Crowds in November

DIS Veteran
Sep 6, 2000
We are planning a trip to WDW from Nov 1-9, 2003. Could anybody with experience traveling to WDW at that time give me feedback on the crowds. Thanks for your help.:Pinkbounc
New Jersey Schools have a conference starting on the 6th, and I am not sure when Veteran's day is next year, but factor that in too. We were there from the 8th til the 18th of November this year, and I can definetly say it was ALOT more crowded then expected. That first weekend had many of the resorts sold out due to Soap Opera weekend, Jersey week, and Veterans day. We are planning a trip for the tail end of October next year to avoid any of those events.
I was there during Jersey week/Soaps and I still got a great AP rate at the WL. As for the crowds on soap opera weekend I would avoid MGM. I went to Epcot and the crowds were pretty light. However I went to the parade at MK on Saturday night and it was a zoo.


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