the dolphin nursery, the dolphins love looking at us, they were just at the glass looking back, all of a sudden the music came back on, so I headed back to the main area and saw a duo jumping on seesaws, very cool, the dancers have light on masks on along with fun hula hoops. Everyone stayed distanced, they have markers all around this area to help out with that.
At 9pm fireworks launched and this is, by no means, Disney quality show, but I didn't expect to get emotional watching fireworks again.
SW leaves their fireworks markers out all day, on the ground, I truly believe Disney can do the same and they just choose not to to save money, I'm not faulting Disney I'm just saying it can be done, no castle projections there are so many spots that on regular, super crowded days are empty to watch the fireworks.
Leaving after the fireworks was great, a lot of ambassadors screaming, reminding people to keep their masks on until they were in their cars. Of course did have the family that was not wearing a masks yell back "shut up" ugh.
Today starts SW Draft Beer Festival, their bar by the water was busy last night, but each group distanced, with the music and the lights and the nighttime feel it was great to have that party atmosphere again
I’ve now seen it all. I thought people generally agreed that everyone should make their own risk assessment and only do what they’re comfortable with. Now we’re comparing people who are being careful to people who aren’t mask compliant? Shaming people for doing what they can to stop the spread? This is as bad as shaming people for traveling!

You do realize that because some people stay home and refrain from doing certain things, it makes going out and social distancing more feasible, right?

Masks and distancing are vital to reducing transmission, but they’re not a 100% guarantee. Eating meals in public is certainly an issue for me. I wouldn’t want to bring my kids to the park all day because I’m not comfortable with mask removal around other people, and especially indoors, where we’d prefer to eat during the hotter months. I’m also not comfortable with the number of high touch surfaces everywhere. Things are sanitized, but not after every guest.

I am very pro mask and social distancing because they do reduce transmission. but there is inherent risk in doing anything in a crowd right now. I’m also definitely not comfortable flying, and for a road trip, I’m definitely not comfortable stopping at a roadside motel or driving 24+ hours without stopping.

We still have no idea what the long term effects of covid are. This is personally challenging for me as a parent of young children, one of whom is high risk. It certainly frames our view of the risk and what is safe and what is not. What is worth doing, and what is not for us.

We already know much more now about how to treat covid and mitigate the spread than we did in March. Even if there is not ever a vaccine, more time likely means better treatment options, more information about how to manage long term impacts, etc. Not everyone avoiding certain situations is going to live under a rock forever. Some people are just more patient and want to see how things evolve before diving back in.

Before, it was Disney needs to open up because I want to go. If you’re not comfortable, stay home. Now it’s Disney is open and everyone should feel comfortable going?

If you feel going to Disney is the right choice for you, fantastic! Go and have a blast! It’s just not going to be for everyone. And that should be ok.

I agree with this - the challenge is that we live in a consumerist society which is dependant on people going out and spending $. And without that many businesses and even industries will go out of business - an example of this is gyms in NY have out together a class action lawsuits saying that by gyms not bring allowed to open under any conditions (which is the case still in NY) the industry will go under.

So wanting to enable society to function as it has been built up as, to the extent possible to as safely as possible to do, I totally get. And if we can't/won't/ don't agree on what that looks like then we need to prop up these industries so they are around when we eventually will want them

And there are no perfect answers
If they increase capacity they really need to open more food options and ride capacity. We've seen how long the lines are already getting on weekends. So I don't think it's smart to increase capacity before doing those things or some people won't feel safe and others (the out of state "spenders") won't come because they have to wait too long to ride.

That is the challenge I see with wanting to open capacity, even if it will enable more passholders to go. Right now, the one draw for people is the low wait times and ability to get a lot done (so that is the value in my spend). If that goes away does the desire from tourists go down even further?

Obviously Disney has a ton more data than we do but I think there are things they could do to increase attendance in the parks but they aren't doing them so to me that means they are ok with the total attendance for now if any increase won't come from those also staying on property, etc - and, rather, see a better impact from reducing costs (e.g., shortening hours) rather than any increase in revenue they see as possible
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